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Tags: Vore, Rapid Weight Gain, Extreme Weight Gain, Blob

“Thank you again for escorting us around, Miss Kirijo.” Yukiko Amagi said, bowing to her host. Her long, black hair whipped over her shoulder, dangling almost to the floor. Her thin, soft hands pressed down the front of her short skirt to her leggings. She rose, her sharp eyes meeting Mitsuru’s own. While soft in speech and respectful in demeanor, there was an intelligent sharpness which was apparent when looking at her head on. It was enough to make even someone as competent and fierce as Mitsuru pause.

“Yeah! This place is amazing. I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a house this large.” Chie marveled at the grand opulence of the Kirijo estate. The energetic tomboy ran back and forth across the hall, her skirt flipping up to reveal the elastic shorts underneath. Chie had a bright and sunny demeanor, almost contrary to her mastery over martial arts. Rather than embodying the self-discipline and warrior spirit, she instead was a lightning rod of energy and enthusiasm. “I can only imagine what you have hidden away in here.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. This is one of my family’s more moderate holdings. We dipped into real estate for a time.” Mitsuru said, putting a slightly defensive hand over her middle. Her normally stoic demeanor fractured for just an instant. However, she recovered quickly. “I would show you everything to ease your mind, but it would take a rather long time.” She laughed and adjusted her fur coat. Mitsuru walked with the poise and elegance afforded to a woman in her position. She wore her latex compression suit, covering her curvaceous body from neck to feet. A large fur coat was draped over top, with her saber and pistol on either hip. With her crimson hair, she was more striking than any person in the house. Perhaps for this reason, Naoto Shirogane had taken such an interest in her. “With all due respect, Miss Shirogane, you do fit the bill of a woman with a lot of mysteries.”

The blue haired detective walked slightly behind Mitsuru, eyes glued to her figure. Yet it was not perversity that commanded her eyes, rather it was the rapacious need to solve riddles presented to her. There was certainly something strange about the Kirijo woman. Something that got Naoto’s hackles up. She took a little booklet from the back pocket of her tight dress pants, making little notes to herself as she thought. “I’ve noticed that you are very fond of that combat suit, you hardly ever take it off.” Naoto was about to follow up with more questions, hungering to find out what bugged her about the older woman, but she was cut off. The fourth member of their group, Rise Kujikawa, snapped one of Naoto’s suspenders against her light blue dress shirt. Naoto hushed herself, but did not stop writing in her journal.

“Did you all forget we were guests here?” Rise put the accusing question to Naoto. The former idol ran up to Mitusuru, clasping her hand and squeezing gently. “I apologize for their behavior. They have become a little suspicious after our adventures within the midnight channel.” Rise looked back and stuck her tongue out at Naoto, who had put her journal away for the time being. The former starlet took her hand away from Mitsuru for a moment, adjusting her twin ponytails and fashionable scarf. “I’m SO glad you invited us here. I’m sure the other girls are as well too, they just need a little adjusting time!” She turned and made a motion with her hands, trying to pry an apology from Naoto. The detective did not budge. Rise only succeeded in accidentally bumping her manicured fingernails into Mitsuru. She apologized quickly and Mitsuru graciously accepted. It was a small incident, not worth paying attention to, save for the small rip that was torn in Mitsuru’s costume. The tour went on without anyone noticing.

“It’s alright. I can understand the reticence of your friends.” Mtisuru spoke, adjusting her coat. “But I assure you that I am hiding nothing.” As her arm pulled the jacket into line, the rip on her suit grew slightly bigger. Silently, the advanced mesh of the suit began to separate. Like glass cracking under slow and inexorable pressure, the suit fractured along the initial fault line that Rise had created. It was slow but consistent, the various micro-threads unraveling as their unity fractured more and more. As they came apart, something leaked out to fill their place. Fat. Pale, jiggling fat started to leak from the growing tear. With each swing of her arm as she walked, Mitsuru widened the gulf, allowing more and more of her true form to escape from the prison. “I just wanted to get more acquainted with you all. SEES could always use more talent, and you four have displayed plenty already.” Mitusuru talked, leading the women from the grand entrance hallway and into one that led to one of the more cozy, remote rooms. Meanwhile, her suit continued to rip and bleed out adipose into the world.

