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Tags: Lactation, extreme weight gain, breast expansion, light cowgirl (just horns and tail), smooching

Urbosa walked through the dry sands of the Gerudo Desert. Red and orange sand swirled by her feet. Her walk was uncharacteristically slow. While she tried to hold herself with the pride and dignity that befitted a ruler of a noble people like the Gerudo, months of famine and failure had sapped her confidence. The land seemed possessed by demons, the heat and wind storms stirred up by the malicious creatures. Rain had not fallen and the underground wells which nourished her people had been failing. Their storehouses were running dry. A despondency had overtaken the tanned skin tribeswomen. While they maintained an outward front of normalcy, their activities had all been marked with a lethargy. Suffering was upon them and they were only beginning to pay the price. However, Urbosa was not without her own plans and strategies. Her ultimate trump card lay ahead at the immense flowerpod of the Great Fairy.

“Come on, Ladies.” Urbosa said, the movement of her large hips rattling her wickedly curved sword. “Pick up those legs, we aren’t far now!” She trotted ahead. Urbosa was statuesque, a vision of what Geudo perfection looked like. Feminine curves and hips spread over a body thick with muscle. Her red mane streamed down her shoulders, untouched even after long hours of travel. She was the image of a warrior and a mother figure, someone who held both strength and kindness in equal measure. She took long strides forward, her luscious hips shaking back and forth. The other Gerudo women picked their pace up if only so that they could stay close to her radiant figure. The little band of desert women marched forward towards the resting place of the Great Fairy, their eyes swelling with wonder as the landscape changed.

Trickles of water bled through the sand and rock and desert flora sprang up as they closed in on the home of the magical being. Perhaps sensing the greatness which approached, the flower opened its cart sized petals, revealing the watery middle. Urbosa walked forward unafraid, even as her band shrank back from the mystery and magic surroundings. She strode to the edge of the leaf. Taking a large sack of rupees which had been hanging over her left buttock, Urbosa dumped the riches into the water. Thousands of glittering gems sank into the depths of the flower. “Great Fairy! My people and I come to you in our time of greatest need. Use your magic to provide us a way through this drought.” Urbosa’s voice was strong but not commanding. A great rumbling spread through the ground. In a splash of enchanted water, the Great Fairy made her appearance.

She was huge, making even Urbosa seem childlike in stature. Her complexion was tan, though not as tan as the Gerudo women. She wore riches beyond compare around her neck, fingers, and wrists. She lay at the edge of the flow petal that the Gerudo princess stood on, her breasts bobbing at the very edge. She looked down on the women who called on her, a loving and passionate look in her eyes.

“I’m sorry to see you troubled, sunkissed women of the sands, but my magic comes with a price.” She playfully splashed the water, knocking some onto Urbosa’s feet. “To be drenched in it is to be changed. You will not leave here unchanged.” Her voice was sweet but slightly somber. “Is that what you wish?”

Urbosa looked back at her small band, a sample of the people back home she was trying to protect. They put on brave faces, but she could see the signs of stress upon them. They were thinning and obviously starved. It would not take long for people to start dying. Whatever the downsides were to the fairy’s magic, it could not be worse than what famine would do to them. “We. . .we will take your bargain!” Urbosa said, covering her worries with practiced nobility.

“Aaaahhhh a deal is struck! Let us save your people.” The fairy reared up, throwing water into the air. Pink clouds swirled around her. “I will weave magic through your body and you shall in turn weave it through your followers.” The fairy descended, arms outstretched towards Urbosa. The Gerudo leader was surprised when the fairy kissed her, but she did not fight it. Instead, she welcomed the lips of the large woman upon her. Kissing back, Urbosa allowed the powerful being to work upon her. She felt magic flow between their kisses, entering and remaking her. Urbosa’s already large body grew, spouting up by a foot. Her hips shoved out against her skirt, ripping and tearing the fabric. Similarly, her breasts flooded outward and popped her skimpy chest armor off. “Mmmm, we shall turn you. . .aaaahhh. . .into a delicious savior for your. . .herd.” The fairy giggled as she threw the last word out just as the real changes began to hit Urbosa. A pair of small horns burrowed their way out from her mass of hair whilst a long cow tail shot out from between her buttocks. The change complete, The Great Fairy released Urbosa, allowing the transformed woman to lurch backwards.

