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Nami looked around, confused at her surroundings. Far removed from the devastatingly one sided battle that had happened on Saboady Archipelago, she was somewhere else. Seemingly teleported instantly by Kuma’s Paw-Paw Devil Fruit, she had landed in a jungle. Yet, as with all things in the Grand Line, it was hardly a normal jungle island. Spread amongst the lush vegetation were fully cooked and prepared meals. A veritable river of ramen ran several yards in front of her. The jungle was filled with the smells of highly cooked and well prepared food, rather than the usual odors of vegetation and animals. Yet again the world had prepared a place of wonder. The red headed navigator stood and walked through the forest, unsure of what to do.

“Helloooo!” Nami called, hoping that someone. . .anyone. . .was nearby. She had watched as members of the crew were scattered to the four corners of the earth, magicked away by the immense power of the Shichibukai turned Pacifista. Loneliness, regret, and guilt welled up in Nami. Overcome by emotions, she collapsed to the ground and clutched her chest, evoking the same pose she had done so long ago at the gates of Arlong Park. Tears flowed from Nami’s eyes. With no ship, no friends, and no plan there was little chance of her escaping her current fate.

“Oh, hello Miss Navigator.” A calm and familiar voice spoke from behind Nami. The sobbing woman didn’t even have to turn around to know who spoke. Still crying, Nami jumped up and hugged Nico Robin tightly. The two rocked back and forth. Robin embraced her friend, comforting her as best she could. As a woman whose life had held much tragedy, Robin was quite adept at comforting others. “It’s ok.” She whispered quietly. “Let’s find a place to rest.” Keeping an arm around Nami, she slowly escorted the other woman through the strange jungle of food.


“What should we do?” Nami finally asked when she was more in command of herself. She and Robin were sitting on a free patch of grass, surrounded by a garden of finger food. Little sandwiches and cakes grew on leafy plates around them. Sugar seemed to infuse the very air. Nami felt a little better sitting next to her crewmate and friend, able to still her thoughts.

“Well, there is unfortunately little we can do.” Robin was calming and stoic as always. She plucked a cake from a tree and plopped it into her mouth. “The island seems uninhabited, filled with nothing more than these strange food-plants.” She plopped the cake into her mouth, smiling as the taste filled her mouth. “At least we won’t go hungry.” Her eyes closed in delight, the sugary food filling first her mouth and then her belly.

“But, shouldn’t we find the others?” Nami was all business, wanting to find the people she had spent so much time with.

“We don’t have much in the way of tools.” A look of stern focus crossed Robin’s face. “Lacking Franky or even Usopp, I don’t know what we could realistically make.” She stopped as she saw Nami’s face turn downcast. A wave of her hand saw her unique hand-blossoms spring up around the navigator, each plucking a cake or sandwich. “For the time being, you and I can just enjoy a little food and conversation.” Robin wiggled a sweet between Nami’s lips. At first, Nami was too overcome by sadness, but the sheer absurdity of the situation made her laugh. Between exhales, Robin slipped the tasty morsel in.

“Wow, that really is quite good! Nami said, eyes shining.

“Quite.” Robin agreed. “We might have to wait a little bit for the others to find us, but at the very least it will be comfortable.”

The two continued eating, burying the residual trauma of Saboady under a wave of culinary pleasure. While not nearly as good as Sanji’s food, what the two could glean from Boin Archipelago’s unique flora and fauna was excellent nonetheless. Over the coming year, the two would find themselves growing fond of the food. Their restraint would slip away, gluttonous desire taking its place. In their prolonged wait for salvation, Robin and Nami would find themselves changing and adapting to their temporary home. While the other Strawhats underwent training that improved their skills, Robin and Nami sampled all that the island had to offer, evolving bit by bit.

--- Gluttony Island’s Biggest Residents ---

“Mmmpgh. . .Robin. . .are you schure. . .mmmggph. . .about thisch?” Nami asked, pausing only to open her mouth wide for another bite of food. It was delivered promptly by one of Nico Robin’s arms, manifested by her devil fruit. Nami’s mouth was soon filled with perfectly roasted and prepared meat, the kind of thing that Luffy would drool over. She devoured the meat as quickly as she could, straining to reach more of it. The hand held the meat close, but just enough of a distance away to tease the hungry navigator. However, Nami was more than willing to play games. She strained her body to reach the juicy, plump selection. It was far harder to move now and Nami’s arms gave out as soon as she ripped another hunk of meat off. “Schould. . .UUURRRRP. . .we be looking. . .mmmgghp. . .for a way. . .ooorrruup. . .out?” She asked, still playfully ignorant of her inability to move. It did not occur to her that, if she couldn’t reach the food presented to her, she was not going to make if very far off of the island they had landed on. Though, Nami was happy to be ignorant as long as it meant she got more of the delicious food. The taste was well worth the damage it was doing to her figure.

