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Tags: Slob, light hypnosis, gas, extreme weight gain, mobility issues

“Come on.” Kobayashi thumped the top of her small television with a small but forceful fist. The fuzzy pixels on the tv did not change a bit, showing only more static. The speakers hissed like a cat that was furious for being touched. “This is what I get for buying you on sale.” Kobayashi mumbled, continuing to hit and shake the television. Her slim, almost boyish frame moved about the rectangular piece of modern “convenience”, trying to find an obvious source of trouble. All she was able to figure out was that there was no obvious reason for the television’s malfunction. Defeated, Kobayashi slumped back to the couch and sat down. Not for the first time that day, the redhead ran her hands through her hair. Pay for a repairman or pay for a new television, those were Kobayashi’s choices. Neither, however, were particularly enticing. Her funds were low that month and the budget did not allow for frivolous expenses. “I guess we are just going to have to deal without television for a bit.” Kobayashi sighed. While she had been speaking to herself, there had been another person listening.

“What’s got you down, Kobayashi? And how can I make it better?” Tohru, Kobayashi’s draconic maid and second shadow, spun into the room with a plate of cookies. “You’re much too smart, wise, and cute to be so glum.” Her blonde hair, pulled into twin tails on either side of her head, flew through the air  like streamers. It was a magnificent pirouette, if one ignored the fact that Tohru’s large tail had knocked over the coffee table. The dragoness, looking positively helpful with her long dress and bright smile, inched the plate of sweets over to her master. Tohru lived to serve, seeking only to find any way to please Kobayashi and reap compliments in reward. “Take one and let me solve all your problems!” Tohru smiled even wider, beaming such that the room grew a little brighter.

“Can you fix televisions?” Kobayashi asked, sighing and leaning back on the couch.

“Of course! I was the number one television repairlady back in the dragon world.” Tohru’s breasts seemed to swell even as she boasted. “I’m sure that a silly human television would be very simple for me to fix. A piece of cake so that my master could return to watching her programs.”

“Uh-huh.” Kobayashi was amused by her maid’s boasts. It was the typical cycle, Tohru bragged and Kobayashi called her bluff. “I didn’t think dragons had technology.”

“Oh, but we do! And so much of it is television related.” Tohru set the plate of cookies down and walked over to the television. “So, I really had to work in order to surpass my competitors.” The blonde continued to inflate her ego before her master. “I can take care of this with just a flick of my tail.” Tohru winked.

“Have at it then, let’s just see what the best tv repairwoman in all of dragon world can do.” Kobayashi smiled, partially entertained by her maid and partially hoping that she could somehow fix the television.

“Just you watch!” Tohru spun and put a fist to the air. It gleamed under the light of the living room lights. Tohru then wasted no time in bringing it down upon the television, smashing it to bits with a single punch. Kobayashi’s jaw dropped and a bit of her soul leaked out of her mouth as she saw the destruction taking place. Tohru, pleased at her results, continued her treatment on the television. “We just have to smash it to get any bad spirits out, never know what could have infected it.” She scoffed, thinking of potentially malicious ghosts that could be haunting the box. “Now, they will have to scatter and I’ll just cast a simple repair spell.” Her breasts bobbed as she raised a finger, summoning magical energies. Tohru whipped her arm around twice, adding a little extra emphasis on her chest and hips. She wanted to provide Kobayashi with a service and a show. Magic flew from her fingertips, displaying as arcane ruins and tendrils of light. The pieces of the television slowly molded and coalesced back together. At the end of the spell, Kobayashi had a work television again. Though, it was a bit off.

“Tohru, is it supposed to be green?” Kobayashi asked, staring at the changed plastic.

“I think it was always green!” Tohru spoke as she switched the fixed tv on. The picture was brighter than before. “And the horns are for reception!” She added, hoping to cut her master off. It seemed that her lie had paid off in full. Kobayashi had a television again and one that was substantially improved by magic.

“Well, who am I to complain?” Kobayashi shrugged, settling into the couch. A commercial had ended and she was eager to start watching again. She laid back, grabbing cookies freely from the plate that Tohru had brought her earlier.