Mitusuru did indeed have a secret, one that was both intimate and monumental in scale. It had been hard running the Kirijo Group, SEES, and all the other ventures she was apart of. Her life had grown increasingly complex as the years went on. To cope with this, Mitsuru had started eating. Like many women leaving highschool, she had gained weight and fallen prey to hitherto unknown gluttonous instincts. However, unlike most women, she had the means to build them into an extreme. As her life increased in complexity and danger, so too did Mitsuru’s appetite swell. She went from an extra meal between lunch and dinner to round the clock feasts. She was never seen without food in her hands. The finest food in the world was hers. There was no taste that she did not have money to explore. She dined on cuisines from a thousand different cultures, finding those that trafficked in calorie dense, nutritionally devoid foods most to her liking. Bafflingly, the weight never seemed to find a way onto her figure. She remained slim, svelte, and always in her gray suit and fur coat. However, that was not to say that the food did not affect her.

“Why don’t we. . .” Mitsuru stopped mid sentence as she felt something horrid. A jiggle played across her arm. A frown crossed her face, realizing instantly what had happened. A malfunction had struck her trillion dollar, space age technology, should-absolutely-be-perfect suit. “Ahem. . .p-please. . .excuse me.” Mitsuru paused, her speech broken and cut short. She tried to pass it off as her inspecting a text on her phone, as if some piece of urgent business had come up. “Why. . .why don’t we. . .ah. . .take a detour. . .down here!” Mitsuru abruptly changed her plans, knowing that she did not have time to waste. She walked quickly, knowing that every step was sending rips further across her suit and releasing more of her true nature to the world. At the current juncture it was contained to her left arm, but that would not last long. The technology that had gone into making the suit would only function when completely whole. Like a submarine taking on water, problems were about to occur across the whole of her suit. “This is rather silly, but there’s a room I quite enjoy around the next corner. I think you will find it to your liking as well.” She tried to keep her voice even, afraid that the detective would pick out her lies.

“Oooooh, what mysteries does she have for us!” Rise said, skipping ahead, teasing the other girls with her voice. She wiggled her fingers at Chie, who laughed. Mitsuru tried to join in, but was distracted by the feeling of her chest growing heavier. The rips were spreading further. Her body was starting to be freed in earnest now, ripping through all layers of the vacuum suit. While there were many layers of protection layers atop one another, they needed to work in tandem. If one went, they all went. While slow, the leak was increasing in speed. Mitusuru felt her folds being released in real time, the illusion of her perfect body melting away. She hugged her coat close, hoping that it hid enough of her. Meanwhile, her breasts had grown from the size of apples to grapefruits and were well on their way to their true massiveness. A bead of sweat ran from Mitsuru’s cheek, dripping down on to a neckline that was looking decidedly fatter. The rips were appearing in different places on her body now, she could feel a particularly large one forming between her buttcheeks.

She knew that she had to act fast. Rather than take the girls to the room that she had picked out in her mind, Mitsuru simply selected one at random. She trusted on her own innate luck and the wealth of her family to provide a room with a suitable distraction for the party. Really, she just had to get them into the room and shut the door. Her own bulk could handle keeping them inside whilst she obtained help. “You won’t be disappointed.” Mitsuru grabbed a handle and threw the door open. The girls started to walk in. They each disappeared into the room, whilst Mitsuru held the door open. She winced as a buttcheek slid out of her ripped pants, quickly taking on mass.

“Uhm, Miss Kirijo?” Yukiko asked politely. “Did you mean to show us an empty room?”

Not for the first time that day, Mitsuru cursed her luck. A thousand rooms in one building and she chose the only empty one. It was a cruel mistake. No matter, she could still shut the door and lock them in. “Oh, I must have selected the wrong. . .” Mitsuru was cut off as the world in front of her exploded. The suit had given its last. Rather than a slow and agonizing death, it had chosen a quick flame out. Mitsuru’s suit burst from the pressure, allowing her true body to reveal itself in all its soft glory. Her saber and pistol were scattered down either end of the hallway. The door was blown off its hinges by an onrush of blubber, rocketing over the women’s heads and landing at the far side of the empty room. Mitsuru saw little besides a spreading avalanche of her own mass. Naked, she toppled forward only to be caught by her own gut. The red head might have rolled end over end, had her massive ass not gotten caught in the doorway. Panicked, the Kirijo heiress quickly tried to come up with a solution to her current predicament. One had come to mind, but she did not want to enact it.

“Woah!” Even the normally stoic and reserved detective was moved to awe and terror by what she was seeing. She had little time to get lost in these emotions. Fat rushed towards her, threatening to crush or engulf her. “I hate to be proven right so quickly and thoroughly.” Naoto said, leaping onto the advancing wall of blubber rather than away from it. Pleasure mixed with embarrassment as she realized what the cost of seeing the answer to the mystery had been. Able to tread on the jiggling wall of fat, She walked up to Mitsuru’s quadruple chinned face. “I apologize for instigating this and for the embarrassment it has caused you. I should not have been so forward.”

