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Tags: XWG, Sex, Light Slob Including Gas, Personality shift

This story is based off of the wider Riordan Demi-God canon and later book series where all characters are 18+. Hope you enjoy!  

--- Graduation ---

Annabeth Chase smiled as she mingled with her friends and family. She had finally done it. After several long years of intensive work, she was graduating from university. Two Universities, in fact. She had been accepted to both Berkley and New Rome University. While the former held significance for most of the world, it was the latter that truly held prestige. New Rome University was a school for people like Annabeth, demi-gods. Annabeth was the union of the goddess Athena and a mortal man and possessed the traits of both. A woman of 23, she had inherited the curvaceous figure of her divine mother. Athena might have been known as the goddess of wisdom and battle, but she bore a beautiful form. Annabeth’s blonde hair had come from her father, a professor of military tactics at West Point. Her fierce intelligence and determination had come from both parents. These combination of skills and innate talent had allowed her to succeed in both a world of magical danger and the rigors of college life. Now, however, she was free of both of them.

“Heeeeey, nice job, Annabeth!” Grover Underwood, a satyr and one of Annabeth’s best friends said as he extended a hand. “I didn’t think anyone could graduate from two universities at the same time.” He smiled good naturedly. “Sure you didn’t cheat?”

“Are you sure you should be the one asking that question?” Annabeth elbowed Grover with a playful shove. “I seem to remember plenty of times that I bailed you and Percy out of trouble.

“Like when?” Summoned by his own name, Percy appeared out of the crowd of familiar faces. Years of adventures had made him slightly less lean and a bit broader. He had the natural tan of a son of Posiedon, and the confidence that came with it. “I can’t think of any times.” He laughed, high fiving Grover. “Can you, G-Man?”

Nonplussed, Annabeth folded her arms and cocked a hip. Though it had been when they had first gotten to college, she could remember at least once. “That English test, right before Nico sent us an iris message. How do you think you would have done without my help, seaweed brain?” Confident, Annabeth stood back and smirked at her boyfriend and his goat legged best friend.

With natural charm, Percy put a hand on his neck and changed the subject. “Well, you just keep your wits for our vacation. Give us a little edge.” Percy walked over and put his arm around one of Annabeth’s, trying to distract. Thankfully, Grover also backed him up.

“Vacation?” The goatman stroked his wispy beard. “Where is the lucky couple going?”

“Vegas!” Both Percy and Annabeth said in unison.

--- Vegas Snares ---

The streets of Las Vegas were crowded with the comings and goings of tourists as well as regulars. Flashy gamblers mingled with sultry showgirls, the people as fantastic as the buildings. Everything in the town was built to catch the eye and draw a person in. Percy had seen sights that had been hidden from the mortal realm. Yet, Vegas still managed to capture his attention like nothing else. He walked confidently down the street, filled with the vim and vigor of a man coming into his prime. With his disheveled hair pushed to one side and faded jeans, he looked more ready for a trip to the beach. Owing to his lineage as one of Posiedon’s children, Percy brought the sea with him wherever he went. There was an air of slow but unfaltering confidence, like waves on a beach perpetually rolling in. He scanned the strip, looking for something to do.

“You know, eventually we have to actually go visit a casino, right?” Percy felt a hand take his and a slim body nuzzle up against him. Annabeth nudged Percy. It was her nature as a daughter of Athena. Gifted with fierce brilliance that touched every aspect of her personality, she enjoyed goading her boyfriend. Her vivid blonde hair blew in the dry, desert wind. Her tan skin matched well with Percy’s own perpetually sun kissed skin. “Or are you scared you’re not coming out again?” With only the charisma that Annabeth could muster, she teased Percy about the run in with the Lotus Hotel. While it had been a trap that had come close to costing the pair their lives and freedom, a decade of time had made it little more than a mildly unpleasant memory.

“I don’t see you rushing in either.” Percy bumped his girlfriend back. She was the sort of woman that you had to match wits with constantly. It was a loving series of verbal sparring matches, mirroring the training that they had gone through since they were both young children. “Maybe you would like to pick the place then? Since I’m such a chicken today.” Percy held Annabeth’s hand tighter in mock worry.

“I think a demigoddess of wisdom would make for a fine travel guide.” Annabeth spun, looking for what should be their first stop. Her eyes glanced at casinos and other tourist traps. She came close to pulling him into one of the gambling dens, but was stopped by feelings she could not rightly explain. Some residual part of her still knew the danger of the Lotus Hotel existed. It would be easy to stumble into the wrong hotel and end up a perpetual victim, gambling their life away in a poppy fueled haze. In her concern for Percy’s wellbeing, she thought better about going to a casino. She looked for something gaudy and full of kitsch but ultimately safe. A glaring neon sign caught her eye. “Ok! How about there!” She pointed towards a restaurant that could only exist in Vegas.

“Heart Attack Grill.” Percy read the sign with a sardonic tone and an eyebrow raised. “Over 350 lbs eat free. Hiding something, Annabeth?” He laughed and put a hand towards her stomach. For just a moment, he felt her flat and muscular stomach.

“Absolutely not!” Annabeth laughed and ducked away from Percy’s hand.

“Athena or Dionysus, who was your parent again?” Percy did not stop his taunting, knowing that he had found a rare weak spot in Annabeth’s wall of wit.

Lacking verbal retorts, Annabeth made her response in a different way. She lightly punched Percy’s arm. “Jerk. Spar with me for a moment and you can see who my mother is.” Annabeth huffed, walking a little faster.

“Alright, alright.” Percy said, easing up. “Let’s do something else though. I’m good on food. You can come back on your own time.” He matched Annabeth’s pace but steered her towards one of the casinos. Annabeth followed, but looked back at the restaurant. Some sort of innate stubbornness was pulling her back towards the burger shop. She wanted to prove that it would have been a fine destination. She mentally noted to return and be ready for a meal.


“Welcome to the Heart Attack Grill!” The waitress beamed as Annabeth entered. She was dressed in hospital scrubs, matching the strange design of the restaurant. It was all reds and whites, decorated with giant syringes and pictures of lascivious nurses. Booths were clogged with the round and ample American poundage. The attendees of the restaurant took the challenge seriously, using their girth to get ridiculously large meals for free. It was a place that glorified obesity, especially the dangerous kind. Annabeth felt out of place, several hundred pounds lighter than any of the patrons. “Sure you didn’t get lost looking for the salad bar down the street?” The waitress joked, putting a menu into her hand.

Annabeth wanted to leave, but swallowed the feeling. She was going to enjoy herself, no matter what Percy or the waitress said. “Yep! I’m here for a good meal.”

“Oh, you are going to get every bit of that, stringbean.” The waitress winked, shaking one of her ample hips. She was not fat, but had clearly been sampling the cuisine on offer a bit too much. “Let’s get you a table.” Annabeth was quickly led to a booth and given a menu. The waitress left her to grab a soda. Annabeth studied the menu, trying to find something she thought she was capable of eating. The grill specialized in the ridiculous. Burgers stacked three to nine patties high, dripping with cheese and condiments. It was almost sickening the kinds of combinations that could be made here. Toxic and potentially fatal amounts of calories rested within every item. Once again, Annabeth found her conscience tugging at her to leave. However, the waitress returned before she could act on the feeling. “What’ll it be then?” She smiled, pen and paper tucked just above the swell of her belly.

“Double cheeseburger!” Annabeth said quickly, wanting to appear ready and willing.

“Good choice!” The order was scratched down and logged. “How about some fries to go with that?” Though phrased as a question, it seemed more like a command. Annabeth said yes, but by that point the waitress had already written the note down and had turned to deliver it to the kitchen. The demigoddess leaned back in her seat, trying to feel comfortable about the meal she had just ordered. If anything, she could always make Percy take her on a hike in the desert to burn the extra calories off. Her rationalization continued all the way up until the food came out. Annabeth was surprised to find that her order had grown since placing it.

Coming out on a  wheeled cart was a dinner that might have served a cyclops or one of the other fantastical creatures that roamed the world. It was hardly the sort of thing that a woman used to a life of thinness and training could hope to eat a fraction of. It seemed almost wasteful to present it to her. Annabeth was caught between wanting to send the food back and avoiding a fuss. The cart came closer. Literal towers of burgers dripping with cheese and condiments listed back and forth, held in place only by strategically placed tooth picks. Annabeth tried to count the patties, but lost track as her eyes were drawn to other appetizers and entrees. Onion rings were planted like hedges around the greasy towers, below them ran rivers of dipping sauce. Veritable cisterns of soda and shakes lay on the outskirts of the burger towers. The cart came towards Annabeth with noises to match the outlandish portions. Plates and glassware clattered like church bells, but underscored with the squelching of meat.

“Here yah are!” the waitress said proudly, as if this was what Annabeth had asked for.

“This. . .it’s so much.” The demigoddess said, words stolen by the grandeur of it all.

“We had a bit of mix up in the kitchen, thought you might like the extra! Go on, take what yah like. We won’t charge you extra.”

“Are you sure?” Annabeth asked, hand reaching shakily for a little box of onion rings. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

The waitress put a hand to Annabeth’s shoulder. “No trouble at all!” She rubbed the younger woman with her thumb. “Only thing we ask is that you enjoy yourself. . .and maybe come back before you leave.” With that she turned and walked away, leaving Annabeth with the meal.

