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just some doodles but it felt nice, focus on the spirits! 

after the confused feedback for the last public update i was a little down, very doubtful about my storytelling and the story itself again. i wonder if people care about Robin being scared, about how he feels? or is the problem something else? i sadly had to notice that some people still are not aware that Robin is... Robin? this is concerning since it's the base of the plot. sooo if my obvious hinting on every corner of the comic isn't enough i have to do it even more obvious and TADA~ spirit character sheets! 👻👻👻

when i'm done with packing (hopefully very very soon) i want to continue drawing pages. a lot of pages!! MANY ;; i miss the boys so badly. the first half year of 2018 was emotionally draining. i feel like i spent a lot of time just trying to fix reality, or comfort someones sadness where nothing really can fix it, and i couldn't concentrate on myself or my own art or enjoy art much. then, the merchandise was and still is a lot of work. my rewards for patreon are really slow because of it, and i'm so sorry about this ;;
i need this story finally to process, for myself. it helps me a lot to cope with things, too, and i honestly could use this again right now. not sure if i will update for public so soon yet though, or if i want to pile up pages. but definitely will post new updates on patreon!

i got distracted ajdfh okay but i thought maybe it's good if i collect some infos about them in a sheet and explicitly repeat some things? i think this could help! also cute and creepy spirits for me to draw. the character sheets will show known infos about their past as spirits, and i want to place them next to their present human existence

i really love their spirit forms, and i had so much fun writing their past and the plot ;; it's tragic and the reason why they're humans right now, and it doesn't stop there. nothing is okay, and they're not safe yet from whatever harmed them.
i just don't want the spirits to be a "byproduct". they have always been Noah and Robin! i want to show this through slow storytelling, step by step, while in the present they unravel their past together. this is the only way i can tell this story. i just absolutely don't know how to properly share this thing without confusing everyone all the time sdfjfgs well i maybe will just continue like that. if someone doesn't enjoy guessing games it's probably not for them anyway ;; but i will continue to draw it no matter what! because i love these boys so much and i'm a proud parent. and your support means the world to me, because some of you really care and reread and add theories!! tthat's so nice and you show me that you're interested in the story, and this is such a wonderful feeling. definitely is what keeps me going. also balances out the 700 times people felt the need to tell me "i don't know what the hell happens in this story but i can't stop reading. idk why though". 

anyway, here's another wip to work on 💕🔥 thank you for letting me share them with you




You definitely should take some time for yourself, hopefully when you are done with packages it will get better! Also I don't know if people just read it wrong? It was kinda always obvious to me that the spirits are them, how can someone miss that xD And I'm looking forward to another info sheets! I enjoy them so much, tho I feel very useless now because I have trouble reading this TwT god I'm so bad at reading someone's handwriting xD


askjd please don't feel useless, my handwriting in sketches IS the worst, i put in -90 effort and tbh sometimes i have trouble writing it the next day, too. i'm like "what this mean" and then i just write something else. and thank you ;; i will take time for myself definitely 💕


You're doing great with the comic. I'm really intrigued by every update. I notice too that you call Robin's spirit form a place (unless I'm misreading your handwriting) and I think that's incredible. You've shown his connection to the world as a whole so well, the fact that he was made of earth himself (lava, stone, foundations of the ground). There's a lot of richness in Robin and Noah's backgrounds and I can't wait to see more. Especially more danger.


The beauty of having absolutely god awful handwriting is that I look at your sketched notes and it's all totally clear to me. As for the story I love it and aim never confused and maybe that's because I'm not trying to have all the answers right now, I just want to wait and see what happens. I'm always so excited to see what you've been up to and to learn more about your boys. Make sure to take care of yourself in this heat, lots of water and rest 💖


Oh no!! I’m sorry people are making you worry about your storytelling. I hope no one’s been mean about it. I’ve always been really impressed with this story! Your art style and the colors you use are wonderful! I love all the details you have in every scene, it’s like they tell their own story. Don’t worry about your storytelling, everything will come together and people will make sense of it. ❤️


Gah! I'm sorry that you've had to go through all that and that people are making you feel doubtful about your storytelling. Honestly that was the thing that drew me in with your story was the care you put into your storytelling. Everything pieces together so seamlessly and the flow of the plot is executed in a manner where it isn't rushed, but you leave enough hints about things to come and whatnot that it remains engaging. I really look up to you with how well you know your characters and how you're able to put all these little details and foreshadowing into your writing. I've been trying to get better with that myself xD Haha... Your artstyle is fantastic and don't even get me started on the colors *clutches heart* 💕 I wish I knew more of the... scientific? sorts of things (like more about plants and that sort of thing) because I feel like it would help even more, but even without that knowledge I feel like I'm able to pick up on a decent amount of stuff because of the storytelling itself. 🌌


Inspiration! That was the word I was looking for... I look up to you and you're such a huge inspiration to me with how well you execute your storytelling!


I’m sorry that the feedback you got made you feel down. I hope you can try not to take it all to heart. I think the way you tell your story is amazing. The mystery of it all is part of what draws you in. You give just enough clues to keep people guessing. I mean Noah and Robin don’t know what’s happening and we’re figuring it out with them so it makes you feel involved in the story. Plus the art is always gorgeous 😍. I hope you feel better and that you have more time for yourself soon 💜


Some people just like creating and bandwagoning negativity - especially on the net where they think there aren’t any consequences, so don’t take it to heart so much! Also your patreon rewards are fine, you update regularly with new content constantly (whether written or through art) even when you’re busy or having a hard time despite not needing to, and it is very much appreciated - you’re a beautiful person with a beautifully WRITTEN and drawn comic - (who probably needs a break but decides to push through for the fans anyway) so thank you for all that!


hahah xD what part of Germany do you live in? We are always going shopping in Dresden and it's actually pretty nice weather there! I'm almost jealous xD


Part of what drew me to your comic was your subtle storytelling and how careful you are with depicting the boys and their emotions. Of course it's important that your audience can follow the story but please don't feel like you have to spoon feed people. Plenty of popular official series sure don't; there is no reason for you to simplify things if you don't feel like it's in your story's best interest. Take care of yourself!

Let's Kei

It's all always been pretty clear, so I really don't get why people are confused. :,)


I just wanted to say this is one of the most beautiful comic I've ever read. Everything about this comic elicits some incredibly deep and heartbreaking emotion and honestly I have no idea why. Your artstyle is incredible and I am totally in love with the story. So yeah that's all weird and sappy but for whatever odd reason I'm... I done know, touched, I guess? Either way, you're awesome and I'll be showing this to everyone. That's my 3 am comment for tonight.


I mean, isn't a mystery, by definition, a story we have yet to completely uncover? You have obviously put so much soul into your little world, I am addicted and am excited to get all my questions answered when you feel it is appropriate to give them! I love split storylines, finding out the past and present at the same time and how one affects the other. You do you! You're art is gorgeous, the story is riveting, no idea what there could be too complain about, but where there is a will....


Thank you for sharing your art and thoughts with us! I truly adore their forms be it a spirit or the current human one. I'm really enjoying the mystery and learning about their pasts and the story as a whole.