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Tags: Extreme weight gain, Shorstack TF, Personality change

Slightly belated holiday prompt! Hope you all enjoy! 

--- Near the End of November ---

Mark ran his hand through his girlfriend’s hair, marveling at how soft it was. Chi-Chi, his girlfriend, kept her hair short and fluffy. She was the kind of woman that prided herself on her maturity. Despite only being 23, Chi-Chi had worked her way into a position of prominence at a law firm. Tall, thin, and quick witted, there was little doubt that she would make partner within a couple years. She dressed professionally at every opportunity, almost never seen in anything less than business casual. Mark enjoyed her pomp and circumstance, finding it refreshing compared to the hoards of sorority women that he had dated in the past. Chi-Chi wanted to be refined and cultured. Her life was spent working her way up the corporate ladder, using that as a means of entering high society. Though she had never said anything openly, Mark had guessed long ago that Chi-Chi wanted to escape an upbringing that was less than cultured. He had only seen this level of drive and forced sophistication from people trying to hide from their past. He minded little, Chi-Chi was worth loving in any context.

“Happy Thanksgiving.” Mark said, ruffling Chi-Chi’s hair. He pulled her closer, putting her lanky body under his arm. The pair seemed to be opposite. Mark was stocky but thickly muscled and Chi-Chi was tall and wispy. There was the hint of comedy to a man barely over 5’7 walking around with a woman over six feet, but Mark enjoyed that. He had done the impossible for the short kings of the world.

“You as well, dear.” Chi-Chi said, resting a hand on Mark’s thigh. Chi-Chi was always reserved, formal and polite even in the privacy of Mark’s home. She held herself to the sort of formality that ancient royalty would have. Which, given her beauty, was understandable. Her features were angelic, the kind that only existed in pockets of Scandinavia. She was like a Viking princess. Even now she fidgeted uncomfortably under Mark’s petting. Her hand gracefully reached up and moved his. She slid it away, hating and loving the feeling of his fingers moving through her brown hair. “This has been a wonderful holiday.” She said, not wanting to be too rude. Mark let his hand be removed and put back in his lap, though he noticed something. A hair had come away with his hand.

Mark laughed, holding up the hair. It was colored like polished silver, almost white. “Uh-oh! Gray hair. Someone’s been working too hard.” Mark laughed, not noticing the worry that crossed over Chi-Chi’s face.

--- December Begins ---

Chi-Chi walked hurriedly down the streets of the city, trying to ignore the decorations. New York had been decorated in all its glory, with brilliant hues of red and green announcing the coming of the holiday season. With sidewalks that held fresh coverings of powdered snow, Chi-Chi walked through a Christmas wonderland. She hated it. Her eyes were plastered to the ground, attempting to keep the sights of tinsel and pine trees away. She instead looked at her bouncing belly. It had formed seemingly overnight, somehow manifesting between the end of thanksgiving and the beginning of the new month. It was round and cute, the sort of thing that might form when a woman has started to enjoy the sweets of the season. Only, Chi-Chi had not changed her rigorous diet in the slightest. She had intensified her workout schedule and only reduced her calories by ten percent. The fat that had accumulated had arrived by magic if nothing else. The thought made her angry. Her step quickened. She wanted to reach her law office as quickly as possible.

“Why is this happening now?” Chi-Chi said, running a hand through her hair. No other gray hairs had been spotted, but she had noticed her hair starting to lighten. It was hardly noticeable, not even worth being called a dye. She had gone from dark chocolate colored hair to milk chocolate. “Everything was so perfect.” Chi-Chi, in a rare burst of anger, huffed out loud. She continued walking down the street, feeling her heels click against the pavement. Many women around her had already switched to fashionable boots and other shoes that would do well in snow. Chi-Chi, out of pure spite and defiance of the season, had kept her small feet locked in their heeled cages.

