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--- Treasures From the Underworld ---

“Coooommmmmeee ooonnnn, Mitsuru! Just try it on for a second!” Yukari begged and whined. She, Mitsuru, and Minako were in the main hub of the Iwatodai Dormitory. They had just finished with a trip to Tartarus, exploring the labyrinthian dungeon, and were examining the treasures from their haul. More specifically, Yukari was trying to entice Mitsuru into taking one of the treasures that she had found. It was a small bell, held on a necklace of red fabric. It was simple yet elegant, of peerless craftsmanship. Yukari had offered it to the the stoic redhead, thus the standoff had ensued.

“That’s ok, Yukari,” Mitsuru said good naturedly. “I think my style is refined enough at the moment.” The crimson haired woman regarded the bell with mild suspicion. Things from Tartarus were not to be trusted. Beyond that, it seemed a bit silly for her to wear a bell around her neck. Was she a dog or cattle to be called and kept track of? She had hoped that the simple refusal would be enough for Yukari, but the short haired brunette was having none of it.

“You’d look so cute in it though!” Yukari rolled the bell around in her hand lightly. “Wear it, just for a day.” She inched the bell closer to her friend. Mitsuru looked in pain by the request. She turned her face away, her natural beauty turning the act into something worthy of a painting. Yukari dodged around her, trying to keep Mitsuru’s eyes on her. While Mitsuru was a woman of deep conviction, there were limits to everything. Surely, with enough pressure, Yukari could get her to crack. The girls went back and forth for a couple minutes. Yukari trying to find the right combination of words to convince Mitsuru and Mitsuru trying to dodge around the request without unduly hurting her friend’s feelings. It was a tight stalemate. Both of the girls were, in the back of their minds, wrung their brains in order to find an answer to the problem. It wasn’t until Minako coughed that the two bickering ladies found a solution.

“Minako!” They both cried in unison. Their companion, an auburn haired woman dressed in the traditional short skirt of Gekkoukan High School. She had been standing by, quietly watching her friends’ argument. Yet, now, she was being dragged into the debate. Yukari grabbed her arm, guiding her to where she and Mitsuru had been discussing the matter. “Would you settle this for us?” To Mitsuru’s dismay, Yukari held the bell up and hovered it inches away from Mitsuru’s porcelain white skin. “Please tell Mitsuru that she would look so cute in this!” Yukari jiggled the bell, making it shake slightly. Minako couldn’t resist a smile as she heard the soft notes that came out of the bell. It would look incredibly cute on Mitsuru. . .that she couldn’t deny. Yukari seemed to pick up on this, smiling even wider. Mitsuru, on the other hand, tilted her head and hid her eye further under her long bangs.

“I think she has to try it!” Minako said, a lopsided grin spreading across her face. She took the bell from Yukari and twirled it around her finger. “I’ll even help you put it on, as a consolation prize!” she held up the silken strands the bell dangled from, teasing them back and forth. She walked forward, eager to force her friend to wear it.

“Minako, you can’t be serious,” Mitsuru said, as close to pleading as the proud woman would ever get. She glanced at the bell as if it would burn her skin. “What about my dignity as a woman?” She asked. “No self respecting Kirijo heiress would ever wear a trinket like that. I’m not above having fun. . .but this seems crass.” Mitsuru pled her case to her friend with the qualities of a statesman or a lawyer. Yet, it did little good. Minako had indeed been won to Yukari’s side. Seeing the bell hovering over Mitsuru’s defined neckline had been the final straw. Without saying much, she wormed around Mitsuru’s back and took the bell from Yukari. Quickly, fearing that Mitsuru would try to wiggle out of it, Minako tied the strings of the necklace and secured it around her friend’s neck. Mitsuru crossed her arms in frustrated defeat. “You know, there are times when I question our friendship.” The heiress said, worried that anyone other than the other two women would see her wearing it.

“Just give it a night and the morning,” Yukari said, trying to hide her enjoyment of the situation. Despite the silliness, there was something about how Mitsuru wore the trinket. Her stoic, slightly pissed, expression made it seem less juvenile. While certainly strange, it did not look half as strange as it would have on someone else.  Even after Mitsuru fumed and walked away, the other two women couldn’t help but comment on how good it looked on her. It was not quite the silly trinket they thought it might have been.

