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--- The first Steps---

Normal weight: 110

Thanks to the terrifying power of the Paradox Pokemon, Professor Sada and Turo found themselves stuck within their labs. The two scientists were at the mercy of the machine they had created: a time machine which could warp space and time in order to bring pokemon from the past. It had been Sada’s all consuming magnum opus, a testament to human intelligence and the ability to shape all reality. She had succeeded in its creation, but the consequences of that rousing success would ultimately prove drastic to her and her husband. They were removed utterly from the world, hardly a trace of them left. Instead the two were stuck inside a lab which was imprisoned in time. It was a fate that would have driven other people to madness. Yet, the pair of scientists had proven very resilient. Rather than be broken by current circumstances, the two had come up with an experiment to entertain themselves. An experiment of Sada’s own choosing. The primal professor would test the limits of human physicality whilst getting fat. Very, unearthly fat.

“One. . .two. . .three. . .four. . .” Sada counted the jumping jacks out as she hopped up and down. Her eyes were focused on the camera in front of her, never deviating from the black lens. She had discarded her lab coat and was decorated only in the orange, feral looking shorts and top she wore. Her body was fit and tight, utterly unlike what might be expected from a professor that became a mom within the past year. Rather, she looked like a huntress. Thanks to her stony gaze and wild brown hair, the professor looked like she would be more comfortable hunting Mamoswines on Paldea’s ancient landscapes rather than tinkering with advanced electronics. “Five. Six. Seven. Love. . .how are my vitals?” Sada asked, casting a glance over to her husband. She did not look away from the camera, fixated upon the task in front of her.

“Fantastic as always.” He said, casting a casual glance at the monitors. The numbers and readouts would be saved to spreadsheets and data files, so it was hardly necessary that he pay close attention. Besides, Turo would rather spend his precious time watching the observable details of his wife’s body. He had quite enjoyed attaching the heart rate monitors to her, lovingly placing each and every sticky to her. Two had gone on her front, one above her breasts and the other just below. The researcher had been unable to keep himself from dragging a finger down between the two well shaped accumulations of fat. While appreciated by Sada, his obvious lusting had earned a reminder to stay focused. The time for fun would be there soon. The two had nothing but time to explore each other. Yet, as he placed monitors on her upper and lower back, Turo found his lascivious nature remerging. He had taken a silent joy in placing a monitor an inch or two lower than necessary, letting it rest just above where her golden-tanned buttocks started to form. “You sure you want to destroy perfection?” He asked, sardonic smile on his lips and a hand on his chin.

“Please.” Sada switched from jumping jacks to pushups. “At worst. . .” She powered through a set of push-ups, the only indication of exertion was the sweat that dripped from her nose. “. . .I’m swapping one form of perfection for another.” She switched from traditional push-ups to a variation that involved her swinging low and finishing by bringing her chest high. Turo’s smile deepend as he watched his wife’s breasts come centimeters from grazing the floor. Her ass clenched as she manipulated her athletic 110 pounds. “Really,” She turned, wiggling her round bottom at him. “I’d like to think that I’m on the cusp of ascension.” Turo again found himself breaking. He glided over to his wife, laying on the floor in only his futuristic jumpsuit. His outfit hugged his own muscular figure a bit too well. Sada took notice, but pushed herself to keep running through the tests. There would be time enough to flirt as the experiment went on. Delayed gratification was the best kind of satisfaction and Sada planned on working up to something truly special. “You know. . .if the data doesn’t record. . .I’ll have to fire you.” She joked, pressing herself further, her arms had just started to shake from the strain.

“It’s hard to imagine you being able to find a better assistant than me.” Turo glanced backwards at the malfunctioning time machine. “Especially on such late notice.” He smiled. His wife’s plan was strange, insane even, but he was game for a little experimentation. They had pushed the boundaries of science, why not do the same for romance? While Sada was trying to at least keep the forthcoming adventure lodged within the realm of science, Turo was more than happy to let this just be a couples activity. “Besides, I don’t think you are going to find anyone more interested in. . .advancing your figure than myself.” He waited for his wife to quip back to him, but she was switching from push ups to jogging in place. Calmly, he shrugged and watched his wife run, mentally taking snapshots of how her body moved. He knew it would never move like that again.


Sada worked to pull her shorts up over her stomach. It had been days since her experiment began and already she was starting to bulk up. Playfully she tugged the waistband up under her forming belly, seeing how it moved when pressed from below. The adorable pile of pudge in question hopped up and down happily. It was mostly vertical movement, with a little shaking from side to side. While normally smooth and perfectly round, Sada’s soft belly formed into small rolls as she forced her stomach up. Sada had never had fat like this before. She had skipped the dreaded “baby fat” stage of puberty, instead going from a lanky pre-teen to an athletic but curvaceous adult woman. Now, however, that was all starting to change. Freed from concerns about public perception, Sada was going to finally develop that softness that she had craved all her life. “Hmmmm. . .how to style you.” She murmured to her small amount of pudge. She flipped her stomach over and under her shorts, teasing her image in the mirror.