She passed by a long row of windows, a department store with its stately Christmas lights burning their glory out into the cool air. Chi-Chi fought the urge to look, knowing exactly what she would see. A glance would reveal a woman who had put on holiday chub. Her butt was thicker, jiggling in her gray and white pants. Her thighs rubbed slightly, their former gap closing by the day. Chi-Chi’s breasts were in contention with her butt for which attribute wanted to dance and shake more. They, much like the rest of Chi-Chi’s body, had gone from artfully curvy to poster pinup levels of size in short order. The tall woman tried her best to ignore the windows and their hateful reflections of her changing body, but relented. Poise and dignity could only work as defenses from morbid curiosity for so long. Without slowing her furious pace, she turned her head and looked. She saw a woman bordering on chubby, fighting to keep her new curves restricted by business clothing. It was as expected. What was unexpected, however, was how tempting the chocolates past the mirror looked.

Chi-Chi stared at them, marveling at how round and plump the small chocolates were. The confection master was just beginning to pump cream into them, injecting it was a little cooking syringe. Creams of different kinds went racing into the chocolates, making them gain even more mass. The dark haired woman looked on, mouth watering. She had always avoided chocolate, especially the kitschy holiday varieties. She would turn her nose up at candy canes, chocolate truffles, and even snowman cookies. Yet, as she stood there that day, Chi-Chi was tempted in a way she hadn’t been before. Her fists clenched and she felt both worry and excitement course through her veins. She continued walking, hoping to escape the chocolates. She continued watching the candy shop, feeling like the glass window went on indefinitely. Beyond the chef, there was table after table of well wrapped and packaged candy. The boxes sat waiting like puppies for adoption, with smart looking golden bows as extra incentive. She would not just be buying sweets, she would be buying art.

Chi-Chi’s nails bit into her hand as she tried to crush the temptation with pain. Despite walking faster and faster, she could not escape her feelings. With each step her butt, plumped up and jiggly, seemed to point her towards the candy shop. In frustration, Chi-Chi put her hands to her side and tried to smooth her pants. The motion helped a little, until she reached the end of the store. The door was propped open, allowing the delicious smells from inside to float out into the world. Besides chocolate, Chi-Chi’s nose detected well iced scones and cake pops. It was the promise of those warm baked goods that finally caused Chi-Chi to crumble. Without a second thought she ducked into the shop and started planning her order. When she next left, two bags of treats were around her arms.

--- December 10th ---

“Morning.” Mark said as he walked into the bathroom where Chi-Chi was getting ready for the day. She was leaning against the sink, trying to ignore that her gut was falling into the sink. Chi-Chi’s weight had jumped up as the first week and a half of december had passed. Weight was shuffling onto her body at an impressive rate, filling her out even more in a shorter timespan. It was undeniable that she had passed 200 pounds, and was probably getting ready to reach 230 within another week. Chi-Chi was downright fat and she hated it. She purposely was not upgrading parts of her wardrobe in order to minimize the jiggling she felt whenever she walked. In her mind there was a heated debate between letting her fat jiggle freely or her panty line showing whilst she was at work. Thus far, Chi-Chi had chosen the latter. However, if her butt continued to grow, she would not have to worry about panty lines. Already, much of her pairs of underwear had been turned into thongs. She boasted a large and hungry butt, one ready to suck in any silky fabric. Chi-Chi hated that as well, despising how sexual her formerly thin body was becoming. She felt less serious and more like a floozy, some bimbo with a huge butt and equally ridiculous breasts. Though, she did not exactly hate the attention Mark was paying her.

“You’re funny, you know that.” Mark continued, grabbing fistfuls of Chi-Chi’s booty blubber. He lightly squeezed and toyed with the bouncy orbs, making them dance to his whims. Chi-Chi stiffened at first, unused to being toyed with. Her body used to be an art installation, existing to be observed and only handled in the most dire of circumstances. Thus far, she had only ever allowed Mark to handle her like this. Slowly, as he continued to massage her thick mass of ass fat, she relaxed. Chi-Chi leaned forward, putting her forehead against the glass of the vanity mirror. He continued to squeeze and mold her butt before speaking, enjoying the physical closeness. “Last night you were humming Christmas carols in your sleep. I’ve never heard of anyone doing that. Took a while, but you are finally getting in the holiday spirit.” Mark laughed at the story, but Chi-Chi instantly tensed. Her butt retracted away from Mark’s hands as her whole body tightened. He knew he had said something wrong, but wasn’t sure what.

