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A short, turquoise and black pokemon walked through the spacious isles of the well-lit furniture store, gazing up at large draped carpets that hung from hooks along the walls. Each of them has patterns that cover the face of the carpets, almost all of them shimmering with some kind of ancient runic glow.

Bolt, the unassuming Emolga doing the shopping, was looking for a good-sized blanket. He never needed something crazy big, but the one he was buying it for was a lot larger than he was. Once he picked out a fluffy-looking blanket bundled in a plastic, labelled container, he looked towards the shop-keeper,

“Does this one do anything?” He asked. The shopkeeper’s eyes were so slim and narrow that Bolt nearly thought the monster behind the till was blind. Even so, the shopkeeper licked its lips, its tongue lapping between his intimidatingly sharp teeth,

“Hmmm~ interesting choice you have there, little one,” it purred, “when wrapped in that blanket, the wearer’s cock will grow five times its size, maybe ten depending on how horny they are~ On top of that, their shafts will split into two, maybe three, maybe five! The effects are near instantaneous, and I’d say if you cum…hmmm~ you might just never stop~ hehe~”

Bolt nodded, taking the information in, “mmkay, how much?”

“Seventeen thousand credits~ it’s a steep price only because of the miracles it can do to people~”

Again, Bolt gave the monster a nod, digging around in his bag. The shopkeeper took this as a bit of an offense, as he took pride in his ability to shock and awe people, and this little pokemon couldn’t be any different from any other child-like monster he’s seen. The shopkeeper was about to repeat the price as if to prompt Bolt to be shocked when he was quickly silenced by what Bolt took out. A small vial of swirling white and purple fluids, barely 100 ml of it and surrounded by a soft, barely visible purple glow to it,

“Will this do instead?”

“Anchor!!” The shopkeeper hissed in surprise, “how do you-”

“Tier zero, my man. I have connections,” Bolt smiled, swirling the vial of corrupt seed, “this is unfiltered, straight from his tap, too. We got a deal?”

“You…” The shopkeeper darted his eyes to the blanket Bolt was holding, getting flustered, “for…just the blanket…?”

“Should I give you less?”

“N-n-no!! I-I’ll take it! Th-thank you for your business! Tell…uh…tell him he’s always welcome to my store! I-if he wants to!”

And with that, Bolt left the store, blanket in hand. He thought about calling Rebirth to carry him home, but something about today felt different. He decided to walk home instead.

Bolt took his time walking through the cluttered streets of The City, using his sense of direction and the always-present Cathedral Mountain in the distance. That’s where he was headed to, and technically where he lived. He passed by thousands of strange creatures, walking the streets and filling the strange metropolis with life. Buildings towered over him into the deep purple and faded orange sky. Every other store and building in the city was a sex shop, full of people selling their bodies and minds in exchange for Anchoral Credits. Bolt was an Anchor in the official sense, but he didn’t have any solid way of earning a wage. This, usually, wasn’t an issue due to his connections with him and his ability to practically out-value anything with the seed that he gushes endlessly out of his thick, tapered cock.

Eventually, Bolt made it to Seedith River, which crossed immediately into the Twisted Forest. A low-hanging fog hung on the ground, which Bolt’s head was only just able to see out of considering how low to the ground he was. Bolt was, however, completely comfortable. He had no reason to be afraid like he may have been when he first came here. All that being said, Bolt wasn’t going to stick around in the forest when he had somewhere he needed to be, not taking into thought the shambling, endlessly horny monsters and mind-bending-ly lustful plantlife that called the Twisted Forest their home.

Through the forest he went, making sure to keep his eye on the horizon and the mountain that came closer. Lots of things didn’t make sense in this place named the Outlands. Rules seemed to overlap and shift when most convenient, and, especially if someone was new, it would seem like everything was upside down. Reality itself seemed to bend at every footstep, and nothing could be believed just through what could be seen.

It was especially true when you approach the cathedral atop the mountain. The Twisted Forest didn’t allow anyone close to the mountain who wasn’t welcome, turning them back in circles and causing them to lose their way. Bolt was, of course, welcome as much as any other Anchor.

The winding path began to quickly rise up the side of the mountain. Eventually, Bolt could see far out in all directions. Beyond the city, a long seemingly endless plain of land faded infinitely into the distant purple horizon. It was beautiful in some strange way, and Bolt always had the urge to fly out to the furthest reaches of the Outlands to discover what strange and fantastic lands could be out there.

But that could wait. For now, he needed to get home.

At the top of the mountain, Bolt arrived at the cute little town that sat on the plateau exclusively built for Anchors such as himself. He recognised a few people, as all Anchors were friendly towards each other. Through the main street, past the plaza, into the gardens and the courtyard, then…

…the cathedral itself. Large and imposing, a beacon at the centre of the Outlands. A brilliant stained glass window at the top section cast a brilliant glow, featuring ancient art of the four gods that created the multiverse itself. The antlered white dragon prancing through the sky, the white rabbit that defined reality, the blackbird spreading its wings over the souls and yellow daffodils she oversees, and finally, circling underneath all other gods, claws out, a fanged smile spread across its fanned head, and flaming tail streaking through space and time…

Chaos opened the door slightly, peeking out,

“Did ya get it…?”

Bolt smiled, holding up the blanket, “yeah. The guy said it would do a bunch of stuff too. Will this work?”

Chaos snatched the blanket and bit the packaging with his teeth, trying to get at the soft blanket inside. Bolt helped by undoing the package using his psychic abilities. The large black salamander unfurled the blanket, which cascaded onto the floor.

“Oooh!!” Chaos happily smiled, his thick tail wagging before bundling himself up in it, “it’s perfect!”

“Yay!” Bolt giggled, quickly gliding into the blanket and up onto his head, purring as he wrapped himself up too. The two snuggled closely as Chaos created a portal in space-time in front of them, getting comfortable,

“So, a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon world, but corrupted exclusively through petting?”

“Yeah!” Bolt smiled, “Think that could work?”

Chaos thought for a moment, before nodding, “yeah, I’ll make it work~”

And so, the two snuggled close, watching their very own movie together.


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