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update time! 💧 i hope you enjoy (??) sad baby Robin. 


and to avoid confusion right from the start i'm just going to say it. THE LITTLE SPIRIT IS NOT NOAH. At this point of time, Noah didn't exist yet. 




...I'm getting the impression that Spirit Robin has experienced an inordinate amount of partings... That aside, I love the magma-looking reds and the idea of a river forming from his tears! Looking at this, I'm like...yeah, land getting ready to be formed into a forest by nature spirits.


thank you for this thoughtful comment, it saves my soul right now 💕 this is exactly what's happening, land getting ready


So this is interesting. Right after the glacial ice scene we have what looks like a lava flow. Is there some link between Robin's spirit and volcanism? Robin is supposed to be a "place", to become "a shelter for many". Volcanic ash and soil is supposed to be very rich and good for plant growth. If this was once Robin's role, it makes sense Noah would seek him out, in his quest for "the perfect home" "to create the most beautiful forest the world has eeever seen" (as said by his not-a-fawn spirit form). Unsure how accurate that read is, but in any case I'm loving this delve into their spirit memories, the exploration of the idea of them being spirits of places, and the theme of Robin becoming a home for Noah.


ohmygoddd can i just tell you how much i love you, because i do 💘!! tbh you absolutely nailed it, all of this applies and is accurate and that makes me so so happy right now! you even noticed the small detail.... that soil that comes from a volcanic source is especially good for plants <3 that's just amazing and shows how careful you read ;; thank you ily


Is the reason Robin smokes in the present sorta related to his past as a spirit? One of those he was always surrounded by smoke and it's a thing he's always been drawn to? He feels the burn/sting in his chest from the cigarette smoke and it sorta makes him feel... Nostalgic? Since he's connected with volcanoes and whatnot and the ash can be damaging to the lungs, so it probably didn't feel too pleasant, but it's something he KNOWS? Maybe I'm just rambling... 🤔😅 I'm loving how everything is coming together though! I didn't know about the volcanic soil being good for things to grow, that's so cool! ^.^ That's why Noah was always so drawn to him right? Because he (Robin) is like home to him? I think in the character sheet you mentioned something about Noah('s spirit form) looking for the greatest forest and if volcanic ash is really that good for plants that must mean it'll grow the greatest forest right? 🤔 Oh my mind is racing with ideas! \(O.O)/


Also... that sound just now? That was my heart breaking... But you can ignore it... It baffles me with how much emotion you can convey in your art ^.^ Poor little Robin he looks so sad/hurt/lost/confused... I have so many mixed emotions right now 😭 This is getting so interesting and I love how things are starting to come together with the backstories and the spirits ^.^

Shannah Couper

Omg I legit started to cry because I legit just caught up on the webtoon and had to become a paetron immediately because the art is amazing and the story so far is absolutely stunning and it really inspires me to keep writing my own stories. So thank you and I can't wait for more


I finally returned and the first thing I do as I read this, I start to cry. Not that surprising thought, you are creating wonders with your art and story so It would be weird for me to not be affected.