“I did not, you must have misheard.” Chi-Chi’s voice was flat. She spun away from Mark, sliding down the sink until she reached one of her snowy white facial towels. She patted her face, hoping that Mark would go away and she could finish getting ready. Her stomach helped polish the marble countertops, swinging back and forth as she pretended to dry her face. Unfortunately, Mark did not leave.

“I’m pretty sure you did.” He laughed, enjoying her denying the obvious. To him it was funny to see someone as self-serious as Chi-Chi break character in her sleep. It was doubly funny to see her trying to deny it the day after. “Deck the Halls, Rudolf, Santa’s Coming to Town. You sang all the hits, babe.” He leaned on the sink, looking up and into Chi-Chi’s eyes. Usually, because of their height difference, she felt so unapproachable. Today, however, it felt like they were closer. She was less of the frozen ice queen, and more human. “It was cute!”

“It most certainly was not!” In a rare burst of emotion, Chi-Chi tossed the hand towel she had been using on the floor. She stood and crossed her arms. “Especially because it did not happen.” She looked away and stomped her foot, making sure her point was solidified. “Did. Not. Happen.” With each word she brought her chubby calf down. Her fat bounced with each petulant stamp, shaking her from head to toe. Her crossed arms pushed her large breasts up, letting them burst out of the top of her bra. Mark saw vividly red nipples which had become pointed in all the excitement. “We shouldn’t even be talking about this foolishness. I have work to do.”

Mark was stunned into silence. He had never even seen the hint of such petulant emotion from Chi-Chi. Other girlfriends he had dated in the past had their moments, but Chi-Chi had always been so stoic. Luckily, his past experiences had given Mark some ability to deal with a bratty girlfriend. “Sorry, sorry.” He said calmly and approached Chi-Chi. His hands wrapped around her wide hips, pulling her into a strong hug. “You’re right, I must have imagined it.” His voice was calm and soothing. He had little trouble letting Chi-Chi believe what she wanted to. Mark rationalized that her weight gain must be at the center of the meltdown. It wasn’t easy to jump up several clothes sizes in the middle of picture season. “I won’t bring it up again, if you can forgive me.” He said, trying to smooth things over. Mark had little trouble taking the blame, there were bigger things to worry about. He was already wondering how he was going to tell Chi-Chi that he liked the weight she was putting on.

--- December 17th ---

“Oooohh come on!” Chi-Chi strained to reach the top of her office bookcase. Despite wearing heels, she could not get her fingers up to the binder she was trying to reach. “Stupid. . .thing!” The ice queen again felt another tantrum coming on as she struggled. As she strained her paunch jutted out into books and other things on her shelves, knocking them away. Likewise, her breasts did the same a level above. She was doing an impressive job of cluttering and ruining her order office, but a poor job of retrieving the files she was after. “Not fair! Uuuugggggh!” She pouted as she tried to reach. 300 pounds worth of fat slammed against the bookcase, making it hit the wall. The entire apparatus teetered, threatening to topple over. Chi-Ch continued to struggle, jumping a little as she worked. Her stomach flopped out of her shirt, wiggling as a singular roll. The sensible skirt she wore looked far less sensible as her gigantic ass bobbled back and forth. Each wild attempt and subsequent failure made her mood worsen. Her movements became erratic and less coordinated. Making everything worse was the knowledge that she had been able to reach this shelf only days ago. Chi-Chi had been getting shorter.

“Aaaah! I can’t!” Chi-Chi gave up in a blaze of unrestrained emotions. “Stupid, useless, junk!” She kicked the bookcase before sinking down slowly towards the floor. Her butt hit, sending a noticeable thump through the room. Chi-Chi sat with her legs spread, allowing her gut to droop between her legs. She sat for a moment, breathing rapidly. Her bra was strained, tighter than it ought to be because of her refusal to buy new clothes. Each breath brough the buttons on her shirt closer to popping off. Already, they bit into her cleavage and stomach. For a moment Chi-Chi grew still, but that lasted only a moment. “STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!” She hit and kicked the ground, her temper finally bursting out. Her small fists pummeled the floor, hitting in sync with her heels. Her gut bounced violently in all directions, freed from where it had been tucked into her clothes. “I hate this! Why did this have to happen this year!” She continued her tirade. “I’ve done everything right!” She ran her hands through her hair, which was a shade lighter than it normally was. “AAAAAAHH, STUPID. FUCKING. HOLIDAY!” She screamed before falling into a crumpled ball.