Annabeth looked down at the food, hardly knowing where to start. Even one of the servings of onion rings seemed too big for a single serving. Annabeth hovered, her hand feeling the warmth of the food. She flitted between he entrees, searching for something that would be easy to try. All the while the delicious smells were penetrating her nostrils, boring into her brain. Annabeth could not say no to the generosity of the grill, nor could she say no to the smells on offer. She finally caved, grabbing the smallest burger she could find. It was only four patties high, less than half the size of the other monstrosities. Whilst it overfilled her hand, it seemed cute and harmless in comparison to the other burgers. She bit into it. Her taste buds were overpowered by the seasoned beef and bold condiments. It seemed unreal that something could be so large yet artistically made. Annabeth continued to munch, piling bite on top of bite. She hunkered down over the table, using her elbows to provide stability for her food. Her fingers pressed into the bun, making sure that no morsel escaped. Crumbs and seeds showered down on her lap. They landed on thighs that were increasingly being taken over by a growing stomach. As Annabeth ate, her belly grew outwards.

The first burger disappeared over the course of a couple minutes. The second burgers disappeared in half that time. Though it was bigger, boasting six or seven patties, Annabeth’s hunger was starting to wax full. Her reservations were gone and replaced with a desire to test her strength. The cart of food seemed less like a mistake and more like a divine appointment. While it was silly for her to think that way, she also couldn’t deny that the gods of Olympus behaved in strange and inexplicable ways. Hercules had been given his labors and Annabeth had this cart of food. If nothing else, it added a dash of fun to the meal. She continued eating, moving from entree to appetizer. Her fingers each found the fluffy crust of an onion ring, further seasoned by the remnants of the previous courses. She bit and sucked them down one by one, crunching and slurping her way without care. She paid little attention to the restaurant or the other patrons, her focus stolen by the enticing food. She could hardly pay attention to what was happening with her own body, much less the other attendees.

Annabeth’s stomach grew ever more swollen as she packed food away. Each bite seemed to force her stomach out by visible inches. The shirt she wore grew progressively tighter, the loose creases disappearing as orb of flesh formed. Much like her appetite, Annabeth’s stomach was enhanced. It stretched further than any purely human woman’s would. By some magic, innate to her as a demi-goddess or other means, she was allowed to gorge to new heights. A heavy, round food baby was forming in her stomach. Annabeth went from washboard abs to looking five months pregnant after her third burger. In order to keep eating, she had to lean back and keep her stomach from painfully pressing into the table. When she started to reach for the ice cream shakes, Annabeth had to turn herself fully sideways in order to sit comfortably. Her hands clasped around the shake, lifting it up to her mouth. She was struggling to breath and had a hand permanently plastered to her gut. Her stomach churned underneath that hand, swirling with a constant influx of calories. She swore that it grew even when she was not eating. That theory, however, was washed away under a torrent of cool ice cream. Annabeth wanted to finish in as grand a display as she could manage.

When she did finally finish and heave her body away from the table, Annabeth's stomach had reached critical capacity. It was the sort of belly that would be normal on a woman who was 9 months pregnant with triplets. She waddled from the restaurant, hands heft her belly. She leaned back, trying to support the weight of her gut by using her lumbar spine. She was caught between grimacing from the unbearable tightness in her middle and smiling stupidly. It was almost painful to admit, but it felt good to be stuffed. There was as much pleasure as there was pain. Annabeth continued to waddle down the Vegas strip. Her blonde hair blew in the wind, the only part of her that was still light. Even her mind felt weighed down, turned to mush under the pleasure of indulgence. The only thing that she could think about was finding an excuse to return tomorrow.

--- A Week of Indulgence ---

Annabeth had planned not to return to the grill. She had spent the rest of the day in agony, trying to mitigate the strain on her stomach. The stuffing had stayed with her long after the meal, even making her miss dinner with Percy. Even drinking water was too much, simple sips seeming to make her stomach bulge. Annabeth wandered in a haze of deliciousness. It seemed that Percy and the rest of the world were very far from her, that she saw the world through a veil. Conversations were slow and awkward, she did not have her usual quick wit, and she missed what people said. The only thing to cut through the haze came that evening when Percy put his hands to Annabeth’s gut. That was what really spelled the subsequent downfall of Annabeth. It was a tender and loving moment, but would send her into a spiral she could not recover from.

“Lemme see if I can help.” Percy said as they lay in bed together. Boyfriend and girlfriend, with her stomach so big that she might have been expecting twins. Percy was not a small man, but even his hands looked diminished next to the sheer size of Annabeth's stuffed gut. He palmed her belly, splaying his fingers out. Annabeth stiffened at first, the nerves of her stomach shooting out in pain. She recoiled out of instinct, preferring that her stomach just rest until it felt better. “Hold on, give it a moment.” Percy said, softening his voice like he was talking to a wounded animal. “Gotta nurse you through this.” His hands slowly started to massage Annabeth, warping around her stomach. She reclined on the bed, stiffening as she felt her sensitive stomach get massaged. Percy worked slowly pushing his hands in slow circles. Annabeth breathed in and out, tortured at first but starting to relax. The pain in her stuffed stomach began to subside, giving way to a giddy feeling. It was like Percy was literally massaging the tightness out of her body. Annabeth buried the back of her head in her pillows, surrendering to his massage. Being painfully stuffed most of the day was more than worth this. Even as Percy worked, Annabeth made plans to go back the next day.


Annabeth showed back up at the Heart Attack Grill looking decidedly plumper the next day. Her stomach was no longer stuffed, but it pushed against her shirt all the same. There was a donut ring of fat around her middle. It bobbed up and down, jiggling in all directions as she waddled along. She wore only a t-shirt and athletic shorts. Her shorts strangled her thighs, pressing in like rubber bands around doughballs. Annabeth ignored these warning signs. She wanted to push things further with Percy, to feel the same magic that he had shown her the night before. The massage had been worthy of a song or two, the kind of thing that erotic tales of old would have been written about. The portly demigoddess ignored the warning signs of her pants starting to ride up and her shirt exposing the lowest sections of her belly. A little weight did not trouble her. She was a demi-goddess, her body could recover faster than other humans. A week or two in the gym and she would be back to normal. Her smile was wide as she entered into the Heart Attack Grill once more, greeted by the nurses; they were eager to see a familiar face.


“There’s something going on at that place.” Percy said, several days into their vacation. He watched Annabeth waddle around their hotel. She had a burger in either hand, trying to finish them off before she showered for the night. Even though they had eaten at another establishment, Annabeth had insisted on stopping by the grill. She had not felt full enough. Percy had agreed, only so that he could investigate it a little. He had avoided the food whilst Annabeth had placed several orders. Percy could see nothing obviously wrong with the restaurant, at best it was just that it got many repeat customers; Annabeth now being one of them. Her eyes shone as she ordered, glistening with the promise of good food. Her body had glistened as well, with sweat pouring out of her rolls. The hot Nevada air had started to make her sweat, though a lot could be blamed on the current condition of her body. Annabeth was hardly the skinny woman that had gotten off the plane. Rather, she was now bordering on 300, if not already having passed it. It was these exaggerated meals and changes that had alerted Percy. Even if he enjoyed some aspects of it, he was still more than wary.

Taking a look at his girlfriend waddling back and forth, Percy’s caution only grew. She was so fat and heavy now, with her stomach hanging down far enough to cover her sensitive areas. She had rolls forming up and down her tanned body, in areas Percy had never imagined rolls could form. Lust grew within him as he watched her lumber back and forth. Her love handles now hung down onto her hips and her breasts were bigger than his hands could hold. Responsibility and carnal desire battled for control of the demi-god’s heart. Striking in the middle, Percy offered a suggestion. “Maybe we should take a break from there? Plenty of other good food places to smash.”

“Blloorrrruup. . .no way!” Annabeth belched, her voice thick and clotted with food. “Isscch. . .nnngggph. . .too good!” She opened her mouth wide and bit down with animalistic intensity. Her whole body lurched as she pulled back, consumed with the desire to fill herself at any cost. “Tomorrow. . .BBBOOORRRUP. . morning they are. . .mmmgghp. . .having a buffet!” Annabeth said, her eyes pleading with Percy.

“Fine, but we really have to keep our guard up a little here.” He sighed, throwing his hands back.

“Yes! Totally!” Annabeth threw the half eaten burgers aside, unconcerned about the mess they would make upon landing. She ran to the bed, stomach slapping against her thighs. The bed screamed as she made contact with it, the supports shifting in and out of place. Percy had felt more ease on sailing ships in storms than he had as the bed rocked violently. Whatever worry he felt was ripped away as he felt Annabeth’s pudge cozy up alongside him. She might have smelled like frying meat patties and sweat, but her fat more than made up for it. The demigod could not stop himself from grabbing a handful of her stomach, squishing it between his fingers. Though he still had his suspicions, he could bury them for a while under Annabeth.  He was excited and terrified at the thought that there would be much more of it in the coming days. If her explosive weight gain continued at the same rate, she would double or even triple her weight by the end of the week. Percy sighed, as Annabeth crawled on top of him, eager to see what that would feel like.

--- Gluttonous Gambling Goddess ---

Percy watched Annabeth waddle down the street, praying to the Goddess Hecate that The Mist held. The goddess of magic wove and maintained the veil which surrounded the world and protected mortals from the affairs of magical beings and vice versa. It was strong enough to turn monster attacks into natural disasters and allow primal beings to walk under the guises of normal people. It lulled humans into a false sense of security, preventing them from seeing the world as it truly was. While it was powerful, Percy knew that it had its limits. Though created by the gods, The Mist was hardly foolproof. The stranger or more powerful something was the more the veil was tested. What normally was a thick blanket could shrink to gossamer thinness if the circumstances were right. Now, as Percy escorted Annabeth through the city of sin, he worried that The Mist might be too tested. It was hard to see how anything could cover a being so dedicated to gluttony.

