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Tags: Rapid weight gain, Extreme blob sizes, Explicit, tube feeding.

A special treat for you all! I worked with SlimeyJay to create this commission and he very graciously gave me TWO images to use. Make sure to follow him on DA and show some love.

--- Worries On A Sunny Day ---

Obai City was a coastal paradise. Its sunlit beaches merged seamlessly with a bustling metropolis, one leading to the other almost seamlessly. The people who made their residence within the city limits were a diverse mixture of races both fantastical and mundane. This diversity was reflected as much within the food and restaurants within the city. Cuisines of every race and nationality were on offer. The chefs, ardent craftsmen looking to stimulate both olfactory and gustatory senses, learned first their own recipes and then the recipes of their friends and rivals. This led to a culinary culture that was second to none.

The people of Obai City threw themselves into the foodie culture as well, acting as samplers, taste testers, and aficionados. They spent their days roaming the city with friends and family, glutting themselves on the offerings of chefs and vendors. Of course, this led to predictable results upon their waistlines. Obai City had a growing populace in every sense of the term. Happily, the community glutted themselves day after day with little concern for snapped belts or popped buttons. It was a joyous time, yet, not everyone could be so fortunate. . .

“Oh, Oreeeey, I have to do something.” Kira Owel, resident sweetie and slime tender of Obai City, slumped onto the table of a cafe. Her slime friend, Orey, looked at her with confused sympathy. “He’s gonna leave me, I just know it.” She mumbled into arms, a torrent of brown hair covering her face and muffling her words. The small slime rolled over and patted his best friend’s head. While a nice gesture, it did little to improve Kira’s mood. The storm clouds in her mind had been increasing over the weeks, despite the good fortune that had befallen her. She made a comfortable living, had a large group of friends, and even a cute boyfriend.

In truth, it was this last point that was the source of her greatest highs and lows. Ryker was a chemist with swished back, distinctive blue hair and just enough stubble to look a bit rugged. He was everything that Kira had ever wanted in a boyfriend. Upon becoming a couple, she had been ecstatic, unable to believe her good fortune. Trouble had started to brew as time went on though. It all began when she noticed Ryker giving a sideways glance at a passing woman some weeks ago. The woman had been one of the upper echelon of the city’s gluttony clubs, a true mass of feminine fat and beauty.

“I’m too skinny for him.” Kira said, shifting only so that she could grab a little belly fat. “And too poor to be huge.” She huffed, still hiding under her hair. Kira had tried to gain weight, but found that it drained her bank account too quickly. While fattening, the food of Obai City was expensive. While Kira had been able to gain 20 pounds, raising her weight up to 110 pounds, that had done little to change her shape. “I gotta get fatter.” Kira sighed and finally allowed her face to remerge from underneath her hair. She pouted at Orey.

“Oooorrreeey.” The slime said. Orey patted her head, suggesting something to Kira though only able to say his own name. He then spoke again, nodding sagely as though he had dispensed deep wisdom and shrewd council.

“Professor Zhi? I don’t know about that.” Kira’s despondency was replaced in part by worry. Zhi was a scientist who had contributed much to Obai City, but there were dark rumors about her activities. She was someone to be admired from a distance, and certainly not one to place trust in. However, Orey was not one to take no for an answer when an idea came into his head. He grabbed Kira’s face and turned it towards the road. A gargantuan catgirl was waddling down the road, face red simply from trying to put one leg in front of the other. She wore only a blue tube top and a bikini bottom that was mostly buried beneath leg fat. She was perfect. Orey bopped and tapped Kira’s head, again talking. Kira shivered looking at the immense woman and letting Orey’s words seep into her ears. She knew what had to be done. “Fine, let's go talk to her.”

“Orey!” The slime yelled in agreement.