Chi-Chi sulked in her depleted state, unwilling to think at all. The longer she could stay quiet and thoughtless the better. “This holiday sucks so much.” She said quietly, trying to make her voice devoid of any and all emotion. Yet, the petulance behind her words was still noticeable. Slowly, however, Chi-Chi began to pull herself together. She forced herself up and into a seated position. Though her stomach was bared to the world, she tugged on her button up shirt, trying to straighten the forming wrinkles. Sighing, she started to stand. Her butt wobbled back and forth as she tried to get her shorter legs underneath herself. It was hard to move a body that seemed to be constantly changing. Every day seemed to bring a new set of annoyances to Chi-Chi. Weight gain, constant cravings, hair color lightening, and now shrinkage. It was more than one woman could bear. Her voluminous ass bounced against one of the shelves. In a flash of childish anger, Chi-Chi gave a half-twerk. Her heavy cheeks destroyed the shelf, letting the papers fall wildly. Satisfied, she stood up fully.

Chi-Chi tugged her appearance back together as best she could manage. She stuffed her gut back under shirt, creating a bulge of belly fat which made her look nearly pregnant. Her shirt followed after. Though still close to another tantrum, she at least looked a little more put together. As a final moment of weakness, she took out her phone and texted Mark. I don’t want to hear anything about it. . .but could you buy me some cookies? Hard day. Chi-Chi texted him, somewhat hating herself for restoring to such common girlfriend sympathy tactics. Brushing the guilt aside with more emotion, she tucked the phone back into her pocket. Chi-Chi stepped out of her office seconds later, trying to find someone to help her as well as think of excuses to give for the state of her office.

--- December 20th ---

“Maaaarrrk. . .do we have any more candy?” Chi-Chi called from the couch. She had polished off a bag of peanut butter cups in the shapes of Christmas bells and reindeer faces. Christmas was five days away and Chi-Chi had never been more in the spirit of the holiday. She had taken off work for the first time in years, a surprise to both herself and the office. However, given the state of her body, the office had not fought her. To everyone it seemed that Chi-Chi was in a Christmas themed freefall, a spiral that was costing her professionally and personally. Chi-Chi flitted in and out of cognizance of her situation, burying her dismay between bags of sweets and cheesy Christmas movies. She had binged on everything of value in the first days of her freedom from work and instead moved to the dregs of Christmas sensation. Candy without proper brands and movies too cheap to be released anywhere other than daytime television filled the apartment. The only thing taking up more space than cheap holiday festivities was Chi-Chi herself. “I could use. . .BOOOORRRUUP. . .go for some candy canes! Oooooo, and some hot chocolate!”

Chi-Chi’s changes had only intensified as the month had gone on. Undeniably, there seemed to be some element of magic being applied to what or who she was becoming. As Mark took peaks from the kitchen, he could only marvel at how his girlfriend had merged with their couch. It was not that Chi-Chi took up the couch, she practically was the couch. The constant decrease in height, a slow draining of inches, was matched handily by an increase in width. It was not just that fat was pouring onto her, though that was true. It was that her physical composition was changing. Her hips grew wider, turning from slim curves into robust partial wagon wheels. It had gone beyond birthing hips, becoming something of pure sensuality. Her breasts had continued to grow as well. A highly out-of-season comparison, but Chi-Chi’s chest apples had grown and bloated into full pumpkins. She fiddled with them constantly, not used to having to arrange her bust. Her plump fingers spent their time fondling her breasts in the pursuit of “comfortable resting” and twisting her lengthening hair.

“Another pack to hold you over, while I get us some cozy drinks!” Mark tossed the bag of candy canes lightly, in the middle of trying to prepare gallon’s worth of hot chocolate. His strong arms had no trouble with tossing the light bag of peppermint sugar. However, Chi-Chi made a clumsy attempt at catching it. The 500 pound shorty flopped her arms in a barely passable attempt at a catch. The bag bounced off her head and rolled down her voluminous stomach, landing on one of her pajama pant covered legs.

