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many many details!! or how Martha would say: Noah, go clean your room.....

I have so much fun drawing the details 💙 For this scene I'll go all out because I think rooms tell a lot about a character. Noah has always been a collector, he gets attached to things he finds while exploring, and he has a habit of taking "useless" stuff home, like feathers, mouse skulls, small bones, stones, leaves...... a bit like a small animal would do to make a nest cozy (🦌 hmmm). I'm able to show his room and how it looked before it got flooded, and all the things he lost when it happened. It's a subtle topic that goes through the whole comic, and I think because it's so subtle it's easy to forget that he lost most of his things (he collected over years) and he's still dealing with it.

While rewriting and having a lot of distance to drawing, I had a lot of time to think about what the main themes are for Ghost Lights. Some months ago I read something about the importance of theme in a story and how it is influencing the whole plot and the character's actions, and how when it's done well ties everything together, without even really being noticeable. I don't really have a strategy when I write, so I didn't choose specific themes at the beginning of writing. It kind of just happens along the way for me, so I was really curious if I could identify some themes. And while I actively thought about it I noticed a few very strong ones in the plot. And I think "home" is the strongest one! Home and all the different kinds of homes we can have (places, someone we love, our planet, a body, etc), all the different feelings tied to it, and what it means to find a home or feeling lost without the stability of one.

I got really excited when I noticed it appears everywhere in the plot. The plot starts with that theme... and mmaybe it will end with it, too 🐾!




So cool! I feel like as we go on I’m gonna be sitting here like “oh! That could be anything ‘home’!” Hahaha Also I feel like I gotta go back and reread til now, cause I didn’t FORGET that Noah lost almost all his things, but it’s definitely not at the forefront of my mind right now hahaha


Oh wie schön ist Panama ^^ i was always thinking about the long way to find the perfect place (home) for themselves while reading the comic...


aaa man i love your backgrounds~ i agree so much with backgrounds being a big part of character. I hope I can draw some nice backgrounds for my boy when the time comes. I love the "home" theme! I think without even trying you still have everything tied nicely into that theme. whenever I think of ghost lights I get the feeling of a distant home that you don't quite remember, and that otherworldly nostalgia.


Thank you for this update! It's always a pleasure to hear what you've been up to, and to revisit Noah & Robin's world(s). "Home" is definitly in important theme in your story, as well as "choosing your own family" and mental health (Idk if they're proper themes or something else...?) I love Noah's lived in room, all the little treasures and nicknacks. He must be so sad that they are gone... And living with Robin, who has a totally different aesthetic - very spares and symmetric, must feel a bit odd? Hopefully they can merge their styles so that Noah feels right at home. Ha! There it is again 🌺


Home! What a perfect theme for this! With Robin being the incarnation of a place, he truly can be Noah's home in the most literal and spiritual sense! Given what we now know of the cycle of things, and the fleeting nature of nature spirits, I guess the question is, once they find that home within each other, how to preserve it and let it grow, and whether this will require defiance of the cycle, or letting go.


This is so good! And I’m so happy you were able to take such a rough time and turn it into a bit of a learning experience and expanding your skills! That’s awesome! 🙌❤️


ahhh honestly you've put it into words perfectly and captured the essence of it all so well, i'm totally going to screenshot your comment~ i also want to say that i'm really happy whenever i see your username, and that you're still around after such a long time (i believe first time i noticed it was back on tumblr?) really means a lot to me 💙 thank you