--- A Deal With Zhi Devil ---

“You’ve certainly come to the right place.” Zhi said as she walked the chubby slime girl through her laboratory. “As you are no doubt aware, huurgh,” Zhi tugged her pants up over her voluminous gut. “I’ve made quite a study of mass accumulation.” The scientist waddled down the hallway with her gut leading the way. Zhi had a tanned complexion, a sumptuous, summer-kissed beauty who weighed no less than 350 pounds. Her hair, a shade darker than her ochre colored skin, waved behind her in a long ponytail. “I believe that we can easily solve your. .little problem.” Free and fresh with her words as always, Zhi leaned over and patted Kira’s stomach playfully. Kira smiled warily. It was obvious that the scientist was into the proposed project, though that interest was strong enough to warrant suspicion. Kira could practically feel the energy radiating off of Zhi. It made her more than a little nervous.

“Thanks. . .heh-heh.” Kira laughed nervously, unsure of what she was getting into. The two were now deep in Zhi’s medical complex, walking amongst equipment that Kira couldn’t guess the function of. There were great containers of liquid and pipes which fed in and out of them, running in a lattice work around the lab. Robots of all sizes walked or flew between the machines, going about their tasks without a peep. Kira’s rustic upbringing had not imparted her with much knowledge about tech. To her, it was almost like looking at magic. “So, how will the procedure work?” Kira stayed with the topic, but shifted away from herself.

“Well, it's pretty self-explanatory.” Zhi said, her eyes shining. “We need to introduce your body to a serum that will allow for quicker digestion and slower metabolism.” Before Kira could say anything, the doctor drew forth a syringe and plunged it into her arm. “Sorry, patients get nervous so I try to do that part quickly.” She rubbed the spot on Kira’s arm as a means of apology. “But now you should be able to make quick work of any food we pump into you.” Zhi, growing excited and wanting to keep Kira from asking too many questions, grabbed the skinnier woman’s hand and jogged over to a place cleared of all equipment. Tapping her foot on a hidden button on the floor, Zhi raised a hidden dumbwaiter from the floor. A thick, triple layered, chocolate cake was summoned from the depths of the lab. It was obviously moist and fluffy, its culinary perfection transcending the senses. With sight alone, Kira could tell how good it would taste. “Give it a try.” Zhi nudged Kira forward.

“Oh. . .ok!” Kira said, walking forward cautiously towards the cake. She wore only a tank top and purple sweats, the color being a nod towards her partially hidden nature as a slimegirl. Her stomach rumbled, already activated thanks to the serum pumped into her. Her hands trembled as she reached out for a piece of the sliced cake. She knew these next few moments would define her relationship with Ryker for months and maybe years to come. Kira poked a finger into the soft, spongy cake. Her heart palpitated, realizing just what this all meant. She briefly considered turning back. However, she remained firmly rooted in place. She would learn what it was like to be a woman that Ryker would desire. Kira bit into the cake.

Her senses exploded all at once. Taste, touch, and smell sent into overdrive thanks to the serum that Zhi had given her. The tanned scientist had not spoken falsely about the serum, but she held back about just how enjoyable and euphoric eating would become. The recipient of the serum would be turned into an eating machine, a gluttonous beast thinking of nothing other than consumption and growth. Kira’s timid bite quickly turned to excited munching and then into frenzied handfuls. “Soooo gggoooood! Thisch. . .mmmpggh. . .isch like. . .craay-shiee good!” She moaned, fisting more and more cake into her mouth. Each handful saw the cake disappearing from reality and Kira’s belly taking the space. Her pale stomach grew more and more, pushing against her light gray tank top. It’s rise was nothing short of absurd, rolling outwards like a balloon being puffed on. Each fist of cake saw it grow by an inch or two. Kira never slowed and hardly took notice though, far more engrossed in her devouring of the frosted goodness. Zhi, meanwhile, watched with a burning passion filling her eyes.

When it was all said and done, Kira was left with a stomach that would make most pregnant women jealous. Her tank top was tight against her now perfectly round gut, lifted halfway up. Her sweats, meanwhile, had been pushed down in order to accommodate for the double-bowling ball belly she sported. Kira was dazed from the act of overindulgence, but cognizant enough to recognize what had transpired. She had just devoured in minutes an amount of food that would have otherwise taken an hour. She might have been proud, had she not been so hungry. “Do. . . hic. . .you think that was enough?” Kira said, starting to walk back over to Zhi.