“Oooooowww! Maaaark!” Chi-Chi Whined, rubbing her forehead. Her voice had gotten higher in pitch, contrasting with the depths of her girth. “Next time you have to bring it! On a silver platter.” She huffed, almost unwilling to take the gently thrown candy. It seemed to have been presented without pomp and circumstance, robbing the fun of the holiday from her. However, the temptation was too great and she was soon tearing into the bag. Her fat fingers pulled out a selection of unbroken candy canes. She shoved them into her mouth, puffing them like they were cigars. “Cocoooooo next!” She said, quick to give Mark orders. He shook his head and continued working. Sugar seemed to be the only way to soothe his unruly, bratty girlfriend. Trying to be deciduous when he argued with her, he thought it better to put time and energy into his drink making.

The rest of the coco making went by without issue, but Mark felt nervous excitement building as he worked. He knew he had to address what had been happening with Chi-Chi. When we approached her, the little plate the mug rested on was shaking. The anticipation in what he might uncover was getting to him. “Chi-Chi, I think we need to talk.” Mark said, sliding into the smidgen of free space that was left. Wedged between the arm rest and a wealth of thigh fat, Mark had little place to go. He knew that Chi-Chi, with her weight gain and shrinkage, had even less choices. “What’s going on with you?”

“Uuuuhhhm. . .nothing.” Chi-Chi said quickly, taking the coco. She took a prolonged sip, hoping to stall Mark out.

“Come on, you think I don’t notice?” Mark leaned over, poking a finger into her gut and then pointedly patting her head. He drew a line between their heads. She had once easily been taller than him, even when sitting. Now, however, the difference in height had been reversed.

“Woooooow, so rude! A woman’s weight is none of a man’s business.” She huffed, swishing her head back and forth. Hair that had gone from black to blonde fell about her shoulders. Trimming the flaxen waterfall did nothing, as it grew back within half a day. Chi-Chi had simply gotten too lazy to trim it anyway. Everyday her hair grew several inches. By Christmas it would reach down her back and graze her voluminous butt. “I had better hear an apology soon.” She stamped her foot, shaking the apartment.

“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” Mark was stalwart, but not unkind. “I just want to know why my chilly, tall, lawyer girlfriend has turned into such an imp.” Mark tried to find the right words, unfortunately his choice of magical creature was far off.

“Imp! I have NEVER been so offended.” Angry enough that her hair started to stand on end, Chi-Chi made to shove Mark off the couch. “As if I could ever turn into such a nasty, filthy creature as an imp! You might as well have compared me to a cockroach.” The heavily padded shortstacks arms struggled to reach past her gut in order to reach Mark. Pathetic, humiliating attempts at shoving the stocky man were made. Chi-Chi’s fat shook back and forth, her immense breasts pummeling Mark more than her fists. The couch groaned under her weight, struggling to hold her after days of eating and lounging. Her fists tapped on Mark’s chest, little more than toy hammers. “Are all humans as rude and nasty as you? I thought I was with a gentleman!”

“Humans?” Mark asked in surprise, catching the slip.

“Shut-uuuuuuup!” Chi-Chi tried to silence Mark with one last push, but the couch gave way. The end Mark was sitting on crumpled, throwing them both back. He slid back hitting the floor. Seconds later, Chi-Chi tumbled onto him. Her fat slid like a falling ice pack, freed from a larger glacier. Her breasts framed his face whilst her stomach and hips totally obscured his body. The only parts of Mark still visible were his feet, showing again the height difference that had sprang up. Chi-Chi sloshed back and forth, her fat continuing to move even after she had stopped. It was like she was a perpetual motion device, powered by candy and holiday spirit. She tried to push off of Mark or roll away, but could not get her arms to obey. Instead, she pouted, laying on top of him. Mark did not move or say anything, instead letting quietness fill the house. Chi-Chi whimpered or tried to move on occasion, but even that faded.

“You ready to talk?” Mark asked after minutes of unobstructed silence. His voice was muffled and speaking made her breasts shift back and forth.