--- Boob Tube ---

“Koooobaayaaassshi!” Tohru called, coming from the kitchen to the living room. In her arms was a snack tray filled with food to compliment a tv binge.  “You must really like the job I did on that repair.” Tohru was always ready and willing to fish for compliments. Kobayashi ignored her, too fixated on her program to respond. Kobayashi sat in her turquoise hoodie, stuffing popcorn into her mouth. She sat how a little child might, even leaning towards the tv. “I see someone is enjoying the popcorn I made!” Tohru tried again to get a compliment, or even a single word. Instead, Kobayashi simply continued eating. Not liking to be upstaged, Tohru’s entrance onto the couch was a bit more dramatic. She sat whilst also throwing her hip to the side. It smacked into Kobayashi, shaking the other woman out of her stupor.

“Mmmpggh. . .shorrey. . .mmggph. . .Tohru!” Kobayashi apologized as she felt Tohru join her on the couch. She turned slowly, afraid to break from the television. “Just wanted to catch up on everything!” She tried to float the excuse, taking one of the candy bars from Tohru’s snack tray as she spoke. Kobayashi had become enamored with the repaired television, finding it even better than before. The picture was clearer, the sound crisper, and the amount of channels she had access to had gone up as well. It was a fully improved, magical box. It had been such a vast enhancement to her life that she found it hard to break away. Kobayashi had spent increasing hours in front of the television, binging on snacks and her favorite shows. “Wanna watch with me?” Kobayashi asked, eager to get back to her programs. The commercials were about to end.

“Sure!” Tohru squealed, she hugged Kobayashi, finding her bigger around the middle than before. Out of fear of spoiling her chances for close contact tv watching, Tohru said nothing about the belly she felt. The last thing she needed was Kobayashi getting up and walking away.

“Great. Your only job for the rest of the day is to binge with me.” Kobayashi said, turning up the volume on the strangely colored television. She reached for another candy bar. For a moment, Tohru was convinced on what she was supposed to be binging upon. She quickly decided she didn’t care and grabbed a bag of gummy worms.


“Buuuurrrruuupp. . .excuse me.” Kobayashi belched, days later. She leaned back, scratching her protruding stomach. Kobayashi leaned back and took another swig of soda. She wanted to cure her parched throat before the next commercial ended. Yet, soda was a poor hydrator and she was soon drinking more. With each gulp her stomach grew more taut. The two liter bottle emptied into the flesh balloon, stretching it further. She only stopped drinking when the tightness started to distract her from the glowing box at the other end of the room. Somewhat satisfied, Kobayashi tucked the bottle down between her and the armrest of the couch; using her growing body to help wedge it in tightly. Kobayashi scratched her visible stomach, trying to provoke another belch. She needed to empty her stomach before the show started again. “BBBBLLOORRRRRUUP. . .oooh. . . there we go.” She moaned in relief, happy that her stomach had been drained of the distracting tightness a bit.

“Ssssshh, Kobayashi!” Tohru reprimanded her roommate and boss. “It's gonna. . .BBBLLOORRRRUUP. . .be on again soon.” Tohru said, before letting loose another belch that shook both of their bulky bodies.

Time spent in front of the television had done little to improve either woman’s figure. Kobayashi’s stomach pooled out in front of her, a heavy sack of blubber to be filled to the brim over and over again. It pushed her hoodie up and popped the button on her pants. In the beginning, it had been easy to fill it with food to the point that it grew visibly round. Now, however, it took hours worth of stuffing to make the advancing flab taut. Meanwhile, Tohru was starting to have to fight her breasts in order to properly see anything that wasn’t the television. She would spend minutes reaching and straining for snacks hidden by her voluminous melons. Her breasts would bounce comically as she lazily grabbed at bags of junk food, often bothering Kobayashi with her enormity. While the two women had been growing, the couch underneath them had largely stayed the same. Space was becoming a luxury. Given how entranced the two women were by the television, it was to become an even more precious commodity.