“Absolutely not!” Zhi practically ran forward to meet Kira. “We have a lot more feeding to do!” Growing ever more excited, Zhi grabbed Kira’s hand and led her back to where the cake had been. “Just stay right here!” She tapped the ground, a spring loaded hose shot up from yet another secret panel. Zhi grabbed it and tipped it up to Kira’s mouth. “Put this in your mouth.” Kira obediently took it and put her soft lips around it. “Now the real fun can begin!” Zhi smiled, patting Kira’s large tummy. “In no time at all you are going to be a totally different woman!” She gushed, her attitude something like a snake oil salesman about to complete a sales pitch. “Just make sure you hold on tight. Keep those lips around the nozzle. This baby can pack a punch!” Zhi slid Kira’s hands down the thick tubing, making sure it was secure. She then tapped another hidden button with her heel. Far below the two women’s feet, a pump began to churn. With mechanical strength unbound by reason or conscience, the pump pushed liquid through the hose attached to it. Sweet, immensely sugary liquid roared and raced its way to Kira.

Kira shifted back and forth as she felt the thrumming pump underneath her. It sounded like some ancient beast had awakened and was digging its way up from underground. The hose she held in her mouth was flat and dry, but she started to see the far parts of it fill outwards as the food entered. It thickened outwards like a firehose might, filling with whatever strange concoction that Zhi and her robots had created. The serum within the slimegirls body goaded her into a wary excitement. she dimly wondered if it was a good idea to be doing this, but the rest of her was poised and waiting for the first hit of the food that was to come. Kira’s knees weakened a bit as she felt the approach of the mysterious fluid. The room smelled sweet, oddly of cake and batter. The hose started to fill between her hands. She blinked for a moment an involuntary flinch before the feeding fluid hit her.

“Gllummpgh. . .mmmpggh!” Kira nearly dropped the hose from her mouth as a thick, pudding-like substance poured in. Her first two draws from the hose were more like gasps, as she tried to acclimate to the onrush of food. Yet again the serum saved her. As liquid mounted within her mouth, stretching her cheeks like a chipmunk, her instinct to glut kicked back in. She swallowed in several large gulps, clearing her mouth. Then, Kira allowed herself to ease into the feeding. It was not like chomping down cake, where she had to do the majority of the work. Instead, Kira was forced to give up her control. Her eyes fluttered as she gave herself to the simple pleasure of having her body filled up. She focused on the taste, consistency, and the effects of the batter. It was clearly derived from some mixture of cake, pudding, and ice cream. Everything fattening and semi-solid had been mixed and churned together to form the unique concoction. Her tongue sparked with the sharp, sweet taste. Kira had a sweet tooth like few other people and this fluid was even overpowering her. It was thick and slow moving despite the constant churning of the pump. It made its way slowly into her mouth, making up for the slow movement with the sheer amount of liquid. The feeding held her enthralled, almost so much so that she missed what was happening to her body.

Even more so than the cake, this new food was changing and warping the slimegirl’s body. Kira’s stomach bloated out faster than before, though at a much more consistent rate. The cake had seen her stomach fill out in sporadic jumps, fueled by her fist by fist eating. Meanwhile, the hose allowed her to grow consistently. Her gut filled out like a proper balloon. It grew tighter and tighter pushing up to its maximum occupancy. Kira had stuffed herself before on her quest for fatness, but never to this level. Beyond pregnant, Kira looked like she had swallowed another person or even a medium sized animal. A redness overtook her stomach, showing just how taut and tight her gut was becoming. Kira might have held or massaged her tummy, but she was too caught up by the stuffing. Her mind was wrapped around the end of the hose just as much as her mouth was, utterly over-stimulated by the batter she was ingesting by the gallon.

