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Tags: Extreme weight gain, Immobility, elves

Pudgy is back in business! I apologize that things have been slow. I will be trying to rectify this after Christmas has passed. Hope you all are doing well!

Elfuda sat in her house in the other world, resting in her village. She sighed, looking out at the peaceful tranquility of her home. She would fiddle with her blonde hair every so often, checking to make sure that her intricate braid was still tied in a bun. After, she would test her green leotard, making sure that the stretchy leathers were keeping her magnificent bust in check. Elfuda had managed to lose the distinctive weight she had gained in the human world, but kept the extra inches to her bust line. She had not only managed to return to her village, but return more beautiful than before. Yet, the return had not been as sweet as she would have liked. Elfuda was missing something. At night, she thought back to the human world and the people she had met there. Naoe came to mind first, his kind and gentle spirit was sorely missed. Shortly after the thoughts about Naoe came the thoughts about her true love though. French fries.

“I miss them so much.” Elfuda pouted, putting her face down on her arms. She slumped onto the windowsill, letting her bosom work as fluffy pillows for her arms and face. French fries had been the most amazing things that she had ever eaten. Nothing compared to them. Their crispy exterior and the warm mash of potato within were heavenly. She treasured the thick gobs of salt crusted to them like dwarves treasured gold. They were the cost efficient, most bingeable food ever created. A fresh pack of fries made her heart sing and, upon biting into them, eyes water. “Ooooooh, why did I ever leave!” Elfuda yelled, struggling within the throes of relapse. She thought she would have been safe in the other world, far from the tempting influence. However, nothing could ever truly cure her of the desire. She looked at the communal cooking fire in the middle of the village, seeing elves warming cast iron pans. They were about to waste the cooking implements, dirty them with subpar and insufficiently tasty foods. Elfuda stood, her fists tightening. It was time. She would bring the magic of human cooking to her people.


“Mmmggghph. . .yessch. . .what an. . .improvement!” Elfuda said, weeks later, as she munched on the newest offerings of salty snacks. Her mouth worked quickly, despite the mass of semi-solid potato within it. Elfuda felt like she was hovering above her chair rather than sitting in it, her newly rechubbed body becoming weightless under the mysterious power of the french fry. On either side, elves lined up to have their creations appraised. Elfuda had sung songs and told tales of the magical taste of the new food, infecting them with the same sort of desires that she herself had. “Mmmmgggh. . . Maybe. . . needscchs more. . .hmmmm. . .” Elfuda stopped speaking, taking in more fries without swallowing what was already in her cheeks. She considered the junk food like it was a vintage offering of wine. “Schalt! More Schalt for. . .bbbloorruup. . .sure!” She gulped down the food and rested a moment, lazily considering both herself and the village around her.

The other ladies of the village were arranged around her, either waiting to have their fries appraised or cooking new attempts. Either group sampled what they were working on, sneaking taste tests of their own. Some women even shared in small groups. They wanted to unlock the power of the fry, to understand the secrets of human cooking. Elfuda guided them, sampling their work day and night. Her figure had quickly returned to its chubby nature, poundage once again swelling her lithe body. It was, however, a small price to pay for becoming a culinary prophet. She rationalized that she could easily lose the weight again, having already conquered the addictive properties of the fries back in the human world. Further, in the naturally dangerous jungles and forests of the other world, it would be even easier to lose weight. She rationalized the same would hold true for her sisters within the tribe. Their figures were taking on similar proportions to her own, though the weight was coming on slower. Elfuda had been fat before, so her body was almost eager to return to a state of indulgence. Uncaring, Elfuda sighed. She was happy to have her comfort food back, as well as to share with her friends.

“Who’s next!” She called, slapping her potbelly. “I have room for another taste test!” Her gut jiggled, already filling her lap.


“This is simply unacceptable!” Oeda said, approaching her niece. “Look at what you are doing to these poor women. Not to mention yourself!” Oeda pushed her sword scabbard into her niece’s stomach, letting the hard leather be absorbed by the ever flowing fat. The older woman had been out on a months long hunting trip, unaware of the mischief that her food addicted niece was causing within the village. She had returned to find the younger woman in a state of relapse that surpassed any that had happened before. Oeda retracted her scabbard, though continued tapping it on Elfuda’s body as she walked around the obese woman. They had once been spitting images of each other, the only separation being Oeda’s muscles and scars. Now, however, Elfuda looked like a bloated parody of herself and the older woman. She nearly filled the small couch she was resting on, her fat spreading to either armrest. The constant deluge of food and empty calories causing an explosion of weight gain. “What do you have to say for yourself?” The mature, warrior elf asked.