“Playing with yourself?” The ever sardonic voice of her husband came from behind her. Turo leaned against the door frame, dressed only in his boxers. Whilst Sada had been enjoying the sight of her expanded stomach, Turo had been honed in on watching her large rump roll back and forth. Sada’s eating had helped expand the generous amounts of padding she had been naturally gifted. It had been especially lovely watching how the tugging of her shorts had helped wedge her panties between her softening glutes.

“Not in the way you would want.” Sada turned and winked. “This was just a little ‘me time’.” She pulled out her pants and let the waistband snap backwards, there was an audible slap. Sada tried to keep a straight face, but the corners of her mouth were turning up into a goofy, misshapen grin regardless. That smile grew wider when Turo placed his hands on her stomach, shaking it for good measure. Sada had to bite her lip in order to keep a moan penned up. Turo had strong but flawless hands and they contrasted well against her soft but flawless belly.

“Pretty easy to turn ‘me’ into ‘we’ time.” The tall, slender man said as he poured lustful energy into his fingers. He kept his hands centered around Sada’s belly, rubbing and pushing. “And I think I could get into this kind of playing.” His tone always wavered on dry sarcasm, but Sada easily read the intentions underneath. Try as he might to sound like an apathetic playboy, Turo was just as ravenous about Sada’s growing body as she herself was. One by one he pressed the flat of his fingers down on her belly, forming little depressions. She murmured something unintelligible and leaned back, putting her round butt on his hips. The primal professor stroked her husband’s side, egging him on for more. The couple wordlessly played, each trying to goad the other into further action. After a long silence Turo finally spoke. “How about we continue this on the examination table.” He gestured to the bed.

Sada spun, pressing the full width and breadth of her stomach into him. The chubby woman grinned at the feeling of her fat working to push Turo away. Though small, the bubble of adipose was already making its presence known. A part of her felt foolish for enjoying this so much, that she was already dropping the scientific aspect of her exploration of fat and weight gain. She tried to steel her mind, to keep only the most professional thoughts within her. That lasted only as long as it took for Turo to squeeze her. Sada’s little belly squished up under her breasts, yet another reminder of how her body was changing. “How about you go fetch me some snacks first. I have a feeling we’re going to be burning a lot of calories soon. I want to load up.”

“Gladly.” Turo said smiling.


“Video log one.” Sada said, sitting at her desk and smiling into the camera. “I wanted to start this video series when I felt like I had made substantial enough progress to warrant a camera interaction.” Her stony demeanor was broken by a shy smile. The subtle layer of fat around her formerly defined face was made all the clearer with the smile. A cute double chin snuck out as she tilted her head. The intense, almost Amazonian professor already looked different with the inclusion of excess poundage. Her stony image softened to that of a normal woman who happened to be in a tribal costume. This was all the more evident as she started to stand up. “And I feel like I’ve accomplished that. So I, Professor Sada, would like to present the new me.” She pushed the chair back and took to her feet.

Large breasts filled out a now skimpy looking top. Her iconic arrowhead necklace now drooped between a much more sensual bustline. The ruffles on the bottom of her top now hung tight over a large round belly. Sada’s stomach looked taut, almost as if she was pregnant. Further, the tanned waistband of her shorts was curved down to accept the weight of her decidedly egg shaped belly. With her hands proudly placed on her stomach, Sada walked backwards to show off the rest of her accumulated mass. Hips that were thickened with both fat and muscle rippled, sending waves of movement down to chubby calves. Sada’s shorts were as tight as her top was. “110 pounds to start, up to 200 within a couple months.” Sada spoke, trying to sound stoic and professorial. “I believe that I am making good progress on my diet.” For all her serious intent, she couldn’t resist a little jab. “Or, rather, lack thereof.” she grasped her stomach, hiking it up as far as it would manage. She then dropped it, letting it bounce like a bag of molasses tied to a rubber cable. She turned to either side, letting her nonexistent audience see how far her belly protruded. “There will be more to come when I feel the time has arrived.” The telling smile crossed her face again. Sada quickly turned the camera off so she could eat more.

--- scientific Inaccuracies ---

Sada walked slowly to the scale several months later. She was shoving a sandwich greedily into her mouth with one hand whilst the other grasped her stomach. Sada had always tried to follow a very paleolithic diet, which had meant no carbs. Only allowed fruit, meat, vegetables, she had been restricted to the business end of the food pyramid. Now, thanks to her experiment, she was free from the fetters of that diet. She could enhance her diet with all manner of delicious things. Currently, she was sampling the latter half of a sandwich brimming with treasure troves of calories and held in place by a thick loaf of bread. Originally, the grilled sandwich had been so big that she needed two hands to lift it. Now, after unabated minutes of eating, it was able to rest in her plump palm. She waved the meaty, cheesy construction like it was a wand, drippings of sauce and grease acting as the fairy dust. Her belly led the way as she proudly walked into the bathroom, munching on her treasure trove of food.

