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It’s an averagely busy day at the bar. Izzy, a swallowtail butterfly, sits awkwardly at a table, fiddling with his phone. He got there a lot earlier than he needed to be, but considering how nervous he was, it wasn’t surprising.

Izzy never had a lot of luck with love. His awkward, easily fumbling nature always caused him to get him into situations he didn’t mean to be in. He had tried many different kinds of creatures and managed to get into bed with a few of them. Outside of that, anything long-term would end up going flat.

So, to break out into new territory, Izzy tried two new things: A dating app, and a boy.

He didn’t exactly mean to match with a guy, since he was mainly looking for other girly butterflies and he happened to think one particular moth was really pretty looking—a Rosey Maple moth.

Izzy was about to flag the waiter for a drink when his antennae twitched. A strikingly pink moth pushed through the doors of the bar, attracting the attention of a few people. They had a grey sweater on and were a lot more masculine than Izzy thought from their profile picture.

Seti sounded like a really nice guy over text. When they arranged to meet up, Izzy immediately felt a nice friendship connection with him, since he sounded like a good listener.

“Hi…!” Izzy smiled as Seti came over, “I uh…got here a little early!”

“I see that,” Seti nodded, sitting down next to him, “have you ordered yet?”

“Oh, yeah, I was just about to~ I guess I should have probably…prepared for this ahah~”

Izzy was trying his best not to be awkward, but being in front of a boy in a romantic setting was completely new to him. He didn’t know what he was supposed to say, or if he was supposed to act a certain way. Do gay guys want a girly boy??

Seti called over the waiter and the two of them ordered drinks. Izzy didn’t like alcohol and never had, but when Seti had asked for a good place to meet, he blurted out a nearby bar since he thought that was where all first dates happen.

Regardless, Izzy ordered something non-alcoholic and the two began talking, talking mostly about their own lives and what they were doing now. To Izzy’s surprise, Seti had experience with medicinal and chemical formulas, also known as potion making. He runs a personal shop in town, taking in customers and working under a stable commission-based service, granting people what they need all through his own witchcraft.

Izzy thought potion-making was pretty cool, even if he never was any good at it. He was aware at the idea of manipulating someone’s emotions or physical abilities was a hot-button topic among some people, and there were even protests around it, but Izzy couldn’t help but be somewhat attracted to it. The sensation of being controlled like that felt almost sexual to him.

As the night went on, Izzy began feeling a little warm in the chest. For some reason, Seti was looking more and more attractive as the night went on as if he was slowly getting drunk. He confirmed with the bartender that the drink he ordered didn’t have alcohol in it,

“Feeling okay?” Seti asked, adjusting himself on the seat, “you’re blushing pretty hard~”

“O-oh yeah I mean…eheh~” Izzy blushed harder, trying to settle the beating heart in his chest, “you uhm…does anyone tell you you look really soft to hug?”

“Why yes, some people do,” he smirks, “do you wanna feel?”

Izzy immediately took him up on the offer, leaning into his chest and nuzzling up against his fur. Doing this caused Izzy’s antennae to twitch and his whole body to buzz with excitement, as if his body had been given exactly what it desired most. He found his hands moving across the chest of Seti, feeling the soft fur and imagining himself with him in bed…

Izzy suddenly snapped to attention. He was almost beginning to drool, what happened to him??

“You okay?”

“O-ooh yeah I- No I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me there! I think uh…m-maybe I should-”

“We can get outta here if you want. My house isn’t far from here if you wanna hang out~”

Izzy was washed in a red-hot blush at the idea of spending time in a boy's house, but his whole body was jittering with excitement. The wings on his back twitched, as if ready to take off at any second. Seti took Izzy’s flustered silence as a yes and waved the bartender down,

“We’ll get our bill please~”

And so, the pleasure-drunk butterfly and the tall rosy maple moth walked down the street to Seti’s place. Izzy was clutching Seti’s hand tightly, his heart pounding and his head woozy with thoughts of Seti in tons of different sexual scenarios.

The inside of Seti’s house was like any other house Izzy had been in, but the scent of Seti was enough to drive him mad with excitement. Seti, who didn’t seem all that phased at Izzy’s blushful jittering, led him by the hand upstairs to his room,

“Here hun, lay on the bed~” Seti smiled. Izzy’s abdomen twitched,

“A-ahh…b-but I…”

“It’s okay, I’m here~”

Izzy didn’t understand why he was suddenly incredibly gay for this moth, his heart pounding and his body aching to be held in his strong, fluffy arms, but it didn’t really matter to him. To Seti, he felt proud of himself. The love potion which he slipped quietly into Izzy’s drink was enough to send him head over heels for him. He estimated that the potion would slowly die down its effects by the next morning, but until then, Seti had a whole night of plans for Izzy. By the time morning would come around, Izzy’s attraction would be permanent, love potion or not.

The two insects nuzzled into each other, closer, basking in each others presence, not wanting to separate for any reason for a long time~


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