“Puh-huuuff-see. . .” Annabeth wheezed as she waddled down the road. It was impossible to know what the normal, non-demi humans saw as she passed but Percy’s eyes saw a hog dripping in her own sweat. Annabeth had reached such a weight and size that the suggestion of further growth was laughable. She was a moving boulder of fat that was lightly shaped into a feminine form. Annabeth was a decidedly bottom heavy woman, a pear that never seemed to stop expanding. Either of her buttcheeks would have been able to fill and crush a trio of chairs. Together they were able to fill any couch presented to her. The legs supporting her posterior girth were equally bloated. The soft, saggy inverted pyramids that were Annabeth’s thighs were twice as broad as most men. They rubbed against each other incessantly, the adipose shifting back and forth hypnotically. The rest of Annabeth’s titanic body was by no means small, but few parts of her could compete with her lower half. Only her set of stomach rolls could match her butt for the amount of space taken up. The three rolls, each bigger than the last, slapped and shook as she forced her way down the street.

It was over half a ton of woman that made her way ponderously down the streets of Vegas. Annabeth lurched from side to side, mobile only by virtue of the divine blood which coursed through her veins. Even still, she struggled. Her breasts, engorged with fat and milk, sloshed back and forth languidly. While the smallest part of her body proportionally, they were more than enough to fill Percy’s hands. Their movements seemed slower than the rest of her body. Annabeth’s bosom had the luxury of resting on her stomach plateau. They rolled back and forth like queens in palanquins, unconcerned with the strain they put on their owner. Annabeth heaved her bulk, switching between looks of tiredness and wanton indulgence. She was far from the slim and slender demi-goddess of wisdom that she had been. Instead, Annabeth was more a vision of the sins of sloth and gluttony. She seemed more like a daughter of Dionysus, but even that connection failed to capture the magnificent fall from athletic grace she had gone through. It seemed as if she could hardly move. In fact, some things were now beyond her capabilities. Increasingly, she had begun to rely on Percy’s strength.  “Gimme. . .OOORRRRUUP. . .a pussch.” She wheezed as she reached the stairs to one of the casinos.

“You might need more than a little push.” Percy said as he grasped onto his girlfriend’s meaty arm. Though soft, it alone weighed more than most swords or weapons he had touched. His fingers fell into a tube of frosting, blown up past the proportion of a human arm. Annabeth snorted and let her rear retort to Percy. ffffllllrrrrppppt. Annabeth farted, her naked ass shaking as the little wind escaped her. The Mist delicately pushed it out of sight and mind of the mundane people around the pair, making it sound like a dragged shoe. Hecate’s spell did more to preserve Annabeth’s dignity than she herself did. As Annabeth climbed the stairs, her naked body jiggled violently. However, the mystical veil showed only a woman wearing baggy clothing. The people immediately around Annabeth could sense incongruities, but could not figure out the root of their confusion. They wrote off the noise, smell, and size of Annabeth as something else. She might have looked chubby or even as heavy as 300, but otherwise she was presented as normal.

“Doing that is going to cost you extra, better tip well.” Unphased, Percy leaned further into the curtainous body of his wife. Though he was taller, the difference in height was devoured by Annabeth’s avalanche of fat. It poured from her over all sides, seeping its weight and sweat onto him. He wrapped an arm around her as best he could, trying to haul her up the stairs and into the casino. Neon lights reflected off her sweaty body, giving her a glow. To the odd passersby on the stairs, it simply looked like a man was trying to escort his drunk girlfriend into the next gambling den. Normally indifferent, the gambling hounds would stop as Annabeth lurched by. They would catch a whiff of fast food mixed with the fumes billowing freely from Annabeth’s beanbag asscheeks and stop. The veil over magic and mundane almost invited people to scrutinize more, with them trying to rectify the difference with what they saw and what they sensed. Percy nodded to each of these people, hoping the bit of courtesy did not invite further scrutiny.

Their luck, and Hecate’s web of enchantments allowed them to reach one of the gambling tables. The two passed by rows of slot machines. Percy smiled, knowing that Annabeth’s width would fill at least three of the machines and double that amount of chairs. Each step she took landed with a deep thud which shook his chest. Her stomach, now fat enough to fall to her knees, sloshed like an armload of wet towels. Her butt knocked into Percy’s muscular thigh, always threatening to crush his smaller body. He was sorely tempted to let it. He was as enchanted with Annabeth’s weighty, sloppy body as she was with food. Percy grabbed at her folds, unable to keep his hands at bay. His body swam in her fat, sweat, and grease. He could smell the stink of fast food and sweat coming off of her. There was a deep corruption in body and mind. Percy knew it was wrong to allow such indolence to take root in a demigoddess, but he did not care. It was an addiction that he had never known he had, but he saw no reason to remove it. His hands continued to caress and squeeze her fat as they walked together. She would laugh on occasion, tickled by his fingers invading her cavernous rolls. Percy was almost sad when they reached a gaming table.

“Here’s probably good, take a load off.” Percy said, guiding Annabeth to one of the tables. The table was partially empty, with one side of the table having scattered with their meager winnings. The other high rollers at the table watched the pair approaching with a mixture of disgust and confusion. To their human eyes, they saw a man escorting his drunk and chubby girlfriend. They did not feel the floor shaking under her movements. Percy eased Annabeth into a quartet of stools, hoping they would support her bulk. Annabeth’s fat pooled over the seats, flattening the cushions and warping the metal. Percy gritted his teeth as he saw screws pop out of place. Briefly, Percy wished that he was a son of Hephaestus and understood metallurgic magic. The thought went away as his blonde girlfriend’s bulk settled. Though the sides of her ass hung in open air and her gut pooled onto the table, she was at least stable. “Alright, time to have a little fun.” Percy said, kissing Ananbeth’s sagging cheek.

The attendant at the table rolled his eyes as he started the next round of play. Bets were placed. “Fun. . .and some. . .BLLLUURRRUUUP. . .winnings.” Annabeth wheezed as she pushed her chips forward. Her biceps dragged on the felt of the table, leaving patches of sweat in their wake. The other gamblers tried to politely ignore the crass behavior from the newcomer. Their eyes saw only a drunk, chubby woman and not the true Annabeth. To them it seemed like she was laying over the three stools, rather than her seeping fat taking them over. Only Percy was granted the vision of Annabeth’s butt falling like a waterfall over the back of the stools. She pressed her cards close to her chest, holding them in sausage fingers. Annabeht could have hidden full decks of cards under each breast easily, though the sweat and accumulated grime would have destroyed them. The blonde shook her head, trying to entice Percy to further lustful displays. “Could use a. . .good luck. . .kiss.” The words came out thick with passion. She leaned over as far as she dared.

“Doubt you need it.” Percy obliged, kissing her neck. He wrapped his arms around as much of Annabeth as he could hold. His strong, long arms could only hold a fraction of her bulk. They sank between her first and second gut fold, hidden from view. Annabeth moaned, losing control for a moment as pleasure took her. brrrrpppptttt. She farted, unable to contain herself. Percy continued kissing her, feeling her fat jiggle from the movement of gas from between her cheeks. Annabeth stopped only to belch. Even The Mist failed to obscure the true sound of her burp. She was budding up against the limits of the enchantment, her slovenly form overpowering everything around her. Annabeth smiled through it, closing her eyes as she felt Percy press even closer. His approval made everything so much more exciting.

Under the assault of boorish behavior and distraction, the other gamblers fled the table. They did not even bother to take their chips. They only wanted away from the disorderly woman. Even the table attendant stepped away, needing a break. When Annabeth and Percy pulled their attention back to the table, they found that they had won even with a poor hand. “Guess I’m. . .pretty good.” Annabeth said, working to scoop back her winnings. Her bulk oozed onto the table, struggling to reach the piles of chips. The polished wood underneath her gut started to crack, unable to hold the might of a child of Olympus. Annabeth rocked her body in a vain attempt to reach. Her breasts dragged upon the felt, nipples tightened in excitement. However, she soon gave up in a flustered mess. As always, she turned to Percy. “How. . .BBBLLOOORRUUP. . .you fetch. . .them for me?” She tried to sound regal, playing off her tiredness as a joke.

“Coming up, Your Corpulency.” Percy marked his agreement by giving Annabeth a firm slap on the ass. He brought the multicolored chips to Annabeth in handfuls. He dropped them onto her naked fat. The chips bounced and slid on her sweaty body. Some fled and hid between her rolls or under her breasts, but most fell onto the floor. Annabeth cared little, preferring her greed to be sated with food. The adoration and physical attention of her boyfriend would pay for now. As the chips rained down, she played with her breasts. They flopped up and down, providing a show for Percy. He was so enthralled by the display of sexuality that he stopped to watch. Annabeth’s thick hand’s flopped her breasts in ways both sexy and undignified. Poker chips previously hidden came rolling out. “Enjoying your winnings?” Percy asked, eyes trained on the ripples of fat.

“Immensely.” Annabeth said, stopping her lewd display. She might have kept going, but her strength was waning. “Turns out. . .I’m pretty good. . .at gambling.” She smiled, her rolls compressing into one large sack of fat. “Wanna help me win some more?” She winked, pointing to another table that had opened up. “I’ve got a. . .UUURRRUUPP. . .winning strategy.” She smiled and patted one of her buttcheeks. Fueled by hours of eating fast food, her fart tanker was already filling again. “If I win enough. . .you’ll get a. . .special surprise.”

“I think I could be convinced.” Percy smiled, wanting to enjoy his girlfriend’s mischief. He started to help her out of the stools. Gradually her crushing weight was transferred to Percy. The stools groaned in response as he once again took command. From over one of Annabeth’s meaty shoulders he watched Annabeth’s posterior jiggle. Though she was standing and beginning to waddle away, her ass still maintained contact with the stools. She gasped with each step, the weight of her bulk fully returning to her. On the third step away from the table, her ass finally flopped free. The twin sacks of blubber slapped onto her pillar thighs, landing with enough force to act as a slap. Annabeth’s eyes opened in surprise. BRRRRRFFFFRRRT! A bellicose fart bubbled out of her. “Hey, save that for the other tables.” Percy winked, holding Annabeth’s sweaty palms. He guided her towards the next table, eager to collect further winnings. . .hoping to earn the promised reward.


