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Tags: Anthro TF (human to Rhino Woman), Pregfat, Strongfat, Personality change

Older comm I did when I was asking for Susette to get some weird stories. For the people who don't like antrho/furry stuff, no worries! More regular, human fatties coming soon.

--- Vandalism ---

The door to the curio shop opened with a jingle as Susette Ong stepped in. Susette was the picture of middle aged beauty. She wore light blue jean capris and a pink and blue striped sweater. The outfit, something of a regular uniform for Susette, hugged the mature asian woman’s figure without being ostentatious or lascivious. She was slim and just under average height. She was highly out of place in the shop. She evoked classic middle America whilst the shop seemed to be stolen from an 80’s fantasy movie. Susette walked past crowded shelves of ancient books, alchemical glassware sets, and skulls with candles set in them. She looked up and down the rows, humming to herself as if she was in the grocery rather than a wizard’s rummage sale. Susette’s face bore a simple, charming smile which reflected her cheery demeanor. Even some of the stranger, more grotesque items within the store couldn’t make her wince or flinch. She was unflappable in her motherly happiness. Though, she did jump a little when the storekeeper suddenly appeared behind her.

“And how might I help you today?” He asked, his voice honied and thick with unknowable pleasure. Susette squeaked, jumping and spinning around. He was a large man, taller than her and vastly wider. He dressed in oriental garb, ornately woven material dyed in luxurious and vibrant colors. While the fabric was rich, it did little to cover his mass. “It’s an unexpected pleasure, Miss. . .”

“Susette. Susette Ong.” She politely put her hand out. He took it in a firm but sophisticated shake. Susette felt a jolt run through her as their hands made contact, like a small spark of static electricity had popped out. The sensation stayed with her though. Even after she pulled back her hand she could feel it. She rubbed the spot as she talked. “I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to waste your time. I just needed to kill a little time before going to the store.” She sighed, deflating and slumping her shoulders for a moment. “You know how these chores are. Always piling up.” The moment of weakness passed quickly, with Susette straightening and resuming her smile. “Not that you need to hear about my problems! why don’t you show me around?” She clasped her hands together and took some small steps towards the owner. Worrying too much about her own composure, she didn’t notice that his grin had grown wider.

“How about we do both.” The owner walked forward, putting a plush arm around Susette’s slim shoulders. “I’m Felix by the way.” He began walking her down the isles. “It can be good to tell your problems to an impartial listener. I certainly won’t judge.”

Susette felt the energy again now that Felix’s arms were touching her. Instead of a spark, it was like a small heating coil radiating onto her. She was bathed in the strange sensation, absorbing whatever essence that he was putting off. It was comforting, provoking the woman to divulge yet more. “Oh, it’s nothing really. I’ve just felt so blah lately. Vee, my daughter is off at college, so I’m all alone in the house. I’ve only ever been a mother, so it’s a little strange.”

“Missing the good old days?” Felix asked, pointedly not showing Susette any of the store. He walked her around, drawing conversation out of her. He felt desire welling up inside Susette, an unspoken and unrealized wish forming within her soul. Whilst happy with her current life, the middle aged woman was yearning for something a little extra. Yet, her waking mind kept her from realizing the truth. It was his job to pull those dreams, desires, and unspoken wishes out. He would pull them from her and then weave them into reality.

“Oooooh, I shouldn’t be saying any of this.” Susette’s consciousness fought against her inner wish. “. . .but yes. I think I am. I don’t mean to sound like one of those TV show wives, but I want a little of everything.” She started to slump again, but Felix’s doughy arm pulled her back up. The small gesture of support kept her speaking. Felix grew evermore excited. Each new sentence was another building block towards a clearer picture of Susette’s inner desires. “I guess I want my energy back. I got so much out of being a mother.” She paused, another thought getting into her head. “I wouldn’t mind getting a bit wild either, but maybe that’s me wishing for too much.” A jolt went through Felix. There it was! The final piece of the puzzle. It was a simmering, hardly formed wish but more than enough to work with. Felix felt giddy upon the realization. Susette had done her part, now it was time for him to get to work.

“You aren’t wrong for wanting things, Susette.” Felix said as he pulled her around. The large man put a hand on her shoulder and one on her stomach. He poured the magical energy resting in his body into her, filling her to the brim with sorcerous power. “Sometimes, with a little luck and magic, we can get exactly what we want.” He strained, jolting her with his magic. Susette jerked upright like a current had been run through her. Her body glowed for a moment as it figured out how best to distribute the magic that Felix had given her. She closed her eyes, feeling a warmth and pleasure that she could not describe. When she opened them, she saw that Felix had stepped back. . .and that her stomach was bulging outwards. Her once flat tummy had rounded into a belly. An obviously pregnant belly.