“I. . .I just wanted some fries!” Elfuda’s eyes became wet and she rocked on the sofa. The months of constant indulgence had ballooned her body, pushing her well past 600 pounds. The magical nature of elf food had only increased her rate of fattening. Her breasts now had the circumference of gigantic sea turtles. Their perkiness had waned under their sheer mass. Now the bloated milk udders lay upon her stomach, causing large depressions in Elfuda’s gut. She strained to eat around her breasts. When Elfuda ate her platters of fries, her bread-loaf-sized biceps slapped against her naked breasts. The village would be filled with the sound of the gigantic elf’s shaking fat. “It’s not a crime to indulge a little.” She said, ignorant of how her gut was pooling between her thighs. Her small spare tire belly had been allowed to grow to monstrous size, becoming bigger than a cast iron cauldron. Being pressed on her weight gain only made Efluda lose more control of her emotions.  “I’ve only. . .BBBBLLUURRRUUUP. . .gained a little weight. She stomped her feet, shaking the house she was resting in. Outside, fat elves felt their own paunches and breasts jiggle.

“This is more than a little weight.” Oeda grabbed, Efluda’s arm and hoisted it up. It was like trying to hoist a log made of dough. Fat seeped and dribbled between the scarred veteran’s fingers, little droplets of sweat raining down. Elfuda was struggling to even maintain her cleanliness. “We have to stop this now and put you on a training regiment again.” Oeda was unbending, ready to crusade against the sloth and laziness that her relative was inspiring in the village. She could stop this now if she put her foot down hard enough.

“Auntie!” Elfuda cried, the haunting memory of dieting and exercise came back to her. There was not torture more devious on this world or the human counterpart. She would do anything to avoid returning to that life of self-sacrifice and pain. Elfuda would not diet again. Even if it meant - a wicked thought came to her mind. “You know. . .there’s a new recipe we discovered.” Efluda’s face became foxlike and clever as she hinted at her discovery. She smiled with cunning, even as Oeda put a foot on her gut a leaned forward. Though a veteran of wars and battle with knowledge of a hundred combat arts, Oeda could not scare Efluda when the latter had hatched a plan. The obese elf waited for Oeda to speak again, already planning her offensive.

“I’ve seen plenty of your recipes.” She pointed to the window, outside of which elves labored. Ranging from chubby to fat, the women of the village waddled between a hundred different campfires. They had mastered the basics of fry making and now had begun to experiment. They wanted to reward Elfuda for showing them such a wonderful new food group, so they set about inventing. These inventions had naturally spiraled into greasier and more fattening concoctions, laden with toppings and sauces. It was, depending on perspective, a culinary heaven or hell. “They are ruining these poor women.” The amazonian elf tapped her niece’s forehead, looking on with horror as her second chin wobbled.

“But they aren’t what I’m talking about. This one is special.” Elfuda summoned all her deviousness and cunning, trying to channel dark elf levels of smugness. “This is a recipe I learned from humans, but never tried. It’s too powerful.” She smiled, catlike in her knowledge of Oeda’s weaknesses. Though high and mighty, the older woman was not without her flaws. She had been trapped just as Elfuda had been. The recipe was dark and mystical, combining the two most powerful culinary forces known to man: salt and sweet. It had been locked away, only known to a few special people. It was a spell that Elfuda had only seen in action once. She had been too scared to try it herself. Now, however, she would do anything to avoid the dreaded punishments of diet and exercise. She would cripple Oeda’s figure before saving her own. “You can mix soft serve ice cream and french fries.” Elfuda said, eyes narrowing.

“That. . .that cannot be possible!” Oeda backed away, retreating from the embrace of her fat neice’s bulk. She looked at the wobbling sack of elven flab. “The tastes are too contradictory. It would not taste good.” Oeda’s eyes widened. She rubbed old battle scars, trying to remember her strength. The merest mention of soft serve ice cream was enough to make her sweat. Now, knowing that there might be a way to make the taste even better was too much. She would have fought through an army of lich lords rather than attempt to combat the addictive, smooth, sugary taste of frozen cream.

