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Tags: 2nd person (male perspective interacting with woman), Rapid Weight Gain, Sex, USSBBW  


You are currently backstage at an Olivia Hye concert. It is halfway through her current tour and she could not be a bigger star. She is one of the few K-pop idols to gain a noticeable foothold within American media. Olivia Hye is not a K-pop star that accidentally became popular in America. Rather, she is a worldwide talent and sensation that has exploded from her home country and into the international market. Her music is upbeat and poppy and her image is colorful to match. She has a wilde mane of long, black hair that has strands of pink and blue wrapped within. She is tall, almost freakishly so for an idol. While she maintains a bubbly and cheery personality in public, fame and fortune have given her shrewd business insight. It was not an accident that she has inspired such love within people, love that you now see first hand at these concerts.People have flown from around the world to see the K-pop star. To see your girlfriend.

It’s hard to believe that Olivia would choose you, of all people, to get romantically involved with. Yet, you know by the way she holds you and the way she hangs on your every word that she loves you. Even though you are an ordinary, average guy she will pull you into photoshoots and even interviews. While the world might be confused about the relationship, Olivia certainly isn’t. It is a puppy dog crush, plain and simple. You have been her laughter, her comfort, and an open ear to listen to her problems. And, as you watch her exiting the stage and moving past the various stagehands and tour employees, you get the feeling that you might be in for another long night of therapy. The  pop star walks with an obviously agitated gait. Her thick, luscious, multicolored hair blows in the wind as she approaches you. She puts her arms around yours, though her fists remain balled.

“Come on.” She says curtly, pulling you along with her. “I’ve never needed a drink more.” Years of private schooling have given her command over English as much as Korean, but she retains a noticeable accent. “It is absolutely atrocious.” She tugs you along. Even though her anger is directed elsewhere, you are a bit nervous. The tall, skinny singer is a powerful woman. While normally she is all smiles and goofy, fun energy; she still has her moments of frustration. You walk in step with her. At 5’11, she is almost as tall as you are. Her long, shapely legs walk with confidence in pink heels. She wears a matching dress, one that elevates her figure but does not descend into the sort of sluttery other singers flaunt in order to get ahead. Olivia is a woman of class, a woman of culture. Even though she is the single most powerful female talent in the world, she has not lost touch with her humble beginning and roots. “I swear, I am going to fire Chelsea.” She whispers harshly into your ear. “I’m so sick of that goth weirdo messing with my make up halfway through shows.” She continues to explain as you two walk.

By the time you reach Olivia’s tour bus you have gotten an earful. Chelsea, a young makeup artist out of L.A, has been trying to deviate from instructions and add her own flare. Tonight was the worst, trying to interrupt Olivia as she prepped for her encore performance. Olivia, in a rare moment of hot headedness, told her to back off and go make herself useful elsewhere. “She’s so weird.” Olivia explains to you, holding you closer. Her body pushes against yours. It's small and thin in comparison to your own. Yet, you feel the beginnings of a belly. A sign that Olivia has been on tour too long. Eating on the road, sleeping in a tour bus, and lack of exercise will hamper anyone’s body. Olivia, thankfully, hasn’t seemed to notice it yet. “She like, flipped her hand in this weird way at me.” The technicolored haired singer says to you, leaning her head on your shoulder as you approach the door to the tour bus. As you start to climb the stairs to the bus, you move your hand down to her waist. Your eyebrows twitch as you realize Olivia’s belly was bigger than you thought it would be. Perhaps the dark stage confused your eyes.

The two of you enter the bus, with Olivia taking the lead. “Come on, let's have a little snack and then cuddle!” She turns to face you from the top of the steps. It seems that she’s forgotten that she initially wanted a drink. Further, you can see that her belly is pressing into her dress. A bead of nervous sweat runs down the nape of your neck as you realize you will have to find time to tell her wardrobe department to update her clothes. “I found the cutest little romantic comedy!” Olivia gushes, so excited that she crouches down a bit. You get even more nervous as her stomach sloshes out in front of her. Rather than a small belly or a bit of a gut, it is a full on paunch. You blush, afraid to say or do anything that might tip her off. Thankfully, Olivia turns away quickly. You are treated to a large rump that looks undeniably flabby. It wobbles back and forth, sliding uncontrollably as Olivia starts to make her way in the bus. You swallow, trying to find the words to explain to your billionaire, popstar girlfriend that she’s put on fifty pounds in a matter of minutes. “Oh! They have a food platter for us!” Olivia calls, all thoughts besides eating taken away from her.