“I agree.” Mitsuru said simply, deciding in an instant what had to be done. Using what strength she could manage, Mitsuru surged forward. Flabby arms, trailing wads of bicep adipose, latched onto the thin woman. Mitsuru knew what had to be done. There was no way that she could let her secret get out. Using the momentum trapped in her jiggling body, she pushed her mouth forward and opened wide. The hat of the detective disappeared, followed quickly by her head. Mitsuru had long hours of practice at eating, she had stuffed herself with meals that no human should reasonably have been able to eat. The only difference here was that her meal was alive and kicking. Naoto struggled, trying to break free of the iron grip that Mitsuru had on her. Instead, she was pulled deeper into the belly of the beast. The crimson haired blob, still continuing to gain in mass as the effects of the suit wore off, shoved the detective into her gullet whole. Mitsuru soon felt the kicking, struggling of Naoto deep within her belly, covered by yards of flab and blubber. “BBBBLLLOOORRRUUUP. . .I do apologize.” Mitsuru gave her condolences, looking at the other women. “But I do not. . .OORRUP. . .think I can allow you to leave.” She started to buck and kick her buried back legs, hoping to un-wedge herself from the doorframe.

It was less her movements and more her continued growth which freed her from the door. An ass that could crush a pickup truck burst the frame, allowing Mitsuru’s greedy bulk to flood freely into the room. She grew as she “moved”, filling outwards as precious seconds ticked by. The room was big enough to show a small movie in and she covered it all with her bulk. Her stomach pooled out as a sloping hill, traveling all the way to the ground and carpeting the polished tile. She was thrust upwards towards the ceiling, her multi-chinned face reaching towards the ceiling thanks to her stacking folds. Her ass was the prime contributor to her high seat above the cowering women. Its sloppy bulk spread to either side of the room, filling even the hole it had created through the explosive growth. Yet, proudest of all her assets, Mitsuru’s breasts reigned supreme. They surveyed the room from atop the white cliffs of her stomach rolls, like boulders perched to fall. Their circumference was double that of a car tire and their total mass was heavier than a strong man could lift. Filled with milk, they jiggled even more than the rest of her body. Mitsuru, pride of the Kirijo Group and stoic leader of SEES, was a monster without compare. A room filling blob whose very presence radiated dominance. Though, there would be some who tried to resist.

“You monster!” Chie said, realizing that she was in one of the many horror movies that she had forced Yukiko to watch. She ran at Mitsuru, hurrying across the folds that carpeted the room. While they formed a ramp up to the blob’s head, the rolls of flab were not easy to balance upon. Chie ran as best she could but tripped a time or two. When she finally reached Mitsuru’s head, her usual speed had been cut down to a fourth of its normal potential. “I won’t let you have Naoto!” She aimed a kick at the behemoth’s sagging cheeks, knowing that the other woman could not dodge. A moment later, Chie was shocked to find her foot lodged in her opponent’s mouth.

“Mmmph. . .you know. . .ittsscch. . .hard to. . .feel. . .schympathy. . .when under. . .attack.” Mitsuru mumbled before performing her own counter. She began to suck. A force greater than riptides at the beach pulled on Chie’s leg. She had never felt such inhuman strength. Unable to free herself or balance, she was quickly dumped on her butt and dragged towards Mitsuru. The older woman had little trouble slurping up the stripling tomboy. For all her martial arts practice, she was still only 100 pounds. She had not the mass or strength necessary to pull away from Mitsuru’s gluttony. Her mouth was soon filled with the shapely legs of her victim, lips spending precious moments enveloping the smaller woman’s asscheeks. Mitsuru pulled her head back, allowing gravity to finish what she had started. She gulped and slurped, finding her stomach more filled and taut than it had been in decades. There was a glorious sense of fullness, a writing mass now filling her gut. She looked to add more.

“HOOOORRRRUUUPP. . .oooh my. . .I do. . .bbbllurrruuup. . .find you all tasty.” Mitsuru taunted her remaining two victims. She flapped her nearly useless arms, happily pounding whatever folds she could reach. The pushing and shoving within her stomach had renewed, with both Chie and Naoto trying to escape. It did little other than start to inspire a deep, satisfied lethargy within Mitsuru. She longed to devour the other two women so that she could settle down, digest her meals, and sleep. However, there was work to be done yet. “Now, you. . .BBBLLRRRUUUUPP. . .could make this. . .oooorrruuup. . .easy on me.” She taunted, knowing that the other two had little choice but to try and fight their way out.

“Go on, Yukiko.” Rise said, readying herself. “I will sacrifice myself so you can make it. Tell everyone about this monster.”