“Hey! You coming?” She called back to her husband. “Measurements have to be done every morning, same time, or else it's a bust.” Her sentence was punctuated by her pounding another bite from the slab of sandwich into her mouth. Sada was excited to weigh herself, but she needed no help in knowing that she was fat. Everything about her, in and out, confirmed just how much weight she had put on. Rather than an innocent potbelly, she now boasted a rolling gut and deep navel. Her stomach swang back and forth whenever she walked anywhere. It fell forth over the band of her shorts. Sada had yet to decide if she preferred tucking her stomach in or letting it flop freely. While there was a rich debauchery to allowing it’s free movement, the plump professor couldn’t deny that seeing a wave of orange fabric desperately try to cover her flab was just as satisfying. Even when tucked in, there was no stopping the constant jiggles. She had just grown to the point where her stomach was slapping against her thighs, to further enhance the feeling of delicious fatness.

“You don’t want to mess up our experiment, do you?” Sada enjoyed teasing her husband by obfuscating her desires with scientific pretenses. She spoke by throwing her head to the side casually and waving her sandwich like it was a pointer. Years of living like her prehistoric ancestors had imparted Sada’s body with noticeable muscle. While this muscle was quickly being buried and replaced by far softer tissue, for the time being she was able to move much more easily than a woman possessing her BMI. She had a noticeable strut, a powerful way of swinging her growing buttocks back and forth. Her rump had grown as much as the rest of her, with two large melons resting on shapely, tan pillars. She bore no cellulite or imperfections, her skin still held in perfect tautness by the hidden layers of muscle. Her strong haunches carried her over to the scale whilst also fueling the jiggles throughout her fat. Sada stepped onto the scale, munching the sandwich.

“Its also. . .getting a little hard to. . .read this without you.” she grasped her stomach with her free hand, making a pathetic attempt to lift her gut. A shiver passed through Sada. How many more pounds would it take before she couldn’t lift her stomach? How many more might it take from there before she couldn’t lift her breasts. . .or even her arms? She was consumed by the questions, held on the precipice of imagination. She wanted to know the answers, but she was afraid of putting the image into her mind lest it spoil the reality which was set to unfold. Even now her gut spilled over, under, and through her fingers. It would but the slightest application of calories to ensure that her gut would continue to lord over her hand; becoming ungraspable.

“You know, Madame Researcher, you shouldn’t eat when trying to weigh yourself.” Turo’s quip brought her back to the present. He sauntered in calmly, feeling like he finally had the upper hand. “It’s going to throw off the numbers.” He ignored Sada’s eyeroll, skirting around her bulky body. He wasn’t sure how big she had gotten, but it was quite clear that she had packed on another staggering set of pounds since the last time that she had stepped on the scale. She was at a strange stage. Obviously fat, but still possessing the muscle to keep things in order. It was the sort of bulk that retired softball players picked up. Turo found the mixture of fat and muscle to be highly invigorating. “I think someone is getting a little too excited by the process of getting fat, rather than the experiment.” He grabbed a hand of thick stomach fat, jiggling it. Sada exhaled slowly, looking away from her husband in mock frustration. Her gut bounced up and down, slapping against her thighs. He quickly moved from one hand to two, twisting Sada’s plump central mass back and forth. “Seems a little unprofessional, is all.” He smiled at her.

“You’d certainly know a thing or two about that.” The fat woman retorted, pushing her husband away finally. It was a soft tap, just a little to get his hands off of her. She was really going to lose her mind if he kept touching her. It was one thing for Sada to notice how fat she had gotten, another thing entirely for someone else to demonstrate it. She took another mouthful of the sloppy sandwich, not sure if she wanted to further stimulate herself or to buy more time for a comeback. All the same, she filled her mouth with warm meats and cheeses which inturn ballooned her stomach out further. She took her time liberally, eating away until the sandwich was halved again. “I scchuppose you’re right, though.” She mouthed, pontificating through her meal. “Mmmpggh. . .may need to. . .mmph. . .poschtpone todasych. . .whew. . .measurements.” Sada backed off the scale, though glancing down quick enough to catch a flashing readout out of 250. Accurate or not, the number was inspiring. “I suppose a day’s delay wouldn’t hurt.” Another couple bites saw her meal disappear utterly. She ate like a starved Tyrantrum, her chubby arms even crooked upwards like the dinosaur pokemon. She bent over her meal, exposing her rear to the bathroom. Yet, when the food was gone, she recovered as if nothing had happened.

“Inaccuracies, delays. . .what is my wife turning into?” Turo teased, putting a hand to his head. “Pretty soon she’ll just be a lazy blob while I do all the work.” He might have said more, but was cut off by a large belly pressing against him. He always thought that he was used to his wife’s weight, that was, until it was pressing upon him. She was so much heavier. Always intense, her natural aura was made all the more electric and magnetic by her bulk. She walked forward, backing the thin man against the wall of the bathroom. Fat arms, bigger than his own muscular extremities by half, pushed to either side of him. Turo stared into lagoon-blue eyes, though his peripheral picked up on the tanned fat which surrounded him.