“You now have the power to feed your people.” The fairy said, tapping one of the Gerudo’s breasts, now as large as around as a small shield. Urbosa gasped, feeling a sensitivity deep within her mammary that she had never felt before. Golden milk flowed out shortly after, a wellspring having been tapped. “Spread your gift wide.” The grand and imposing magical being winked before disappearing back into her pool.

Urbosa turned, milk flowing still, and looked at her companions. “We have our answer.” She addressed her subjects whilst massaging her tits. Their new size had come with soreness and sensitivity. “Could I ask one of you to sample the fairy’s. . .solution?” The women looked at each other, each afraid to approach their leader. Urbosa now stood over 7’ tall, with breasts that might fill a large cooking pot. Finally, one of the ladies approached her. Urbosa knelt down, lifting a breast in an act of tender servitude. “Drink up. This will heal you.” She said, presenting a pink nipple to the warrior. She began to suck, allowing Urbosa’s milk to fill her aching stomach. “Aaahh. . .you can. . .suck. . .harder.” The cowwoman moaned, her new tail slapping at her jiggling, naked booty. It was a moment that was as intimate as it was healing. When the woman finally stepped back her belly was round with the amount of milk she had drank. Urbosa could tell that the woman already felt stronger.

“We have found our answer!” Urbosa yelled as the other Gerudo women cheered.

--- Zelda’s Relief Mission ---

"Lady Urbosa, Princess Zelda is here to see you. She has come with a relief effort for us." The guard said, her breasts jiggling with every word. Naked to the world, her chest bobbled back and forth happily. She had full breasts, large by any other standard than Gerudo's. Here they were only middle of the herd. However, she was hardly over 19 and had plenty of time to develop. Months of consistent eating and milking would only further enhance her figure. Her stomach was already developing into a round paunch, stuffed full of both milk and food. She would likely end up as one of the biggest women in Gerudo village. Though, she would have nothing on Urbosa.

“Aaaah, my little calf has finally arrived.” Urbosa spoke slowly, taking no time with her words. The massive bovine goddess sat upon her widened throne, stroking her immense breasts to draw out their scintillating sensitivity. Urbosa had quadrupled in weight since striking her deal with The Great Fairy. Her breasts were so big that most Hylians couldn’t lift them, even her own broad shouldered people would struggle to heft them. To keep them in a place of honor, they had to be put on wide, golden platforms. The sheer weight and mass of them drew milk out in constant streams. With little effort, those streams could be turned into raging waterfalls that would make Vah Ruta’s seem like trickles in comparison. Likewise, her body had similarly grown. Filled with food in order to produce thicker, tastier milk, Urbosa had fattened greatly. She now was wider than four big men standing abreast. Her abs were now hidden behind a rounded wall of gut fat which rolled out as a perfect orb. There were rumors that the great leader of the Gerudo was pregnant, but she refused to confirm them. Instead, she simply ate the rich meals prepared for her and let her servants love on her. “Fetch her quickly!” Urbosa said, struggling to clap her hands together.

“Uh, Lady Urbosa?” Zelda asked as she was led into the throne room. Her eyes were wide at the sight presented to her. Urbosa looked like some ancient primal goddess. Huge beyond measure, she sat on a golden throne bigger than many of the ancient war machines that had been unearthed. Fittingly, Urbosa’s hips looked big enough to crush any man or monster that might challenge her. To further enhance her pagan image, horns as long as a man’s arm sprouted from her head. These horns were currently getting polished by attendants, each bare breasted with little horns sprouting from their heads. Two other handmaidens came over to the Gerudo Goddess’ breasts and began to suck at them. Into this strange scene did Zelda walk. “I had heard that your people were in need of provisions. That a terrible drought had taken hold.” She blushed, watching the attendants suck and lick at Urbosa’s immense nipples. “I have come to help as best I could.”