“Felix, goodness, what is this?” Susette asked, her hands running over her baby bump. She looked several months pregnant, even feeling kicks and movement. She gasped, pulling up her sweater to reveal her naked stomach.

“I think it’s just the beginning,” Felix said cryptically with a wink. “You’ll see the rest quite soon.”

“How could there be more? I. . .” Susette began to speak, but stopped as heat returned to her body. It spread through her from head to feet, like a fever had taken her. Magic lanced through her body, now fulfilling everything her deeper self, the one buried by her conscious mind, desired. The strange, barely understood desires of the asian woman were about to come ripping and screaming into reality. The Pandora’s Box of her wishes had been opened. The heat settled in her muscles, charging them with a strength that she had never known. Susette gasped as she watched arms widen and thicken. They grew from slim toothpicks to baby saplings in the blink of an eye. Susette had always been slim but never toned. Now, however, she possessed the kind of lean muscle that a swimmer might. Yet, her growth was not done. Her body continued to add pounds of muscular bulk. Susette’s shoulders widened and rose, filling out with capped delts larger than bowling balls. Her thighs and calves blew outwards, hardening like beams of steel. Her capris ripped as her legs grew bigger than tree trunks.

Felix stepped back, his smile turning somewhat nervous as he realized just what he had uncorked. Susette’s wild side was truly beginning to run rampant. She sprouted upwards as muscle stilled piled onto her frame. “This. . .grrruuuhhh. . .feeels. . .pffftt. . .incredible!” Her soft voice grew appropriately edged and violent. She snorted as her changes deepend. Her face began to length, forming into a snout. Her skin turned gray. Susette’s cute sweater became a croptop as her pregnant gut exploded outwards, growing bigger and tauter with abs. “So. . .uuurrrgggh. . .strong!” The asian woman stamped a pillared foot, cracking the floor. Her excitement turned to raw aggression as she outgrew the world. She continued to sprout upwards, taking five feet and making them more than 7. A shelf exploded as she threw out a ham sized fist. Her long, gray face spouted steam as she snorted. Her eyes narrowed for a second, watching a gigantic white horn grow from her nose. The middle aged woman was now more than 7 feet and over 800 pounds of heavily pregnant rhino-woman. Susette snorted, feeling both pregnancy and rhino hormones pump through her system. Her larger, powerful heart beat beast blood through her dense arms. She was a living tank, a vessel for life and destruction.

“Nooow this is living!” She looked down at Felix, smiling with glee. Wanting to demonstrate her newfound strength, the gift that she had been given. She picked up and hurled a bookcase. It smashed against other shelves, papers and mystical trinkets went in all directions. Susette laughed and snorted, switching between delight to rage. Susette had never felt extremes like this, even at her most pregnant with Vee she had only had a few mood swings. Now it was like her brain was constantly flipping switches. “Rrrrraaaaahh!” She drove a fist through the sales counter, smashing the antique cash register. Susette rose in a flurry of money, snatching some and tucking it between her gigantic breasts. She might have done more, had her babies not kicked jostled her. She paused, reading the whims of her maternal body. The spoke to her of new lusts, new experiences to indulge in. “Later Felix.” Susette tromped up to her small friend. “Momma’s gotta go feed her babies. Back later if you need anymore. . .pppphhh. . .shop rearranging.” She snorted again, gouts of heated steam pouring out of her rhinoceros nostrils. She patted Felix on the head, her hormones blaring in her mind. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to bully or fuck him. The indecision drove her even more berserk. Snorting and roaring, Susette left by plowing her way through the back of the store, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

Felix, standing in a landscape of debris and garbage, sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s always the MILFs.” He said, seemingly unphased by all that had gone on. The rotund magic user ambled over to a stool which, amazingly, was still standing and intact. He rested his own soft bulk on it, counting down the seconds. He was patiently waiting, summoning his powers back. He knew that Susette would be amusing herself at the expense of the city and that he was probably the only one that could stop pregnant rhinoceros. However, he wanted to give her a fair headstart. It seemed only right that she got to enjoy herself to the fullest extent before he stepped in.