Nami lay on the ground, a mass of fat and spherical hugeness. Her figure had exploded outwards in all areas, with padded and plush pudge finding a home on her. She was more of a landmark than she was less a person at that point, her body rising into the air and spreading across the ground in truly grand proportions. Nami’s fat was perky and firm, resting in nearly spherical shapes rather than the folds or creases that most people got. The key areas of her figure (butt, belly, and breasts) were all perky orbs, though blown up to terrifying proportions. Trapped on an island of pure food, she and Robin had glutted themselves in increasingly spectacular fashion. Nami had grown bigger by the day, fattening up to her present size: bigger than the Going Merry. Yet, rendered immobile by her firm and bouncy fat, Nami was unconcerned about gorging herself more. Robin, just as overcome by gluttony, was more than happy to assist in those endeavors.

“Mmmm, I think we must stay put.” Robin retained her politeness even through her advanced gluttony. She never spoke with her mouth full or let her speech be interrupted. However, that was not to say she was totally immune from the effects of constant feasting. “BBBBLLLURRRRUUUP.” Robin belched as a punctuation mark to her thought. She then returned to feeding herself. Her army of hands and arms ran a platter of sandwiches to her mouth. She downed them all in a single gulp, letting the snack sized sandwiches fall into her open and waiting mouth. Her cheeks puffed out, filling like a squirrel might as it stored nuts for later. Only Luffy, with his own body warping powers, could have stretched his face more. The sandwiches were soon moved to her rolling, spherical gut; Robin downing them all in a truly anaconda-like swallow. Her stomach bulged out further, equally as round and perfect as Nami’s. The pale woman was seated rather than laying down, her voluminous ass spreading across the ground. Robin knew that she had cracked the ground with her buttcheeks, their naked glory becoming too great for the earth to support. “Eventually they will find us. They have the Vivre Cards.”

“I wish I. . .mmmpggghp. . .could be scho. . .BUURRRRUUPP. . .confidant.” Chocolate covered strawberries poured into Nami’s mouth. Not all of them landed securely though, with some bouncing down her round face and between her large breasts. Rather than speak, her mouth too filled with food, Nami threw a hand over and smacked Robin’s large thigh. Getting the equally massive woman’s attention, Nami pointed to her chest. Round, large arms sprung to either side of Nami’s twin walls of cleavage. Pushing hard, they brought the round and jiggly orbs together. The chocolate morsels shot out, only to be collected by more appendages. Like a queen, Nami opened her mouth and allowed herself to be fed once more. Despite living in the food jungle of Boin Archipelago, the two pirates were pristine in their cleanliness. Robin’s manifested hands and arms kept all food residue off of their bodies, constantly scrubbing away any imperfections. While round, her arms were still more than articulate; her fingers staying relatively thin and lithe. “Aaaah. . .maybe itsch. . .ooorrrupp. . .okay if they don’t hurry.” Nami said, patting her heavy stomach. Her body jiggled, with ripples moving up and down it’s length. Robin’s hands helped these jiggles and created more by bouncing Nami’s breasts.

“I’m certainly not complaining.” The ship-sized archaeologist said with a light smile. Having gotten her fill, it was time to amuse herself a little. Using her devil fruit powers, she made Nami’s immense breasts jump up and down. Huge as dinghies, Nami’s breasts jiggled in slow motions. There was simply too much fat on them to allow for any sort of quick movement. They knocked together, audibly slapping against each other. Both women smiled with deep satisfaction and pleasure. To further her own enjoyment, Robin manifested arms to slap and play with her own ass. She rested upon a throne of butt-fat which could capsize all but the largest ships. “It’s been. . .” Robin had to pause as her arms pushed and pulled one of her buttcheeks up and off the ground. They disappeared in a shower of flower petals, allowing her ass to drop. The area around her shook as the soft, heavy meteor found its home.

"Robin, uuuurrp, not so soon after lunch." Nami groaned, struggling to reach her own arms onto her stomach. While an easy target, Nami struggled to force her arms around her breasts to reach. She flexed and strained, trying to move her shapely arms out from under her titty-prison. The naked expanses of fat sluggishly bounced back and forth, thudding off the ground and her stuffed stomach. She soon gave up, letting her moon-shaped breasts fall back onto the soft earth. One of them bounced and jiggled off of Robin’s own buttcheek, the two orbs playfully interacting.

“Oh, come now!” Robin teased. “My little navigator can’t possibly be that full.” She leaned back, letting her ass and back fat fall on Nami’s gut. It was like sinking into an overfilled waterbed, albeit one big enough to hold a company of soldiers. Robin rolled back and forth, teasing little burps and moans out of Nami. The jungle was filled with the soft rumbles and thuds of heavy bodies moving. Bigger and heavier than elephants, the two pirates couldn’t help but shake the world around them. Robin, the more mobile of the two, used her powers to exploit Nami’s immobility. The cloned hands and arms could push and pull their master in any direction, allowing for her to put the fullest extent of her massive body on Nami without falling over. Nami, for her part, tried to fight back at first. She pushed and shoved at the wall of butt fat bearing down on her. However, her attempts were in vain and she soon was swamped in pale blubber. Her grumbles soon turned to laughter as her stomach was massaged and jiggled by Robin’s expansive backside.

While the two might not have been able to escape their fate, they could at least make the most of it.



What a creative premise! I like the use of the Devil fruit to aid their pleasures, helping to mask their extreme encumberment.

James Duke

Thank you! One Piece really does lend itself to a lot of creative weight gain scenarios. Haha easy for things to get strange when you have godlike powers in the mix