“Tohru. . .” Kobayashi whined, weeks or months later. “You gotta. . .BBBLUURRUP. . .scootch over. . .some.” She wiggled back and forth, trying to find any amount of space on the couch. There was none, with every inch covered by unwashed but feminine blubber. Kobayashi was conscious only of the television and things that distracted her from it. She did not notice the passage of time and she only became aware of her own fat when it interacted with Tohru’s. “Your . . .BBBLLLOORRUUUP. . .breasts. . .UUURRRUP. . .in the way.” She belched and wheezed, too lazy to even commit to full sentences. Her ass flooded out below her, having ripped and shredded through her tanned pants. Panties remained as her own covering below her waist, but they were long hidden under sweaty folds. Her sweater was in tatters, saved only by the fact that her breasts had hardly grown in size. The hoodie had more to fear from her back fat than it did her pitifully small breasts. “Sit on the ground.” Kobayashi commanded, hoping to resolve the issue quickly. Time away from the television was almost painful.

“Noooo! Kobayashi!” Tohru didn’t bother with an intelligent defense. “Use. . .URRRUP. . .them as pillows!” She tried to think innovatively, not wanting to be removed from her joint throne. Tohru squished her sweaty breasts together, trying to make herself appealing for her master. The dragon was in an equally corpulent state of affairs. Her dress was missing, allowing her nakedness to be exposed to the entire room. She wore no underwear and her puffy nipples were exposed as a result. “Lemme. . .BBBLLLURRRUP. . .cradle you in my bosom!” Desperate, Tohru tried to embrace Kobayashi. With glacial speed, the morbid obese dragoness lurched towards her equally obese housemate. A clash of flab was inevitable.

The twin sacks of flab slowly met, with their rolls and hidden lakes of sweat meeting. Kobayashi groaned as her stomach was compressed by Tohru’s immense breasts and stomach. “Ooooh. . .Tohru. .. please.  .don’t.” Kobayashi cried as pressure mounted upon her. Her flabby, dimpled stomach compressed under the weight of her partner. Food that had been lost in their rolls came squelching and oozing out. Grease blanketed their bodies, moving in slow and putrid rivers. “Too. Much.” Kobayashi groaned, knowing that she couldn’t take much more. FRRRRRMMMPPPRRRT! The first fart burst out of her, blanketing the room in an oily gas and horrific smell. Untold amounts of processed cheese and meat returned to the world as superheated gas. Kobayashi marinated in the smell, too lazy to even lift a hand to waft away the toxic fumes.

“Grooosss, Kobayashi!” Tohru said, her keen dragon senses smelling the fart even more strongly than her master did. She tried to pull away, but she was too fat. Events that had been set in motion were forced to play out. Tohru continued to ooze her way onto Kobayashi, sweat-logged breasts flopping onto the great plateau that was the redhead’s stomach. Tohru quickly found the same pressure that had built within Kobayashi building within her as well. She had indulged in the same rancid foods, ordered the same piles of nutritionally devoid sustenance. Tohru squeezed her mouth shut, doing the same with her buttocks. She was afraid of doing anything gross in front of Kobayashi. She might have gained a bit of weight, but she would not become a total slob. Unfortunately, the choice was not left up to her. BBBRRRRRMMMFFFFRRRTT! Gasses exploded out of Tohru with such force that her tail was lifted up. Tohru’s gigantic buttcheeks, wide enough to fill a pickup truck’s bed, clapped and shook with fury.

“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” Wept, spraying salty tears into Kobayashi’s naked folds.

“Sscccchhh. . .Tohru. . .” Kobayashi’s voice was dreamlike and slow. “Show’s back on.” She whispered, trying to guide her friend back to the television. Though she was buried under Tohru’s immense body, Kobayshi didn’t mind as long as she could see the television. FRRRRRRPPPPRRRTTT! She farted, absentmindedly letting out another rancid toot. Her flab jiggled, shaking both her and Tohru.

“Oh. . .you’re right. . .Kobayashi.” Tohru’s worries were soothed as she adjusted her focus. Strength was stolen from her as she watched the colorful images playing across the screen. It didn’t matter that she was fat, sweaty, and gross. She and Kobayashi were happy watching the television. BRRRRRRMMMFFRRRTT! Tohru farted, this time giggling. It felt good to let herself good and even better for her fat to rub against. Kobayashi’s.