“Oh, but it is.” Elfuda started to lean forward, dragging her bulk into a standing position. She was topless, letting her pumpkin breasts rock and roll upon a boulder belly. Her only real clothing was an apron rolled into a sort of thong. It wrapped around her waist, biting into her love handles, and draped a small curtain over her thighs. As Elfuda stood, her fat sloshed back and forth. She leaked fries, grease, sweat, and salt granules. She took two steps, looking almost like a sumo wrestler, and patted her sides. Ass and hips fat were fluffed and dropped, her rear squeezing the line of fabric which ran between her buttcheeks. “Lemme show you.” Elfuda started to waddle towards the door of her house. Oeda gasped as she saw her young relative’s body in motion, fearing for herself if what the other woman promised was true. The grizzled warrior could not stand before the might of enhanced soft serve. Elfuda struggled and wobbled, holding her gut with both hands. She had intended to relax, digest the last meal, but these were desperate times. She reached the door and knocked it open with her gut. “BBBBLOOORRRRUUUP. . .” The belch rolled out of her, knocked loose by the force of her stomach upon the door. Elfuda looked out upon a village consumed with gluttony. Women cooked and fed each other, each trying to make the most delicious meal. “BBBBBLLLLRRRRUUUUUP!” Elfuda belched again, getting the attention of the village.

“Who wants to. . .oorrruup. . .make Oeda a meal?” She called, perky and happy with the knowledge she had won. A cheer went up from the women. Giddily, Elfuda swooned on the doorstep, almost unable to hold her bulk up. “I need a cryomancer, some cream, and french fries!” Efluda yelled. Behind her, Oeda wilted. The mature warrior knew, at the very least, she wanted to try Elfuda’s suggestion. She would dip french fries into soft serve ice cream.

--- New Village ---

“Ooompggghph. .. oooh plleassch. . .more.” An elf was bent double over a trough of food. Her bulk spread out around her, immobilizing her completely. She had not moved under her own power in many, many months. Her days were spent in a constant haze of eating and getting fondled by girls impressed with her size. She had been eating for hours straight, with only minor breaks to for other to come fill up her trough again. Though she had once been an archer, able to climb and spring through trees, she now could only barely move. The elf had just enough strength to position her body around the trough. She would pull or push blobby form as necessary, usually pulling her flabby expanse towards the remaining source of food. As she ate, the trough would empty of food and be filled with her fat. Creamy flab would pour over the top, filling the half-barrel. Whatever food was not taken into her mouth, ended up in her rolls. Loud slurps and sucks echoed off the metal basin. “Issch good. . .HOOORRRUUUP. . .MOOOOREEE!” It was half a whine, half a command. She wielded power over the elves, her fatness a sign of the right to command others. Yet, that command was partially an illusion. She was a slave to her food and the people who made it, always desperate for more. “Tha-thank you.” she mumbled as steaming piles of french fries were mixed with cool ice cream and poured into the trough. She started to gorge again, licking and sucking whatever she came across. Oeda had lost her battle of willpower, easily succumbing to the unholy combination of french fries and ice cream.

“Oooohmmmpggh. . .mmmggrrhffh. . .more!” Oeda said, unable to control herself. She grasped the sides of the trough, submerging her flabby face beneath the waves of ice cream. Her massive, scarred body undulated as she fed. She rolled on her stomach and breasts, sweat and food scraps seeping out of them. Her feasting kicked up ice cream and fries, sending globules of half eaten food in a radius around her; much of it landing on her. Cream and fries and other food ran down her body in rivulets. A sickly sweet and salty puddle formed under her. Oeda continued to eat, indulging in her addiction. She never wanted to stop, she wanted to bathe in the creamy, salty batter. Other elves gathered around the 2nd most prominent village woman, massaging her. They toyed and teased her blubber, trying to make her meal as enjoyable as possible. Some went as far as to lick her rolls, their soft tongues giving more pleasure than cleanliness. Oeda continued to feast, lost in a haze of sugar. For all her gluttony, she was only the second biggest elf in the village. Though lost to the power of fries and soft serve, she was unable to match Efluda’s pure gluttony.

