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Tags: Weight gain, shortstack, personality change, sex

"Miss Aran, I won't lie to you, the results of the blood testing was rather distressing." The Federation medical expert tapped his clipboard. A print out of results spelled out his news in a clear picture. "Your genetic code has been altered." He had struggled with the words to express the exact condition that galaxy's strongest and most renowned bounty hunter was beginning to suffer from. "I’m sure you've already begun to see the side effects: irritability, weight gain, and muscle loss." He chanced a look up, finding an annoyed looking woman staring back at him. She was holding it in check for the time being, but it was obvious that she had some choice words for him.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Samus asked, crossing a long leg over another. Her frustration was focused solely upon the doctor, otherwise she might have noticed how her suit was bunching up around her middle. A pot belly had formed there over the past month. It had resisted every bit of exercise and dieting that Samus had thrown at it. Samus was not a vain woman by nature, but having such a prominent belly was utterly unacceptable. The other symptoms had grown as she tried to treat her belly, springing up one after the other.

"I'm afraid not." The doctor said, trying to gather enough courage to look her in the eyes. "Your exposure to the methods and other environment has corrupted things beyond our ability to heal you." The doctor looked back to his notes. The testing had at least revealed that the changes would be small, at least when considering the potential outcomes of genetic aberrations and breakdown. Samus would change drastically, but she would still be human at the end of it."

"Well, isn't this just perfect." The tall and, formerly, statuesque woman leaned further back in her chair. She crossed her arms over her voluminous bosom. The blonde woman knew she was being silly, childish even, but could not help herself. What had started with a desire to lose weight was ending with her being diagnosed with genetic mutations.

"As this. . .condition. . .was created while in the service to the Federation we would be happy to compensate you for your service." The doctor grimaced, hating to deliver such bad news and weak condolences. "I'm truly sorry, Miss Aran. We would honor your service. The Galactic Federation is truly in your debt."

"The payout had better be good." An angry flush came over Samus. "Just start wiring it to me." She stood and began to walk out of the office. It was the last time she truly looked like herself. After, the genetic mutations began to take hold in stronger bouts.


“Hey handsome, how about you do me a favor?” Samus chirped. She had locked eyes with a young man at the bar and felt the tell tale signs of attraction rising within her. A heat spread through her short body, spurred on by the alcoholic drinking rolling around in her body. “My suit’s gotten stuck.” She pouted, hopping off the stool she was sitting on and presenting her rear to the man. Samus had changed drastically over the years of her retirement. The words of the doctor had proved prophetic and Samus had found herself shrinking. Weekly, when she was marking the changes, the lines she drew on the wall of her bedroom dropped. Almost in tandem, the sizes on her pants went up. “Come oooonnnn. . .help a girl out.” She smiled, catlike, and swung her rear back and forth. She now styled her hair in twin tails, trailing down her exaggerated curves like rivers of gold. The twin tails were childish and bratty looking, with expensive gold circlets used to separate them. Yet, they fit the new Samus and her image, even including her mammoth ass.

For such a short woman, it was a massive ass. Big enough to fill an entire booth, Samus’ booty had picked up every inch that she had lost from her height. Almost wider than she was tall, the thong bikini she had spent 15 minutes hiking over her rump had all but disappeared in the booty folds. “Might just take you a little bit to find it, but I’ll make it worth your whiiiillleee!” The former bounty hunter slapped her ass with a plump, round hand. Slow, indolent jiggles traveled their way across her voluminous booty. Further, the ripples rolled their way up and down the rest of her body. The blonde was thick with fat from head to toe. For as fat as her ass was, she had just as much weight packed into her stomach and breasts. Thick, short thighs held up a body which could flatten multiple chairs at a time. There had been a time when Samus had cared about her dwindling stature and her explosive weight gain, but that time had long since passed. Though, it was an aggressive sort of "not caring".

"Hey! You listening to me?" Her sharp, small voice cut over the thundering surf. She looked over a doughy shoulder, finding that the height of the bartop prevented her potential lover from seeing her fully. Rather than adjust his eyes, the lummox had simply continued on drinking. He was big and strapping, exactly the kind of man that caught her fancy. She pursued him with the same relentless intensity that she sought prior bounties. Though, her methods were now filtered through the particularly bratty, indulgent lens she saw the world through.