Percy’s reward came much later, after Annabeth had paid another visit to the Heart Attack Grill and digested her food. The pair returned to the hotel, entering the darkened room. Annabeth took over from there, pushing Percy onto their bed. Her strength had dimmed a little, Percy could tell by the push. Whatever was bestowed by her Olympian parentage had been drained away by her tremendous weight gain; anything else remaining went to keeping her mobile. As such, her push landed with the strength of a blade of grass. Percy fell back all the same, interested in what his girlfriend had planned. He rested on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs. Above him, cloaked in food stains and darkness, was all 1000 lbs of Annabeth. She loomed in the darkness, her stomach inches away from his knees. She leaned down, obviously testing her weight and ability to say standing. She spread her own legs as she squatted down, leaning her weight onto his thighs. It was pain and pleasure mixed together. Her cherubic face was inches away from his. “Lemme. . .bllllrrrrruuuuup. . .treat you.” She said, accidentally belching in Percy’s face. He smiled and patted his lap, inviting her forward.

Annabeth rocked back and forth, letting her tractor tire sized gut drag on Percy’s lap. He needed little coaxing to get hard, his cock responding almost instantly to the pressure. Feeling his member growing, Ananbeth laughed. “Good to. . .oooh. . .see I picked. . .correctly.” Her voice was a husky whisper which bled out into the darkness of the room. She continued to thrust her sagging, wobbling gut across Percy’s lap. She let her weight and softness do the erotic work. Meanwhile, she kept eye contact with Percy. Her eyes sparkled with love and desire, aching to please her boyfriend. When she felt most confident, Annabeth would lean forward and kiss Percy. She led him forward, making him inch to the edge of the bed. For his part, Percy switched between meeting Annabeth’s gaze and studying her triple wide hips. They were visible even passed all the other gallons of adipose on her body. She quickly took notice of his distraction. “Ooooh, interested in. . .something. . .aaaah. . .else?” She wheezed and moaned, her voice pregnant with erotic thoughts. “Let’s see if. . .you can. . .handle it.” She winked before starting to turn around.

Annabeth turned like a tank. Even with her hands on Percy, she struggled to balance the fat brimming outwards behind her. Her ass sloshed back and forth, dimples and cellulite like foam on top of waves of fat. Percy sucked his breath in as the full breadth of Annabeth’s ass was once again revealed to him. It was beyond huge, bigger than his own arm span. It was a monument to feminine gluttony, a marvel of human tonnage. “Just gonna. . .look?” Annabeth asked in her tired, breathy voice. “I don’t. . .think. . .so.” She said before dropping her dream down. Percy had little time to react before he was bathed in ass fat, his own narrow legs and lap swallowed whole by the advancing tide. Situated comfortably, Annabeth began to bump and grind, rocking her ass back and forth. Percy gasped as his cock grew even harder. Percy, the bed, and even the floor underneath moved in unison with Annabeth’s gyrations. It was a mixture of a lap dance and twerk. She danced, performing any move that came into her head that would inspire lust. “Having fun?” The demi-goddess asked, feeling Percy’s member move. She put her weight down, as much as Percy could handle. Annabeth wanted him to feel her sloppy, sweaty girth. She bounced, letting her flabby ass stimulate her boyfriend.

Percy’s hands grabbed the bed sheets, needing anything to anchor him to the real world. His mouth hung open, his soul close to leaving his body from the pure and erotic pleasure of the dance. He was buffeted by Ananbeth’s massive asscheeks. The room was filled with the sounds of fat slapping against fat and the nearly immobile woman’s exhausted wheezes. Percy alternated between laying back to study Annabeth's butt and pressing his face into it. He wanted to know every crevice. Finally, however, he reached his climax. Just as Annabeth became too exhausted to continue, Percy came. Both of them moaned their release out into the dark hotel room. Annabeth slumped first onto Percy, too weak to stand, and then fell onto the bed. Percy lay back, also unable to stay seated. They panted, holding each other’s hands.

“Good. . .reward?” Annabeth asked.

“The best.” Percy responded.

“Goood, BOOOORRRUUUUP.” Annabeth belched with enough force to shake even her ass. She had passed the point of being able to restrain herself. She needed to free the tightness in her stomach, as well as her libido. “More. . .ooooh. . .to come.”

--- Dangerous Streets ---

“Not here. . .” Percy tried to warn Annabeth as she pushed herself up against him. Her fat hands dug in his jeans, searching for his already hardening cock. “People are still going to see us. Mist or not.” He tried to caution her, but knowing that Annabeth was beyond caring. Her life now revolved around eating, farting, and fucking. She was a machine that took in food and produced gas and sex. Percy had a hard time disliking any of it. Even now, pressed into an alley between two restaurants and in view of the street, he struggled to argue. Annabeth was relentless, using her fat to push Percy up against the building. It was even easier now for her to pin him, having become almost twice as large as she had been. Annabeth was only 500 pounds away from weighing a literal ton. It was incredible to see her even remotely mobile. What little mobility she had, she put to debaucherous use.

“Come on. . .seaweed brain. . .lemme have some. . .fun.” She cooed, hands stroking his cock. “I’m filled up. . .time to. . fuck.” Her voice was dreamy as she fought off the impending food coma. Her mass flooded around Percy, filling every inch of free space as it oozed out onto the wall. More than ever Annabeth resembled a boulder. Her ass had grown to truly obscene proportions, each cheek now able to take up most of a medium sized sofa. Likewise, her stomach now sagged nearly to the ground. Her gut was a tapestry of fat, a wall of swinging adipose that drained sweat and grease onto the floor. Her gait had turned fully into a series of awkward stomps, with the formerly graceful warrior unable to control her locomotion. Her feet plodded down the streets of Vegas, almost hidden under calf fat. Annabeth’s weight had truly become unmanageable. She had broken their bed and her very passing in the room caused the floor to bend under her weight. Percy was in talks with the hotel to move their room to the bottom floor, he was desperately afraid that she might crash through it at any moment. All this had only turned her on more. “I don’t hear. . .BBBLOOORRUUUP. . .much of an. . .argument.”

Percy tried to answer but could only think of how deftly her hands moved around his member. Somehow Annabeth had found a way past all of her fat, it was a skill that presented itself only rarely and when she most wanted something. Percy’s breath quickened and he naturally started to pump his hips in rhythm to Annabeth’s sure strokes. Despite how ponderous and ungainly her other movements had become, she did not struggle at all working his throbbing shaft. She had no trouble rousing and drawing his energy, gobbling up his sexual adoration like it was food. Percy was trapped against the wall, feeling the shaking of fat just as much as the soft hands below his belt line. Won over, he kissed Annabeth, knowing that this little erotic moment wouldn’t last long. He was far too excited for it to last. Percy relaxed against the wall, embraced by his girlfriend’s titanic form. Bliss clouded the judgment and senses of the pair, allowing danger to approach easily.

“Heeeeeey, mind if I join?” A voice called, noticeably from the side of the alley opposite the street. Gripped by a rare bout of embarrassment, Annabeth stopped and straightened. She and Percy looked ashamed as the newcomer approached. She was a young woman with blonde hair, dressed like one of the many showgirls around the strip. Her body echoed what Annabeth’s had once been: curvy but athletic. There was a gleam in the woman’s eye. “You two seem fun.”

“Oh. . .uuuh. . .this is a mistake.” Percy said, trying to push Annabeth behind him. He wanted to protect whatever shreds of modesty were left to her. “We didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression.”

“Not at all!” The woman said, licking her lips. “I have a pretty good idea of what’s going on. Two young lovers having a bit of fun.” She put a hand on the side of one of the buildings. “One of them strong and powerful, the other fat and useless.” The woman licked her lips again. “Both demi-gods.” When she opened her mouth, fangs appeared. The rest of her shifted just as quickly. Her legs shifted and twisted into the form of donkey legs, though one was metal. Claws sprouted from her hands, fingernails becoming long and sharp. Her hair caught fire, becoming a shining mane of flame. A wild bloodlust filled the woman’s face as she shifted back into her true form, a blood sucking creature of myth. An empousa.

While there were many in the world, this empousa stalked the streets of Vegas, driven by an insatiable hunger. It longed to suck and drain the blood of a demi-god, tired of simply going after humans. It hunted the casinos, hoping that the Lotus Hotel managed to ensnare some Olympians to feast on. In a stroke of pure luck, it had happened upon a set of immortals. With the veil not affecting her senses, the empousa was easily able to smell and track the pair. Percy’s radiant blood, being descended from Posiedon, and Annabeth’s own blood from Athena; to say nothing of her adopted stench. It had followed them from afar, waiting until just such a moment to strike. In this moment, it would draw the divine blood that it had searched for so long. It sprang forward, claws extended and searching for Annabeth’s supple flesh. It would be easy to down the large woman, then she would attack the other when he went to save her. The empousa’s claws sliced through the air, a whistling sound following it. Her eyes shone with intense evil light as the blow landed. Her hand sunk into the dense blubber, easily finding purchase. Only, the empousa found she could not remove her claws. She was stuck fast within Annabeth’s blubber. It’s vicious snarl turned to confusion as it tried to free itself.

“Annabeth!” Percy cried, punching the demon in the face. His fist landed hard, backed by the strength of his godly lineage. The empousa was thrown back, hand finally free from Annabeth’s bloated body. Percy looked at his girlfriend, searching for a wound. “Are you ok?” He asked, unable to find even the hint of damage.

“Ye. . .yescch!” Annabeth did not even believe it at first, having to try and check her own folds. Her fat fingers searched through her folds. She had to search through touch, unable to see anything past her own breasts. Yet, she could come up with nothing. “I’m. . .fine.” She wheezed, the surprise having taken much out of her. She leaned against the building, sinking her fat away from Percy. He would have to deal with this threat, she was of little use.

