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Just a quick little thing for you all

"Uuuurrrp. . .uuggh. . .when did this get so hard." Kobayashi grunted, trying to shove her gut up against her desk. Her thickest belly fold dragged and slid across the ground, slipping on the smooth carpet of her office. Several hundred pounds of gut fat billowed outwards, flowing over her thighs and calves which had begun to look like gunny sacks filled with animal feed. Despite all her shoving and pushing, Kobayashi drew no closer to the desk. Rather, she only managed to jut her rear end further out. Her thick, sausage fingers pounded clumsily on her keyboard in a desperate attempt to maintain productivity. Kobayashi was as determined to lie to herself as she was to continue working. She could let Tohru know how much she was struggling.

Kobayasshhhiiii, should I come by the office and help you?

The text appeared on her phone, causing the massive office worker to grumble anew. She never should have given Tohru a phone. Now her entire day was filled with little teasing messages. At least, she thought they were teasing. It was hard to tell with the dragoness. She was so naturally dedicated that it almost seemed insincere. The first time that the redhead had shredded her slacks, Tohru had offered to stitch them up without having Kobayashi remove them. It was hard for the hyper-obese woman to accept that level of charity and sympathy in her life. "Ooohhh. . .UUURRRPPP. . .Tohru. . .please noooo." Kobayashi whined, struggling to reach past her flabby breasts to grab her phone. The flat, pancake-ish folds of chest fat did little more than obstruct her movements. Slowly, Kobayashi reached an arm that was rounder than a ham over and snagged the comically small phone. Slowly, she typed a message;struggling over each word.

No thanks. I'm good. Will be home for dinner tonight.

A flush ran through the 800 pound woman's heavy, jowl riddled face. She hated how excited she was for dinner. Further, she hated that she was attempting to lie to her housemate. Tohru deserved someone more open, but Kobayshi’s pride wouldn't allow it. Instead, the dragon was saddled with nearly a half ton of obstinate office worker. Yet, there had been little complaint. Kobayshi tossed the phone back over her keyboard, trying again to hike herself up to the desk. Her ass bubbled out behind her, further exposing sweat-drenched and woefully strained panties. Kobayashi had panties that could sail a medium sized sailboat . . .and buttcheeks that could capsize it. Oblong, dimpled ovals poured out over the small but valiant stool she sat on. Her panties were utterly exposed to the fluorescent lights of the office. Kobayashi tried not to think about the little dragon stamp Tohru had stitched into the fabric after the 4th time she had repaired them. "God, she's turning me into a pervert." Kobayashi mumbled, sinking into her fat. It was hard not to give into a busty dragon that catered to every whim, but somehow Kobayashi managed.

Ooookkkaaaayy. I'm picking up a cake, just a little treat. ;)

Another text, another half waddled down the path of utter obesity and indulgence. Kobayashi knew she was being taunted, but was not sure if she truly cared. She could only imagine herself digging into the cake with her bare hands. She'd still be in her work uniform, frosting would spray everywhere. Tohru would help push the cake forward, enabling the spiral that Koabayshi was doomed to. The crescendo would come when the nearly immobile woman ran out of cake to eat. She'd the descend into a frenzy of licking her fingers and scooping cake from between her. . .

"Stop!" Kobayashi had to tell herself. She felt a thick rumble roll through her stomach. Her mind was hardly her own anymore, swirling with lustful and greedy thoughts. While she tried to be stoic about them, more often than not she fell victim. Granted, she had a very persuasive agent acting against her wishes. Tohru was always hovering, trying to find a moment of weakness to exploit for total collapse. She wanted a weakened, placated Kobayashi to fatten and fondle until the end of time. It was up to the salmon haired, for Ely flat chested woman to resist. "I'm not gonna. . .UUURRRP. . .give into you. . .anymore." Kobayashi wheezed and belched as she leaned back, patting her gut. It rumbled back, wanting food and to expel more gas. It was boisterous because it knew it had a partner in crime.

Hmmmm. . .looks like there is a sale. Two cakes it is!!

 Kobayashi ignored the threats from her tummy as well as the texts being sent to her from Tohru. For the moment at least, she was mentally strong. She flopped forward, panties no longer blocked by her back folds, and struggled to type more code out. She would be strong. . .at least for a while.



King shit as usual


Hope you do a continuation