“How about I show you just how ‘lazy’ I am.” Sada purred, leaning in close. “All these calories mean plenty of energy. I think I could spare some for you.” She tugged on his lab coat, pulling the taller man into a kiss. Turo could taste her last meal just as much as he could feel her large stomach rubbing sensually against his waist, soft and sensual as any touch she had given him. Sada had lost little with the weight gain, seeming instead to gain a level of forwardness. Turo was more than happy to delight in it. The two kissed, slowly waddle-walking their way out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom.


“Ok, time for another video log.” Sada said, after another series of days had passed. She stood before the camera, allowing the recording device to capture all of her recently gained mass. Her weight gain had continued at a tremendous pace. She was truly settling into her fatness now. Sada had been blessed by the gods of beauty and gluttony equally. Her appetite never seemed to abate and the fat she packed on was well distributed. While her taut, perfect roundness was starting to abate as fat dominated her frame, she still was perfectly proportioned. Her gut surged forward as a single unit, curving with a high hump and then falling down over her thighs. There was a slight hint of bifurcation in her belly, with a small n-shape forming where gravity hit her gut the hardest, but it gave the impression of having belly-handles. Her top had become little more than a bra, and a particularly revealing one at that. The orange fabric bent outwards, spilling forth fields of cleavage. Her breasts had grown large enough that, with the proper support, they could tickle the underside of her double chin. “As you all can see, I’ve grown rather portly.”

Sada grasped her chest, lifting her breasts up as much as she could to show the full extent of her stomach. “I seem to be proportional.” She fought to keep an air of professionalism as she dropped and lifted various parts of her body. “While I believe different parts of myself grow at variable speeds,” She turned to show her large rump to the camera. “It is hard to know just what is growing the fastest.” Her professionalism disappeared as she couldn’t resist a cheeky wiggle of her ass at the camera. Just as her top was dominated by unstoppable breasts, Her ass swallowed and overpowered the thin shorts she wore. There was little more than a strip of orange fabric pressed and abused by walls of tanned blubber. The barbaric ruffles of her shorts were now turning into large fissures as her thighs stretched them to their limits. Her waistband had been folded in half and subsequently buried by back fat. Between her shorts and the furniture of the lab, it was hard to tell what was being punished more by Sada’s rear.

“Now, as should be obvious. . .'' Sada continued talking, her voice muffled since she was facing away from the mic. “Dressing myself with adequately sized clothing has reached a rather dire state.” She again undercut her professionalism by slapping her ass. Her buttcheeks slapped and bounced off of each other like two pendulums set on a collision course. The jiggles only increased as she slowly turned body back around. Though Sada had not reached any true mobility issues, her gait was slowing noticeably. More effort went into each step and, if proper observation was applied, her normal movements had become ever more exaggerated. “Now, at 300 pounds, I have started to reach the limits of my traditional clothing.” To further her point, she picked up and tightened a lab coat around her stomach. “As. . .uuggh. . .you can see. . .mmmhhh. . .it's rather. . .tight.” Her chubby fingers pulled and strained at the lab coat. She managed to slip a couple buttons into place. Wrapped in the white cloth, she looked like a balloon reaching terminal volume. Her buttons dug into her flab, tension lines appearing. Sada’s face grew red from the strain just as much as the perversity of it all. “However. . .we. . .are. . .researching. . .” She grit her teeth, trying to speak through the tightness. “. . .alternatives. AAAHH!”

With a terrific shove of her gut, Sada burst the buttons. The round plastic disks sped off into the corners of the lab, leaving the primal professor with a tattered coat. The shreds of fabric made her look even more prehistoric, whilst her bulk added a divine, fertile quality to the ensemble. She looked like the daughter of a chief, fattened through the tribe’s constant offerings and gifts. She breathed heavily for a moment, recovering from her small experiment. Her face continued to redden, with dabs of sweat apparing. “Whoo. . .300 pounds and clothing has become an issue.” She panted, looking at the camera with a knowing smile. “As has stamina. I believe the next series I do will have to be focused on my physical performance. . .or lack thereof.” She straightened and walked towards the camera, eager to turn it off so she could perform more clothing “experiments”. As her stomach bumped the camera lens she made one final statement. “I shall record another log soon.”