Percy, secure in the knowledge that Ananbeth was alright, turned back to the empousa. He wished he had his sword, Riptide, but knew he could still take the beast. Having recovered from her earlier shock, the empousa was stalking forward again. Her claws shivered with the anticipation of violence. Before she had been only searching for prey, now she wanted to exact cruel vengeance for the strike upon her face. Her hair blazed even hotter, becoming white with rage. She screeched and sailed forward again. Percy dodged under a strike and delivered a strong blow to her liver. He relied on the training he had received at Camp Half-Blood, remembering the weeks spent drilling on combat and tactics. He was not merely a demi-god, he was one that had been through brutal close quarters training. His next punch caught the empousa in the back of the head, hitting home hard enough to make her stumble. The empousa screamed, kicking back with one of her legs. Percy dodged, but was too slow to avoid it entirely. The metallic hoof hit the side of his thigh with enough force to make him spin and fall. The empousa was quick to capitalize, turning and pinning his arms down.

“Dinner is served!” The beast said, licking her lips and lowering her wide jaws. Percy struggled, trying to free himself. As the empousa’s mouth lowered towards him, he turned away. It was then that he noticed a puddle of water nearby. Thinking quickly, he used his innate ability to control water. The puddle rose in a stream, flowing towards the empousa like a snake. At the last second, he changed the surface tension of the water; making it harder than concrete. The water hit the empousa as a dense cube, again disorienting her. Her grip relaxed, allowing Percy to break free. With one leg, he kicked the monster back and off of him. She landed with a thud, right at the feet of Annabeth.

Annabeth snorted, angry at both her uselessness at how close Percy had come to death. She would prove that she still had skills to offer, though situational. Annabeth lumbered forward, the earth shaking under her slightly. She stepped over the empousa, pillar legs coming close to crushing the demon outright. Annabeth waddled, positioning her ass perfectly. When it was directly over the monster, she let herself drop. Annabeth’s legs fell away, far too weak to catch her. She was left to plummet towards the empousa, her asscheeks jiggling in the fall.  The empousa started to shriek, but it was cut short. An immensely heavy, greasy butt landed directly on the monster, hiding everything but the very tips of her claws. Annabeth landed with enough force to make bits of plaster fall from buildings on either side. “We. . .assked. . .you. . .to. . .BUTT OUT!” Annabeth summoned all her strength to yell, wanting to make sure the empousa could hear underneath all the jiggling blubber. Annabeth also summoned something else. Brrrrrrppppt! Annabeth farted as a final statement to the conflict

“Annabeth!” Percy ran forward, trying to reach his girlfriend’s side. He tried not to enjoy the ripples spreading through her fat. They ran in every direction, her ass a constant frenzy of jiggles and movement. Beneath her, the empousa struggled and went limp. The beast slowly started to fade into black smoke. Percy could see Annabeth’s body shifting as the recipient of her attack left the mortal plane. One buttcheek dropped, followed by the other. The ground shook a bit as Annabeth was dropped onto the pavement fully. Percy, as he arrived at her side, hugged her tightly. “You alright?” He asked for the second time that day, massaging her naked body. He toyed with her flab, trying to rouse her. His eyes caught cracks in the pavement, spreading out from under her tonnage. She had broken not only the empousa, but the foundation of the city. Percy had to work to contain his lust, knowing it was not the time.

“Yeah. . .” Annabeth started to stir. “Just. . .uuuggh. . .a little hungry.” She smiled, fear of the attack starting to dissipate. “You. . .ooorrruup. . .owe me. . .for that. . .seaweed brain.” She smiled, her chins compressing under her sardonic smile.

--- Prelude to the buffet ---

Percy stood in their hotel’s shower, guiding Annabeth in. It was like guiding a semi-truck into a Tesla’s parking space. There was a wall of advancing fat moving towards him, vaguely reminiscent of a feminine form. Annabeth waddled with her arms outstretched, at all times trying to balance her shifting pile of blubber. The week's worth of magically enhanced binging had led to a demi-goddess who had truly transcended the human form. Annabeth’s hips continued to dominate her shape, making her far wider than she was tall. Any gap between her legs had long been obliterated. Her stomach flopped down well past her thighs, threatening to press onto the floor. She moved agonizingly slowly, her gait a determined waddle. She was mobile mostly through her own drive for greater pleasures. Sex and food were best enjoyed when she struggled a bit for them. However, determination and desire had hard limitations. Annabeth was in the final stages of her mobility, needing Percy’s help; even if it came with sarcastic quips. “If you get any bigger you will need flaggers to guide you in.” He said, smiling and extending his hands.

“When.” Annabeth wheezed, taking Percy’s hands. “When I. . .OOORRRUUP. . .get bigger.” She smiled, looking forward to another jump in size. Though caused by magical mischief, Annabeth had enjoyed every second of her transformation between warrior and spoiled hippo. Relying on Percy added an erotic edge to their romance. She loved the total need and dependency. She could not hope to walk or even shower by herself, having to rely on her boyfriend. This shower was only the latest in a series of erotic escapades masquerading as necessary functions of everyday life. Annabeth’s scrubbing would be more erotic massage than cleaning. As she piled into the enclosed space of the bathroom, the fun was already beginning. Her hips crushed and cracked the plaster and frame of the door. It had been built to be accessible for people around 600 pounds maximum, not for someone three times bigger. Annabeth moved, her hands weakly grasping at Percy’s. He pulled her into the steamy room, mists already forming as water poured from the shower head.

“Hard to imagine that happening.” Percy said as his hands and arms were filled with Annabeth’s bulk. He let his arms spread as Annabeth waddled forward, reacting to her mass. It was like grabbing an armload of soggy towels and blankets which dangled down to the floor. Even if Percy stood on his toes he would not be able to move or lift Ananbeth’s sheer mass. Instead, he guided it. He led his girlfriend into the misty, humid room. She became the center of the room, filling much of it. One side of her ass was squished into the sink while the other bunched up against the wall. Percy backed up, taking Annabeth with him. His lean muscle was buried in her overwhelming fat. The feeling of tight, erotic restrictiveness heightened as they stepped into the porcelain shower. Percy was backed up against a wall and Annabeh’s blubber started to fill the glass. Ample, plush bulk squished up against the reflective surfaces, the pressure squishing out water and sweat from her folds. The tan blonde woman felt a trickle of water from the showerhead running down her shoulders and disappearing into her folds. It was like a river pouring from a mountaintop.

“Gotta. . .get. . .cleaning.” Annabeth laughed and shimmied her hips as best she could. The bolts connecting glass to plaster creaked as they tried to accommodate her bulk. “Need to. . .look. . .good tonight.” Her instruction was followed up with a kiss. Annabeth was delicate in handling Percy’s lips, though her extra chins were not in how they slapped against him.

“Right away, Sweaty.” Percy teased between kisses, knowing the insult would only turn Annabeth on more. Spotlessly clean or despicably sweaty, she loved the fat that she had been blessed with. It had changed her life, allowing her to be free of her troubles and live a life of ease. “We need you in good shape for your buffet trip tonight.” Percy led Annabeth’s appetite just as he led her body. The shower was now truly filled with her bulk, the steam from her mass competing with the steam from the heated water. The young man flailed for a wash cloth, knowing that it would do little. Fractional compared to a normal person’s body, the wash cloth was rendered infinitesimal against Annabeth’s elephantine bulk. It was more of a means of heightening the fun for the couple, a physical tease to match Percy’s verbal ones. “They are going to be looking forward to you. An entire restaurant bought out for one woman’s meal.” He dipped the cloth into a deep love handle, swiping away days worth of grease. Percy paused as he felt a rumble pass through Annabeth. Hunger-lust was rising within her. “I think The Mist is struggling with you now.” He brought the cloth under her armpit, toying with the fat roll that connected her armpit and breast. “Hecate can’t even keep up with your fattening.” His voice was playful but strong. Annabeth responded by letting her mouth drop open.

Annabeth’s jaw flopped open wordlessly. She wanted to speak, but found herself unable. Instead, rivulets of drool came out. Excitement for the feast and rising erotic tension had her dumbstruck. Percy continued to clean, swiping out rolls and crevices at random. Sometimes he would direct the flow of water, changing it to strike a particularly sensitive area. Those peaks in lust would always be matched by a reminder of what was to come. “I don’t even think they are going to bother with plates for you. Just the serving platters.” He said, sliding around to start cleaning her back. Though Percy was taller than Annabeth, her incredible bulk caused a visual distortion. She seemed to spread outwards and upwards. The effect was heightened as Percy had to stand on his toes to reach her face. He swiped at Annabeth’s anticipatory drool, allowing her face to be free for a couple seconds. Though, as the thoughts of future gluttony came, Annabeth once again salivated openly. Percy could feel something building within her, the pure excitement bringing forth new joys of her body. He ducked around her side, getting a sense of what was to come. Frrrrrrrppppt! Annabeth farted, allowing gas to rush out of her rear. With a chuckle, Percy quickly returned to cleaning.

He slipped the cloth around her back folds, playing as much as cleaning. He would have to strain to reach her most secret folds, pressing his naked body into hers. Steam swirled around the couple. Percy’s rockings became more and more sensual. His cleaning was haphazard, with him reaching for only the most tender and strokable folds on Annabeth. She was lost in her daze of hunger, with drool coming down the corners of her mouth. Things only grew more sensual when Percy reached her ass crack. The two boulder-like sacks of fat smacked into each other as he began to rub them down. The cloth was lost in her fat, even though its white fabric showed well against her bronzed tan. Percy pushed and and shoved, his hands hidden under the double beanbags of fat. The surface area of her butt was imperfect mable, soft but with many divots and dimples. Percy noted each one like he was charting a course over sea. Annabeth leaned forward, shaking her butt a little. The twin oceans of flab bounced, with the line of her buttcrack becoming fuzzy and ill defined. Percy felt his cock go hard. Like explorers before, he wanted to explore the depths that lay before him.

