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Tags: Light health issues, teasing, immobility, fat speak

I might do more with this continuity in the future. It was quite fun to write about Samus being massive and out of shape.

"BLLLRRRUUUUUP. . .oh. . .god." Samus awoke needing to vent the gas building in her stomach. "Brrrrruuuuuuuup!" She belched again, plump lips crashing into one another and shaking the rest of her fat face. Samus' face was entirely round, dominated by heavy cheeks and jowls. Where formerly were cheekbones now only purest blubber resided. The only features not to be dulled by the onset of hyper-obesity were her sharp eyes and small nose, the latter of which held a nasal cannula for extra air. Samus panted between belches, her cheeks playing upon an all encompassing neck roll. "BRRRREEUUURRRUUUPPP!" She forced the thunderous expulsions out, trying to clear her stomach. Her most recent nap had exchanged a stomach full of food for one filled with gas. A couple more each shaking belches cleared it out, leaving her tired but l as her stomach relieved the pressure within. As Samus felt her stomach relax she weakly called out, testing her voice.  Nurrsssccchh. . ." She said, her voice rumbling through her immense body. She fingered the call button on the side of the bariatric bed, the finest piece of medical technology the station had ever put together.

“Look who’s shaken themselves awake!” Samus did not have long to wait. The nurse, a buxom woman by the name of Nora, bounced into the room. She was the opposite of Samus in many ways: young, thin, perky, dark haired, and seemingly without energy. It was hard to believe that a woman like her had the ability or patience to sit through the intense medical training required to take care of a woman in Samus’ condition. Yet, Nora had proven herself to be capable. . .if a little eccentric. “How’s my favorite patient today?” She leaned over, her bobbed hair swishing in front of Samus’ face. The jagged points of Nora’s bangs tickled the morbidly obese woman, but she could do little about it. Any of her former strength had long been sapped from her body, leaving the former bounty hunter a ruined blob. She had to save her movements for when things matter. “Your color looks good. Those cheeks are as rosy as ever!” Nora beamed, massaging the softball sized cheeks with her slim fingers. Though a veiled way to call out that Samus could no longer regulate the temperature in her overly-padded body, Nora said it so sweetly that the comment went unnoticed. “Gosh, I’m going to be one of those grannies who pinches peoples cheeks when I’m older.” Nora said in her absentminded, oblivious way. She continued to play with Samus’ face, rolling the heavy woman’s chins back and forth.

Samus allowed the indignity to continue only because she was used to it and so many more. As a bed bound, permanent hospital resident she had become accustomed to routine and unscheduled invasions of personal space. At the very least, Nora was lively. “Issch. . .there. . .any. . .newsccch. . .No-waa.” The bounty hunter asked, trying to talk through the jiggly torment. Her already apparent fat-lisp was made worse by the thin hands cupping her cheeks. Moments like these made it all the harder for Samus to remember that she was once the strongest woman in the galaxy.

“Sooooory, hon!” Nora let go of Samus, but not before lightly flicking her nose. “Doctors still haven’t discovered a cure for cuteness. You are stuck with me.” She winked before skipping to check the medical readouts of the past several hours. While disappointing, the answer was to be expected. The finest minds of the galaxy could not explain why the blonde had bloated up as she had. Samus herself only remembered the feeling of a bite whilst she was on a mission to a planet on the edge of the galaxy. Some creature had gotten into her suit, plunged its mandibles into her, and forever ruined her life. The weeks and months after the mission had been a monumental spiral, with Samus’ health and weight plunging out of control. At the “end”, she had no way of knowing if she had even reached the bottom, Samus had found herself a bed bound, unhealthy blob. Each day that passed had brought no news, despite the constant tests run. She was merely treated and fed in the hospital, a sideshow for Nora to play with.

