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It was a typical windy day out on the campgrounds. Jack, a man who rarely got to experience the “true outdoors” like this, was spending the first days of camping that he had experienced in over ten years. It was refreshing, new, and definitely needed by him.

It took a little over half the day of figuring out where his campsite was, setting up his over-complicated tent, and getting his refrigerated food out into coolers that he didn’t see any of the many warning signs on the way to the campsite.

Warning: Snakes!

Not that Jack would have really minded if he did see the signs. He thought snakes were cool, and every time he would see them in an enclosure or in media, he thought the way they looked was interesting.

Unfortunately for Jack, these weren’t your average snakes. Descending into reality from a tear in the fabric of space-time, out from the soil of the Dark Forest beyond human comprehension, the snakes came for one reason only; to make the world a lot more snakey.

Jack, meanwhile, was finally sitting down in his propped up chair, popping open a cold can of soda and taking slow sips, taking in the environment. His lungs filled with fresh air, the sun beamed down to his skin. After having to deal with life and other people always nagging him about every little thing, it was so nice to finally be…


A very pretty purple and beige snake sat on Jack’s belly. His eyes were strikingly red, and it seemed to be drooling, “so nice to be alone. To finally be alone with yourself!”

The snake was talking to him. Jack blinked a few times, trying to make sense as to what he was seeing. It felt like he was supposed to be surprised, to yelp and jump out of his chair, or at least be taken aback at all.

But for some reason, Jack only let out a smirk, his hand gliding along the snakes head;

“Yeah…~ alone with you of course~”

It felt good to pet the snake's head, too good. It sent pleasureful waves through Jack’s body every time the snake rubbed itself against his hand.

But…no, of course it would feel good. This is his cock snake, his serpentine friend that acted as his thick, cum drooling cock snake. Not far down the snake, its scales turned into fleshy cock-skin, attached to his crotch, which picked up every pleasureful rub and stroke Jack would give,

“Mmn~ you’re…gonna make me cum again if you wiggle around too much…~”

“And what’s about that is too bad~? You love cumming. We love to cum~”

“We looove to cum!” Another voice hissed. Jack’s right hand was the head of another purple snake, “come on dad~! You love to keep us out so we can spill as much cum as we want!”

“N-no wait…ahh~” Jack moaned, “i’m not- i mean we’re not-“

“We’re not hard enough!” A second cock snake nuzzled the first, attached to Jack’s crotch beside the first cock snake that appeared, “I say we stiffen more so we can cum more! What do you say~?”

Jack’s whole body stiffened like it was experiencing an intense orgasm. All snakes spat out a shot of cum as the two snake cocks were kissing each other passionately. Jack’s saliva began to whiten as he felt his whole body change. He grew a third cock snake, which began gushing cum on a regular, constant basis. A thick, throbbing tail grew out his bottom, fusing his legs together and turning him more and more snake-like. He hissed, his muzzle growing snake-like as soft, aphrodisiac-tipped fangs grew into his mouth, his tongue whipping around as his seed spread throughout the campsite.

Meanwhile, not too far away from the cumming cock snake monster, a campgrounds worker was sitting bored in her station. She was supposed to greet and direct people to their assigned campsite, but since this place was so far rural, Jack was the only customer the site had in a long while.

The campgrounds worker was reading a magazine, casually flipping through pages when she was suddenly reading through a book about snakes. The pictures were snakes wiggling around, some snakes breeding, and even the words were just “snake snake snake snake” repeating endlessly. The words repeated in her mind as her clothes fell away. A long snake cock was already slithering between her breasts, licking and sucking on her nipples. She let out a moan, holding her cock snake and stroking it like a cock. Seconds later, her hand turned into a snake, which was already kissing her cock deeply and passionately, gushing cum from both snake hands.

She would curl her toes in utter pleasure, but her body was already fused together into a long, cum soaked serpent body. She felt the tip of her tail fatten out into a cock, a normal one, to push into any human she could find in order to bring them into the beautiful, hypnotic pleasure that the cock snakes brought.

Eventually, Jack and the new campground worker met, attracted by their mere presence warping space and time around them. They didn’t even exchange any words as they embraced each other, a wet pile of cum and snakes, pushing into each other and hissing with pleasure. One of them, then both of them were laying eggs too. It was pure and beautiful madness.

“Snaake snake snake snake~” one of them purred, their minds completely filled with nothing but endless snakey lust. With every “snake” they heard, they would cum again and again from every cock they had, which had to be in the 10s or more now,

“Snaaaake snake!”

And with that silent agreement, the two cock snakes slithered away, to find more beautiful humans to snake-ify~



it's a snaaaaaake badger badger badger bad- *banned*