Percy put an arm over Annabeth’s meaty shoulder, leaning in. “Too clean to get a little dirty?” He asked. Annabeth’s subsequent moan was all he needed for an answer. He slowly started to work his hips, pushing his cock between the large expanses of fat. Percy understood water, he understood how things flowed. However, he had never been on stormier or more exciting waters than Annabeth’s prodigious butt. It shook and sloshed, both fighting and welcoming his advances. Percy grew harder as his pelvis began to smack against Annabeth’s butt. He sank inwards, almost swallowed by the tonnage he was trying to please. Though large and thick, his member was vastly outsized by Annabeth’s body. Percy clapped his hands down on either cheek, pushing them tighter for more contact. Annabeth moaned and bent over. She lowered herself, allowing her stomach and breasts to dangle freely in the air. “This.  . .this. . .is just. . .the beginning!” Percy huffed, having to summon all his strength in order to please his girlfriend. Fucking her properly was a task worthy of epic poems.

Annabeth plunged forward, pushed and shoved by Percy’s strong pumps. Her forearms were shoved against the tile of the shower. Percy entered her over and over, making her moan in pleasure. She took a wide stance, bending down so as to make her ass stick out even more. With each pump she could feel her fat move in bursts of activity. Her breasts and gut swang like over laden udders. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she moaned loudly. She hoped the neighbors could hear her. She wanted the world to understand how much she loved Percy. She wanted him body and soul and mind. “Huh-harder! Harder!” She wheezed, wondering if he would finish before her legs gave out. She felt her strength leaving, drained out by having to stand. She was used to sex in bed or even on the floor if they were horny enough. Standing was almost forbidden fruit, something out of reach for the nearly 1 ton woman. Driven mad by her lust, she licked her own fingers, wanting to feel as much sensation across her body as possible. Percy only pumped faster, shaking her vigorously as his cock thrust deep between her asscheeks. Tension built until it erupted. Percy finished, climaxing in stroke more powerful than any other. Annabeth screamed in pleasure, her body on fire with lustful energy.

The two demi-gods sank to the ground, letting the water of the shower pour over them. Percy slowly rolled his girlfriend over and climbed onto her stomach. He floated on her mattress-like fat, undulating with each breath she took. “Let’s call that a warm up.” He said with a wink.

“Yeah.” She nodded, wet hair stuck around her chins. Annabeth looked dazed, caught between the intense pleasure of the distant past and the future pleasure to come with the planned buffet. She was burning with anticipation. She reached a nearly useless hand down to fondle Percy’s member. “Just. . .be ready. . .” She slowly shook it back to life, guiding it with her hand. “. . .afterwards. . .you’re mine.”

--- The buffet ---

Annabeth was allowed to be unleashed. Finally, she had a place to treat her stomach like it deserved. She was mercilessly stuffing herself, plowing through what would have been plates of food had they not been left in the serving containers. “Ooohmgghp! Mmmggghp!” She did not bother with words, instead enjoying her food with animalistic grunts and guttural belches. She was seated on a “bench” that had been cobbled together from four chairs. Her fat seeped between the cracks, already working at breaking it apart. Seats would be provided at the same rate that food was, with the staff working to accommodate her at every opportunity. It was a buffet operated by a child of Dionysus, fully kitted out to handle even the most gluttonous of gods and goddesses. Annabeth could be treated as she deserved here, a woman that was coming into her own as a deity of indulgence. She rocked forward, trying to scoop more foods towards her naked form. The seat underneath her bent in the middle, working to adapt to her growing size. Wheels had been bolted to the legs, allowing her to move without standing. Percy pushed her from dish to dish, with Annabeth eating until nothing was left. Her flabby arms were only used to pull food towards her. She ate with her mouth shoved into the piles.

Food slopped about her body, pushed with little concern for decorum or politeness. She had found her way to a pile of boneless wings. The tower of meat and sauce shifted, threatening to topple over in real time. The staff watching the vulgar display of eating watched the tower of food disappear in real time. Annabeth chomped loudly, spittle dripping down her face. She ate like a rapacious wolf, scarfing down whatever was closest to her face. Her stomach flapped between her thighs, swinging like a pendulum as she worked at the meal. She had to eat with physical momentum, using her natural jiggles and bounces to push and pull the food as needed. “Oooohhh. . .BBBLLLRRRUUUUP. . .thisch iscch. . .hooorrrruup. . .amazing!” She sang sloppy praises to the food presented to her. Truthfully, she hardly noticed the taste. Annabeth cared only that her gullet was getting filled. Taste was something that she could muse on when she was finally full, which was not likely to happen any time soon.


The binging had gone on another set of hours. Annabeth had run through every course at least once, with the kitchen restocking only her favorites from the first go round. “Mmmmm. . .more. . .hoff those. . .powdered doughballs.” She hummed, belched, and spat the words towards the servers. Without waiting to see if they heard, she turned to Percy. “Nextcch!” She clapped a hand to her gut, starting to feel it tightening. While still mostly soft and pliable fat, she was beginning to feel the core of her belly benign to harden with food. She continued to massage her gut as He pushed her down the line of tables. Annabeth traveled past a graveyard of foods and platters that she had utterly decimated. The scars of her battle were written as food stains upon her body. She licked what she could reach from her body as she traveled down the row of eaten platters. Annabeth started with her face, wiping her tongue around her chubby lips and puffy cheeks. Lost to pure hunger, she sucked food off of her fingers next. Her tongue fell between her fingers, now thickened to be bigger around that dry erase markers. Annabeth continued to clean herself, not afraid of hefting her breasts and slurping food off of them. Her mouth closed tentatively around one of her puffy nipples, sucking the food grease off.

“Alright, next stop on the Overweight Express.” Percy said, stopping in front of a table filled with a multilayered cake. “Better get at it, I hear they are bringing more desserts soon!”He reached down and slapped Annabeth’s ass. The resulting wave of blubber spread over her body slowly and without pause, rippling up as high as her armpits. Annabeth looked up at the cake, her mouth hanging open so that drool could slop out of her mouth. She had never seen anything so wonderful as that shining cake. The blonde woman dove towards the food, allowing gravity to pull her towards it. She landed with an impact that sent frosting and spongy cake flying. Annabeth didn’t seem to move at first, her jaw working to slurping and munch the cake down. Then, however, the undulations of more intense gorging began again. Her arms held the cake, flabby biceps sinking into the moist layers. The upper layers of the cake shifted and slid, flopping on top of Annabeth’s naked shoulders. She continued eating, uncaring of the confection sliding down her back. A large smear of icing was left after the cake’s passing. Percy shook his head with amusement. It was hard to imagine the uptight college student he once knew having descended into this mess of gluttony and sloth.

Percy’s musing continued even as the cake began to look like a well eroded cliff face. Little pebbles of batter dripped down onto Annabeth’s head. Her breasts were smeared with cake. They were drug back and forth as she ate, accumulating frosting. She was quickly becoming a sugary mess, her tanned fat covered with white icings and dotted with sprinkles. Unable to help herself, Annabeth would dip her face into her breast and greedily slurp the frosting out. The sounds of smacking lips and sucking filled the air. Her butt wiggled back and forth happily. The legs of the chairs began to bend, collapsing bit by bit under the weight of the frosted titaness. Percy, unable to contain himself, pressed in closely. He rubbed her stained folds, hands sinking into her blubber. He felt her tight stomach, it grew tighter as it amassed sustenance. Annabeth had eaten several days worth of food in a single meal. Her stomach had once again started to turn hard, to become as stuffed as it had been in the early days of her transition into indulgent goddess. Percy held on, immersing himself in her warm, creamy folds. With the rate she was eating it felt like she was growing in real time.


Hours passed at the buffet, with Annabeth continuing to slop food into her mouth. Her stomach now fell in front of her, visibly round. The stuffed core of her gut had become so huge that it prevented her from reaching tables. To adapt, staff now came by the college graduate with bowls, plates, and even funnels. They tipped the porcelain to her mouth and let the gravity do the work of feeding Annabeth. She consented with hurried nods, eyes feverish with the desire for more food. Full plates of Mongolian beef, fried rice, and orange chicken had been dumped into her. The kitchen simply cooked, not even considering what dishes were palatable with each other. The workers simply wanted to feed the hulking, humongous pile of divine blubber.

“How are you doing, Babe?” Percy called from a corner, awakened from a recent doze. His vigil over Annabeth was finally starting to lose its luster. He was happy to see her stuff herself, but found he lacked the stamina to watch. He sauntered over, grabbing a butcheek so drenched with food stains that it was hard to tell what her skin color was. “Feeling full yet?”

“Oooommgghp. . .not. . .uussscch. . .even cloesscch.” Annabeth spluttered as she rained a beef bowl of its broth. “Gonna. . .BBBLLLOORRRUUP. . .need muscch. . more.” She said, a wink showing her readiness to continue to push her limits.

Percy was hardly surprised. He had seen Ananbeth study for college exams and write papers. She would spend long and studious nights pouring over reference materials. Her combat training had been the same way. Annabeth was rigorous in everything she did, with gourmandizing being no different. She was the kind of woman that needed to throw her heart and soul into a project. Percy smirked as he realized that Annabeth had substituted architecture for bodybuilding, though in a somewhat warped way. As he once again felt and fondled her body, Percy debated telling her his epiphany. He decided to wait until she was in a listening mood. Instead he just held her, feeling her rippling bulk. One of her doughy hands squeezed his thigh before returning to helping one of the servers lower a plate into her mouth. Percy held the embrace until he felt a yawn coming on. “Well, you might have to finish without me.” he straightened, giving her another smack on the ass. “Don’t eat them out of business.”