“Fine.” She took a deep sigh, her breasts seeming to expand. “I’m an elf. Like, toys and reindeer, merriment all day long, North Pole elf.” Chi-Chi smoldered as she made her confession. Frustrated by having to admit her life story, she thumped a fist onto the floor. Her body rolled over Mark’s, burying him further in gloriously soft and magical pudge. “My actual name is. . .Christmas Cheer. . .so Chi-Chi.” Having to even say her name was enough for the fat woman to stop and just her bottom lip out. Mark felt her body getting warmer as she grew more petulant and filled with impotent rage. “But I hated all of that stupid stuff, so I ran away and became a human.”

“Obviously not so successfully.” Mark chimed in, squeezing a wall of hip fat. “What’s all this then.”

“VERY successful, thank you. . .until this year.” Chi-Chi added the last part quietly. “I dunno, my glamour is messed up.” Chi-Chi ran through the thoughts in her mind, working through things she had guessed at long ago. “Obvi my body wants to be an elf again, but I’ve been a human for so long, so I’m stuck between the two.” She sighed. “That’s why I’m short and can’t stop eating snacks.”

“Maybe that explains the brattiness too.” Mark mused. “Spunkiness of an elf, but self-centeredness of a human?”

“I’m NOT a brat!” Chi-Chi pushed her breasts together, smothering Mark. He floundered under the large assault of boob blubber. “You are a meany though! Stop bullying me!” She continued to drown his face in cleavage, not allowing him air until his movements slowed. Mark had clasped his hand deep on one of her buttcheeks for safety, but the hold was loosened as oxygen fled his brain. He slumped to the ground and Chi-Chi freed him from her soft prison of fat. “Either way, you have to take care of me! I’m stuck this way at least until Christmas comes.” Chi-Chi allowed her bratty side full reign of her desires, almost rubbing it into Mark. “I want Christmas movies on repeat, carols sung whenever I want, and as much candy and as many cookies as I can eat!” She tapped his forehead again. “I’m owed that much, if nothing else!”

“Is that going to cure you?” Mark asked, feeling like he already knew that answer.

“It will make me feel better! Which is about the same thing.” Chi-Chi said, putting the final nail in the coffin of discussion.

“Can’t do that until you roll off of me, Miss Christmas Chubby.” Mark said, beginning to enjoy the banter as much as her fat. “Then we will see about curing those hurt feelings of yours.”

“Uuuuggggggh. . .deal!” Chi-Chi said, beginning the laborious process of moving her fat off of Mark.

--- Christmas Eve ---

“So, is Santa visiting us tonight?” Mark said as he brought in a tray of cookies to be decorated. Bowls of icing and a spice rack’s worth of sprinkles had been arranged in front of her resting place. Thanks to the festive season, the purchasing of a new couch had been delayed. Nothing would come in until after Christmas at the very earliest. And, looking at Chi-Chi, delaying the purchase might have been the best option. The reverting to her hybrid human-elf form had continued, and Mark was beginning to worry that there might not be a true end to it. While certain elements had slowed, such as the growth and change of her hair color. Other elements, such as her weight gain and height shrinkage had only continued. As such, Chi-Chi filled the space where the couch had been;  a blob with silvery hair which trailed in strands longer than Mark’s arms. Chi-Chi’s fat rested on every Christmas themed pillow and beanbag from the story. Thanks to her billowing piles of flab, Chi-Chi well resembled snow resting on top of them. As Mark approached the comparison only grew more noticeable. He could have sank into her mass and almost been lost to view. “Got any lines to the big man?”

“Uhhhhm, yeah, no.” Chi-Chi rolled her eyes. “They don’t exactly like runaways.” Still wanting to ignore her predicament and all things related to it, Chi-Chi put her flabby arms out. “Now gimmie that frosting!” Mark handed the bowl to her, though Chi-Chi still had to struggle to reach it. She fought primarily against her own blubber, trying to throw her weight forward enough to escape her sinking mass. Her arms, now reduced fully from the faux-human disguise, were little longer than Mark’s forearms. She was a shortstack in every sense of the word. Four feet worth of North Pole elf had been immobilized by upwards of 800 pounds of fat. Mark could not tell if the fat made her look taller or shorter. She was little more than a pile of greedy fat, set on indulging her way through the holiday. “Thhhhhaaaaaank you! Now you better get to decorating, I want at leeeaasst 50 cookies in an hour.” Chi-Chi remembered her old job as cookie taskmaster. She had been in charge of making sure that cookie quotas were kept. “Chop, chop!” The bowl of thick icing in her hand sloshed back and forth as languidly as her asscheeks.