By the time you step up into the tour bus, your girlfriend has seemingly become another woman. Olivia is doubled over in front of a platter of burgers and fries. She is shoving a hunk of lightly grilled meat into her mouth, juice dripping off her chin. “Mmmppggh. . .wow!” She says, looking back at you with eager eyes. She is growing, fattening even as she speaks. Her face rounds out slowly, billowing like dough in an oven. Her arms, formerly skinny and even a little muscular, are now drooping and soft. Swollen calves threaten to pop the straps of her heels off. It’s a wonder that her dress hasn’t ripped yet. The formerly skinny pop star is now close to 300 pounds. This time you can’t hide your shock. Olivia picks up on it instantly. “What’s wrong?” She asks, starting to look down. She drops the burger she was making oral love to, the greasy meal smearing her dress. “What’s happening to me?” She yells, excitement replaced with surprise and growing anger.

“I’m fat?” She stands up, trying to see herself fully. Her body is rapidly growing now. Weight piles on at a terrific pace as she tries to find a full mirror. One heel breaks thanks to her weight, and then the other. Olivia is thrown to the ground, dyed hair strewn about her. On all fours, she looks like a pig that is going to be displayed at a fair. Her stomach and breasts hang down, whilst her butt blimps out behind her. Concerned boyfriend that you are, you run to her. She groans as the dress tightens to its fullest point. Now approaching 400 pounds, it has given its last breath. Whatever magic that was allowing it to grow alongside Olivia’s body has ceased to work for it. Your hands touch soft, plump skin as the dress rips. Olivia is left naked on the floor. “This can’t be happening!” She sobs as you start to pick her up. She is heavy, almost too heavy for you to lift properly. The two of you work together, struggling against gravity’s effects upon a still-fattening popstar. When Olivia stands, her gut touches the middle of her thigh.

“Help me to the bathroom.” She says, determination filling her voice. For the second time this night you put your arms around her, though now you are hardly able to hold her immensity. Olivia is bigger than you by two or three times. You two walk slowly forward, with Olivia waddling ahead. She is so big that most of your body is blocked from view. You act as the silent support behind her boulder body. “I’m so heavy.” She moans, shaking her gut with both hands. “How could this happen? My perfect body is ruined! People will never want to see ‘The Piggy Princess of Pop’.” Olivia’s mascara runs as hot tears spill out. Her hands shake as she opens the door to the bathroom. She is given a full view of herself as the door swings inward. You help push her, feeling your now small body swallowed by her growing asscheeks. 600 pounds of Olivia Hye now is in your woefully weak arms. “This. . .is me?” She asks, eyes lighting on the reflection.

Her face is singularly round, with a drooping roll of fat around her neck. Her breasts are immense boulders, heavy but retaining their perkiness. Her stomach surges out as a vast and single unit. It’s the kind of thing meant to take in vast quantities of food and quickly be ready for more. Olivia’s hips are so wide that they cannot be fully seen in the mirror. You feel them though, they bob against your hips. Though unbecoming, you feel yourself growing hard. Olivia’s body is hot, even with the addition of so much fat. She moans as she feels your cock against her butt. “So. . .you like this new me?” She breathes in and out, passion stirring within her. Thick, sausage fingers grab your hands and give you a tour of her new rolls. She guides you about her body, dipping your fingers into every nook and cranny. “I should hate this.” She purrs, her mind warping even as she talks. “I’m so fat and heavy. They will never want me on television again.” She sighs, throwing her long hair back and exposing her thickened neck. Wordlessly, she indicates for you to kiss it. “But I’m not sure I. . .aaaaah. . .care.” She moans as your lips make contact. The fattest, most successful pop star in the world leans back on you. “Just. . .oooh. . .fuck me. The media can wait.” She says, starting to tumble backwards.

