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Tags: Immobility, slob, gas, sweat, licking, personality shifting

Previous: https://www.patreon.com/posts/urbosa-zeldas-85429198

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The jungles of Faron were alive with the sound of creatures and water falling from leaves. Rain had passed through recently, bringing fresh water to the lush vegetation. The rushing rivers drowned out all but the loudest bird calls and roars. The dense foliage pressed close, holding and hugging any travelers that passed through. The tree cover was so thick that it was hard to see more than several feet ahead of the path. Rising steam and mists helped further obscure the dense forest. It was the perfect place for seclusion. A land where people could get away from civilization and be naked before the elements. Within the land of Faron, a person could tap into the primordial forces of the world. Within the springs and rivers there lurked the ancient powers of creation, that which Hylia had used to form the world. It was for these reasons, and perhaps some more self-serving ones, that Princess Zelda had brought Urbosa to the leafy palace. The young maiden princess wished to strengthen her dusky champion’s connection to Hyrule, to have her indulge in energies which lay dormant in the earth. As well as to talk.

“Urbosa, are you alright?” Zelda asked the great hump of blubber which lay undisturbed in a hidden clearing. Urbosa and her blonde lover had selected the spot for its seclusion. They could be alone to talk. Zelda had sensed that another change was coming over her massive friend, champion, and romantic partner. Though she ate the same, hoggishly plowing through food like a hinox, Urbosa had been more withdrawn. Laying within her immense folds, the normally assured and confident woman had spent more time staring distantly. “I would want to know if something bothered my favorite champion.” Zelda seemed so tiny compared to the blot of brown blubber, but she did not lack for presence. The bond with Urbosa had strengthened and fed the meek ruler’s will and personality. Just as the slobby pile of fat drew strength from Hylia, Zelda drew from Urbosa. She walked up, putting a hand on one of the two drooping breasts that had found their way to the jungle floor. Zelda thumbed the sweaty folds, feeling the soft skin; one of many gifts Hylia had given to Urbosa.

“I. . .ooooohhh. . .promiscch. . .hoorrruup. . .I am. . .fine. . .little bird.” Urbosa spoke slowly, trying to force her jowls into motion. She turned her head slowly, cheeks sliding and freeing more sweat. She could only see her own tanned fat, but she sensed Zelda all the same. Though she placed only a hand, it felt like a giant was touching her. “Pleascccch. . .do not. . .uurrrgggh. . .worry after. . .me.” The words were spoken in a slow, sludgey tone. Urbosa was obviously holding back something, and not just the fountains of gas billowing within her great gut. There was something amiss about her. The life and enjoyment that had gone into her initial change from Gerudo leader to divine blob had seemed to dwindle. While the mark of her faith and service to Hylia had been her gigantic body and ponderous speech, there seemed to be a different tone in her words now.

Zelda almost accepted the lies from her friend, but her rising force of personality would not allow that. “Don’t lie to me, Urbosa!” Zelda begged, tugging on a roll. The mound of fat shook under Zelda’s touch, squelching noises filling the air. “I know you aren’t telling the truth to me.” Zelda’s gloves quickly absorbed the sweat which trickled down the wall of fat which she jostled. Urbosa was fully sodden, driven to increased perspiration by the humid air of the jungle. Her sweat pores had opened up, divulging a torrent of salty tears and rivulets. Mists which carried the scent of unwashed Gerudo wafted around the pair. Above these low hanging clouds lay Urbosa’s head, presiding over mountainous asscheeks and a rock slide’s worth of gut fat. Not waiting for an answer, Zelda began to climb. She would get answers out of her lover, no matter what.

Urbosa’s head lay far above Zelda’s, its weight making it sink down into her folds. Though bigger now than any cart or carriage, Urbosa instantly felt Zelda’s hands. Her fat was sensitive and that was heightened by the bond she shared with the smaller woman. “Oooogggh. . .little. . .uurrrpp. . .bird.” Urbosa moaned, wishing that she could massage her stomach. Her arms had grown far too fat for that, however, ending up as little more than concentric circles of sagging flesh. “I am. . .huuuh. . .fine.” She said, biting her plump lips as she finished her sentence. She groaned further, knowing that this was a situation she could not lie her way out of. Zelda had grown strong under their bond. The blonde had lapped up Urbosa’s enduring will and commanding presence, she would not turn away until they spoke. Urbosa found her own will lacking, lost amongst the innumerable creases and crevices that defined her body. Hylia’s gifts had been strange, stealing her resolve and replacing it with lazy sloth and a desire for indulgence. Even if she had been able, Urbosa would not lift a finger now. Her existence had become defined by gluttony and love for Zelda. When the blonde finally appeared within her limited field of vision, Urbosa blushed like a vai seeing her first voe. It was unbecoming, but fitting with her current life.