“And will you be doing any decorating today, Madam Overseer?” Mark retorted. He sat down on a chair in front of the decorating station. His view of the cookies was framed by fat crushing beanbag chairs. He could not keep the smile from his face, looking at Chi-Chi. Her long hair fell as a curtain over narrow but excessively doughy shoulders.

“Uhhhhh. . .” Chi-Chi was caught between helping Mark and the delicious bowl of icing resting in her hands. She looked at him, trying to make up her mind between the beauty of togetherness and wanting to keep her stomach topped off with sugary snacks. “. . .no! Keep working though!” She chirped before throwing her face into the bowl of icing. Chubby cheeks and wobbling jowls pushed icing over the edges. Chi-Chi was not polite nor proper when she ate, filling her mouth as much as she could. Mark watched, knowing that the gluttony came directly from her human side. She ate like a pig, shoving her face into the porcelain trough. More icing plopped over the side, hitting her rolls as white droplets. The icing was almost lost on her pale fat, both being the color of fresh snow. Chi-Chi slurped noisily, like she was draining a bowl of noodles. The sugar rush was intense, rocketing through her to provide even more hyperactivity. Slowly, as more and more icing left the bowl, she began to tip it upwards.

Chi-Chi rocked backwards on her immense buttcheeks, crushing the beanbags and pillows underneath her. They popped and snapped, stitches breaking as their strength was found wanting. “Mmmmggghllfffh. . . don’t hear. . .mmmuusscch. . .ssccllurru. . .decorating!” She said between sloppy gulps. Mark got to work, though he kept an eye on Chi-Chi. She had managed to tip back fully, resting on her ass and back fat for stability. She kicked her short, stumpy legs in mindless pleasure. Even her eating had to be bratty and ill-controlled. “Sososososoooooo good!” Yet, there was an energy to it that was attractive. The old Chi-Chi enjoyed everything with a sense of solemnity. This new, hybridized Chi-Chi was alive in a way her old persona had not been. She continued to feast, growing ever more excited as sugar was digested. Elves were built to run off of sugar, like hummingbirds. Though her strange condition had left her half-human and no longer mobile, she was still enjoy the bursts of energy. If anything, she felt the sugar rushes even more strongly. Her tongue raced along the bowl, even as she tipped it above her head. She sought every last morsel.

“Better be careful, you’re going to break those.” Mark said, pointing half a cookie at the overly taxed beanbags. Several were split open and dumping their innards out onto the floor. Chi-Chi did not heed the warning.

“You. . .BBBLLUUURRRUUUP. . .better worry about. . .ssslluuurrruucccchh. . .cookies! Or get fired!” Chi-Chi was quick to retort and even quicker to return to her bowl. Gravity, however, could only be staved off for so long. Chi-Chi noticed things getting out of hand when her breasts started to fall backwards. They rolled like barrels left on a ship’s deck in a storm. They sought the easiest route, flopping slowly but gaining speed. Breast fat seeped around her face, even knocking one of her arms away from the bowl. “Maarrrrkkieeee. . .get my. . .brea-” Chi-Chi’s whine was cut off as one of the beanbags fully popped. Another burst seconds after and she was dumped over backwards. Chi-Chi’s roll was pathetic and slow, as if the universe was too heavy for her to even fall at a normal speed. Her legs started to go over her head, but their obscene weight saw them unable to complete the journey. Instead, they were shoved over to the side. Chi-Chi landed on her side, but then quickly rolled onto her stomach with extra momentum.

Mark was up and rushing to her side, moving so quickly that he took the bowl of frosting he had been using for decorating with him. He arrived over at her side, kneeling down beside her mass. She shook like a bowl of jelly, unable to stop her jiggles. A shake of her ass would send ripples up to her bunched neck rolls and then back down. “Christmas! Are you alright?” Mark was worried enough to use her full name. Instead of a verbal response, a plump but small hand reached out and grabbed his bowl of frosting.