--- Grocery Store Rampage ---

An hour later Felix caught up to Susette. It had not been hard to follow her trail. A swath of destruction had been carved into the city. Cars flipped and caved in, holes punched in buildings, and numerous other pieces of wreckage marked the path that the pregnant behemoth had taken through the city. Felix ambled past the corpses of streetlights, twisted and mangled on the ground. He hummed casually, hands in his pockets. The brilliantly decorated man took the destruction in stride. It was interesting seeing the fruits of Susette’s inner desires. He wasn’t given to psychology or analysis, but it was interesting to see what had been simmering underneath within the depths of the mature asian woman. Turns out, Susette was a bit of a loose cannon. As he reached her current spot, a large grocery store, he realized that she might be something of a glutton as well. Felix entered through the hole that Susette had made in the wall, clambering over the large truck she had hurled through it. Despite his own fat body, the shopkeeper could move easily when he chose. He tiptoed over the totaled pickup, quietly sitting on the hood and watching his newest patron fulfill her life’s dream.

“Mmmpggh. . .gotta. . .mmmpggh. . haff. . .more!” Susette bellowed, tipping a cereal box into her mouth. By the looks of things, she had just made it through the breakfast aisle. Boxes of pastries and cereal were scattered around, trampled underneath the rhino-girl’s heavy feet. She plunged her face into the box, licking and sucking down more cereal with her long tongue. Susette had been growing again, reaching another stage of her wish. Her babies, likely 10 swimming within her exposed gut, demanded more food and a much bigger mother. Susette had quickly acquiesced, plunging into a gorging spree. She had fattened greatly, with weight distending her belly and thickening her thighs further. Whilst defined and toned still, there was a sort of puffiness that had not been there before. “Not. . .BBBLLRRRROOOOOP. . .fattening enough.” The hormone crazed woman beat her beachball sized breasts and then kicked her way through the shelving. Onto the cookie aisle.

Felix tapped his chin, knowing that the time for action was upon him. Susette would still have plenty of fun, but it was time for her to come back to reality. He hopped off of the truck, landing with a large thud on the ground. He dusted himself off and then began to chant. This was focused magic, energies directed with a specific intent and purpose. Felix felt his skin ripple, his body composition changing. His body tightened, shifting his own fat into something different. His arms tightened against the sleeves of his robe, ripping as muscle grew underneath his fat. Fur grew from his arms, covering his body like a thick cloak. The sounds of Susette destroying the cookie aisle were joined by Felix’s expensive outfit adjusting to his new body. His feet grew into hooves as his legs inverted. His hair grew shaggier and curled, forming into a luxurious afro which fell down about his eyes. As his chest and shoulders grew broader more and more of his outfit ripped away. Rather than a doughy shopkeeper, Felix was now a beast fit for battle. Horns grew from the side of his head, small but sharp. He was now a bison-man, perhaps the only living creature who could match Susette’s ferocity and strength.

“Susette!” Felix called, his voice deepend thanks to his transformation. He could hear her rummaging around, gorging and smashing anything she could get her hands on. Felix trod amongst the ruins of the store, now rising head and shoulders above the aisles. He knew that he should probably approach the situation delicately, there was little telling what kind of strength Susette truly possessed. Once a spell was unleashed, its consequences were hard to surmise. However, Felix was feeling a little drunk on his own power. “Diet time!” He called, wondering how much it would take to antagonize her. He held his hands, smiling as he felt his arms flex and ripple. “Time to pack it in, Fatty!” He heard a snort, knowing in an instant that Susette had been lured in by his calls. He took a breath, waiting for her response. The shelving in front of him exploded into a shower of food, several tons of rhino came coursing through the shower at him.

Even in the short timespan that Felix had taken to complete his transformation the asian woman had grown more. Cookies, brownies, and fruit snacks had done wonders for her figure. Her face was now rimmed with a flabby double chin. Her stomach had lost all semblance of abs or tautness. She was clearly still pregnant, but possessed a roll of thick fat which jiggled and swayed underneath. Her butt had blown out to the sides, fattening to the point where it was as wide as the hood of a sedan. Her clothes were in tatters. Her stomach had shoved her sweater up and under her breasts, acting as little more than a strip of fabric to cover her nipples. Likewise, her capris had ripped and shredded into short shorts. Her panties could be seen from the back, clinging to life on the obese rhino-woman’s asscheeks. Susette plowed through the rain of food, snorting bursts of steam. Her arms reached forward, desperate to catch Felix. She cared little that he was now a monster himself, caring only that she had another thing to smash. Her gut clashed with his, bigger and more forceful.