Elfuda dominated the center of the village. She rested in a place of honor, with hastily erected scaffolding as her royal raiments. Her body was a series of rolls and folds, all draining towards the floor. She “stood” staller than any person in the village, her bulk continually pushing her upwards. Her pale leg fat had begun to resemble sandbards, with oceans of sweat around her instead of water. Her arms and legs had receded into her body, swallowed up by a tide of fat. Her chins were a mirror version of her body, a smaller collection of rolls that grew in size with each progressing layer. “OOOOOHHHHOOOOLLLRRRRUUUUUUP!” Deep belches came from her, issuing out as if from the depths of the earth. The entire village shook with every belch. Her fat lay atop the scaffolding around her, with the elves tending to her having to step around the piles as best they could. At the very top of the wooden structure, pairs of women worked to shovel fries into Elfuda. They spoke to her as they worked, gleefully stoking her gluttonous passions.

“Elfuuddda. . .do you. . .have. . .more ideas?” One asked, dumping a load of fries slathered in cheese into the immobile elf’s mouth. She worked Elfuda as if she was the engine of a steam train, pumping her full of food and teasings in return for bigger displays of gluttony and ideas. The cheesy mess slid off of her shovel, landing with a wet splat onto Elfuda’s face and chins. The big woman slurped and sucked, hoping to get as much as she could before they drained down her body.

“Yeah. . .Elfuda. . .what should. . .we make. . .next?” the other woman worked her shovel just as hard, scooping up masses of soggy fries at a time. Her chunky biceps shook as she lifted the shovel. Elfuda’s eyes gleamed with the thought of the load entering her. Even the fires that missed her open mouth would be enjoyed. They would slide down her bulk, painting her pale body with yellow cheese. “We. . .need. . .UUGGH. . .new. . .recipes!” The feeder elf grunted the word out as she poured the fries. They tumbled as a golden rain upon Elfuda, a thousand wet splats filling the air. Elfuda tried to catch as much as she could in her mouth, licking and slurping her face to make sure she did not miss any. Her cheeks bulged with the clumps of fast food treasures, more filled than any chipmunk had been. Her useless arms flapped, trying to reach but sucked deep within her mass. Elfuda’s eyes watered, treasuring the food and the service paid to her. It, however, not just the feeder elves she was grateful for. There were also the ladies responsible for cleaning her.

A gaggle of other women had crowded around Elfuda, opening their mouths and hoping to catch the food tumbling down her body. The heaps of fries rolled like mountain rock slides, dislodging other food that had been previously settled. The girls laughed and shoved each other, each positioning their naked and chubby bodies in the best positions to catch the food. Cheers went up as the first bits of fries made contact with their tongues. The women slurped and sucked, feeding off the dregs that Elfuda left behind. Their large but pert buttocks bounced and jiggled as they slapped into one another. Large breasts untouched by gravity rubbed sensually upon Elfuda. Their bodies slowly became stained with the same food that had turned their immobile leader’s face and shoulders into an orange mess. Rivers of cheese sauce drained down Elfuda, with the smaller elves licking her clean. The monstrously fat, immobile fry addicted smiled through the feeding. She tried not to enjoy the perversion of it all, wanting to seem like food was all she wanted.

“Uhhmm. . .HUUUURRRUUUP. . .tha. . .scchake!” She said, trying to keep her mind focused, even though a score of very interested tongues fished through her folds. “Bring. . .OOOOHHH. . .me. . .schake!” Efluda moaned, tears of pleasure dribbling from her eyes and a deep blush forming on her cheeks. She sank into her folds. Letting the scaffolding hold her fully. She missed an entire shovel’s worth of food, letting it be given to her ravenous little followers. However, the generosity did not last long. She longed for her belly to be filled with fries and greasy food of all kinds. Her handlers also longed to provide those foods for her, so that they could share in the scraps. Elfuda’s soft, pale face was doused in more cheese fries. She cared little, knowing that the shake would wash away her mess.

“That doesn’t. . .uuuggh. . .answer our question!” Efluda’s feeders continued to probe her.

“Yeah! You. . .whew. . .promised us. . .new recipes.” They pouted, rampant indulgence having eroded their former pride.

“Haaah. . .uuuhhhm. . .” Elfuda sought the depths of her mind, struggling to focus on anything other than the gaggle of women licking and squeezing her folds. One of the intrepid women had started to climb her, though the accumulated sweat and grease made her slide back down. Her naked body was covered in Efluda’s runoff, and the others fell to licking her clean. “Maybe. . .some more. . .bacon-mancy.” She suggested. “We can. . .explore. . .those dark. . .arts!” Elfuda was proud of the thought. She knew how tempting and fattening bacon had been back home. The girls here would soon be swimming in pig fat and meat strips. Moreover, Elfuda could mix the bacon bits with her cheese fries. Each meal allowed her to come closer to the perfect synthesis of ingredients. Fries were the base and everything after were experiments in finding perfection. Her hands formed into chubby fists as pleasure rumbled through her, she would be the one to create the culinary philosopher’s stone. However, those thoughts would have to come after the shake. She could already hear the drums.