--- Creative Handiwork ---

“Time again. . .” Sada huffed as she waddled into view. She waddled with her stomach thrust forward and her shoulders leaning back. Her fingers cradled the lowest sections of her gut, teasing her sensitive stomach droop. Her steps were slow, accommodating for her new bulk. As was customary, the tan woman had done her best to pile on as much weight as possible between recording sessions. She now had lost all definition in her face, with it becoming almost purely round and soft. Her cheeks, jowls, neck, and double chin had seemingly merged into one singular entity. It gave her a heavy yet queenly look. Sada had been living large and it had done little to harm her sense of self. If anything, she felt more at ease with who she was. So at ease that she felt like showing off a little. Thwap, thwap, thwap. Her hands slapped at her oozing stomach flab. “I believe that this weight is more than sufficient to warrant another recording.” She smiled at the camera, eager to pass off her inner desires as scientific progress yet again. Sada wondered, upon getting out of the time vortex, how the world would react to her video notes.

“That walk is a bit much, isn’t it?” Turo said from behind the camera. “Did that scale say 400 or 700?”

Sada, realizing her ruse had been called out, dropped her stomach and returned to a normal posture. “Really? Is commentary necessary for this?” She sank a hand into what had once been her hip. Now the soft spot was more a resting place for her love handle, the thick roll propped up by a truly monumental saddlebag further below. “I believe this is a one woman show. The peanut gallery doesn’t need to spoil the performance.”

“Given what you are planning, I don’t think I could spoil anything.” Turo blew a kiss at his large lover and sat back down in his chair.

Sada sighed and rolled her eyes. “As you all have heard from certain. . .sources. . .I am indeed now just over 400 pounds.” Excitement returned to her voice. She held up one of her arms, showing just how fat her bicep had become. The muscle had atrophied, now allowing for a noticeable dangle and swing. Sada had large, puffy arms which added to her look of general heft. “Muscle mass has been replaced by fat. Though, I’ve certainly lost no size.” She made an adjustment of her top, pointedly showing just how bulbous her breasts were becoming. The milk tankers sloshed back and forth, held only by the thinnest margin of fabric. Sada spread her arms wide and started to turn in a slow circle. “We are reaching the limits of clothing as well.” She stopped once her ass faced the camera. Her shorts were stretched to an extreme that was hard to comprehend. Large, white stitching ran along her thighs but brown blubber leaked out at any point of weakness. Sada’s ass was large, flooding up her backside even without the aid of her shorts. “Despite some clever handiwork by my husband.”

“It’s a wonder what two pairs of shorts stitched together can do.” Turo said, eyes glued to Sada’s jiggling asscheeks. Breathing and other innocuous movements were more than enough to set the two boulders into rippling fits. Turo, his sly eyes ever searching for a new discovery about his wife’s body, noticed how her calves were bulging. In true size-freak fashion, Sada was slightly standing on her tiptoes to make her calves and thighs look bigger. He smiled, impressed by all the ingenious tricks she invented to play to the camera. Despite having gained several hundred pounds, Sada was desperate to be bigger. Rather than tease her, he decided to encourage her behavior. “I tried using the stretchiest material we had access to, why don’t you show them my inventiveness.”

Sada’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing her husband’s suggestion. She flushed, eager to give the camera, Turo, and future generations of scientists the tastiest view of her ass and altered clothing possible. “I, ahem, think that would be wonderful.” Sada wondered how twisted in pleasure her face was. Certainly a smile was spreading uncontrollably. Gripping the waistband of her shorts, she looped her fingers around the belt line. “As you can see. . .” She began to tug and hike her shorts up. The elastic woven into them strained and loosened as her fat moved slowly up and down. Sada gleefully tugged and pulled on the shorts, wedging them into her ballooned buttcheeks. “As you can. . .haaah. . .see, they have remarkable stretching capabilities.” Her thighs rubbed back and forth. She felt a deep, perverse stimulation welling up in her from the way her thighs rubbed against each other. It all came to a head when Sada felt a sharp release of tension. Strands of ripped and shattered elastic raced between her thighs and booty, rushing up to her hands. Sada was left with handfuls of ripped, warm fabric and a naked rear end.

Before she could comprehend what happened, Sada felt her husband’s arm around her back. “We are going to the bedroom. Now.” He said, unable to withhold his lust. He planted kisses on her neck, pushing her out of the path of the camera. Sada laughed, swiping a hand backwards at her animalistic husband. She danced ahead of him, ass swinging in a different direction with each step. Turo watched her trot. She had a marvelous, bouncy, soft ass which demanded to be grabbed, slapped, and jiggled unmercifully. He looked forward to toying with it for hours on end.

--- Exercise ---

“I remember when these were the size of softballs.” Turo snaked his arm between Sada’s forearm and hip. He pushed his way through, highly enjoying the press of fat on all sides of his own arm. It was the preamble to the real treat: Sada’s mountainous asscheek. Forcefully, he clapped a hand down on what he could reach. The slap echoed through the lab, matched only by the sounds of succulent kisses. “What do we even measure them against now?” Turo broke from Sada’s lips to ask his question, it was just as titillating as their liplocking. He moved the large wad of fat his hand grabbed in a slow semi circle.Yet, he hardly grabbed even a fourth of it. It was getting to the point where one buttcheek alone weighed as much as he did. Sada had packed and pushed so much fat onto her body that it simply had no choice but to flood outwards in all directions. Muscle being a thing of the past, Sada’s ass was now free to sprout deep dimples. She treated the dimples as spots of uniqueness, little pit stops on the way to true immensity. “You’ve changed so much.” Turo said, planting a kiss on his wife’s neck fat.

