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hello babes, i still have quite some orders before me, but i'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...!

it's still a lot, but it's like i'M ALMOST THERE NOW!! good feeling ;; and if you haven't gotten a mail yet, yours is one of these 223 ones!!

also i had to resort to sending off bundle-batches so i can streamline the process a little ;; means, i handle orders that consist only of the same items until they're done!

i just want to give you a bit of insight in case you're wondering what the hell is going on in fanta's merch chaos, and it might also be a bit interesting to know what's going on behind the scenes?

the way i do it is definitely not be the most professional way and i feel bad for sending off orders that have been placed after some others (i'm super sorry 😭), but it turned out to be much faster for me than to add different items every time i open another order. what also takes a lot of time is writing custom declarations for every order in non-european countries, and i have been trying to streamline this process, too. if i don't add these they will most likely remain in customs until the end of time and i absolutely don't want that ohmygoddd this worries me a lot so i have to do these carefully

in the future i have to do things differently, and especially get myself more help. but, for now, it's processing steadily, and in a bit i'll go to the post office again to send some off <3

by the way, that's another problem i have. i can only transport so much at one time, because each book weights around 400 grams, and added together the parcels are really heavy. i usually try to transport 30 - 40 at a time. in this heat, i better be careful with that, too ;; 

BUT my spaghetti arms will thank me and right next to the post office is a pokemon go gym!! and many pokestops and many pokemon always so i get a little reward every time i go there, too. i'm gonna hog this gym for the next days constantly. watch out kiddies

means, even though this is a lot of work i'm still having fun going there, also get to small talk with the big guy at the post office and he's like "it's so interesting where your parcels go" because IT IS!! he's very nice and still excited about everything, he only just started i think? anyway

HOPE ALL YOUR ORDERS WILL ARRIVE SAFELY 😭💙😽 thank you for your patience and being so understanding always. you're honestly the best and i love you



Stilllll so excited to get mine!! And I love that the post office guy is excited by your parcels...! It’s always so much fun looking at where things are going, especially is they’re so far away from where you are 😊❤️ No worries on the wait as you change up how you put stuff together - I’m glad you found a method that works for you!! Good luck as you forge on! 🙌🏻🎉 (and happy poké-hunting!)


Hey! Ours got here in perfect shape, and we absolutely love it. THANKS, FANTA!!!


Glad to hear it's going smoothly!! Take care of yourself in the heat! :D


ahhh that's so good to hear, i'm glad!! thank you so so much 😭💙


yeah he's honestly really nice, and when i told him i have a small shop he was like OH that's why! he definitely wondered what the hell i'm sending off here all the time. and i'm glad he's nice because i hog the post office whenever i arrive with all my stuff sdkfh. some post office workers here really get pissed when you come with more than two things at once 🙏😭 i'm lucky in this case and thank you cutie &lt;3 i'm pretty sure i'll get the rest done rather quickly, too

Let's Kei

I got the shipment notification yesterday and the bundle already arrived today! Tracking is still not working though, haha... Oh, Deutsche Post. :,)I got a bit worried for a moment there, because the envelope was crammed half way into my post box and the flap was open, but everything is there and no damage! Aah, everything is so pretty!&lt;3


Okay, but I just got my email and I’m ECSTATIC!! 😍


what the hell !!!!!! why are they so inconsiderate and just throw stuff around.... i make sure to pack everything as secure as possible and then they do this ; ; but i'm so glad it still arrived safely ; _; god deutsche post how i hate you (also yeah i always pay extra for Tracked Shipping and you guys do too but sometimes it just takes aaages until it gets activated.... or refreshes the status when it's already arrived. OTL whyyy. but at least it's definitely insured in case something would happen to the items!) also i'm so happy you like it &lt;33 thank you dear


Loved my parcel so much, I take it out of it's reserved spot often just to look at it and read the pages again and again while I stroke all the items lovingly.