The pouring of the shake was a daily occurrence, but one treated with reverence. Elves played drums and sang songs, commemorating some of Elfuda’s greatest feasts. Overhead a cauldron which could fit three people comfortably was floated through the air. Mages hummed levitation and cryo spells, attempting to maintain the perfect balance and temperature. The shadow of the great cauldron fell over Elfuda, enticing her to look away from her feast. At the same time, she felt the crowd around her part and give way as someone was led up to her bulk. Oeda. Where there was soft serve icecream, there would always be the auntie elf.

“Helloooo, Niece!” Oeda said before belching, her trough having been emptied. She had been licked clean in much the same manner as Elfuda. Other levitation mages held to haul her bulk. She remained in a lying position, but her scarred gut dragged on the ground. Once the pinnacle of fierceness and warrior spirit, Oeda had been reduced to little more than a soft serve garbage disposal unit. The scars on her body danced as she was heaped upon Elfuda’s fat. She lay as a tan elephant seal upon Elfuda’s iceberg-like mass. She was ready to receive the greatness of the shake. The pair of addicts would grow together, a family of extraordinary indulgers. “Save. . .BBBBBLOOOOORRUUUP. . .plenty for. . .me.” She wheezed, eyes going wild at the thought of drinking more ice cream. There was a fanaticism to her that outstripped even Elfuda at times.

The younger elf did not get a chance to respond. Instead, she was drenched in ice cream. The bubbling cauldron was tipped over, allowing the milky stream to course outwards. It rushed quickly, dousing Efluda. The levitation mages tried to guide the shake, but it’s magnificent torrent was too strong. Sometimes it landed in Efluda’s mouth, other times it splattered about her shoulders and breasts. The thick custard rolled down in great streams. Oeda sucked and slurped, using her relative’s folds as aqueducts. They moved in unison, somehow aligning their jiggles to form a single heap of undulating blubber. They fed, belching their praises with thick voices. Oeda was at times blinde by the avalanche of cream, but never once slowed her feeding. She felt her stomach growing tight, even though buried under yards of bulk. Likewise,she felt her niece surging with growth. Elfuda was chugging down shake at an impressive rate, even with her misses. Her stomach had a current flowing through it and Oeda could feel the strong tide of shake reaching the outer limits of Elfuda’s stomach. There was a distinct coolness in both of their guts.

“Mooo-OOOORRRUUUP!” Elfuda belched. The mages obliged, tilting the cauldron almost upside down. The final bursts of shake poured down from on high. Elfuda and Oeda were both drenched and sticky, covered from head to toe in sugary fluid. Oeda, lying on her stomach, could even feel some of it dripping between her mass asscheeks. Meanwhile, Efluda’s breast dripped with uneaten shake. Her nipples tightened, threatening to produce milk of their own. “Hooooo. . .pleeasseecche. . .mooore!” She whined, with Oeda joining her. The two quickly devolved into pathetic piglets, desperate for sustenance.

“Yesscch. . .BBBLLORRRUUP. . .another. . .round!” Oeda bellowed, shaking her buried appendages as best she could. The immobile elf rolled like a sausage on her fatter niece. Only the tips of her fingers were visible under arm fat rolls the circumference of adult trees.

Silence filled the village for a second, the other women looking on as one of their leaders and her niece whined and mewled for food. It was a pathetic display, unbecoming of two who had once been archers and warriors. There was the squeaking and slapping of smooth fat on fat as the women prostrated themselves. Pride and dignity fled in the face of the desire for more food. The assembled women watched on, their faces marked with pride rather than judgment. In their hearts, the women of the village each longed to be that fat and needy, to cast away every bit of pride in order to swell up further. Minutes of begging passed, then the other elves laughed and prepared the next course for the hungry heroines.



Love them French fries :3


A fantastic story! One of the best you've written, imho (although I might be a bit biased since I love this series). Here's hoping this isn't the last we see of you writing about Elf-san characters.