“No. . .bbblloorrruup. . .promises!” Annabeth said, focusing turning instantly back to the plates hovering about her head. Preparing for another rain of delicious food, She leaned back and tucked her hands under her breasts. Her stomach was blissfully tight, packed with food to the point that it had started to turn red at the very tips. Her arms, weak from all the work of eating, could not hope to lift even a fraction of her stomach. Each plate brought her closer and closer to total fullness. She stopped even noticing individual meals, instead blending everything together in a binding mass of food and sensation. Annabeth felt food enter her mouth and fill her stomach, making the orb of fat start to explode outward. A dull throb and ache was starting to spread through her stomach, a pleasurable reminder of just how close she was flying to the sun. Her legs opened wide, trying to allow her stomach to rest pleasantly. The ring of fat around her gut drooped down, battling with her thigh fat for any free space. Her food stuffed paunch, meanwhile, continued to dominate everything that was before her. She felt close to reaching her utmost fullness, a point where she could no longer cram any more into her gullet. Unfortunately, the limitations of the buffet would be reached before then.

Annabeth noticed the servers slowing their feeding. Rather than four people feeding her at a time, it dropped to three. After several more plates it was only 2 people. Annabeth opened her eyes, seeing the other servers starting to clear up the piles of unwashed plates and bowls. Other workers were standing by with mops, ready to begin cleaning the floors; the only things more covered in food scraps than Annabeth herself. The demi-goddess tried to ignore these signs of the eventual end of her fun. A desperation started to fill her. She couldn’t be finished, she needed more. In a fit, she grabbed one of the plates and sucked down its contents. She licked the residue, hoping to be filled by any means necessary. It did little to compel the servers to keep working. Plate by plate, Annabeth finished what was offered to her. She ate until there was nothing left. Yet, even after the final plate had been licked clean, she was still hungry. Annabeth had cleared out an entire buffett but was still desperate for more.

--- Back to the Grill ---

Annabeth’s desires would not go unstated. Running on pure adrenaline, she would manage to haul herself into a standing position. Her gut rolled out in front of her as a hard and distinct orb draped in curtains of fat. She was covered with food from head to toe, her body dripping with sweat and the remnants of a thousand meals. She left without saying much, thinking only of the potential to find more food quickly. Annabeth wandered the streets, her nose guiding her. Even though there were hundreds of restaurants and food trucks, she sought out the only place that could truly serve her desires. The Heart Attack Grill. It would be the beginning and the end of her binge. She squeezed her breasts, needing to stir dopamine in other ways. Her mouth was open, drool curling out in thick ropes. Annabeth lumbered in great, heaving steps. Her stomach and breasts lurched from side to side, fatty pendulums that never ceased moving. Gurgles issued from her gut, begging for more food. Annabeth surrendered to her hunger, turning off the mind that had allowed her to excel at both mythical quests and mundanities like college. Tonight, she would be a rapacious, slavering beast driven by instinct alone. The crowds parted at her passing, allowing her to enter the building. Annabeth allowed her gut to open the doors for her, announcing her entrance with a bellicose belch. “BLLLOORRRUUUP. . .table for. . .one. She said, smiling.

The waitresses were quick to oblige. Two appeared next to Annabeth in a matter of seconds, dressed in their nurse costumes. They grabbed her doughy arms, leading her to a bench. The women could sense that Annabeth was special, that she had drank deeply of the magic that came from the grill. She had indulged, filled herself to the brim with the enhanced food. There was a secret to the grill’s success, one that involved a buyout from a certain Lotus themed hotel. They wove their magic deeply into the food, ensnaring many who came to the eatery. Annabeth had been different only in that she had wanted it to happen. She had wanted to be free of the responsibilities of finding a career and fulfilling her destiny as a daughter of Athena. Now, thanks to the Lotus Hotel, she was free to indulge. Her latest spree would take the form of plates of burgers and chilidogs. Annabeth grabbed one of the chilidogs, not care if the chili splashed on her body. The entire hotdog soon disappeared in her mouth.

Annabeth was back. The down time between the buffet and now had only allowed a portion of her appetite to return. She was again ready to drown herself in food. Each hand held a hotdog, abnormally large bites taken out of them. They were not eaten so much as they were eviscerated. “Mmmgghpph. . .MOOOORE!” The blonde goddess called, wanting to be fed. She fanned her face with her hands, flushing with the erotic pleasure of out of control eating. Her fat spread across the bench, much of it floating in empty air. Patrons could not see how enormously fat Annabeth was, but they could feel it. Everyone in the restaurant awed at the vision of gluttony before their eyes. Waitresses used funnels to pour sodas into  Annabeth’s mouth. If she had been a smaller woman, she might have drowned in the deluge of sugar. Likewise, other waitresses piled food onto plates and held it before Annabeth. She opened wide, her mouth never ceasing to move, and allowed food to be shoveled into her. The orb of fullness centered in her paunch grew ever larger. It pressed on her chest, making her wheeze and gasp for air. Annabeth’s stuffing grew ever wilder. She wanted to return to Percy in the most dangerously filled state she had ever been in.

--- In the Bedroom ---

“HOOOORRRUUUUP. . .Peeerccccyy. . .” Annabeth tried to whisper, but failed. She swayed in the door frame, struggling to stand. Her belly bounced before her, finally filled. It was almost perfectly round, with only the hint of flab resting around the edges of it. The weight of her stomach was a confused mixture of pleasure and pain. It was like she was holding an entire human in her stomach. When her hands slapped it, drumlike noises bellowed outward. Annabeth had lurched home from the grill to choruses of strangled stomach gurgles. Now, standing at the door of the hotel room, her stomach filled the darkness with the noise of digestion. Annabeth tried to shimmy forward, her ass shaking. She was met with resistance from the doorframe. It had been dicey getting her out. Now, returning with a wrecking ball strapped to her stomach and hips that had already begun to swell, Annabeth couldn’t hope to pass through the wooden frame. At least, she couldn’t hope to pass through without incidental damage.

“Hooo-OOORRRUUP-neeey.” Annabeth cooed, preparing for her entrance. Annabeth pushed into the door, shaking and shimmying her body in any direction possible. Her bulk filled the door, pushing around the sides and cracking the frame. Annabeth pushed and shoved, twisting her bulk as best she could. She moaned as her gigantic stomach knocked into the frame, feeling once again the pain of being stuffed. Her thighs fought to push past each other in order to enter the room. Tension built along the frame of the door, with spiderweb cracks brimming outwards. The plaster flaked and dribbled off the walls. Boards buried deep in the walls warped as Ananbeth continued to push and shove. She put a hand to either side of the frame, trying to find anyway forward. The walls shifted visibly, rocking in time with Annabeth’s movements. Sweat pooled on the floor, dripping from her struggle. She slowly slid into the room, each inch purchased with struggle. Her ass caught, bunched up as she tried to drain her body into the cool darkness. Annabeth licked her lips, eyes widening as she felt the foundations of the walls popping and cracking. Finally, the damage was too much and the frame collapsed around her. In a wave of dust and debris, Annabeth was able to enter the room.

She waddled forward, her footsteps little more than ungraceful stomps. Her calf fat slapped the floor, having long buried her ankles and her heel. Annabeth waddled with arms held out to her sides, needing to balance. Her stomach pushed forward, working to push any stray objects out of the way. Chairs, suitcases, and other sundry objects were all dominated and shoved away as the blonde demi-goddess sought out her boyfriend. “Peeeercy. . .let’s. . .OOOORRUUP. . .have some. . .BBBLOORRUUP. . .fun.” Her speech was even more broken up by belches than normal. Annabeth’s gut was quickly trying to digest the food packed into it, hoping to free up space. “BBBUURRRUUP. Come. . .uuuffh. . .to. . .aaahh. . .mama!” Annabeth wheezed as she reached the bed. Her eyes gleamed as she looked down on Percy. He was pretending to sleep, obviously awaiting whatever romantic fun she had in store. Annabeth did not plan on disappointing him.

Percy lay with his eyes closed, feeling his cock growing harder by the second. A huge, heavy, sweaty gut was inches away from his face. He could feel it resting on the mattress, her strained breaths making it dance. Percy longed to caress it, as he did the rest of Annabeth’s body, but restrained. He wanted to see where her erotic machinations were heading. This was her night, so he let her lead. His doubts only came when he felt the floor shaking as Annabeth turned around. Slowly, the heavy gut was dragged off of the bed and allowed to flop freely once more. Annabeth said nothing, continuing to put all her remaining energy into turning around. Percy grew more and more curious. Finally, dying to know what she was planning, he opened his eyes. Percy’s vision was filled with a titanic ass, one that was descending towards him quickly.

“I. . .BBBLLURRRUUP. . .neeed you. . .PERCY!” Annabeth screamed as she let her body drop onto the mattress. Her tonnage landed hard, utterly covering Percy’s upper torso. Wasting no time, Annabeth began to gyrate her hips. Blubber flew in all directions as she built up momentum. Her enormous buttcheeks buffetted Percy’s face and chest, dominating him with their sheer size. Annabeth giggled as she felt Percy struggling underneath her. From his struggling, it was hard for Annabeth to tell if he was loving it or trying to escape. His hands clapped and slapped her thighs, fingers pressing into her dimples like they were control buttons. “Fuuuuccck me!” She yelled, continuing to ride her boyfriend’s face. Her stomach lay upon the rest of his body, keeping him well and truly pinned. She could feel his cock rubbing against her belly folds and thighs. Judging by his hardness, he was enjoying the experience.