“Now, you must tell me what bothers you.” Zelda said, unafraid of confronting the bigger woman. She lay upon Urbosa’s flab, her clothes soaking up sweat and grease. Zelda spread her legs wide, almost straddling the bigger woman. Fat seeped around her body, letting her sink in. “I need my champion to be in top shape.” Zelda stared with an intensity that would have been impossible for her to manage years ago. Her changes ran deep, possibly deeper than Urbosa’s.

“Isscch. . .” Urbosa stopped, grimacing as she tried to maintain her composure. Her stomach roiled with nervousness and pent up flatulence. “Princessch. . .I. . .question Hylia’sch giftschs.” She burbled, afraid of being rebuked. “I grow. . .sscchoo fat. . .schoo useless. . .scho flatulent.” The final word triggered a deep, unsettling rumble within her stomach. Urbosa looked away from Zelda, burying her face into cheeks that glistened with slobber and sweat. “I. . .oooohh. . .ussched to be. . .aaahh. . .warrior.” Her voice grew weak, more frail than Zela had ever heard it. Doubt had seeped into the Gerduo’s pores the same way that grease and food had. She was a winded gasbag, fit only to be lugged around the country and snuggled by Zelda. It was hard to reconcile with her past, when she had been a leader of her tribe. Though she was assured her work would be for the benefit of all Hyrule, it seemed unlikely. Urbosa, out of the discomfort she felt, tried to shift her bulk but felt only crushing weight upon her. She was nothing save for a blob of fat to be toyed with.

“Urbosa. . .” Zelda scooted up the blob which she rode on. Her movements were lithe and sexual, almost like those of a Gerudo. “Are you upset by your body?” Zelda asked, forthright but caring. Their foreheads met, but not their eyes. Urbosa’s hair, thick with unwashed grease, fell upon them both. The fat woman made the only movement her body was capable of and nodded her head. “Oooh, you poor thing.” Zelda cooed. “No wonder you have been acting so strangely. You’ve hardly eaten and you’ve chained the divine winds within you.” The blonde woman nuzzled her face on the puffy cheeks before her. “Have I stolen all the bravery inside you?” Zelda asked again, finally saying aloud what both women had been thinking. Zelda began to kiss Urbosa, trying to nurse her friend back from despondency. “I have need of your will and courage, so Hylia has given it to me.” She whispered, but her voice was still strong. “But Hylia has given you gifts as well!” Zelda said, sliding down the majestic expanse of fat. By now, the thin Hylian was covered in her Gerduo lover’s sweat and grease.

“She has given you a body for pleasure, one to entertain me and you.” Zelda kissed Urbosa’s stomach, lightly pecking at the damp fat. “Hylia has taken away your need to command, leaving you free to explore new pleasures.” Zelda continued kissing and began to gyrate her hips. Try as she might to wallow in her depression, Urbosa’s eyes lifted to see her young princess’ pert buttocks grinding against the endless waves of fat. Zelda looked to be floating and gyrating upon an island of quicksand. The big woman moaned, feeling pleasure as well as her stomach churning. The rumble passed under Zelda as well, a leviathan moving underneath a small boat. “Your belly wakens.” The princess smiled, knowing she was doing the right thing. Again starting to scoot up, the lewd ruler approached the heaving rolls of breast fat. They looked like brown stretches of taffy, which pooled into orbs at the floor. Pools of sweat hid under those rolls, marinating the soft beef which was around them. “The goddess has given you so much sweat, so your skin can soften and always shine.” Zelda giggled, leaning down to lick at Urbosa’s underboob.

“Haaah. . .princcessssch. . .ooooh,” Urbosa wheezed and mewled. Zelda lapped at her sweaty folds like a kitten sampling a saucer of milk. Her tongue whisked sweat back and forth. Zelda did not respond, instead continuing to lick and tease beads of sweat away from Urbosa. Yet, there was always more. For as much of the salty grime that Zelda lapped up, Urbosa continued to sweat. Her body grew soggier, sensing the need to please the princess. . .even if Urbosa was hesitant. However, that hesitancy was fading. She was remembering again. Ggggglllrrrrgggguuh. Urbosa’s gut gave a loud surge, the gasses within begging for release. “Pleassch. . .I cannot. . .my sccchtomach.” Urbosa whined, leaning her head back into neck rolls bigger than a man’s thigh. Erotic tension was unleashing the flatulence within her. The last vestiges of her sadness begged her to hold onto the gas, to not give what Zelda so desperately wanted. However, Zelda was far more clever than the depths of Urbosa’s mind. They Hylian woman pushed her face under a hanging breast fold so huge that she almost couldn’t bear its weight. She disappeared under and soon Urbosa felt the underside of her elephantine breast being licked and orally teased. “Haaa. . .my. . .ooh. . .princessccch. . OOOOOH!” Urbosa’s eyes widened in shock at the confidence her lover now showed. FFRRRUMMMMPPPTTTTHHHH!

