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Tags: Extreme weight gain, lactation

“Yo, yo, yo!” Pearl said as the camera turned on. While the broadcast ran over the entire city, the small woman was not in her usual studio. Rather, she and Marina seemed to be in a highly technical, special lab of some kind. Machines beeped and whirred behind them. Pearl had even been given a special clearance badge, which dangled on top of her ludicrously large zipper. With her usual street tough attitude, the pale inkling continued her broadcast. “Wassup, Inkopolis! Pearl and Marina are here again to give you a special update.” She pulled the tan girl into frame next to her. Marina shyly tugged on one of her hair tentacles, acting as if she wasn’t one of the biggest celebrities in the inkling world. “This time we are coming at you with a NEW product recommendation. Straight off the hook and out of the sea.” She gave a thumbs up, still holding Marina.

“Yes. . .ahem. . .with the new and improved Tacticooler. . .” Marina started to read from the ad copy that she had been given. Her voice was stilted and awkward, unused to doing ad reads. The Octoling shook and knocked her knees together as she tried to get through the copy. “You can run faster, jump higher, and replenish that sweet, sweet ink better than ever before.” Her voice shook and the flutter of the paper copy could be heard on the mics. Pearl, feeling the energy drain out of the room, smacked a gloved hand to her forehead and shook her head. “Ju-just ask me and Pearl. We use it for every battle.” Marina looked at Pearl, confused at the line. They had not adopted the product just yet, being a little afraid to try something that had not gone to the open market. Marina leaned over and whispered to her friend. “But Pearl, we haven’t. . .”

“Heeeey!” Pearl slapped at Marina, sending the ad copy flying. “Let’s not blow our biggest sponsorship deal!” Pear tried to whisper, but her sharp little voice had no trouble getting picked up by the microphones. She attempted to pull the production back into order by grabbing a can from off frame. From top to bottom, the Taciticooler drink can had gone through a redesign. The can was at least twice as large as the original, boasting glowing lightning bolts and an eye-bleedingly bright font. Held by the small Inkling, the can looked even more gargantuan. “What Marina means to say is that from NOW ON we will be using it in every battle. It’s too good to waste!” She cracked the drink open and began to guzzle it down. Bright pink ink flowed into her, some even dribbling down the side of her mouth. The ink looked as super charged as it's container, pulsing with a bright light. Pearl drank the ink down whilst fishing for another serving. She slapped it into Marina’s hands, pushing the taller woman to start drinking.

The two ladies drained their cans slowly, working through the pulsating, vibrant ink. It was spectacularly thick and almost felt alive. There was a latent energy within the contents, as if an electrical current had been infused into the ink. Pearl and Marina found themselves drinking quickly, spurred on by the tingling sensation that spread through their bodies. Pearl, owing to her diminutive stature, felt her stomach filling outwards as the contents of the can disappeared within her. The small sweater-dress she wore grew tight as a round potbelly formed on her. Between gulps she wondered if she was going to be able to finish the drink. Viscous ink rolled down the two’s faces, dripping onto the floor even. By the time she finished, Pearl’s world was spinning.

“Wow! That was. . .really something!” She breathed in and out slowly, taking what air she could manage into her lungs. A warmth spread through her body, the same electric feeling that came with the drink now roaring through her. She cradled her stomach with a hand. “I feel like I could run a mile or twelve. This is gooooood stuff!” She took another can, but instead of drinking it, handed it to Marina. “Marina feels the same way. That’s why she’s gonna take another sample, just to show how much she likes it!”

“I dunno Pearl. . .” Marina started, but was cut off as her short friend tipped the drink back to her lips.

“Come one, just to make up for burying us earlier!” Pearl whispered. Marina sighed and started drinking the other canister. The broadcast shut off after Marina finished the can and let out a truly terrific belch, leaving the citizens of Inkopolis confused.

--- Side Effects ---

Pearl moaned as she waddled through the lab. She was late and she was about to pay the price. Trying to make up for lost time, she pumped her arms and picked her stocky legs up. This did little besides make her rotund body jiggle more. Pearl could do all the sprints and high knees she wanted, but there was little way to make the heaviness that surrounded her move quickly. Rather, she was only straining her outfit and her joints. Currently, her zipper was on its last legs. Her belly, big enough to divert into two gigantic pancake folds, shoved at the walls of fabric which contained it. The short yet round Inkling grasped at the sides of her hoodie, trying to hold all of her mass in. It did little besides send the lowest fold of her stomach leaking out from under her sweater. The rest of Pearl’s wardrobe fared little better, subjected to an onslaught of fat. Her leggings were ripped in half a hundred places and her voluminous butt acted as a shelf for hoodie to ride upon. Thanks to the unexpected side effects of the new and, apparently, untested Tacticooler drink Pearl was blowing up by the day. Fat poured onto her, taking any surplus calories and multiplying their effects by a hundred fold. Yet, that was not the worst of her new symptoms.