“How do you feel? Are you doing ok?” Zhi asked, more out of her own perverse desires than concern for Kira. Not waiting for an answer, the tan woman reached down and rubbed the growing orb of retained batter. Zhi’s hands glided over Kira’s stomach, she could literally feel the current of food within the slimegirl’s belly. “You’ve adapted much more than anyone else.” She poked Kira, a cute “bwwwombb” sound following her finger. It took all of Zhi’s waning professionalism to not rub her face on Kira’s belly. There would be plenty of time for play later. Besides, she did not want to interrupt Kira just before the true fun began. Zhi could see it now: Kira’s body was beginning to understand how best to process the batter she had so thoroughly filled herself with. The redness lightened a bit as Kira’s stomach shrank by an inch or two. The brunette slime was beginning to digest her food, beginning to turn the hoard of calories into fat.

“Here it comes, Kira!” Zhi called, patting the large wobbly gut before her. Almost sleepily Kira looked down, realizing that there was more of herself. The flood of calories slowly became a flood of fat. Weight piled onto Kira with the same quickness that her stomach inflated with. Her stomach softened without losing size or mass. Rather, walls of supple fat built up around the tight core of her gut. Likewise, her booty blew up behind her. Kira had to shift in place, muscles trying to compensate for weight they were never meant to hold. The formerly loose sweatpants found first their freedom of movement at stake and then their very lives as Kira’s legs expanded outward. Her chunky thighs and calves went from brushing up against her pants to outright stretching them. Kira’s body had sopped up a lot of the calories, pushing her body towards and over 300 pounds. The formerly pudgy woman was finding the weight that she so desperately desired. Zhi was finding yet another outlet for her lurid schemes and desires.

“My, my. I should have given you some of my stretch pants.” Zhi said, working her own chubby arms to pull and tug on Kira’s pants. The two fat women bumped against each other, wedging the hose between them. It wriggled and writhed against their tummies, possessed of an internal, sensual will and drive. Both the hose and Kira continued to move, both controlled by the flow of fattening batter. The torrent of liquid was matched by the speed of Kira’s body to digest it and turn it into fat. She grew and grew, her body taking in as much of the cake concoction as possible. Minutes passed with Kira eating and growing, with Zhi teasing and poking her test subject. Kira was in a slow daze for most of it, the serum allowing her to focus on the act of eating. She was dully aware of her body’s growth and the effects of the stuffing, but it mattered to her little. That is, until she started to reach 400 pounds.

The now obese woman came out of the serum’s effects through a random stomach pang. Kira winced, staring down in shock at her larger body. Her hand went to her side, fluffing her belly. Fat fingers pushed into her gut. Kira felt her stomach growing and fattening around her fingers, pouring outwards. She also felt the somewhat painful stretch of her stomach, having to accommodate the gallons upon gallons of food being shoved and crammed into her. “Mmmgggmmp!” Kira tried to speak, succeeding only in making strange noises and leaking batter from her mouth. She waddled backwards, trying to make sense of what was happening to her. Zhi, recognizing what was happening, sighed and tapped her foot on the ground. The hose started to slow, allowing Kira to take the nozzle out of her mouth. Tossing the hose aside, the slimegirl looked at her body in awe. It seemed like she was living in another person’s body, like her mind had simply jumped out and landed somewhere else. The feeling was magnified as she saw how huge she was compared to Zhi.

“I’m so huge now.” Kira said dreamily, still adjusting to her new bulk.

“I think we reached the agreed upon amount perfectly!” Zhi looked down at Kira, amazed at the growth that had taken place in such a short amount of time. Kira was now double Zhi’s own impressive width. Further, the slimegirl seemed so much fatter because of  how unused to it her muscles were. Kira stood leaning backwards, trying to hold up her body by alternating her center of gravity. This only shoved her stomach out further, making her pitiful tank top appear as a tiny bra. Her sweatpants had ripped at the sides and back, exposing much of her acquired leg blubber. Further still, Kira’s puffy face now rested on a pillow of neck fat; her neck having disappeared. The voluminous, voluptuous slimegirl had a decidedly round figure. Her body went out in all directions. “Welcome to the 500 club.” Zhi couldn’t resist patting Kira’s expansive, semi-sphere gut. “Better text that boyfriend of yours to come pick you up.” The tanned scientist winked, unable to not flirt in the presence of such impressive bulk.

