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Tags: Extreme weight gain, Pregnancy, sex, panties

Quote And Curly stood next to each other. It was a toss up as to which pale figure looked more awkward. The two's awkwardness was entirely communicated through their body language, lacking any ability to blush. Quote held Curly's hand, listening to professor Sakamoto speak.

"So, with these upgrades, you two should be able to mimic certain biological features of mammals. with special attention give to. . .the reproductive system." Her glasses fogged up as she spoke, embarrassed to have to mention these facets. "Despite being synthetic, you should both be able to. . .well. . .have children now." She pushed her glasses up, trying hard to ignore how hot the room had suddenly gotten. "But this is purely for research!" She pointed a finger at the young couple. "This should only be done responsibly.

Quote and Curly both nodded.


"Is this. . .aaaahh. . .going to. . .ooh. . .take long, Dr.Sakamoto?" Curly gasped and shudder as kicks permeated through her stomach. The night with her love had been a rousing success, the kind of success that brought issues. Few could have predicted that Curly was not only able to get pregnant, but was highly fertile. An army of little Quote and Curly Braces now gestated within her inflated womb. "I think. . .aaahhh. . .I think Quote. . .whooo. . .needs me." She said, nervously tapping a hand on her gigantic tummy. As she drummed, ripples of fat spread outwards and across her body. Just as no one expected Curly's pregnancy, they further had not expected the excessive weight gain.

Flooded with hormones she couldn't explain, Curly had eaten herself into a state of immobility. She was more than simply bed bound, she was the bed itself. Or, rather, she was a bed when resting on the ground. At the moment, however, Curly was hoisted several feet in the air by a special sling. Dr.Sakamoto had created it to help aid her in moving Curly to various machines for monitoring and testing. Curly was hoisted like a particularly plump farm animal up and out of her usual spot, allowed to dangle in air. Her breasts, fatter than pumpkins, swung back and forth. Milk dripped from them, raindrops before a deluge. She faced away from the door, unable to see anything behind her white mass.

"Doctor? Are you there?" She asked, curiosity supplanting her fixation on her kicks. While full to the brim with babies, few things could remove Curly's natural curiosity. She shook her arms vainly, trying to turn her immense body around. Curly was fat enough that much of her upper arms were lost to pooling fat. The advance of adipose across her body was slowly taking her appendages, swallowing them in rolls. "I was. . .oooh. . .hoping to see. . .mmmm. . .Quote soon." Curly had to grit her teeth. Feeling her stomach move was a glorious but painful experience. Deep within her folds lay a womb that was stretched to its maximum capacity. She was filled to the brim, and the knowledge of that made her incredibly horny.

"Doctor? Could. . .could. . .ah. . .Quote come in?" She asked, a heat building within her body. The more she thought about her predicament, the more turned on she became. She was so fat and heavy, so unable to move. She had moved from being an elite fighter to a well bred elephant. All she wanted was food and sex. Too heavy to move, she simply bucked in her swing. Some muscle remained, just enough to jiggle her car sized ass and shake her milky breasts. The puddle of milk grew bigger, squeezed out by the raw passion that was brewing in the blonde robot. Yet, no one responded to her. Rather, she heard a door open.

Rendered mindless from the brewing, stormy lust within her, Curly tried to swing her head around. Her chins slid across her dangling breasts, shiny from the excited drool running out of the corners of her mouth. Gradually her conscious mind was slipping away and being replaced with that of a sex starved beast. Though, it should be mentioned that Curly was not starved of anything; it was just that her carnal appetites had grown so large. Those same appetites went into full force as she felt a hand touch her massive ass. "Haaaahh. . .hhhhaaaa. . .mooore." She whined in response, almost furious that she wasn't being pleasured. The hand trailed along Curly's side, inspecting the swing and hoist which held her up. She bucked, or at least attempted to do so, in her holster. Curly was desperate to turn around. Sweat formed over body, whilst her pussy became wet. Suspended high above the ground, she wanted nothing more than to be fucked hard in her swing. She was about to have her wish granted.

"Quoooooottteeeeee!" Curly said, mind thoroughly glazed over with hormones. The mystery person who had been so lovingly feeling her up was indeed Quote, her love and husband and baby daddy. She raised a heavy, thick fingered hand and wiggled her fingers. "I've been. . .aaah. . .waiting for you. They've forced me to do. . .ooooooh. . .so many boring tests." She spoke dreamily, her speech entrenched in hormonal stupor. "Lesss have a little fun!" She giggled.

Quote, for his part, did not need to be told a second time. He loved this animalistic side of Curly. However, he was not above a little playfulness. Taking her heavy, round face in his hands he lifted her up. Fat dribbled between his fingers has her tilted his pregnant wife's face up. He soon was kissing her, stroking her blonde hair. Curly moaned and kissed back. It was she who really drove the pace, increasing the ferocity of her kiss as her lust swelled. However, Quote had tricks of his own. He slowly slid his hand into his pocket, wrapping his finger around something.

It was a long forgotten treasure, something he found whilst on his amazing adventure through The Island. His finger twisted around the green, soft fabric. Bunching it up just a bit. Quote couldn't deny that just the thought of this item made him hard. He drew his hand out of his pocket and slid it across Curly's face. She blinked for a moment, unsure of exactly what was happening. She broke her kiss for a moment, opening her mouth to pose the obvious question. Quote moved as quick as a viper, slipping the vivid green fabric into Curly's mouth. Curly was confused only as long as it took her to see the red bow.

Long ago, the blonde robot had lost her favorite pair of panties. They were bright green and had a red bow on the front. At the time, they fit perfectly. Realizing that they had come back to her in a way that was both erotic and surprising, Curly began to cry. "Oooohhhh Quofe!" She mumbled, her mouth still full of her missing underwear. "You hadfth thesech!" She wanted to gasp, but didn't want the underwear to travel away from her. "I. . .I. . .missched then scho muussh." Tears rolled from her face as milk started to pour from.her engorged breasts. Emotions of all kinds ran through her. Though, more than anything, she was horny. "Youuf HAAF to fuh-ck me now!" She ordered, pinning the panties down with her tongue.

Quote didn't need to be told a second time. He ran to the back of her, his pants flying off. Thanks to the sling, Curly's wobbling cheeks were almost directly at cock level. With his erection hard enough to smash diamonds, he began to thrust in and out. The two formed a strange pendulum of fat and flesh. Curly swung back and forth, leaking tears and milk, whilst Quote powered it all with thrusts that could shake a mountain. Curly, now getting the release she so strongly desired, flapped her nearly useless hands and arms. "Hhhaahh. . .ffuuuhhh mee. . .Quofe. . .schoo mush. . .harder." She gasped and moaned loudly, even with the panties filling her mouth. The green fabric waved as a flag, celebrating the two's love.

Meanwhile, Dr.Sakamoto watched from a nearby office. She had been forced to step away to deal with a report. Upon her return, she had found the two robots engaged in fierce and wild copulation. She turned to the mimiga next to her. "I really think we might have created a problem." She said, her glasses fogging up. As much as she wanted to say more, she was too busy trying to remove her lab coat.


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