Felix caught the charging woman hand to hand. He wondered idly if this had all been a mistake. She was huge, towering over him by a foot. She was so large that her horn scraped the top of the ceiling. “Going to. . .hhhhuurrrggh. . .smash you. . .then. . .fatten up.” She bore down on him, trying to force his hands back. Felix felt himself slowly getting overpowered, the floor cracking under the pressure of the two giants. “Big momma. . .GGRRRRRUUUH. . .is so. . .FUCKING hungry.” Susette growled, thrusting her gut forward further. Felix strained his legs for all they were worth, forcing his hooves to catch the shattered tile and concrete. Despite fighting for his life, he couldn’t help but wonder which part of her was so intent on smashing him. Was it her rhino instincts or the pregnancy hormones? Those were questions for later, provided he was conscious. Susette’s breasts filled Felix’s face, still smelling of her rose-perfume even after her rampage. Even through her transformation she managed to be every bit of a middle aged woman. That realization gave Felix an idea.

The bison-man spun, dragging Sussette along within him. While not able to match her strength outright, he could at least drag her. The two creatures ran through the store, smashing through shelves and knocking displays down. Susette’s dark hair flapped and splayed across her beefy shoulders. She smashed her fists into Felix, but his own bulk felt little pain. Finally, the two crashed into glass doors. Twinkling shards rained down on the pair, their skin too thick to be affected. The pregnant mom-ster was dazed, feeling a chill wind on her back. Yet, she started to stir. Despite her strength, it was hard to get up. Her stomach rolled back and forth, flopping down between her tree trunk thighs. She pounded the ground with her fists, gouging deep craters. The obese, pregnant rhino-woman was at the mercy of her own fat. It evoked memories of when she had been pregnant originally with Vee and how much fun it had been to feel her center of gravity change. Again, she was at the mercy of her maternal changes. Susette sniffed, her hormones again prompting a drastic change in mood.

Felix, sensing the change in mood, capitalized on the rest of his plan. He had drawn Susette to the ice cream row. While silly, he figured that a pregnant woman couldn’t resist some sort of sweet treat. His arms scooped up gallon jugs of sugary, frozen treats. He deposited them on Susette, going so far as to shove one into her face. “Go on, give it a taste.” Felix said, clamping a hand down on her shoulder and shoving the tub forward. Susette kicked and snorted, animalistic side rebelling. However, after an arduous struggle, she finally gave a lick. Her long, rough tongue glided over the ice cream, processing the immensely sugary taste. Greedily, she took the tub away from Felix, licking and slurping the melting ice cream. “There we go. . .there we go.” Felix said, slumping down next to her. He reached for a tub of his own, but his hand was smacked away by Susette.

--- Epilogue: Another Mood Swing ---

“Sniif. . .I jusscch. . .missch her. . .schooo musccch.” Susette said through teary eyes. Her pregnancy hormones had kicked into full drive, bringing her nothing but food requests, tears, and happy memories. “Vee wa. . .waaa. . .wwasscch the cutescht babeh.” Susette sobbed, somehow managing to plunge her face into another carton full of pickles and ice cream. She was heaped in the remnants of what had been the outer row of the grocery store. Through her ceaseless binging the wall had collapsed. Tons upon tons of rhino-woman fat had blown backwards. Each jug of ice cream had seen her ass grow fatter. Wider than she was tall, Susette rested in a pile of her own fat. Whilst still muscular, all her raw power had been buried under waves of gray bulk. Three chins, drenched in melted ice cream runoff, rested upon breasts the size of large men. Her clothes had torn away, revealing her full nakedness. Her stomach billowed forward, now bigger than an suv. Through the tireless working of Felix’s spell, Susette had grown ever more pregnant. Her body filled with fat, muscles, and babies at an equal measure. Her overtaxed womb competed with her stuffed stomach for space. All the while, she blubbered and sobbed, her mind joyful and sad at the same time.

“Don’t worry, she’s gonna come back from college to visit.” Felix coddled the blob of fat, rubbing her large belly with his hands. He had stayed in his bison form, sensing that his emotional friend might want some strong arms caring for her. He pressed his bulk against hers, kissing her fat cheek. “She’s going to see a very cute, very pregnant mother.” He rubbed her stomach, feeling innumerable children kicking within.

Sniff. . .you think?” She asked, leaning her mass over onto him. “I hope she doesn’t mind that her mama has put on some weight. . .and gotten pregnant. . .and turned into a rhino.” Susette laughed, her brain again allowed her to feel happiness. Whilst she would be back to mood swing tears in a matter of minutes, for the moment her disposition was sunny.

Meanwhile, Felix grunted as thousands of pounds of soft fat was placed into his hands. He struggled to lift her, going down to one knee. Yet, he was able to adjust. “I know. . .so.” He grunted, glad that his magical prowess could grant him this body. Rather than try to push her back into position, he instead leaned forward to kiss her again.


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