“Yeah. . .” Kira said, straining to reach into her sweats pocket to reach her phone. In the excitement of the feeding she had forgotten where she had placed it. Kira fished through her pants, searching for her phone just as much as exploring her new body. It wasn’t in either pocket, nor was it pinned between her love handles and her gut. Kira continued her search further up her body, fishing around in her bra and tanktop. Her arms slapped against her breasts and gut, her biceps now descended into jiggly fat sacks. Ah-ah!” Kira cried as she found her phone. It was tucked under a large boob, nestled between the warm expanses of her chest and gut. She took it out, quickly typing a very flirty and instructive message to Ryker. Zhi, noticing the pure enjoyment that Kira was getting from her new size, noticed an opportunity.

“You know. . .” Zhi walked up beside the fatter woman. “If Ryker likes you this big. . .he’ll probably want you bigger.”

“Oooh, uuuuh, probably.” Kira said, blushing at the thought. She hadn’t considered Ryker asking her to gain even more weight. That now seemed inevitable to her.

“Well, we could maybe give him an even bigger surprise?” Zhi tapped Kira with the hose nozzle, placing the thick tubing between her now gargantuan breasts. “Just a little more, like 100 pounds?”

Kira sucked air in as she excitedly thought about the proposal. She loved giving Ryker an extra thrill just as much as the idea that another 100 pounds on her already embiggened frame was simply a drop in the bucket. Tucking her phone away, message sent to her lover, Kira looked into Zhi’s eyes. “Let’s do it!” She said, ready to again be filled up.

“Peeeerrrrfect.” Zhi purred, grinning from ear to ear. She tapped the floor just as Kira happily bit onto the nozzle. Little did Kira know that Zhi had tapped an extra control button.


“Mmmpmpmh! Mmmm!!” Kira strained to talk as the hose pumped liquid into her. She was several minutes into the newest tube feeding and was realizing that Zhi might have had ulterior motives. The tube pumped at double speed now, filling her twice as fast. Kira could hear the deep whirr of the pump below her, working so hard that it shook the floor beneath her feet. That shaking was echoed by the jiggles traveling through her body. Or, more accurately, her growing body. Kira had only grown by leaps and bounds with the addition of the faster pumping. Her stomach had once again become entirely round and taut, filled with the gooey cake batter. It mattered little that she was now racing past 600 pounds. Her stomach was so filled with cream that the fat and rolls around it were pulled tight. Kira uncertainly tugged and pulled at the hose in her mouth, feeling her fingers growing fatter as she worked at the nozzle. She was torn between taking it out and fully experiencing a burgeoning side of her. The more Kira guzzled, the more she realized she liked it.

While it was weird and uncomfortable, the feeling of total tightness in her gut was addicting. Freed from the gluttony enhancing, mind dulling effects of the serum Kira now felt the strange tingles and pangs that came along with a feeding of this magnitude. Her stomach was pulled tight, blown out to person-sized proportions. A veritable flood of batter poured down her throat, going so far as to even make a swirling current in her gut. Yet, Kira sucked and slurped on. The redness returned to her gut, now a bright crimson as she was pulled in twain by the force of the feeding. The formerly skinny slimegirl felt sweat bead on her forehead from the strain that was being placed on her body. She felt so tight, so full that she almost didn’t notice how the rest of her was softening.

