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A chilly air rises from the icy tundra of the antarctic. Right along the edge of it, looking out into the ocean, a small research outpost stands. Inside, a lone human researcher is reading through a thick, messy binder, stuffed to the brim with loose papers and research notes. No one would ever want to stay up in this seemingly life-less world for any longer than they had to, but Laron was researching a very peculiar phenomenon that he couldn’t ignore.

Deep in the bottom of the antarctic, a long trench opened up out of nowhere and had begun to spew strange purple energy from it. Quick research provided that this must be some kind of natural phenomenon concerning heat waves and the way light bent to look purple in the water, but Laron was not convinced at all. Something was happening to the sea life deep in the ocean, and he was determined to figure out what was happening.

Unfortunately, most of his efforts to send drones down into the depths would come up with nothing. Every time he sent a camera down to investigate the strange trench, the footage would cut out about thirty seconds away from reaching the bottom. It was strange; almost scary, but Faron was never afraid of the ocean. The amount of mystery surrounding the world under the waves had fascinated him ever since he was a kid, and cracking this case could finally put him in the hall of recognised oceanographers.

It was another expectedly cold day while Faron was drinking his coffee, sitting inside his research cabin and staring blankly out the window, out at the ocean just a few steps away from his front door. While taking a slow, drawn-out sip, his eyes scanned the surface of the water…

…until his eyes landed on a mysterious ripple that pierced the water's surface. The grey head of a harbour seal appeared, looking up towards the cabin.

Immediately, Faron was taken aback. Seals don’t usually approach the edge of the ice unless they’re looking for food, and this particular seal didn’t look like it was searching for food. Instead, it almost looked like it was searching for anyone or anything at all. A warm, primal urge to approach filled Faron as he grabbed his coat and trudged out into the bright outdoors.

The seal and Faron made eye contact. The seal’s large eyes weren’t filled with the same black mindless void that other seals he’s seen have, but looked surprisingly animated and filled with emotion. The smooth and short gray fur on the seal’s fat belly shone with the bright morning sun as the two kept eye contact.

A glimmer of purple seemed to glint across the seal’s large eyes. Faron, recognising the shade of purple from all the undersea scans of the mysterious trench that he poured over, immediately fell to his knees to get a closer look at the seal. Had the trench affected this seal too…?

But before he could get a better look at the creature, the seal suddenly jumped out of the water with surprising force. Warm flippers grasped Faron’s shoulders, easily flipping off his jacket, and then pulling him into the icy water!

The shock of the water temperature should have froze his whole body and pulled him unconscious, which is what caused Faron to immediately panic and thrash in the water in order to get out, but it was quickly revealed to him that the water was comfortingly warm, as if the presence of his seal was making the temperature of the water easy to swim in. Faron was also brought to a surprising realization when he took a surprised breath and figured out that he could breathe under here!

Floating in the surprisingly warm water, not understanding anything that was going on, Faron looked up at the seal who swam around him, biting at his clothing and ripping it away, exposing his bare chest, and ripping away the multiple layers of pants he had on.

As soon as he was nearly completely naked, the seal that had dragged him under made its eyes start to glow a misty, powerful purple glow. Faron was filled with the exotic sensation of his whole body wrapped in an invisible blanket made of the ocean. Short, spotted grey fur sprouted all over his body as he felt his whole form grow larger in weight. His feet fused together to create one large fat body with fins at the end, which added in blubber with every passing second in the water. The shrinking of his arms made him panic that he wouldn’t be able to swim up to the surface anymore, but the addition of his hands becoming large fan-like fins allowed him to have much better control in the water. Finally, his hair fell off, allowing the transformation to completely overtake his head, finishing his transformation into a seal just like the harbour seal that was doing this to him.

Faron was about to open his mouth to protest in a fit of heated anger, but the seal quickly swam to him, gently placing a fin on his snout to shush him. That was when he could feel the warm, soft skin of the seal grinding against him. A bright red blush covered his face as he could feel his cock growing out of his fat, seal body. The seal that brought him here seemed like she was looking for exactly that.

With a gentle yet still somewhat dominant movement, she pushed his shaft deep inside her, grinding into each other and mating in the warm, corrupt water. Faron embraced his mate, immediately filling with warm love as he gently yet deeply pushed his cock deeper into the seal’s warm entrance.

Faron couldn’t keep track of where they swam as they fucked, all he cared about was being close to his new partner. At the corner of his eye, he spotted a large, purple trench in the ground, and by some strange instinct, his body immediately writhed into a powerful orgasm, pushing deep into the seal and impregnating her.

The seal held Faron close to her as the strange corrupt trench filled both of them with renewed life and power. Faron’s skin shimmered with purple as his transformation was fully and irreversibly complete.

The two seals kissed, embracing one another once again, brought together by lustful, mysterious power that continued to spread deeper into the ocean…


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