The sex is messy and confused. You’re both unused to Olivia’s body and having to push through so much fat. The couch can hardly handle her bulk. Yet, there is chemistry between you still. You plant kisses between her breasts as she rips off your shirt and your mouth wraps around a fat breast and puffy nipple seconds later. “So. . .uugggh. . .heavy.” Olivia moans and grunts seductively as she rocks in order to better reach your pants. She’s after your member, but is too fat to reach your belt line. Her immense, rotund gut slaps against your slim body as she tries to sit up more. Instead of helping her up, you lightly push her down. With an exhausted, lustful sigh she lies on the couch. You shrug out of your jeans surprisingly quickly, considering the throbbing erection. Now, free from clothing, you can worry about pleasing Olivia properly. Fat or not, she’s a goddess and deserves loving treatment. Your hands trace the outline of her heavy breasts, light touch making her nipples shrink in excitement. Your hands move lower, towards her gut.

Olivia is fat. Fatter than any woman you’ve ever touched before. Whilst your cock does a stellar job of starting to hoist her gut up, you have to apply extra work to fully lift the curtain of fat. “Fuck me! Fuuucck me!” Olivia cries and demands. The spell that has fattened her has now turned her fuck-mad. She wants you to please her at all costs. It’s not a request from a girlfriend, it's a demand from the world’s most influential singer and a social media darling. You lift her gut fully, pressing forward with your own intense excitement. It’s not long until your cock finds the heat and wetness of her pussy. She makes a noise between a coo and a moan as you enter her. Her body quakes as you begin to pump. You find a quick, strong rhythm. The initial awkwardness passes quickly. You were made to fuck fat women, just as Olivia was meant to be a fat woman. You press your skinny body in further, small in comparison to her bulk. Olivia fills the couch, even leaking off the side. She grips whatever she can hold onto for stability, her muscle strength leaving her as she comes closer to climax. “Haaa-haaah-aaaah!” She cries in cadence with your pumping. Her pussy, soft but tight, gushes as you pleasure her.

Driven by increasing lust, Olivia grabs a pillow and bites down on it. Her head rocks backward, flabby chin jiggling with each thrust. She has never been fucked like this and you have never had such a strong performance. Olivia gives muffled moans through the pillow, chomping down on it even stronger. The tension builds. Her tidal wave of gut fat slaps into your chest and stomach. It’s thick and heavy, like a bag of soft sand. The obese woman begins to gyrate, using the little bit of strength she has to match your intensity. The bus rocks under the weight of Olivia’s movements. At some point, the pillow falls out and she is left to scream and sing your praises aloud. “Harder! Harder!” She cries, ready to pull her own hair out from extreme lust. Finally, the tension hits its peak. You both climax at the same time. You’ve never felt such release. It’s like your soul is being pumped out of you and into your obese lover. The two of you collapse into each other's arms. Neither you nor Olivia have the strength to stay balanced. You roll off the couch and she falls a moment later.

Air is crushed out of your lungs as a 600 pound K-pop idol flops on top of you. You are immersed in her folds and fatness. She blankets you and your vision is filled with her bobbling ascheeks back rolls. Her face rests on your shoulder. Though climaxing minutes ago, she is still eager. Olivia kisses and sucks your neck, trying to leave hickey marks. “Again.” She murmurs. “Fuck me like a fat bitch should be.” She whispers, trying to provoke you more. Forgotten is her time as a skinny pop star. All she can think about now is how big she is and how her appetites have expanded. Food and sex is what she craves. And you are going to give it to her.



Holy, more like this!


Well, even if her idol career is ruined, atleast she gets to keep the tour-bus! ...mostly because they can't actually get her out of it.

James Duke

Haha if there is ever a sequel, it will revolve around her getting stuck and needing. . .extra attention in the meantime!