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2 years later, Dorian’s Estate, Zenith Realm

The restored Zenith realm floated above all others on an expanse of endless cottonball clouds. Two suns bathed the realm in eternal joyous shine; a handful of phoenixes drifted lazily about, soaking in the light. These days, few peaks broached the clouds—and those that did were were shabby, scarred nubs.

Atop one of these peaks floated a pagoda built of Stygian jade. An inch of the material would’ve bankrupted most kingdoms. Wars had been fought over the furs that made the doormat.

Within, a few folk were having a dinner party. There was Dorian, Fate, Gerard, and Sun, all sipping from bowls of Inkshark fin soup.

Sun had vowed off fighting forever, she said. She planned on traveling the Multiverse, eating well, and making friends. Her philosophy for a happy life was simple: find the things you like to do, and do them.

Fate was busy helping to rebuild the rest of the Multiverse. He argued that the way of the Multiverse—wanton destruction and predatory behavior—was a ticking bomb; sooner or later it’d create another Jez. Where before he’d been shunned at their gates, Godkings fell over themselves to hear him out now. Slowly, surely, they took steps to create kinder cultivator societies.

“It’s early yet,” said Fate. “But I’m hopeful!”

Gerard had busied himself restoring the estate and stabilizing the Zenith realm. After what it’d been through realm was in need of a great deal of care. There was no one better to provide it.

As for Dorian…

“I’m retired from speedrunning!” he announced.

“Truly?” said Fate. “What’ll you do now?”

“I’m not sure,” he mused. “Start a garden, maybe? Try giving that hero thing a second go? Go annoy my brother? We’ll see.”

“So which Heavenly Dao did you choose?” said Sun. “For Godking, I mean.”

“Oh, I haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

“Wait, really?” She blinked. “Why not?”

“Eh,” he said. He gave a sly grin. “What’s the rush?”



*ducks pre-emptively*

If y’all really don’t like this ending I can write an alternate one lol

Idk I enjoy it I think it’s fitting


Some reflections:

This was my first real novel. I wrote some fan fictions back in the day, but never managed to finish them. When I started Speedrunning (I wrote chapter one in a fit of inspiration, with only a vague idea of what’d come next) I told myself I’d take it one chapter at a time. My goal was to finish just one book.

Now here we are. Man… It doesn’t feel like that long ago that I posted my first chapter, yet when I look back now it’s a little surreal how much I’ve written.

Thank you for coming along with me.



2 weeks? Probably

In that time I’ll figure out the world and fully plot out at least book 1 of my next thing. I’ve thrown up the synopsis in a separate post. This time, I plan to go in fully prepared. Which means there’s some worldbuilding and plot beating ahead of me.

I’ve got the overall arc of the series figured out, pretty much. Just need to decide what goes in the first bit

Til then…



Oh damn 💀


Actually liked this ending more. But either way, thanks for the story!!