“You’re about the same as always.” Sada said, deciding to have a little fun. “An animal then and an animal now.” She rocked her body back and forth on the bed, mustering up the kinetic energy to move. 600 pounds of professor was a lot to move. Even with her and Turo working together, it was hard to move her bulk. Yet, thanks to her ever present willpower, Sada could muster the ability. With a forceful swing forward, she pushed her bulk over in the bed. The round woman bowled her husband over and landed on top of him. The bed screeched terrifically, with the springs and supports grinding against the floor. Looking down on the situation, a person would never have been able to tell that Turo lay smothered underneath Sada. They would have seen only a mass of blubber, with two gigantic hills of ass fat clashing into one another. From Turo’s perspective, he could see nothing. Instead the comparatively small man was buried under an avalanche of living bulk. He could discern nothing, save for the general movement of the fat pressing onto him. Sada was gyrating, steamily working him up into a frenzy. The only other thing he could discern were her tight and pointed nipples rubbing into his chest. However blissful it was, the moment soon passed as Sada rolled off of him. Turo was left in a state of blissful agony, desperate for the unbearable pressure of his wife to return.

“Come. . .ugh. . .on.” She slapped at his leg, bent outwards thanks to her rolling. “We’ve got a recording to make.” Fingers so thick that they were losing dexterity drummed slowly on his inner thigh. Turo sighed. He looked over to see Sada sitting on the edge of the bed. Her rolls piled onto one another, each one like an over fluffed pancake. Yet they all bowed and genuflected for her monstrous booty. The gigantic pillows, so fat they almost looked square, bent and warped the backfat which wested on them. Turo studied the dark, wrumpled, and inviting line which ran between them; a buttcrack that demanded immediate attention. The only thing needier was Sada herself. “You know I’m not getting up without you.” She tapped her thick hand next to her. Her arms were so fat that her biceps were always in contact with the sides of her gut.

“Anything you want.” Turo sighed, hoping he was going to be repaid handsomely later.


“As you are no doubt aware, my clothing issue has become dire.” Sada said, facing the camera. She stood naked and proud. Her hands pressed into her thighs whilst her biceps shoved at her breasts. Sada’s mammaries flooded out to either side of her titanic, single rolled monstrosity of a gut. Her breasts were so large that they were bigger than most women’s stomachs. Round as watermelons, they had lost none of their perk. “I trust that the viewers of these tapes, as respected researchers, will be able to understand.” In a move that seemed almost too girlish for the self-serious woman, she held up a plump finger and winked. “This is a serious test for academics, afterall.” Turo, who was again manning the camera, shook his head. “Now, for today’s tests.” Sada rolled her meaty shoulders, now doubled in size thanks to the pounds of fat resting upon them. She put her fat hands towards the ceiling, gradually dragging them along the piles of gorgeous obesity on the way. She pulled her lustrous, wild hair into a loose ponytail and again winked at the camera. “It’s time to test my fitness.”

With her hair secured, Sada started by trying to do a light jog. She had not thought about exercise in months, discounting certain nocturnal routines she and her husband had. She quickly realized just how far she had strayed from the path of physical fitness. Her first attempt to lift her legs into a fake trot was met with failure. Her knee, buried under soft pudge, made it only so far up as to hit her curtain of gut fat. Just the amount of effort it took to lift that thick, ponderous leg off the ground sent Sada into a fit. Waves of pleasure emanated from her leg and her under-gut. She stopped, slamming her foot back down. She grasped at her breasts, trying to hold herself together. The heavy, double bowling balls knocked and slid against her hands; further inflaming her passions. Sada took several deep breaths, straightening her breasts like they were a messy shirt. “Whoo. . .its been a bit.” Sada said, looking embarrassed.

There was a mirror near the camera, just enough so Sada could see herself. With her hair pulled back flashes of her old life and fitness came back to her. She remembered yoga classes, morning jogs, marathons, and all the other physical feats she had put herself up to. Through it all she had run, skinny and strong. With fierce eyes, washboard abs, and defined face she had gone through it all. Now, however, she possessed only her intense eyes. Her determination had turned from sports to science to constant indulgence. It was a thought that might have made weaker women quit or run away. Instead, it only spurred Sada on. She was useless through and through, fit only for eating and growing. However, it was a life that she had craved for so long. She had achieved perfection in lifestyle and weight, with the added voyeuristic bonus of passing it off as an experiment. Her heart thumped with glee. “Ok! Let's try that again.” She said, wholly excited to fail at another attempt at jogging.

