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Tags: weight gain, personality change (kind of), messy eating.

"Are you sure?" Liara said, whispering in the dark of the Normandy. Stars and other space phenomena passed by the window. She bit her lip, holding the little case. Within it lay a syringe. "Commander, this is going to change you." Her heart beat. She was on the precipice of getting everything that she ever wanted and it scared her. On the bed next to her, dressed only in her bra and panties, was Commander Shepard. The older woman was currently silent, considering a request that most others would throw aside; marking it and its asker as insane.

"Getting a little gun-shy?" Shepard asked with a cocky, renegade smile. She leaned forward, tapping a finger on the ornate glass of the syringe. "If I wasn't sure about this, would I have asked you to order it?" Shepard's logic was faulty, but the charisma behind it was impeccable. Liara was stunned into silence, reduced to staring at her lover's full breasts and full hips. It was a wonder that body could go into combat with monsters from beyond the stars and survive. Though, the blue skinned alien reasoned, many would say the same about herself. Neither of the two women had to care anymore. Struggle was over, peace reigned, and they could explore love and passion. It was only a matter of deciding how to spend these new days.

"Liara. Honey." Shepard put a hand to her wife's face. Instinctively, Liara leaned into it. "You've given so much for me, I think it's time to return the favor. Change me." The two kissed. Their embrace was fluid and moving. As they toyed with each other's lips, they arranged themselves on the bed. Shepard sat on Liara's lap, letting her lover tease her bra and panties off. Then, their kiss breaking, Shepard slowly sank and twisted until she was laying with her buttocks up in Liaras lap. "Go on. Make your dreams come true." The confidant woman said, putting her future in the palm of Liara's hands.

Liara sighed, wondering if what she was about to do was right. She fumbled the syringe as she took it out of the box. It weighed heavily in her hands. "Okay, here goes." She mumbled, hoping that Shepard might stop her. Instead, the red head kicked her shapely feet into Liara's arm to speed her up. Liara raised the medical implement, ready to take the first selfish act she had ever taken in their long relationship; albeit with her lover's blessing. She finally drove the needle down into the soft fat of Shepard's shapely asscheek.

Shepard gasped as she felt the needle plunge into her soft, round buttock. She exhaled with purposed seduction. She did not speak until the needle was removed. "Well, I guess I get to be perfect for you now." She turned and winked at Liara, whose eyes had widened with the knowledge of what she had just done.

--- A Year Later ---

"Bbllllaaarraaaappp. . .oh. . .that's fucking good." Slapping her stomach. Her thick hands created momentary craters in her slab of gut-fat before they spread into slow ripples. "BOOORRRRRUUUUPPPPPP. . .fuuuucccckk that's strong." She belched again, leaning back for effect. The ghost of her last meal was on her tongue, some bastardization of a Krogan dish. All the nutrients had been swapped with low level ingredients meant for taste and imparting a feeling of fullness. Most people could eat only half of a serving, the retired Commander had plowed through four with only mild difficulty. It had been harder for her to stand up than it had been to pack her gut full of the seasoned meat. However, her bodys new biology could handle both tasks.

She was a changed woman, reborn under the anvil of genetic editing and enhancements. Ever part of her body had been changed in order to indulge in gluttonous debauchery. The syringe which Liara had plunged into Shepard had delivered medical agents of change meant to warp her physical and mental state. It had worked like a charm.

In the span of a year Shepard had grown from 110 pounds to over 800. Her breasts had become half inflated balloons only capable of being held by a single gray bra. Her stomach had morphed from a flat plain into a large hill which sloped down into a morass of dangling fat. This was all held aloft by legs that were thicker than Elcor limbs. She was a waddling monument to indulgence, fashioned from the greatest genetic editing and tons of adipose tissue. Though, it was not simply her body that had changed.

"Commander, do you think we should let people go by us? This hallway is particularly small." Liara asked. She walked just ahead of her moving landmass, arms full with a platter of food which she had taken from the restaurant. She knew that Shepard's improved enzymes broke down food four times faster than a normal human's. In the blink of an eyes she would be ravenous again. Liara could set a watch to her lover's stomach and often did, she never wanted to be late with a meal.

"NooooOOORRRRRPPPP. . .they can. . .juscht. . .wait." Shepard said, reaching a hand back to tug on her gray panties. She tried to fish them out of her ass, but gave up when she realized how deeply they were wedged into her crack. She even slowed her waddle, a smiled crossing her chin filled face. A body built for gluttony was useless unless it had a mind for it too. When requesting the serum she had asked the Salarian biologists to include personality alter components. Inhibition down, selfishness up, sex drive up, aggression up, conscientious down. The Commander was now literally a different woman from head to toe, inside and out. "It's. . .BBUUURRRUUUP. . .almost like they. . .hoorrruuupp. . .owe me." Shepard snorted, her eyes openly leering at Liara's breasts. Liara couldn't be more happy with how the serum had worked.

"Of course, Shepard." She tried to hide a wide grin. "How are you feeling? Was that enough food?"

"Pppffft. . .obviously not." Shepard tugged at her wall of stomach fat. She lifted the curtain a bit before letting it drop again. It slapped against her fat swaddled knees.

"Here, then let's take a quick break. To recover your stamina." The blue alien beamed, heating the platter of strange delicacies right to her chest. She wore an open top, displaying her gigantic breasts to the world. At Shepard's command, Liara had some work of her own done. Between the platter of food and the hefty tits offered to her, the former military woman had a hard choice to make. She instead chose her own, the true renegade path.

Shepard lurched forward like a bear approaching a downed deer. She pushed her face into the platter, grabbing what morsels she could with mouth. With wild snorted and gulps she worked her way backwards towards Liara's blue breasts. "Mmmggph. . .god. . .you've gotten schoft." She grunted, messy face finally landing home between Liara's life raft breasts. The younger woman giggled, feeling her wife's fat cheeks and sloppy chins jiggle between her own breasts. She could hear grumbling behind her from the many Citadel citizens held up by the pair's antics. Neither woman cared, with Liara too wrapped up in the feeling of Shepards tongue around her breasts and Shepard too focused on smearing her face across her lover's chest.

However, it was Shepard that started to give out first. Her legs, even though modified to better support her weight with extra muscle, began to shake. 800 pounds bore down on her frame and she was starting to feel the gravitational effects. She began to take her face away from Liara. The platter clattered to the ground and Shepard reeled back and forth drunkenly. She might have been allowed to give up and sit down. . .had she had a less engaged ferder.

"Come on, I KNOW that you can do better." Liara teased the great belly before her. Grasping the expanse of fat before her. She looked into Shepard's half lidded, pleasured eyes. Shepard took heaving, deep breaths. Each one got Liara more and more excited, she saw just how fat and unhealthy her lover was. Shepard listed back and forth, stomach jutting out and breasts filling the gray sports bra she wore. Liara's knees grew weak. "Can't my big, fat, sloppy girl go a little longer?" Liara shook Shepard's belly from side to side, fingers buried deep in love hands thicker than most people's biceps. Shepard's panting and heaving intensified, she was drawing deep within herself.

"Ooouff. . .maybe. . .a little."