“Keep going!” Zhi called from behind Kira, placing a knowing hand on her rear. Zhi shivered as she felt Kira’s ass billowing outwards. Her sweatpants, already looking like they had been painted on, were now tearing in a hundred different places. Adjusting to her now shelflike booty, Kira took a heavy step forward. To help aid Kira, Zhi grasped the sweats with chubby hands and began to pull. With surprising ease the soft fabric came apart, fat rolling out like water from a burst dam. Zhi went further, pinching the thin lines of Kira’s exposed panties. She tugged at them, pulling them against Kira’s soft flab. The panties were decorated with little slimes. However, they were shredded into oblivion thanks to Zhi and Kira’s combined efforts. Kira was quickly left naked, as her breasts did the same to her tank top. Now, bearing her fatness to the world, the 800 pound fatty continued to grow and explode outward. Zhi stood behind Kira, mesmerized at what she was seeing. Through all of her countless tests she had never seen results like this. Kira was growing at unstoppable speeds. Her unique slime biology allowed for greater consumption and stretching. Pervert and scientist that she was, Zhi knew she had to push things further. “Kira, honey, I’m gonna give you a little more juice!” Zhi called sweetly, drawing another hose from the floor.

“Mmmppph?” Kira asked, unable to form words with the hose filling her mouth. She wanted to know what Zhi was planning, perhaps hoping to talk her out of anything rash. Kira was now tremendously fat, her stomach sinking towards the floor. It was maybe time to slow things down, prepare for Ryker’s arrival. Kira tried to turn around, slowly waddling her bulk. She turned like a tank, each footfall heavier than the last. It might have taken her a full minute to turn around. Thanks to Zhi, Kira never got the chance.

“MMMMMMMPPHHH!” Kira called suddenly, feeling something thick and heavy snaking between her asscheeks. It was thick and pulsating, driving forward with a strong yet pleasurable force. Her gigantic buttcheeks, each weighing several hundred pounds, clamped down in surprise. Kira blushed, reaching a heavy and clumsy hand backwards. However, she only grasped at yet more blubber.

“It’s ok!” Zhi said, slapping Kira’s large behind. “Just another little hose. You were doing so well with the first.” Zhi was close to jumping up and down. The hose inserted in Kira’s rear was quickly filled with batter. Zhi was proud of how Kira held the hose, her flabby buttcheeks even clamping down harder as the liquid pumped into her rear. She filled even faster, bulked up from both ends. Kira breathed heavily, doughy shoulders rising and falling as she adjusted to the obscene dimension the fattening had taken on. Her stomach inflated with a devilish speed, again giving the near-bursting feeling that Kira had begun to crave. It grew bigger and bigger, outpacing the rate at which her body digested the fat. She jumped in surprise as she felt it touch the ground. Kira was quickly becoming a ball of lard and cake batter. Her stomach, now acting as a weight, dragged her down. Kira rolled back and forth on an ocean of her own fat. Zhi couldn’t help but tease her a bit.

“Goodness, Kira!” Zhi rocked the fatty, pushing her back and forth. Kira was in a swamp of her own fat. All around her was pale bulk, some fat and some her expanded stomach. She looked at Zhi only to find that, thanks to her growing stomach, she was now taller than the scientist. “You can slow down anytime you want. You don’t have to eat ALL of my cake batter stock.” She grinned, deeply and perversely amused by the situation. If Kira responded at all, it was lost in her folds. The blob continued to grow outwards, filling more and more of the room. Machines, chairs, tables, and other equipment were pushed out of the way or crushed. Kira was an advancing tide of fat, her front and rear only discernible only because of the tubes leading out of them.

The slimegirl was buried in a cocoon of fat, swallowed up by her own body. She blushed and gasped at the sensation of batter being pumped up her now car sized ass. The hose wriggled and bucked between her asscheeks, further stimulating insane and lurid thoughts. Likewise, her other hose now trailed down a series of chin folds and a field of stomach blubber. Kira was too overcome by the raw orgasmic pleasure of it all to do anything. She simply laid within her own mass, letting her body get pumped and fattened. Her arms and hands were gradually pulled inside piles of arm fat and she had next to no idea what happened to her feet. Kira was simply a blob, begging to be filled more and more. Her stomach coursed and whirled with the cream flowing into her. She tried once or twice to buck and gyrate, wanting to feel even more orgasmic pleasure, but gave up when she realized she was too fat to move at all. She thought she heard Zhi giggling and talking, but cared little. She only wanted to fatten further. To be lost in an endless, gluttonous dream.