“Ooooohhhh. . .'' Pearl stopped, halfway down the hallway. She could literally feel time running out, the next interval approaching her. She could live with the extra pudge and thickness, she could rock being a big girl, but the other side effect of the drink was quite a bit more unbecoming. “Haaaa. . .oohhh. . .god.” She moaned, clutching her breasts. Underneath her fingers spread a patch of thick, goopy wetness. She had once again begun to lactate ink. In addition to charging up her fat cells, the drink had also tripled her ink production. At all times, the diminutive shock jock was filled to the brim with ink; so much so that it had to force its escape. Such was the case now as it poured from her puffy nipples. Waves of pink ink-milk surged out from her breasts. Pearl was embarrassed, but confusingly pleasured by the experience. One emotion seemed to flow into the other the same as her milky ink flowed onto her white hoodie. Soon her hoodie was stained with bright pink Ink. Pearl breathed in and out in great gasps, enjoying the relief that the lactation brought. She let them pump ink out unobstructed for a while before straightening up and finishing the last leg of her journey. The doors to the lab loomed large before her. . .Marina was waiting.

“Peaaarl!” Marina said as the nearly 500 pound Inkling entered the room. “I can’t believe you started without me.” Marina might have expressed her frustration physically, had she been able to move. However hard Pearl had been hit by strange effects of the “improved” Tacticooler, Marina had been affected doubly. She was an immense brown blob of fat, taking up more than a quarter of the open space of the large room she was forced to rest in. It was hard even to pick out where one roll began and another ended. Marina was a sprawling mass of interconnected rolls and folds, each moving with a unique rhythm. “I’ve been here haaa. . .holding it in for hhhoourrrss.” Marina moaned, attempting to move in a way that might take a smidgen of pressure off of her billowing breasts. The brown orbs were as big and round as Crab Tanks and as primed with ink. Her nipples had inverted with the build up of milk and were ready to disgorge their contents at a moment’s notice. She bit her lip and sniffled, though part of her face was obscured thanks to how her chins bunched up around her breasts. “Itsch. . .jusst. . .not fair.” She sniffed, clearly on the verge of a minor meltdown.

“Hey!” Pearl pointed, her fat arm aggressively slapping against her enormous boob. She had to pause for a moment, overcome with tingles and erotic sensation. She recovered as quickly as she could. “No Crying!” Pearl marched herself towards her prodigious partner. “We’ve. . .uuuggh. . .got. . .whew. . .milking to do.” She spoke with each new hand hold she took. Her fat fingers plunging deep between Marina’s ink moistened folds. It was a climb, but not an excruciating one, at least for the time being. The obese Octoling was currently the size of a small truck, but her growth would soon see her far surpass that. While Pearl grew day by day, Marina seemed to visibly swell on the hour. Her body was producing such quantities of ink that she could have supplied months’ worth of Turf Wars by herself. Pearl drug her body up Marina’s mass, highly aware that the gulf between their sizes had gotten even vaster. She watched the gigantic breasts perched above her swing back and forth, knowing that between them rested her partner’s heavy face. When Pearl finally reached Marina’s face, she found it pulled into a pout.

“Is there even any left?” She asked, bottom lip shoved out childishly. She listed back and forth gracefully, blobs of arm fat resting above her head. Marina was so fat that her hands and arms had been utterly consumed by the advancing tide of adipose. She could not help but look totally helpless and impotent as she lay there, her gigantic ass flooding up the fall behind her.

“Of course there is!” Pearl rolled her eyes. She drew a hand deep into her hoodie, pulling out one of her fat and leaking tits. “Girl, you should know that better than anyone! These babies always have ink. . .especially for you.” Pearl smiled, dropping the breast right before Marina’s mouth. Pink ink surged outwards, cascading down the stairway of tanned chins.

Marina sniffled a little bit, overcome by emotion. “Ooooo, thank you, Pearl!” Without waiting, she nudged her blobbish face forward and took Pearl’s breast in her mouth. She suckled and slurped, not particularly dainty or well mannered about her meal. What mattered to Marina was that Pearl’s milky ink was filling her mouth and stomach. The smell of cream and strawberries soon began to fill the room. Marina sucked faster and faster, drawing every last morsel into her mouth. “Thisccch. . .isscch. . .mmmpggghp. . . sscccchhllluuuuurrrr. . .scho good!” Tears of joy ran from her face, just as great gouts of iridescent ink poured from her own naked breasts. If Pearl’s fat titties were ink hoses, then Marina’s mammaries were true fountains of the deeps. Thick and heavy, the ink she produced rolled down her body in great torrents. The room was soon covered in a base of turquoise, with artistic trails of pink for good measure. Marina’s messy slurping sent spirals of Pearl’s breast ink into the air, allowing them to land on the floor below. The two fat sea creatures moaned and sighed, the sexual tension alone being enough for their breasts to pump out more and more ink. There was little thought of what the future might hold for them as lab experiments, with focus only going on who could suck whose breasts the best.