“Mmmgghp. . .what a. . .rush!” Chi-Chi was too enthralled in gluttony to even complain. Some combination of danger, adrenaline, and hunger possessed her completely. She took the bowl and tossed it on the ground. Using her wimpy arms to stabilize, she shoved her face in the bowl. She ate like a true Christmas ham, with her body lying on the floor and face shoved into her food. Her hair fell in two great curtains around her shoulders. “Mmmgghhpp! Gimmie. . .mmmgghph. . .MOOOOOOORREEE!” The shortstack blob chirped, her already high pitched voice raising an octave as her desire peaked. She ate with her entire body, sliding back and forth on her own flab. “BBBBOOOORRRUUP. . .need. . .frosting!” Chi-Chi moaned.

“No cookies?” Mark asked.

“Cookies too! Goooood, just make more frosccchting. . . .mmgghph!” Chi-Chi jammed her face back in the bowl.

“Ok, ok.” Mark stood. He walked around the back of Chi-Chi’s bulk, smiling as it spread across the floor and pillows. Her fat wobbled and clapped, shaking and twisting as the stout woman gorged herself into mindless oblivion. One of her buttcheeks rose almost to Mark’s thigh, helped in part by how it rested on its pillow. Overcome by the sight of it’s jiggling, Mark could not help but give it a slap. His hand collided with the gyrating sack of fat. His hand was engulfed in fat, disappearing entirely from view. Then, just as suddenly as it collided, it reappeared. Mark’s hand was bounced away by Chi-Chi’s blubber, sent on it’s way by forces of physics and flab.

“Heeeeeey! Jerk!” Chi-Chi turned as best as her heavy face allowed, she looked over one shoulder, pouting. “Now you owe me double!”

“Oh man, hand just slipped!” Mark winked, happily returning to his cookie making duties. He was happy to indulge Chi-Chi’s flight of fancy, at least until the new year. Christmas was a time for indulging. The pair could worry about finding a cure after the end of the month. Besides, Mark was beginning to get curious about how many cookies Chi-Chi could suck down. “Solving” Chi-Chi’s current predicament could come in time. He rationalized she might feel more like curing herself once the new year came.

--- Epilogue: New Year’s Resolution ---

“Thiiiiss sucks!” Chi-Chi whined, flapping her arms up and down. It was seven days past Christmas, and Chi-Chi now utterly dominated the living room. Her body was a humped mass that stretched up towards the ceiling. Through constant gorging and the wayward magic of Christmas, Chi-Chi had once again become taller than Mark; though only technically. The floor bowed under weight, caving in as the floorboards struggled to support her bratty girth. The house was filled with whines and the sounds of sweaty folds hitting one another. Chi-Chi whined as she forced herself to exercise. She held pathetically small but vibrant pink weights in either hand. She forced her arms up and down, almost bouncing them against her pooling bicep blubber rather than using her muscles. Sweat gathered and collected in her headband, which matched her weights. Chi-Chi’s hair had been pulled and tied into large buns to keep it from getting stuck in her folds. “MaaaAAAArrrkieee. . .lemme go!” She cried, salty tears mingling with sweat. “I wanna be faaaat!”

“That’s not true and you know it.” Mark tapped Chi-Chi on the head. He walked around her mass, poking and prodding her. “Two days ago you complained you still weren’t human.” He smacked her wall of booty blubber, taking some amount of joy in letting it bounced back and push his face.

“I lied, I lied!” The immobile blob of magical fat said manically. “I. . .HUFFF. . .wanna be a. . .fat elf!” Chi-Chi would say anything to avoid work. She had the spunk of an elf, but the laziness of a human. “Maaaake me. . .BBBLOORRUUP. . .huge!” A belch was shaken loose as she rolled on her stomach. She continued the dumbbell flys, too focused on complaining to quit outright. She wanted Mark to approve her laziness, to take away the sting of failure. Bratty and spoiled as she had become, there was a kernel of the hard working faux-human underneath.

“Sorry, babe!” Mark grunted as he swung up and onto her bulk. He lay back, resting his head between her immense buttcheeks. “We have to burn off that magic somehow.” He reached back and squeezed a fold of butt blubber. “New Year means a return to the old Chi-Chi!”

“Maaaarrrrrrk!” Chi-Chi’s whine filled the apartment.


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