Ryker walked through the lab, more than a little confused. He had gotten a text from Kira, saying that she had a surprise for him and that he had to come immediately. Not being one to deny his girlfriend, Ryker had made his way over to the lab. He ignored the sinister reputation that Zhi had, placing his trust in Kira’s ability to judge people. All the same, when he saw the infamous roboticist waiting for him he considered telling Kira that he felt under the weather. In the end, love won out though and he had accepted Zhi’s invitation to come into the lab. She had said little about Kira, dodging every one of his questions. Rather, she simply led him deeper and deeper into the lab. What had started as a simple pass through rows of cubicles was now turning into a hike through a darkened series of white corridors. Zhi walked ahead of him, leading the way with confident strides. While fat, the doctor had a purpose to her walk that helped balance out her waddle. Finally, they stopped in front of a massive garage door.

“Ryker, you are quite lucky to have Kira.” Zhi said, intently staring back at the young man in front of her. He seemed nice, sincere, and genuine, but she was going to make her point all the same. “It’s not every woman who will go to the ends of the earth for her man.”

“Yes! Absolutely.” Ryker was confused, but agreed quickly.

“And, if something should ever happen, there are a lot of experiments I need to run. . .” Zhi let the words hang in the air, causing Ryker to sweat. However, once the appropriate amount of stress had been built up, she relented. “Anyway, Kira and her surprise are here!” She said, cheery as could be. She pushed a button allowing the door to slowly rise.

Ryker ducked under the opening garage door. As the door continued to lift behind him, overhead lights turned on one after the other. He gasped as a mountain of fat was revealed to his eyes. Each pair of lights revealed more of the titanic being that rested comfortably in the room. Shocked, Ryker had to rub his eyes. It was unbelievable that a person could get so fat. He hardly believed that it could be a person. It wasn’t until he heard a tired but familiarly adorable voice call out that he understood just who he was looking at. “Ryker. . .fooo. . .you. . .came!” The voice wheezed. It was Kira, blown up to the size of a small hill. She was laying on her back, gigantic stomach pointing towards the ceiling. Her stomach fell upon the rest of her, all equally hyper-obese. Slowly the surprised man made sense of the various body parts. Breasts the size of small cars fell to either sides of veritable hay bales of arm fat. Legs fat and soft enough to allow large families to sleep on them helped to support her stomach. At the very bottom of it all was Kira’s wide and smiling face. “What. . .do you. . .think?” She asked as he ran over to her.

“Kira! What in the world did you do?” Ryker tried to make sense of his feelings, wondering just how his tiny girlfriend had gotten in this situation.

“Duuuuh, I wanted. . .to be. . .fat for. . .you!”

Ryker stared at the hills of blubber, so big and room filling that he could only see portions at time. Kira was so vast that his brain could only process her body if he stared at her individual parts. “I mean, isn’t this a little much?”

Kira, aghast, fumbled with her response. “What? Don’t. . .you. . .like it?” Tears filled her eyes, afraid that she had messed her life up in the span of an afternoon.

“Heeeey, hey now.” Ryker wiped a finger to her eye, brushing away the scattered bits of watery emotion. “I love it, I swear.” He leaned in and kissed her, his face sinking into her beanbag cheeks. Kira, unable to move hardly, simply giggled and enjoyed the love. Ryker’s kisses continued as he slowly mounted his now room filing girlfriend. He lay on her largest chin fold and part of her breast. It was like kissing on a waterbed, save that the waterbed was kissing back. Ryker could not have imagined a hotter scenario. His lips played with Kira’s, teasing the gigantic woman. Yet, something nagged at the back of his mind.  He slowed and finally stopped his kissing. “What made you do all of this?”