Samus, perhaps hiding from the news, found her eyes drifting to Nora’s round ass. It seemed impossible that anyone calling themselves a nurse could have such a well formed butt. It was toned and athletic, yet more than large enough to fill out her skirt. Samus remembered when she had possessed a butt like that. Now her asscheeks looked more like two-person bean bags than they did any natural part of the human body. Were she able to walk, her butt could have been used as shuttle seating and carted doctors and nurses around the station. It was so immense that it hung off the side of the bed, falling into open air. The thought of the comparison between posteriors drew deep breaths from Samus. She sucked air through the tubing in her nose, needing the relief of medically enhanced oxygen to calm her down. She was startled by an alarm going off in response. Her heart seized and she grit her teeth as it blared.

“Ooooooh shoot!” Nora dropped the clipboard and ran to the side of Samus’ bed. She was snorting and gagging, her body heaving. Instantly diagnosing the problem, Nora dipped under the bed and toyed with a series of tubes and canisters. Her fingers deftly twisted knobs and pulled tubing. Masses of fat hung above her head, yet she spared no time to consider the view. The alarm continued to blare and Samus’ wheezing grew louder as Nora worked. The obese woman’s fists clenched and unclenched as she struggled to take air in. She breathed, but was denied the rich and medicinal oxygen she needed. I’m so sorry, I thought we had more time on this tank!” Nora talked to her morbidly obese patient as she worked. “Stupid me.” She slapped a tube into another tank and gave it a spank for good measure. The alarm stopped blaring, but her patient continued her labored breathing. Nora stood and wrapped her arms around Samus’ shoulders, turned into hills of fat by her unknown disease. She grasped folds of breast fat, massaging the sensitive areas to relax the blonde behemoth. “It’s ok now, Miss Nora fixed the tank. Now my wittle Sammy-wammy can breathe clear again.” Nora continued playing with the gigantic breasts which filled her hands, as big and round as baby seals. Deftly she lulled her patient back into a state of lethargy. Nora slid her fingers under the folds and creases which connected Samus’ ballooned breasts, knowing it was her favorite spot. “Good girl. Just relax a bit and then I will get you a snack.”

Samus, weakened by the scare that she had just had, did not have the strength to resist. She knew that it would only dig her deeper. She should be working on building her health up, not tearing it down further with the kind of “snacks” that Nora liked to give her. All the same, she had few ways of processing the trauma that her body went through on a daily basis. The blonde behemoth licked her lips, leaving them and her chins glistening. She could feel the rapacious gluttony within her body coming alive, yet another present from whatever had bitten her. The heart monitor started to beep loudly as she became excited. “Muh. . .” Samus started but stopped, unwilling to give up so easily. She wanted to remain strong. However, she also wanted comfort. The fact that she hadn’t told Nora stop massaging her chest told her that. The thinner woman sunk her hands deep into Samus’ upper chest, patting her stomach fat. There was a part of the retired bounty hunter that wanted more attention paid to her chest.

“Does my Sammy have a request?” Nora pushed closer, at the same time starting to finger a deep fold of fat. “I know the shuttle came to restock all of our food today. I could get whatever your big heart desired.” Nora put her forehead to Samus’. “Just say the words, I’ll do anything for you.”

Samus puffed air in and out from her nasal tubes, excitement growing. She could not resist any longer. “Maybe. . .sscchooo. . .schoome. . .ische cream.” Samus caved, knowing full well she shouldn’t enable herself or Nora. She could not help herself. “And. . .” She stopped, taking draws off of her oxygen tank. Her chest expanded with the artificial air, puffing her titanic stomach out more and making her breasts slide further off the bed. “. . .aaand. . .oohh. . .” Samus wavered.

“Come on.” Nora said, close to mounting the bed to get closer to Samus. She begged her brain to read Samus’ mind, wanting to honor any and all requests. She lived to serve the obese woman, wanting to take care of her with treatment befitting her goddess status.

Samus looked away for a moment, making a decision that would dictate the course of her life. It was surprisingly easy. “. . .Schome kissches.”

Not waiting for further instructions, Nora pushed her face against Samus’. “EEEEE! Of course! Sammy gets whatever she wants.”



This is incredible!!! I really hope that you do do more with this continuity cuz this is next level!

James Duke

I mean. . .that might have just sealed the deal ;). Thank you for the kind words.


I've no idea if this was your intention but perhaps you could continue with having Nora nurse other blobbish gaming girls too? Could be a fun recurring character.