--- Dreams and Reality ---

Mitsuru woke early the next morning, as always. She slipped out of bed, yawning a bit. She had strange dreams the night before. It was embarrassing to even think, but she had dreamed of cows roaming in a field. Worse, she had dreamt of petting the docile bovines. Such pastoral visions made her roll her eyes. She hoped that the nocturnal visitations would not become a habit. It was hard for a self-serious woman like Mitsuru to entertain the silly notions of dreams. If anything, someone like her should have momentous, prophetic dreams instead of the childish ones that she had been given the night before. She tried her best to push them out of her head as she made her bed and then started the water for her shower. Usually, she would spend the time before the water heated up in meditation. Today, however, she was unable to rid herself of her dreams from the night before. The cows had been nice. They had run up to Mitsuru, treating her almost like she was one of their own. To her own shock, Dream-Mitsuru had been overjoyed by their visitation. She had petted them, rubbing their heads and looking into their deep, soft eyes. Mitsuru had always wanted a pet when she was younger. Dream-Mitsuru had wondered if milk from a pet cow tasted better than store bought milk.

“I must put these silly thoughts aside.” Mitsuru said, shirking out of her clothes and stepping into the warm shower. The steam and running water had helped to chase the dreams away. Mitsuru was free to lather her body in thick, sweet smelling soap. She always started at her feet and wound her way up. With no small amount of pride, Mitsuru inspected her body as she worked. Though young, she had more than her fair share of curves. More curves than even most adult women. Shapely calves, well developed but not overly huge thighs, and a pert buttocks were all treasures of Mitsuru’s body. The soap smoothed over them easily, light suds being left to make them sparkle and shine in the light of the bathroom. For some reason, Mitsuru seemed to think that her thighs and buttocks had gotten bigger. There seemed to be a bit more heft when she ran her washcloth over them. Her booty seemed especially perky. Mitsuru swore that they were heavier and that a noticeable jiggle had come into them. Confused, she checked the rest of her body. Her vanity, as well hidden as it might have been, demanded it. Mitsuru was not fat, but there was a general level of softness to her body that had not existed before. Her stomach, once washboard thin, had a thin covering of pudge to it. Her belly button looked deeper, and her belly stuck out an inch or two. She looked like a woman who merely counted calories, rather than a woman who rigorously tested herself in the darkest places imaginable. In this inspection, she noticed that her breasts had grown.

Larger, fuller, and with a heft that had not been present before, Mitsuru’s breasts jutted out even more proud than before. Steaming water ran over them in rivulets, the largest river running between them. “My. . .” Mitsuru said as she realized the full extent of the changes. Overnight, Mitsuru’s breasts had grown at least a half a cup size, if not larger. Her nipples, swollen and fat, pointed outwards; betraying some excitement that Mitsuru must have felt deep within herself. She ran her hands over her breasts, fondling and squeezing them. Her mind torn between cold, scientific desire to study and girlish excitement. Mitsuru took pride in her appearance, it was hard for her not to enjoy that appearance growing even more lovely. The crimson haired heiress stood in the shower, allowing the water to flow fully over her body. She studied her partially steam occluded reflection in the shower door. Mitsuru saw a woman looking back, one who was truly beginning to flower into her full beauty. In a move that spoke of her elegance and buried vulnerability, she clutched her arms to her chest. Her breasts flooded her arms, nipples popping up and over her thin arms. Mitsuru stood, looking at herself, trying to make herself not enjoy it.


“Hey Mitsuru!” Yukari called. The heiress entered the lounge of the Iwatodai Dormitory, stepping out of the elevator with her usual long stride and confidence. Her heels clicked on the ground. Mitsuru was a creature of habit and possessed of strong personality. It was not in her nature to change who she was or how she did things based on external factors. . .but she felt sorely tempted that morning. The crimson haired beauty had considered shortening her steps or slumping her shoulders a bit in an attempt to hide her new assets. She could feel them bouncing and jiggling, almost too big for her bra. Further, they strained her shirt and worked to pop her buttons out of place. Practically the only thing that still worked with her outfit was the little bell. True to her word, she had kept it on her person. If anything, it was the least of her worries at the moment.