--- Snapping Out of It ---

“Ugh. . .what is that. . .smell.” Kobayashi was jostled out of a deep dream by the most horrid stench that had ever penetrated her nose. BRRRRRMMMMPPPFFFFRTTT! A noise like a foghorn broke over her, refreshing the awful smell. Kobayashi tried to get away from it, but found herself unable to move. Any attempt to move was met with a weird sloshing feeling that spread through her body. The best the office worker could do was look around. With confusion the morphed into fear, she stared down at her body.  “What happened to me?” she exclaimed in anguish as she studied the remains of her ruined body. Kobayashi had grown, surpassing the couch in size. Her fat filled a quarter of the living room, having either pushed or crushed furniture in order to get its fair share. She was a mass of greasy, sweaty, dirty rolls. There was no clean space left on her body. Though Kobayashi could not even see a fraction of her spreading immensity, she could feel the trapped sweat and food bits within her rolls. Likewise, she could feel something else within her. FRRRRRPPPPPRRRT! With a feeling of air rushing between cavernous buttcheeks, Kobayashi realized that she was at least partly responsible for the smell in the room. “Tohru!” The pile of rancid rolls called, needing her maid.

“Sssshhh. . .BBBBLLLOORRRRRUUUP. . .Kobayassscchi. . .” A dreamy, thick voice came from the darkness ahead of Kobayashi. “Trying. . .bblbloorrruup . . .too wassccch. . .tv.” Kobayashi gasped as she realized that Tohru’s vast bulk lay in front of her. Even bigger than the immobile redhead, Tohru was a stomach bound acre of fat. She was held aloft by a mattress of stomach fat. Her breasts fell to the floor, the space between them acting as a sluice for grease and slobber. Sweat pooled under her uncountable rolls, drenching the carpet in hideous stink. Her tail was so bloated and heavy that it could not be lifted any longer. It instead drooped over asscheeks that were as big as most of their former couch. Tohru was slob and sloth personified. She spoke not a word as she watched the television, only grunting occasionally before straining her stomach. FFFFRRRRRRMMMPPRRRTTTT! Flatulence so thick that it had a defined shape and color rolled from her ass. Kobayashi coughed and struggled to raise her arms, the curtains of fat on her biceps preventing her from warding the gas away. BBRRRRRMMMMMPPFFFRRT! Tohru’s flatulence rumbled out again. Kobayashi was almost hypnotized by the obscene bouncing of the dragon’s asscheeks. Even weighed down by a monster of a tail, the force of Tohru’s farts compelled them to dance.

Kobayashi blinked tears away, eyes burning from the smell that she and her maid produced. “Whatsch. . .happened?” She asked, trying to come to grips with a reality she did not understand. She got no answer from the immense dragoness. Tohru simply continued to watch the television, occasionally slurping some remnant of food out of her chin folds. It was this that finally gave Kobayashi an idea. “The. . .BBLLLOORRRUUP. . .television!” Kobayashi exclaimed through a belch. Her mind clicked memories coming back to her. “Fixed it. . .my. . .uuuggh. . .ass.” Kobayashi invoked the stench demon which lay beneath her gut too haphazardly. BBRRRRRUMMPPPT! A floor shaking fart rumbled out of her, proving that it was not just Tohru who contributed to the swampy atmosphere of the apartment. “Gottaa. . .uuggh. . .get. . .help!” Kobayashi said as she struggled to stand. It was pointless, however. The time spent under the spell of the television had ensured that Kobayashi was too fat to waddle away. She gave up, rolling back into her own plush and sweat. Kobayashi panted, too exhausted to even fan her face. “Tohru!” she called, trying another attempt to rouse her friend. “Where’s. . .BBBLLORRUUP. . .the remote?”

“Sssssh. . .OOORRRUUUP. . .Kobayashi!” Tohru grumpily slapped her tail against her quaking asscheeks. FRRRRPPPTT-BBRRRRPPTT-FFFRRRRT! With each slap, a miniature fart burst into the room. The dragoness did not bother to turn around as she spoke, instead sinking into her mountainous bulk further. Kobayashi caught a bit of the tv. She tried to ignore it, but the spell again took hold. It didn’t matter where the remote was, or even that she and Torhu couldn’t walk. Eventually Lucoa or Elma would come by to save. . .or feed them. As Kobayashi slipped back under the spell of the enchanted television, she dreamed of the food she might ask her friends to bring. Something greasy and fattening, the perfect treat to snack on whilst her shows played.


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