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The dark area surrounding the former godly pokemon continued to warp around him. It’s been too long now, Arceus had completely lost his own sense of time. Did his children also fall to this fate? Were they also suffering in a strange, horny pocket in space and time??

“Oh they’re doing fine~” Arceus could hear the soft purring of Chaos, the lust god salamander that trapped him in here, “They didn’t struggle nearly as much as you did. Do you want to see how much they changed~?”

Arceus shut his eyes tightly, wanting to force himself to say no, but for some reason, his voice couldn’t work. His mind swirled with the concept of his legendary pokemon with their long, stiff cocks throbbing against their feminine chests. His own cock throbbed hard and pleaded to release.

Arceus managed to shake his head instead of speaking, his voice pushing out squeaks and moans as the thick tendrils tickled his tailhole and stroked his huge horse cock,

“Y’suuuure~?” Chaos giggled, “They were super happy to be changed, and their lives are so much less stressful now that all they can think about is playing with themselves. Come on~ be a good parent and join your kids!”

“Nn-nnuhh~” Arceus moaned, precum beginning to spill from his cock in large gushes. It was getting really hard not to smile like an idiot, “I-I dun wannaaa~”

“Yes you do, silly~ It’s what you always wanted~!”

The tendril in his tailhole stretched and bulked up, causing his prostate to vibrate and his balls to churn more and more. Arceus could feel his thoughts cloud and muddle as they were replaced with ones of desire and corruption. The more it continued, the less he found himself struggling. It didn’t hurt, and it felt really good to give in.

With a loud, heavenly moan, Arceus orgasmed. His cock shot a constant river of cum as the tendrils drank from his cock. He felt himself shifting, his body transforming from a feral quadruped to a more curvy anthropomorphic bipedal form. Before he had taken a bipedal human form many times in order to blend in with humans, to keep an eye on them and observe closely, but now it felt so much different. He felt incredibly sexy.

The tendril around his cock slid all the way up to his base, continuing to milk him as two other tendrils snaked their way around his chest, attaching to his nipples. He writhed in pleasure as he felt the strange tendrils begin to suck at his nipples, causing them to fill with milk and fat, turning into large, pillowy breasts. His arms, which were tied up, were let go, but Chaos wasn’t worried about trying to wriggle free.

Instead, Arceus began massaging his breasts, blushing while his eyes rolled up, the corruption seeping through every inch of his body and taking him over. His balls, which were now as large as volleyballs, began to soak with musk and fluids as they churned and flooded his cock with precum,

“What a perfect, perfect goddess you’ve become~” Chaos murred, swimming around to face her, “do you wanna test out this perfect cock you have~?”

Chaos let his own cock tip touch the tip of Arceus’ three-foot-long horse cock, which caused a splattering of precum from both shafts. Arceus let out an eager, lustful moan,

“Y-yes~ yes please master~ I want to…mmnh~ I need to stuff…something~ hahh~”

“Of course, of course,~” Chaos giggled, giving her cock a kiss on the tip, “you’ll get a whole lot of friends to play with where I'm taking you~”

The world warped around them, the tendrils sliding out of the anthropomorphic futa legendary pokemon and setting her free. This, in spite of her trying to escape mere minutes ago, made Arceus a little sad that she wasn’t being sexually ravaged by soft, thick tentacles. That being said, her sexual disappointment didn’t last long as she suddenly arrived in an outdoor public area. All around her were anthropomorphic pokemon, none of them were wearing any clothing, and all of them had incredibly long and thick cocks that leaked all over the sidewalks and roads. Some pokemon had them out and standing erect as they walked, happily exposing themselves to anyone close to them, while others were in the middle of an intense love-making session with another pokemon. There was no shame or embarrassment, just sexual pride and love.

Regardless, Arceus felt just a tiny twinge of embarrassment - as if the shock of seeing such a world very briefly reminded her of who she used to be, her cock hanging exposed to the air dripping and throbbing, but her embarrassment was quickly overshadowed by overwhelming lust when she was immediately approached by a similarly anthro Sableye,

“Hi there beautiful~” the Sableye smiled, taking Arceus’ long, thick cock into her hands, “don’t mind if I do~”

Without waiting for an answer, the Sableye began deep-throating Arceus’ cock, stuffing her face and cheeks with the ever-flowing precum she was creating. She let out an eager murr, resting her hand on the purple head of the pokemon nursing off her cock. Eventually, more pokemon began to surround her, wanting a turn on her cock.

There was a moment when Arceus didn’t know what to do, but Chaos was there to fix everything. Suddenly, Arceus grew a second cock, then a third, then a fourth! All of them gushing precum and ready to be drank from. Avian pokemon, dragon pokemon, and pokemon small and large wanted a taste of the heavenly pokemon’s cum.

And Arceus, who had completely given into corruption, was loving every second of her new life~


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