Urbosa farted, gas finally dislodging itself from within her. It rolled out like a thunder clap. She felt every bit of it with blinding carnal lust. Urbosa intimately sensed the relief of pressure within her stomach, the slap of her horse sized asscheeks, the woosh of gas in a circle around her, and the crumbling of the earth underneath her cheeks. Vegetation was blown back and tree limbs snapped. BBBRRRRUMMMMPPPTTT! She farted again out of pure shock, again destroying the jungle’s tranquility. The sound echoed, silencing all other sounds. Satisfied with her work, Zelda popped her head out from under Urbosa’s breast. “The queen of the jungle roars.” She teased, patting Urbosa’s stomach. “Hylia has given you a wonderful stomach, powerful and temperamental.” She began to lick at Ubosa’s sweat and fat again, provoking her lardy lover’s lust. Urbosa tried to remain stalwart, but her resolve had well and truly crumbled. Her stomach surged again, sloshing as gas exited. FFFRRRRPPPPTTTT! Another blast of putrid fumes fanned over the jungle, more powerful than those that had come before. “My, my!” Zelda waved a hand in front of her face. “Is a hinox wandering by?”

“Issscch. . .that. . .bad?” Urbosa asked, having long since become nose blind to her gas.

“That good.” Zelda corrected. She climbed up to Urbosa’s face. She kissed her neck rolls, searching out any trapped sweat. Urbosa moaned. BBBBLLLRRRUUUMMPPPFFFFFRRRT! Her flatulence became more powerful, emboldened by the magic shared between the pair. Urbosa’s gigantic body jiggled in its entirety. Rolls that had not been aired out in days were lifted and dropped by the violent shaking from her rear end’s destructive releases. Her ass bounced madly, rising above her like dancing gorons. Urbosa could hardly contain herself, her body working even without her approval. FRRRRMMMMPPPTTTH! Another fart, and one quickly thereafter, blasted into the night. Through it all, Zelda held on; her face inches away from Urbosa’s. “Everything you have become and everything that you do is wonderful, Urbosa.” Zelda said, sucking on her lover’s lips for a moment. “I need your fat, your sweat, your smells.” The emboldened princess rubbed her nose against Urbosa’s and gave her butterfly kisses. “Be my smelly, lazy, flatulent champion. For now, and forever.”

“Yescch. . .” FFFFRRRRUUUMMMMPPRRRRRTTT!  “My. . .uuugggh. . .princessch.” Urbosa said, her purpose regained. Bathed in the humidity of Faron and her own pungent fumes, Urbosa vowed to go even further. She would become bigger and gassier for Zelda. She would give the younger woman all of her strength and be filled with Hylia’s purpose. She would grow lazy, corpulent beyond all measure, and exist only as Zelda’s plaything. And she would love every minute of it. BUUURRRUMMMMPPPPTTTH! “Princesscch. . .little. . .bird. . .feed me?” She asked as the tremors from her last fart died away.



Loved this story! Zelda's love and support "unlocking" Urbosa's gas was really great. That ending makes it sound like there's another chapter in this story coming down the line. If so, I'm looking forward to it!

James Duke

Haha I definitely plan on there being another! But I like to let the series percolate. It's sort of my go to when I feel really inspired.


I adore the contrast you present between Zelda’s pristine, slender form and Urbosa’s heaving, sweaty mass. Zelda, well spoken and articulate, having gained newfound confidence, while her champion has given up on almost all bodily, almost having fallen into herself in a way. Even making contact with Urbosa’s drenched folds causes Zelda’s perfect dress and delicate gloves to be stained: but that’s what makes Zelda’s perverse adoration so fascinating. That’s what Zelda “wants”. To be completely enveloped by Urbosa, her sweat to coat her in grime, her scent and stench to fill her lungs, and her tons of flab to physically envelop her. As she straddles her partners mounds of soft flesh, the way she comforts her of this newfound normally is just super intoxicating to witness: lapping between her folds as if it were nectar, doting referring to her expulsions as “blessed divine winds”. It makes it come off as cute, in a way. If you ever choose to follow this up, I’m really excited to see how that comes up, as Urbosa seeks to please Zelda in the only influence she can expand: her presence. Size, scent, preparation. It’s gross, but the way Zelda reacts to it all makes it seem so beautiful and pure. Both working in tandem to keep Urbosa’s stomach of incredible appetite satisfied, and all the comeuppance that comes with doing so. Bravo!

James Duke

Thank you for the detailed examination and critique! Your extended thoughts are always very appreciated! There is almost certainly going to be a follow up!! Basic plot is percolating in my head. I will maybe give things just a little break, just because I don't want to hit the Zelda stuff too hard and burn people out. Haha its a favorite setting of mine, but I don't want to turn it into a crutch