“No! I can’t leave you to this. . .thing.” Yukiko was resolute. “We are a team.” She looked over to her friend. Rise knew there was no point in arguing with her friend. They would either triumph over the greedy blob that had devoured their friends, or they would soon join them. With fatalism or desperate heroism, the two charged. Yukiko went low whilst Rise jumped as high as she could, seeking to end the fight in one decisive strike. The black haired woman brandished her fan, aiming a blow at Mitsuru’s head.

Though a room-filling collection of rolls and blubber, Mitsuru proved to be even more dangerous than the two could have guessed. She let the two attacks hit their mark. They sunk into her neck rolls, doing little other than trapping the girls between two spare tire sized folds. It was then up to Mitsuru’s own greed to finish the job. “You know, I think this will be my biggest meal yet.” She said, glee touching her voice. Now freed from her suit and the pretense of being thin and in control, the heiress was more than happy to exercise her full gluttonous tendencies. “You both have. . .mmmm. . .awakened something within me.” She paused to rumble with pleasure. “I can’t say that this will be the last time nice, young ladies end up in my gullet.” Flabby yet powerful arms latched onto Rise and Yukiko, preparing for the final attack. “I had hoped this meeting would have gone differently, but I won’t say I got nothing out of it. Goodbye, ladies.” With that, Mitsuru began the laborious task of fitting both women in her mouth at the same time.

She scooped up Rise first, knowing that Yukiko would likely be the more docile. Her mouth unhinged, forcing itself open to truly cavernous proportions. It was no easy feat to shove young college women into her mouth. They kicked and struggled, their physical protestations causing Mitsuru’s eyes to roll back in pleasure. Swallowing the two was the very definition of two steps forward, one step back. Even considering her powerful gulps, Yukiko and Rise could fight their way out again. It was a siege, a protracted battle of wills. The outcome was inevitable though. Mitsuru would not let her pray escape. Instead, she enjoyed the fight. She heaved her body back and forth, trying to use every amount of leverage and gravity to her disposal. The girls went down agonizingly slowly, but extremely pleasurably. If Mitsuru had not been sold on the new lifestyle before, she more than was now. Yukiko and Rise eventually hit her stomach. They pounded and shoved, joining Noato and Chie in a final bid for survival. Yet, there was no hope. Instead, they only stroked Mitsuru’s ego and sexual pleasure more. She leaned back into her immense body, allowing herself to feel the full pressure of a painfully full and moving stomach. “BBBBLLLLAAARRRRRPP. . .struggle. . .struggle. . .OOOORRRRUUUPP. . .but there’s no. . .HOOORRUUP. . .escape.” She mumbled sleepily. Mitsuru finally drifted off to sleep when the four women from Inaba finally stopped moving. She dreamed of future meals and what they would do to her body.


“Jeeze, Mitsuru.” Yukari Takeba said, pushing her hand into the ass of her gigantic friend. She squished the gigantic buttcheek before her, pushing and shoving it. She giggled as it wobbled slowly, sending wavelike movements through the rest of her friend and leader’s immensity. “Break your suit again?” She asked, wondering if the blob could even hear her. Mitsuru’s ass was currently leaking into the hallway through a gigantic hole it had created.

“If your suit has had a malfunction, should we be worried about ours?” Minako Arisoto asked, pinching at a latex-like material that was very similar in nature to the one that Mitsuru had been wearing yesterday. Yukari wore one as well.

Mitsuru heard the girls through the wall, their voices traveling and vibrating up through her tons of blubber. She stirred from the food coma she had been in, rising from the depths of wonderful dreams. All had been replaying the events of the day before. She stirred sleepily, ravenously hungry despite her smorgasbord yesterday. “No,” She yawned, trying to lift and spread her arms. She instead found them too heavy to lift. “You both should be fine. I had a bit of a wrestling match with the girls from Inaba yesterday.” She paused, wondering how to break the news to her friends. As indicated by their own compression suits, Yukari and Minako had bodies much like Mitsuru’s. Within them all beat hearts of greed, yearning to overeat and try to satiate impossibly huge appetites. Mitsuru had no fear of her friends’ responses, she only wanted instead to find a way to tell them that would stoke their voraciousness. The crimson haired blob wanted to dine well in the coming days, having found a new avenue for her gluttony. Much like in the years before, she wanted to share that blessing with her teammates. “They proved to be a troublesome lot. On a related note, I have something quite amazing to tell you both.” Mitsuru smiled, imagining a kick coming from deep within her mass.



Yo, you do vore now?

James Duke

When the stars align! It depends a lot on the circumstances and the characters. Girl has to be fat or get fat from it, be exceptionally good looking or Hella cute, and the story has to be minor in scope. I don't think I could go super in depth with vore stuff, maybe keeping it light and fun.