--- Live Show ---

“Uuuuuhh. . .I’m really sorry everyone!” Marina said bashfully as the building collapsed around her ass. Rubble and debris rained down upon her brown buttcheek, bouncing off to wreak further havoc on the streets below. Depending on where the rubble landed it was soon carried off by a torrent of turquoise ink. Twin rivers of breast ink ran from Marina’s building sized breasts. Pearl was astoundingly correct in her prediction about Marina’s growth. The Octoling had continued to shoot out in all directions. She had gone from filling the lab to filling the very streets of Inkopolis. Now, with her third accidental building demolition under her belt, she was starting to get used to being a constantly lactating landmass. “At least it was empty!” She said into the mic which had been strapped around her face. She and her partner in fattening had been wired for sound in order to explain their current predicament. However, due to strange popularity, the city had allowed the two to keep their headsets. The citizens of the metropolitan city were treated to the daily sounds and musings of the two women.

“Jeeze, Marina!” Pearl butted in to her friend’s apology. “You should be raining ink down on us, not cinder blocks.” the formerly tiny woman groused, feeling a large chunk of building land between her asscheeks. As big as two vans parked nose to nose, Pearl’s booty was more than capable of supporting the debris. It rocked back and forth, alive on an ocean of blubber. “You definitely owe me more ink after that.” Pearl chirped, trying to lean her body over such that she could put her mouth to one of the ever flowing torrents of ink that gushed from Marina’s breasts. Pearl, still vastly smaller than Marina, was at least allowed to rest next to her friend. Marina was a small mountain with twin geysers and Pearl was the boulder that had been accidentally knocked free. “Mmmpgghh. . .sssllluuuurrrpp. . .too good.” Pearl slurped and sucked directly into the mic, her tongue lapping up as much of the nearly gelatinous ink as she could manage. “Thisch isch. . .SSSLLRRRUUPP . . .a better. . .apology.” Pearl said through a mouth of milk. Her voice echoed through the city, her words of praise quickly reaching her blobbish buddy.

“Oooohh, well, in that. . .uuurrggh. . .case. . .lemme. . .haaaahh. . .apologize more!” Marina grunted the words out, working strange and hidden muscles. Muscles that she had not possessed before drinking the strange drink now flexed and strained beneath her. Her milk production soared, pressure quickly building within her body. Her already house sized breasts swelled in size as a deluge of ink-milk readied itself. It was not simply Pearl who was going to be enjoying this, but the entire city. “Hooope. . .oooohh. . .uurrrggh. . .you all. . .can. . .enjoy. . .THIS!” Marina cried, giving her body one final strain to release the pent up milk. Her breasts ran like gigantic fire hoses, spraying the world around her with delicious ink. Marina felt her rolls get lubricated anew by the forceful torrents. Pearl, on the other hand, felt her own immobile mass start to get carried away by the little streams running under her flabby buttocks. Marina panted before again flexing her milk muscles, making her breasts pump out as much milk as possible. For moment, the twin streams were strong enough to shoot as straight as a laser beam and  punch into another building. Buildings for miles around the massive maiden were decorated in a sea green color, their facades dripping and running with ink.

Pear feasted upon Marina’s bountiful blessing. She had grown fat enough that her face was starting to be swallowed by her chest and back fat. As such, her head rested in a small depression. This made it all the easier for ink to pool around her face. Pearl guzzled the milk down as quickly as she could, lest her head be lost entirely in a pool of her own making. The pale Inkling slurped and sucked, her mouth open wide. She grew more excited by the minute. Her flabby hands had long been sucked into piles of arm fat, yet she tried to flap them anyway. The wall of white blubber rocked back and forth, rolls dripping with pink and turquoise. Pearl’s breasts were no less active, pumping out their own small streams and tributaries of brightly colored ink. Yet, they were little match for the kind of volume and power that Marina’s had.

“I hope everyone enjoys it!” The ultimate Octoling said, hardly able to see anything past her own folds. Marina’s world was a bright blue sky with rising peaks of brown flab. She laughed and giggled, thinking about how happy Pearl and the other denizens of Inkopolis might be. They were lucky enough to have delicious ink-milk given for free! A heavy smile spread across her face, her thick cheeks lifting up a tad. If she really paid attention, she could feel Pearl’s butt rubbing against one of her stomach folds. “Pearl? Are you enjoying the treat?” Marina asked in her usual dazed and sing-song voice. By the absolute ferocity of the jiggling and bumping she felt, Marina had to assume she was. The Octoling hummed to herself, mentally gauging how long it might take for her body to be ready to drown the world once more in her milk. It would not take very long. Every second her body was recharging its reservoirs of ink. While her little stunt had drained them a bit, they would be more than ready to go again soon.

“Hope you brought your appetite, Pearl. This next one is going to be a doozy!” Marina called, already feeling her breasts beginning to swell.


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