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Chris usually didn’t like to dress up for Halloween parties. Something about the idea of looking stupid for no reason outside of “funny costume” didn’t resonate with him, and he was totally fine with just going out as himself.

But, unfortunately, he stumbled through a conversation with someone which got him wrapped up in having to go to a costume party happening on Halloween night, and if he was the only one not wearing a costume, that would cause even more embarrassment than otherwise. So, Chris decided to swallow his pride and go down to a Halloween costume shop that had just popped up recently.

Even though he had to wear something, Chris promised himself he wouldn’t buy anything too crazy. He thought maybe he could just buy a witch hat, or perhaps a cape, or, if he was feeling adventurous, splatter some fake blood on his face and pretend to be a zombie.

The pop-up Halloween store that Chris went to appeared practically overnight, which wasn’t too surprising. These stores feel like they appear within seconds once October starts, then vanish come November,

“Hmm~” The man at the counter hummed when Chris asked if there was anything small or cheap at the store, “you look like someone who’s not quite the dress-up fan. Maybe…you have some self-image issues~?”

“W-wuh?” Chris sputtered, “w-well no! It’s not self-image! I’m just-”

“Heheh, yeah yeah~”

The clerk leaned beneath his desk and took out a large fluffy tail with a clip at the end, “here, I think this would be perfect for you.”

Chris furrowed his eyebrows looking down at the large grey wolf tail clip, hesitant. The clerk tilted his head a bit,

“What, too big~?”

“Well, I mean…I don’t think that really…”

“It’s just big enough that it doesn’t look like you put a comedic amount of effort into the costume if you’re asked about it, but it’s also enough that you won’t stand out too much without a costume,” The clerk explained, “I think it would look perfect for you!”

Chris huffed, putting his hands on his hips, “...alright. How much for it?”

“How much?” the teller seemed taken aback, “silly, I don’t need money for this~! Take it! You’d look incredible with it on~”

Chris blinked in surprise, looking down at the tail. He supposed maybe it was made with ultra-cheap fabric, or it was super old that the store was willing to give it away. Regardless, Chris didn’t see any reason why he should refuse an offer like this. Besides, since he delayed having to buy a costume until the day of Halloween, two hours before the party, he didn’t have much time to decide if it was a good idea. He could either take the costume or not have a costume at all.

And so, he took it home. The main thing that Chris was worried about was that he would be seen as some kind of furry to others, which was absolutely not what he wanted at all. After worrying around in circles for a while as he drove home, he wondered if that “self-image” thing the clerk mentioned was true since he was so hung up about this…

As soon as he got home, Chris took the tail clip upstairs, gauging how it would look on him through his stand-up mirror in his bedroom. With a snap, the clip attached to his pants.

He stared at himself for a while, letting the fluffy tail hang between his legs. After a few minutes of silence (even doing a forced wiggle to make it look like he was wagging it, which he was glad that no one saw him doing that), he decided against wearing it. It looked stupid, and he would rather go as himself and risk being outed for not having a costume than go in as some kind of weird…

…but as Chris reached behind him to undo the clip, he realised the clip was gone. The tail seemed to have slid into his pants somehow. At first, he thought that the clip had just fallen off into his pants, so he reached behind himself to see where the clip had gone, only to yelp when he realized that the tail was stuck to his rear!

He scrambled, his heart racing, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Pulling it caused a slight painful sting as if attached to his skin. Fur was beginning to grow around where the tail was attached. He swished around, trying to crane his neck behind him to see what was going on,

“Helloooo there cutie!” a snake-like voice hissed, “nice to meet ‘cha~”


Chris instinctively flinched backwards, causing him to fall backwards onto his bed. The grey tail had suddenly opened up at the tip, revealing a maw with a large red tongue and cute fangs, “w-what the hell are you?!”

“I’m your tail silly~!” the tail purred, “your partner for life~”

“N-no this can’t be happening, i’m not- gyhh~!”

All of a sudden, Chris’ whole body shifted. His legs morphed into a quadruped form, forcing him to fall forwards onto all fours. His feet shifted into grey paws as fur spread all over his body. Chris squeezed his eyes shut, trying to fight against the transformation, but for some reason, the sensation felt weirdly nice~ It felt like he was being dipped into a warm bath after being out in the cold, his body relaxing at every point to allow the transformation to seamlessly and painlessly overtake his body.

“There we are!” The tail giggled, licking and nuzzling the transforming human, “much better looking, no?”

Chris’ face began pulling out on its own, his skull being shaped into a canine’s, with sharp teeth and a longer, wetter tongue. He could feel his heart beating faster and faster as a warm sensation filled his crotch,


Suddenly, the tail gave his rear a long, slow lick, causing Chris to yelp. His cock began to stiffen, now transformed into a thick canine knot,

“N-nnyhh~!” Chris moaned, his paws curling underneath him as the pleasure of transforming increased dramatically, before peaking suddenly. His body arched as he orgasmed all over his bedroom carpet, his muzzle bright with a blush,

“Yay~! There we go!” The tail giggled, “Halloween is all about being sexy huh? Good thing you’re a real stud!”

“O-oh god…oh god no…” Chris panted, looking down at himself, “y-you’ve…what have you done to me?!”

“You’re what you’re meant to be, Chris~!” the tail laughed, “a cute doggy!”

“B-but I can’t live like this! I have- I mean I don’t-”

“Oh silly, don’t worry about that. You can turn back when you want,” the tail tilts its apparent head, “but you have a costume party to go to! You don’t wanna be late for that, right?”

“W-well no I…”

Chris was left speechless, now in a completely bipedal wolf form. He let out a long sigh, looking down at the cum stain he just left on the ground. Maybe this won’t be…so bad…

“...okay. Lets go…”


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