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Tags: Extreme Weight Gain, Rapid Weight Gain.

We'll see how this one is received. I know absolutely nothing about this manga. I read a little bit to try and prepare for this. . .but I'm not sure if that helped much lol. I might want to explore this more in the future though, because the manga seemed tight. 

"Come on, Marcille, you need to keep your strength up." Falin said in her natural, caring way. The blonde haired woman offered a plate of simmering food to the elf. Marcille, uptight as always shrank away as if she had been offered poison of some kind. However, considering that the dish had been cooked using monster parts, Marcille’s skittishness might have been warranted. The elf backed away, moving so stiffly that she almost appeared crablike. Falin laughed gently as she watched her elven companion shake her head and cross her arms over her chest repeatedly.

“No.” Marcille was aghast. “No, no, no. I CAAAANNNN’T.” Her normally pretty, youthful face was turned up into a darkened scowl by the suggestion. Even though the suggestion was delivered by the serene, beautiful, and priestly Tall-woman, Marcille could not make herself try the dish. Her mind and body utterly repelled at the thought.

“Come now.” Fallin pulled the dish back to take a small sip of the juices. “It’s quite good.” She smiled, instinctively wanting to sample more of the dish. “I made it using that fluffy creature we found a couple floors back, once the fur was plucked it was quite plump.” The creature in question was beyond the knowledge of either adventurer. It had been a strange mix of rabbit and puppy, infinitely adorable. Yet, strange things lurked in the subterranean depths of dungeons and neither woman wanted to take the risk. Using a spell, Marcille had put the beast down. Fallin’s kind and gentle nature saw her skinning the beast so that it did not die in vain. Now, resting in her stomach, Falin treasured the beast more than ever. “If you don’t eat it, I’m gonna take it all!” The cleric smiled, hoping her gambit would work on the uptight elf. It did not. Rather, it gave Marcille another idea.

“Well. . .what if you just eat all the monster parts?” Marcille said, trying to throw the onus off of herself. “Only one of us needs to worry about getting stronger, right?” Once again doing her strange, stressed-out crabwalk, she sidled up to the taller woman. “Ooooh Falin, please! You eat all the monsters in this dungeon. I promise that I will do it next time.”

Falin sighed, torn between doing what was right and giving into her caring nature. The elf had no malice behind her request, no ulterior motive. She was simply an uptight, religious elf who could not abide the practice of devouring monsters. The big woman scooped up another mouthful of meaty stew. What she had already eaten was already digesting, renewing her hunger. The blonde sighed, her mind rearranging so that she could more comfortably give into her friend and fellow party member. “Fine, but in the next dungeon you have to do all the eating!”

“Yes! Of course!” Marcille shook her head up and down like a puppy dog. Falin smiled and went back to eating. Curiously, each bite only made her feel hungrier.


“Faaaalin!” Mariclle called, trotting up behind her friend with another plate of food. “Just got done with another batch.” She sang as she skipped and twirled up to her companion. They had made it through another floor of the dungeon, making it the 10th overall, and had prepared food accordingly. The dungeon was littered with strange animal amalgamations. Some were ferocious mankillers, others seemed simply to be food for others. Marcille and Falin worked to dispatch them all, afraid of what might happen if such abominations made it to the surface. After each room, the pair stopped to eat what they had slain. Rather, Falin stopped to eat and Marcille simply helped feed it to her. Such was the case now, as the elf brought a fully loaded plate of roasted and seasoned meats to her chubby companion.

“Oh, uurrp, thank you, Marcille.” Falin smiled, trying to adjust her belt. The food and calories had packed on quickly from these meals. Far quicker than they should. It was as if her body was working double time to digest the food, but only half as quick to burn it all off. The result was a much thicker, wider Falin. The sandy haired blonde tugged at her belt, trying to either stick it on top of or below her forming belly. She had a ripe and growing gut, taut from the constant influx of food. Given her conservative clothing, it was the most noticeable part of her. Yet, there was plenty of heft elsewhere; buried under the coverings of her travel clothes. “I must say, I expected to eat my fill by now.” She said casually, taking the plate and beginning to up end it into her mouth. She let the pieces of meat tumble into her mouth, her worries dulled by the superlative taste of the food. The fresh, flavorful hunks of meat seemed to melt in her mouth and become one with her body instantly. Marcille, standing just behind her friend, could see the real truth of the matter.