"Uuuggh. . .what's your deal, Big Stuff?" Samus yelled, pushing off of the stool she had been leaning on. Her weight bent the thick metal of the stool, the polished surface warping under the movement of her ample, short body. She waddled over, hips swinging back and forth in a chorus of jiggles and slaps. The thong of her bikini wedged further into her ass, buried between cheeks that hadn’t sat comfortably in a chair in years. She rounded the corner of the bar, angrily swinging her short but tree trunk thick arms. Only during moments like these did she think about how she used to look. A life time ago she had been a lanky, well proportioned killer. Taller than most men even, she had performed her job with lethal accuracy and ruthless intent. Now, thanks to that same job, she was now scumming guys out of beach front bars. Yet, those comparisons were washed away quickly by her impotent rage. She couldn’t be angry at the past, but she could be angry at the man ignoring her.

“Hey, Lanky!” She tapped his thigh, the furthest point up his body she could reach. The man was a giant compared to her diminutive height and well muscled. Yet, for all his stature, she likely outweighed him by 200 pounds. He looked at her confused, eyes adjusting to the strange scene before him. Samus cocked a hip to the side, one hand sinking into the mound of butt fat. Meanwhile, her other elbow was buried in a love handle, palm open and fingers held in the bitchiest manner possible. “What’s your deal? You don’t like hot women offering themselves to you?” She bobbed her head back and forth, twin tailed hair lashing down her thick neck to tickle her exposed asscheeks. “I’m about to give you the ride of the night and you can’t even give me the time of day? Putz! You think you can do better?” She spat the words, temper flaring brightly. Her rising aggression displayed mostly as a petulant, bratty display. Thanks to her monetary support from the Federation, the blonde shortstack was too rich to be truly angry. She instead just wanted all of her needs met, temper flaring as soon as they weren’t met. “I would rock you world,” The obese, tiny woman chirped as she tapped and poked a finger into the man. While strange and hostile, it was as close to a courtship ritual that Samus could manage anymore. The challenge had been put out, it was only a matter of time to see if he would accept.


“Haaa. . .aaaah. . .HHAARRDEERRR!”Samus cried as the man fucked her. The two were on the rich beach before her condo. Waves the color of lapis lazuli rolled onto the beach. The blue of their swells was rich and princely blue. Dark enough to command the eye, but not so dark as to frighten or evoke the depths that truly lay below. Samus looked up every so often to see the waves crashing on the beach. He had taken her from behind, pumping her ass relentlessly with his massive cock. Years of mindless pleasure seeking had given Samus a wealth of sexual experience, but this was near the top. He was relentless and as strong as the tides, thrusting in and out of her voluminous asscheeks. His cock was large, too, big enough to make the bratty fatty bite the rolled up towel in front of her. She was bent forward, with knees, elbows, and flabby stomach resting on the triple wide towel. Her ass surged backwards, hoisted upwards by the man’s strong arms. Samus was far too fat for her to present her own ass for long, but the man was willing to try his strength at it. “Come. . .uuugggh. . .on, sissy-boy! Fuck me or get. . .oooouuuuttt.” Samus constantly teased and poked at him, trying to spur him into greater action.

The bimbo blonde whimpered in pleasure as her lover clapped a hand to her left buttcheek, smacking her just as hard as she had asked. He rose up, leaning forward to paw at one of her twin tails. He planned on using every bit of her immense body for leverage. His cock slammed between her asscheeks, encompassed on all sides by soft walls of gelatin. Slowly, Samus faded into the ground, growing silent. She bit her towel, a smile spreading across her face as the man continued to make love to her. The end was coming soon for him, she could feel it. Fast and hard, that was how she liked it. Her own tight, cute (a self description she was quick to throw out) pussy gushed as she reached her own climax. She longed for the man to finish so she could roll over onto her back and try to stroke it herself. Samus was lost to the pleasure coursing through her, all other thoughts falling away. Here, coupled with a man of her choosing, thoughts of her previous life were far away from her. She had been a bounty hunter feared across the galaxy, but now she was simply a very fat, very short woman on an endless pleasure cruise.

She would have it no other way.