Kira trembled, waves of fat spreading through her body. “Well. . .” She felt silly saying it out loud. “I was. . .afraid you. . .wouldn’t like me skinny.” She labored the words out, still adjusting to all the fat pressing on her chest.

“You know, I’d love you no matter what.” Ryker said gravely, the words of Zhi ringing in the back of his head. “Fat or thin. . .or even house sized.”

Kira felt herself getting weepy again, overcome with emotion. However, she felt something else as well. It had been a day of sexual tension and release. She desperately wanted to keep that pattern going. Cheekily, she narrowed her eyes. A Cheshire grin spread across her face. “Well. . .how about. . . you help. . . prove it. . .big guy.” Her voice was even huskier thanks to the fat around her face. Her purring made her fat ripple, sending amusing vibrations through Ryker’s trousers. He felt his pants stiffen at the mere hint. “Come on. . .Ryker. . .I’ve been. . .waiting. . .all. . .day.” Kira’s voice dropped to a whisper. The blue haired man had already disappeared, running to the back of his blobby girlfriend.

What he found was a pleasure cave. Kira’s wall of gut fat had been hoisted up by one of Zhi’s industrial lifters, allowing Ryker blessed access to Kira’s most vulnerable spot. While it involved a little spelunking, he quickly found what he was looking for. Kira moaned and gasped as Ryker made his way under her stomach and between her thighs. Now a blob, she could do little other than allow and accept Ryker’s cock into her waiting pussy. While he fumbled at first, adjusting to fucking atop an island of fat, any and all movement pleasured the slimegirl. She moaned loudly, wishing that she could lift her arms. She wished that she could move at all. As it stood, the pressure and tension would build and build within her and she could do nothing about it. Just like with the hose feeding, Kira felt her body fill with nervous energy. Ryker was starting to find his footing, thrusting his cock deep within her. She moaned, her mind flooding with pleasure chemicals.

“Haaaaa. . .Ryker. . .harder!” Kira called, unsure if she was able to be heard. She wanted him to pulverize her, to truly put her new body to the test. Ryker began to stroke more regularly, slipping into a strong rhythm. Kira felt her whole body shift in time with his thrusts. She was an ocean and Ryker’s thick member controlled her tides. She felt herself gush over and over, waves of orgasms running through her. Kira felt amazing, freed from all the worries and concerns that had been building within her. She loved her new body and loved what Ryker was able to do to it. It was sensitive beyond measure. Kira could feel every flop, clap, and jiggle of her folds. She wiggled her fingers in glorious agony, working them even though they were trapped within her arm pools of arm fat. She strained every moveable part, reminding herself just how humongous and fat she was. Meanwhile, with one hand pushing underbelly fat out of his face, Ryker continued to fuck Kira. He bent to his task, pouring every bit of his energy into Kira. Whilst Kira orgasmed under every stroke of his cock, Ryker felt his own building up.

Kira’s soft, warm belly bounced atop his head. Ryker was utterly engulfed by fat, buried on all sides. It did not escape his mind that he could be buried and lost within these folds for hours. If anything, that only added to the fun. Kira’s pussy was utterly slick, wet from the constant and unrelenting carnal joy he was bringing her. He breathed heavily, finding his own strength sapped by the full body workout. Each thrust was met with a rebuff from her fat. While he loved fat women, this was his first experience with one so huge. It took all his strength and skill to keep going. He would slow, but then speed up after a brief rest. His cock was enveloped in warm, slick folds. Kira moaned and groaned, her voice reaching Ryker as a series of watery ripples. Her words and animalistic moans and grunts reverberated through her fat, making her seem even bigger. These only drove him to further excitement. Finally, in a grand crescendo, he came.

Kira gasped as she felt Ryker’s orgasm. In a day of fillings, it was the strongest she had yet felt. Finally relieved, she sank down into herself, waiting for Ryker to come and cuddle her. She wanted him to tell her how fat she was, how much she needed to be fed, how difficult it was to fuck her. Kira sighed, thinking of all the ways she could now enjoy her body.


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