Falin grew fatter instantly. Each morsel that she devoured plumped her up by that many inches. Her body rose in little spurts, like dough in an oven. This plate saw her butt start to become noticeable, filling out enough to act as a shelf for her dress and cloak. Her rump jiggled like warm jelly being poured into a bag. It grew out in all directions, moving with its own mind and intent. Marcille’s jaw dropped as she watched the growth take place. She tried to ignore Falin’s words, but her inner conscious provoked her to half-action. “Well, do you want to turn back?” She pushed her fingers together and spoke with a pouty face on her lips. She wondered if it would cause more trouble to go forward or return to camp now. Further, she wondered how she would tell Falin, her mind refusing to even think of what she would say to Falin’s brother.

“Aaah. . .no! I think we should continue, there’s just too much treasure to pass up.” Falin said, wiping her mouth clean of the food. While correct about the riches the subterranean labyrinth held, Falin was also considering the wealth of tasty food that might make it into her mouth. She questioned the strange properties of the monsters less and less as she sampled their delectable flesh. “Let’s push on.”  She turned, facing Marcille. Her face was far rounder, possessing now an independent jiggle that had not been there before. That jiggle was matched by her breasts as she turned around and waddled down the passageway.

Marcille and Falin fell into a strange yet comfortable rhythm as they passed the bygone corridors and moldering statuary of the dungeon. Falin would worry about the dispatching, defeating, and killing of monsters whilst her elven friend would cook them as best she could. While hating the idea of consuming the monsters herself, Marcille found a strange liking in feeding them to Falin. The blonde gobbled it all up, digesting and taking the strength from those creatures. Her body grew bigger and bigger, filling the corridors and hallways. Her belt was the first thing to pop, flying off of her with a snap. By this point, Falin was becoming unrecognizable. She had poured fat onto her frame, swelling her body well past 300 pounds. Even without a belt, her clothes stayed easily pinned to her body. Her large rear and equally massive stomach pinned her pants on both fronts. Her breasts, meanwhile, had begun to rip her top. Marcille could tell that Falin was enjoying the eating by the sounds she made, as well as her utter lack of concern about the destruction ripping through her clothes. The pair continued to make their way through the dungeon, with neither one complaining about their situation.


“Huuff. . .ffffuuuu. . .shhuuuuh. . . Marsh-ille.” Falin panted, struggling to take a final step forward. She was 64 floors into the dungeon and was losing her ability to walk. Her legs had become pillars of fat, wider at the top than at their base. She lurch-waddled more than she walked, having to throw her naked bulk forward. Sweat ran from her body in great rivulets as she thumped forward down the small corridor. Her arms were forced outwards by her nearly spherical stomach and the breast fat which wound around under her arms. “Coul. . .usche. . .haaah. . .booscht.” She let her tongue fall out of her mouth, and her fingers clenched and unclenched in rapid excitement for food. They had reached the final room and Falin was excited. Now, with the fighting done, she could savor the food and treasure without interruption. She simply wanted to be fed by Marcille, to have all of her worries and issues borne away down a gluttonous current. Her flabby ass jiggled, nakedly clapping against the stonewalls of the dungeon. Falin was sure that Marcille had heard her, but she couldn’t slow down to check. Any loss of momentum would mean that she would collapse. Luckily, her companion was quite a spry creature.

“Of course! Just keep going!” Marcille said, skipping up to her gigantic friend. Falin now looked closer to an ogre or a giant in raw mass. Her body was a series of rolls piled on top of one another. Thanks to Marcille’s spoiling, the soft flesh pillows were quite scalable. She clambered up, draping her skinny body over Falin’s broad, fluffy shoulders. Not wasting a second, Marcille tipped the plate over and slowly poured its contents into her obese companion’s mouth. Falin enjoyed herself audibly, licking and slurping at the plate with pure lust and excitement. Her body grew, surging outwards with each bite. Falin could feel the heaviness taking her, stomach now dragging on the floor. Her asscheeks became platforms for Marcille’s tiny feet to rest on. With her free hand, the elf massaged and stroked Falin’s upper stomach; reaching just in the space between where her breasts diverged from each other. All was well until she felt Falin lurch to a stop. Having finished the plate, Falin had finally grown wider than the corridor itself. Her ass cheeks bunched up and back on themselves, wedged tightly against the rock.

“Muuh-Marcshille. . .I shink. . .OOORRRRUUUP. . .we have. . .huuh. . .problem.” The formerly skinny cleric said, straining to move.


Trey MW

OOOO, I like how this turned out!!! Thank you so much