“Myyy. . .oooohhh. . .that’s so. . .aaaah!” Urbosa did little to hide the waves of pleasure that spread across her body. “Wonderful.” She finished, her voice reflecting the months of indulgence that she had engaged with. “But maybe. . .ooohhh. . .unnecessary. You see. . .” Despite being in the middle of a feeding, Urbosa began to stand. She rose to her full 8 feet, letting her breasts flop down to either side of her gigantic stomach. Urbosa stretched, shimmying her hips back and forth. Her naked asscheeks clapped and bounced like rolling thunder. They were so big that all the doors in the palace had been resized to accommodate her. She could bury ten men with a single cheek. “I relied upon The Great Fairy’s power.” Urbosa said, taking small steps forward. The ground thudded under her massive weight, shaking everyone in the room. Her dusky skin shone, a corona of light issuing out around her. Zelda felt a tension rise in her breast as the massive bovine woman approached. Yet, she wasn’t afraid. She could feel the vibrations of the floor echoing through her body, namely between her slim thighs. Urbosa soon towered over Zelda, her breasts at the blonde level. “Now I can care for everyone without issue, even you. . .my little calf.” She smiled, her face still defined despite the advance of fat across her body. “I could care for you deeply.”

Zelda played with her hair. “I. . .I might like that.” Her toes were wet with the steady fall of milk from Urbosa. Needing no further invitation, she put her small hands to the breast before her and opened her mouth. Soon, the princess of Hyrule was being filled with the warmest, sweetest milk she had ever tasted. Her belly pushed out, eagerly becoming a tanker for the milk of the bovine deity. Urbosa moaned, stroking Zelda’s golden hair. Her thoughts flooded with the taste and she wondered if there was some way she might bring this back to Hyrule with her.

--- Epilogue: The Cow Princess of Hyrule ---

“Oh Link, don’t be cross with me!” Zelda said, her tail flicking in anger. “This is just. . .oh. . .what a princess must do for her people.” The blonde moaned again as one of her ladies massaged her breasts. They had been growing in her sleep again, filling with fat and milk. She sat in her bedroom, held up on a bed reinforced with Sheikah technology in order to hold her mass. While Urbosa had height to help balance her weight out, Zelda had simply been given weight. She had grown out of control with constant eating and snacking. The return journey home had seen her gain 50 pounds alone. Urbosa’s refusal to take the provisions had left Zelda with little other option than eating it all herself. Her breasts had only grown along with her breasts. Now, nearing 800 pounds, Zelda was little more than a boulder of fat with two smaller boulders attached that ran with golden milk. “We should. . .haaaah. . .well guarded. . .oooh. . .against any shortages.” Zelda gasped as her handmaidens sucked at her naked breasts, the chubby women pushing into her immobile mass like hogs at a trough. They’d stop on occasion, letting her pink and glistening nipples be exposed to the sunlight.

“Oh! Ladies, please, there is more. . .MORE. . .than enough for both of you.” Zelda screamed in pleasure as she was drained dry. She tried to slow the women down, flapping her useless arms at them. However, she was soon tired by the motion. She resigned herself to the pleasure, letting the girls do their gleeful duty. “Just. . .haaah. . .imagine, Link. ME feeding the needy of Hyrule.” Zelda spread her arms over her bed filling mass, her stomach acting as a smaller mattress for the women suckling at her teats. Link rolled his eyes. He wandered over and sat on one of Zelda’s massive hips. He sank down into her mass like it was a beanbag. Rather than waste time with words, he stroked her hair and kissed her neck. “Liiinnnk. . .not right. . .aaah. . .now! I’m trying. . .ooohh. . .to work!” Zelda said, trying to convince herself that she was not taking pleasure in her newest endeavor. “Maybe. . .aaahh. . .to you this looks like. . .mmmm. . .base sexual play. . .but I assure you. . .MMPGGGPPH.” In an effort to stop his love’s babble, Link took a breast from one of the maidens and pushed it up into Zelda’s mouth. For a moment she was angry and mumbled through the fat, but soon settled down as she tasted her own milk. She filled her gut with her own ever flowing lactate, allowing Link and the other women to love her body. Her tail, wedged between her naked ass, flopped back and forth happily.


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