“My brain hasn’t quite. . .kept up with my. . .body.” Sada said, swinging her hammy arms back and forth. She slowly built momentum by twisting her torso. Her breasts and stomach went airborne at the moments of least gravity, freed momentarily to flop around. “Sometimes . . .I forget. . .how heavy. . .I am.” Sada said, starting to bring herself into a walking position. Her knees, literal pits of fat, knocked against her gut fold. It was evident how strained and heavy the doctor was, her movements slow and awkward despite the care she was putting in. Unavoidable slaps and claps could be heard, especially as she began to bring up her pace. Sada’s face was torn between intently focusing on making her disobedient body obey her commands and enjoying its rebellion. No part of her, save her lustful thoughts, wanted to move that much. Even the part of her that wanted to revel in how out of shape she was was quieting down. Rather than strain herself, she wanted to simply lounge on the couch naked with her stomach flowing between her legs. Sada realized with joy just how much she had changed. Yet, true to form, she was going to put on a good final showing.

The camera shook with each heavy footfall, Sada’s legs falling with meteoric impacts. A crimson blush stole across her face as she tried to draw deeper breaths. Her cheeks puffed in and out. Not that long ago Sada had possessed perfect running form. She had known how to hold her arms, how to step with her legs, and had been a model of efficient breathing. In a comparatively small amount of time she had unlearned all of that. Her steps were uneven, some falling too soon, others staying too long in the air. She listed from side to side, hardly able to balance her bulk. She huffed and puffed, breathing openly through her mouth. In a matter of 30 seconds, Sada had thoroughly proven how unable to move she was. She stopped, nearly falling on her stomach. The naked woman heaved and shuddered, trying to slow her racing heartbeat. Sweat dripped from innumerable places, leaking out of the depths of her rolls. Her breasts sagged into open air, balloons filled with milk and thus unable to fly. Yet, Sada was not done.

“A. . .final. . .show. . .” She tried to speak as she straightened. Lacking anything to hold on to, Sada simply placed her meaty fingers into the crooks of her hips and tried to thrust her torso back. She winced through the strain on her body.  Even when standing straight her tanned stomach fell far down on her thighs. “. . .of. . .strength.” Sada whispered before waddling herself around. It was an unplanned event. She had thought that maybe a final jog would be the best send off to her former fitness, but then the idea had hit her. The back of her ass slowly came into view as she trundled in a semi-circle. Sada had gotten so fat that she had formed a thick crease at the very apex of her buttcrack. Her sandbag sized ass faced the camera, its presence alone a threat of crushing and squashing. There was hardly anything in the lab that couldn’t be utterly flattened by Sada’s twin moons of destruction. The professor was preparing for a final lesson. One last body squat to see if she could handle her own mass.

Sada threw any questions about the health of her knees aside as she started to slowly drop into position. Her stomach shoved her knees and thighs outwards, forcibly making room for its queenly girth. Each centimeter that Sada dropped down was another several pounds of pressure applied to her thighs and calves. While her quadriceps and glutes tightened, any muscular movement was hidden by her wealth of fat. Her ass spread out over the back of her calves, large enough to make contact even before she had reached parallel. To help balance, the naked professor's arms dug into her hips. Her fingers were blanketed in rolls of fat, she couldn’t help wriggling her fingers in excitement. Her descent was a shaky, unsure affair. Sada’s but was the hardest part of her to balance, possessing a rhythm all its own. Now, unmoored and allowed to spread freely, it surged out in all directions. Sada finally brought herself to a stop, dipping just below parallel.

“I. . . must. . .go. . .uugggh. . .up now.” She gritted her teeth as she spoke. Sada had intended to say something cheekier, but her coyness was as taxed by her weight as her strength was. She focused all her power and will into simply standing up again. Perspiration now poured from her rolls, signs of a viscous physical struggle. Sada seemed only to shake at first, her muscles and fat twitching as gravity held her down. Her blush returned, painting both her face and upper chest red. This was difficulty on a wholly different level. It was like the gods of the universe were all holding her down, using every bit of their power to keep the fat woman in place. Sada wasn’t sure what finally got her moving, but she became aware of her progress when a trickle of sweat ducked between her asscheeks. Slowly, she clenched butt and drove her legs inwards. Just as with jogging, Sada had to generate momentum. She bounced, bobbling her butt up and down. It was like an obscene dance. Yet Sada could take no joy in it.

It took a full minute of struggle, but Sada was finally standing again. She leaned forward and back, looking like she might collapse at any moment. “I believe. . .that. . .will be. . .a final note. . .on my. . .mobility.” She tried to give a send off to the video, though it lacked her usual flare. Turo flipped the camera off, giving Sada a very proud thumbs up. The obese woman was too tired to notice. She simply flopped backwards onto her butt, landing with such force that the lab shook. “Ooooohhh. . .I need. . .food.” She said, spreading her legs outside to accommodate her stomach. “And. . .huuuuhffff. . .attention!” Sada collapsed into a puddle of blubber, utterly undone by her escapades. She leaned forward, letting her breasts and stomach pull her onto the ground fully. She was happy to lay in a pool of her own fat and sweat. She just wanted to eat and have Turo make love to her. She was done with exercise, done with mobility. It was time for Sada to give in.