Percy swam in a world of darkness, sultry heat, and perpetual movement. His lean arms flexed as he tried to roll his girlfriend over. He gained new appreciation for Atlas and his ability to hold the skies up. He strained against Ananbeth’s shifting, sliding blubber. Slowly, using strength that could only come from one of the three preeminent gods, Percy managed to slide Annabeth off of him just enough that he could escape. He rolled out and into fresh air, now no longer getting crushed by his girlfriend’s bulk. As he recovered, Percy turned back to her. Annabeth was laying on the bed, no longer able to support her own weight. Her bulk spread over the bed in nearly immobile majesty. Light from the moon was caught and reflected by beads of sweat and food. Her hips hung off of the bed on either side, now so large that they filled a king sized bed. She toyed with her breasts, shaking them towards Percy. He caught just the sliver of her lips, easily able to tell that she was saying “fuck me.” Percy needed no further invitation. He launched himself back into bed.

Annabeth was laid down, head resting on pillows. Percy mounted her, pulling back her curtain of belly fat with one arm just as he spread her legs with the other. Then, shortly after, his cock penetrated her. She shivered and moaned as he began to pump. They were slow at first, with him warming up. He felt blood rushing to his member, eager to please himself and his girlfriend. He thrust more, picking up speed and strength. He rode Annabeth like she was a sea, feeling her more as a body of water than a person. “Gods above. . .you’re huge.” He said, marveling at her size. Each thrust renewed the passion between the two. Annabeth tried her best to gyrate in concert with Percy’s strokes, but soon gave up. Her strength had been used to attain this size, it was now Percy’s job to make use of it for their dual benefit. Slapping sounds filled the room as Percy’s muscular pelvis ran up against Ananbeth’s wet fupa. He worked harder and faster, building momentum and carnal desire. Annabeth's fat was something to be coaxed into action, rather than forced. He leaned forward, placing kisses on The wall of belly fat jiggling above him.

Annabeth grabbed the sheets, holding on for dear life as Percy pounded her. His thrusts were strong and quick. Each new gyration of his hips translated into waves of spreading jiggles and pleasure. She felt her pussy grow wet and excited, unable to contain her animalistic lust. She screamed wordless joys, happy to be fucked by the man she loved. Her breasts lay under her arms, working as gigantic pillows to prop her flabby biceps up. Her legs had been spread wide, but their rolls still touched. She felt connected: with Percy, with her fat, with the bed struggling to hold her. As Percy became ever more enticed, the bed started to lose screws. Boards cracked and nails bent. The bed had already struggled to hold the pair. Now, with the furious lovemaking, it was bordering on total collapse. “Huuuuuh-harder. . .oooooh. . .Percy. . .fffuuuuUUUCCCK MMEEE!” Annabeth screamed, her chins slapping against the upper portions of her breasts. The bed shuddered more and more, shaking even more violently than Annabeth’s flab. The immense woman could feel one of the legs about to go. Percy was unstoppable, a tide of sexual energy pressed into human form. Annabeth, Percy, and the bed were on their final legs.

It happened all at once. Percy and Ananbeth stiffened in unison, both climaxing at the same time. With one terrific shove, Percy completed his lovemaking. However, that shove was enough to break the bed. The legs went out at once, all either cracking or falling in different directions. The bed dropped, crashing onto the floor. Percy was dumped sideways, thrown from his mount on Annabeth. Annabeth stayed with the bed, her landing ensuring that it would be damaged beyond repair. The supports holding her cracked and shattered. The entire room shook as Ananbeth landed, the floor underneath her sagging down. The room was quiet after the landing, with only the sounds of the two lovers breathing and the creaking of broken furniture filling the night.

Percy slowly slunk back onto the bed. He cuddled up to his immense girlfriend, burying himself in her folds. She was warmer than any blanket. Annabeth nuzzled back, accepting Percy eagerly. With their energies depleted, the two could only hold each other as sleep came. Annabeth snuggled down into her folds, allowing herself to rest. FRRRRRMMMTTTH! She farted, pushing out the last bits of strength she had. Her stomach gurgled, digesting the food which she had devoured earlier. She would wake tomorrow, fatter and hornier than before. A deep smile crept over her face, it had been a good trip in Vegas.

--- Proposal ---

Percy awoke in darkness and covered in Ananbeth’s fat. The night had allowed for her to digest her meal and turn it into godly fat. The sheer amount of calories that she had ingested was now revealed to Percy as he rolled and struggled in the aftermath of it. He rode waves of fat, submerged in a cave of supple flesh. He moved, as lost as a hiker caught in an avalanche. It was hard to know which direction would lead him out of the tunnel. He crawled hand over hand, blubber pressing him from all sides. The young demi-god’s back was bent over an unidentified roll. Every so often he could hear a muffled belch or snore from Annabeth as she slumbered. Light began to trickle into the world once more, the rolls parting as Percy reached the end of the end of the blubber tunnel. He rolled out, sliding down a slope of fat lubricated by sweat. Percy slid until he hit a wall that was made concave by the sheer weight pressing upon it. He looked upwards, taking in the full grandeur of Annabeth’s blobby majesty.

She was a spreading mass of blubber, reaching all four corners of the room with ease. Fat lapped and shook the room, moving like water in a swimming pool. Her breasts were oblong couches of fat, bouncing like buoys on an ocean. Annabeth had her divinity to thank for the perkiness afforded to her breasts, making them perky despite their immensity.The wall leading to the bathroom had succumbed and was demolished by her blubbery belly. Throughout the night her gut had advanced like a glacier, crushing everything in its path. She had bent water fixtures and crack plaster. The bathroom was utterly overrun by stomach blubber, just as the back of the room was dominated by her titanic booty. The beds in the room had been flattened and rendered into dust by her voluminous cheeks. Annabeth’s ass pressed into the glass door leading towards the balcony, even growing up the wall of glass. Further, Annabeth’s bulbous booty flooded up the wall, towering above Percy as an edifice to bottom heavy beauty. The ceiling was starting to warp as her butt pushed against it.

Percy looked on at Annabeth, almost lost in the constant motion. The parts of Annabeth he could pick out paled in comparison to the parts he could not identify or see. Her arms and legs were lost in the sea of rolls, long buried by an advancing tide of blubber. Her round, moon face lay at the peak of the fat; still snoozing away.  Her face was obscured by her cheeks and her neck had all but disappeared. She seemed to have fused with her body, face even sinking slightly below the surface of her fat. It was her blonde hair that really marked where her head was. A trail of golden locks flowed down what had once been defined shoulders, showing a pathway for Percy to climb in order to find her.

Percy shook his head, too excited to think what the consequences of this might be. Years of maturity and responsibility were drained away as he enjoyed Ananbeth’s new body. Percy tried to walk up her bulk, but was reduced to crawling by the sheer amount of jiggling under his hands and feet. Her body shifted back and forth as he clambered up her, sometimes slipping on the sweaty folds. When he finally reached her summit, Percy lay between her breast folds. Eager to speak to her, he tapped her on the nose lightly.

Annabeth’s eyes opened slowly and dreamily. She smacked her lips, trying to focus. “Percy. . .OOOOHHHRRRUUUUPP. . .lemme sleep. . .a bit. . .more.” Her breath was labored and slow. She started to yawn again, but another belch slipped out instead. “You could. . .bring me. . .a scchhnack though.” She said offhandedly.

“Wasn’t sure if you would still be full.” He reached down and patted fat that might have belonged to her gut or upper chest. With so much, it was hard to tell. “You kind of made a mess of things.” His smile was wry as he spoke.

Annabeth frowned, trying to understand what he was getting at. She tried to sit up, but found she was unable. More than that, she found that she could not even move her arms. With growing awareness, she sobered up out of her dream state. Her eyes widened as she took in her new body. “Woah. . .” Was all she could manage at first. Knowledge of her new body came to her quickly from there, excitement growing in her chest. She soon began to drool, excited saliva coming down her face as she realized what a monster she had become. “Percy. . .mmgghp. . .BBBLOOORRRUUUP. . .I’m. . .schoo. . .huge.” She said, eyes as big as saucers.

“What do you think of it?” Percy asked, already knowing his answer.

“Issscch. . .oooouurrup. . .mmmhmm. . .amazing!”

“You don’t miss being, you know, mobile?” Percy asked, toying with one of her sweaty, drool covered chin rolls. “No more architecture, no more Ivy League schools.”

“Not. . .at. . .all!” She wiggled fat hands nearly buried by immense rolls of flab. “Thiscch. . .issch me. . .now.”

Percy laughed, trying to find a good segue into his own thoughts. “You might need someone to take care of you. . .a loving husband perhaps?” He would have reached for her hand, if he could have found it.

Oh. . .Percy!” Annabeth’s eyes grew as wet as her chins. Her blubber begant o jiggle violently as she struggled to move her arms again. While she could not hug Percy, she could at least try. The room shook as the blob of divine fat attempted to embrace her lover. She succeeded only in dislodging something held deep within her. BRRRRMMMMTTTP! The fart burst out, shaking the back windows her butt was pressed up against. Not spared from her own expulsion, Annabeth’s rolls rippled like a pond in a rainstorm. Percy rolled back and forth, almost thrown from his spot by the sheer magnitude of the movements. The room around the pair vibrated, boards shifting and sliding under both the force of Annabeth’s fart and the subsequent fury of her jiggles. Percy took the flurry of movement and release of gasses as an acceptance of his offer.

He kissed Annabeth, face sinking into her blubber. She was wet and warm, eager to be toyed with orally. Percy kissed his fiance, having to do more of the work. Annabeth’s new heaviness was immediately apparent. She struggled to keep up with Percy, already tired even though she had just awakened. Percy could feel her resting, sliding back into the swamp of rolls that was her upper shoulders. He pursued her, slipping deep into the blubber face that she had created for herself. The two continued kissing, letting noises of their oral fun fill the room. There would be time for marriage and transportation arrangements later. For now, the two engaged lovers just wanted to enjoy each other’s presence.


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