--- Stuck In Time and Bed ---

“Oh. . .OOOORRRRUUPP. . .more of those.”

“Of course, dear, anything you want.”

“MMMGGGPH. . . and. . .mmgghpp. . .WOORRRRUUUPP. . .how about. . .some. . .of that syrup?”

“I was just thinking you looked a bit parched.”

“SSSCCCHHLLLUURRRP. . .BLLLURRRUUPP. . .you know me too well.” Sada said as she finished a long and sloppy drag from a pitcher of syrup. She had slowly drizzled the syrup into her mouth, not particularly caring if it fell onto her lips or chin folds. Sada was finally unbound. She was a mess. A pile of sticky, sweet rolls that could only beg for more food and attention. Sada upturned the carafe again, letting the sensational liquid drip into her waiting mouth again. The syrup shined and caught the light of the bedroom as it oozed towards Sada’s open tongue and open mouth. Her arms, now literal curtains of fat, rested atop breasts big enough that they had to be weighed by delicatessen meat scales. There was no sign of muscle, no hint of what Sada had been like before. Her old habits and demeanor had gone extinct. “Mmmllmmm. . .aaaahhhmmm. . .yyymmmm.” She hummed and purred and licked her lips as the torrent of amber continued into her mouth. Her arms tired, forcing her to drop the pitcher lower and lower. It was hard work holding up a gallon’s worth of syrup whilst larger than a king size bed. Sada ended up sipping from the large glass, smearing her sticky chins and breasts over it as she did so. She would have drained it completely, had Turo not intervened.

“Ahem. I think we should save this. You’re going to need it after you get done with your waffles.” The tall man tugged at the glassware, trying his best to pry it from his wife’s hands.

“Noo, Turo, Jussscht a little more.” Sada looked up, desperation entering her eyes. “Come on, just a little more.” She hugged the glass, thrusting her tongue around the rim in an effort to sneak off any residual droplets.

“Relax, tubby, you're gonna get more food.” Turo leaned over to kiss his wife, his lips sinking into her cheek fat. Turo now had to stand on his tiptoes to reach Sada’s face. She was a mountainous stack of fat, spreading outwards like partially cooled lava flows from a volcano. Instinctively, she turned to kiss back. Sada had given into her deepest desires: fat and lust. Her life was now about accumulating as much of both as possible. Yet, it was hard for her to put either in the prime position. Often, she switched back and forth in random fits of confused spontaneity. Turo merely had to dangle the option of one before her and she would bite. Sada’s lips met Turo’s in a sloppy, sticky kiss. Her face engulfed his, burying it in thick blubber. Wily as always, the skinny man started to slip the pitcher out of her fat hands. Sada was caught, unwilling to give up Turo’s lips or the pitcher. She would turn her head in a daze, only to be brought back as her husband nipped at one of her lump lips. Slowly her prize was taken from her, leaving Sada to fumble with her enormous breasts. Mission accomplished, Turo backed off. “See, not so hard.” He teased. Sada put her hands up, silently begging for the jug to return to her. After a second or two worth of silent pleading, her wits returned.

“You would deprive your wife just like that?” Sada asked. “Especially a wife who is in such a condition.” Sada spread her arms wide, indicating her naked body. She lay on their bed, taking it up with her bulk majesty. Completely immobilized, Sada filled every spare corner of the mattress. She rested on a throne of pillows, assembled piecemeal as she had grown more and more. Her stomach surged out as a hill of fat, rising almost as high as her face. Her breasts slipped over the sides, constantly arguing with her bicep fat for room. Sada’s legs bled off the bed, her ankles long devoured by calf-rolls. She was dotted with food smears and crumbs, things that she would make Turo wash off later. Sada might have been the fattest woman alive, the fattest woman to ever exist. Her body was a garden of folds, lovingly tended to by Turo.

“Who said that?” He switched the pitcher for a plate of donuts. “I’m here to serve my wife. . .” He started to hand the plate over to her but stopped as she all but lunged for it. “Even if she was dreadful issues with self control.” He was about to finally hand over the treats when another idea came to him. Turo took the syrup and began to drizzle it over the donuts. Sada watched, eyes wet with excited tears.

“Ooh, you do care.” She tried to play it off as a joke, but the crack in her voice gave it away. Luckily, she was soon able to hide her embarrassment via gorging herself. As soon as the plate of treats touched her stomach she began to eat and stuff herself. She scooped the donuts forward, pushing them into her open and waiting mouth. She chomped and gorged, face wiggling back and forth. Crumbs were lodged in her chins, stuck fast by the residue which already coated her face. Sada again fell into deep, unwavering gluttony. Her mind was focused entirely on the taste of the food.

Turo, meanwhile, was busy setting up the camera. He thought it necessary to provide one last, secret log.


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