Mitsuru fought the urge to wince everytime she looked in the mirror. She looked less like the commanding heir to a vast fortune and more like the slutty secretary a pervy businessman would hire. She was not even sure why she had come to the lounge. It was exactly the place where Junpei would be hanging around and he was the last person she wanted to see. Thankfully, Mitsuru thought, only Yukari and Minako were in the lounge that morning.

“Good morning.” Mitsuru said, seating herself near her girlfriends. When she sat she felt her curvier bust bounce heavily. It was easy to tell that her breasts had grown when she moved. She felt them bounce with each step. When she moved her arms, they brushed up against her swollen breasts. Mitsuru tried to remain stoic, but the knowledge that she was changing, developing further into a woman was exciting and terrifying. Should she tell someone? How could she even begin to have that conversation without sounding like she was gloating. The woman who already had everything was becoming more womanly. . .it would be a disaster. Yet, at the same time, she found conscience prompting her to say something. “Uh, ladies, do you mind if I reveal something of a personal and. . .sensitive nature.” The words were a bit more literal than she wanted them to be. She could feel her breasts pressing in a most. . .erogenous nature against her bra and clothes. Movements both big and small caused little prickles of excitement to flood her body, goosebumps following after.

“Of course! We’re here for any secrets.” Yukari grinned, she had not yet noticed Mitsuru’s enhanced features. Rather, the cheery woman was focused on simply deepening her connection with Mitsuru. She loved the cool confidence that the Kirijo heir possessed. She leaned in, eager to hear what her role model and mentor had to say.

“Well, it’s just that I’ve noticed that I’m a bit. . .bigger.” Mitsuru said, almost grinding her teeth with the admission. She saw both Yukari and Minako’s eyes widen as the realization stole over them. Some worried, anxious part of her brain prompted the scarlet haired woman to go into damage control. “I’m not trying to brag. I’m just a little worried. These sorts of changes aren’t supposed to happen overnight.” She let her friends wordlessly observe her, their eyes running up and down her curvy body. Mitsuru tried to make it a mental exercise, knowing that many people were going to be doing the same thing over the coming days. She needed to be strong. She was not some bimbo, despite what her chest might suggest, and had things to offer the world outside of her body. All the same, she did not love being eyed like a prized cow.

“My goodness. . .all of this in one night?” Yukari asked, eyes full of wonder.  “Mitsuru, have you been drinking extra milk?” Her light brown hair swished back and forth as she examined the large breasts presented to her. It was fascinating to see such drastic changes, electrifying even. Yukari did not mean to pry or to make Mitsuru uncomfortable, but it was such tremendous growth. It was nearly impossible to believe that this had happened naturally.

“I’ve heard massages can increase breast mass! It has to do with circulation.” Minako ventured, trying to lighten the mood. She moved her own hands to her chest, demonstrating what she thought might have been proper technique.

“I’ve not been doing either of those things!” Mitsuru sniffed. It was unbecoming of a woman to be so vain as to try and change her physical appearance. Especially something so private and erotic in nature. It stank of a sort of desperation that she had simply not ever possessed.  “I haven’t done anything differently. Besides, what would change after just one night?” She asked and the other women had no answer. A silence drifted over the women, broken only by the threads of Mitsuru’s shirt straining and the little bell she wore jangling. The bell rolled back and forth on her shirt, innocently jingling away. It lay comfortably nestled between the two fluffy breasts. It was almost as if they were helping to prop it up, but the silver trinket on greater display.

“What do you think we should do?” Yukari asked, unsure of how to help her friend.

“Do you think we should tell anyone? Maybe a teacher could. . .” Minako ventured before getting cut off.

“What’s to tell anyone? That my breasts have taken on extra mass?” Mitsuru used language to dance around the issue, softening her own mental fixation. “I think that would earn more enmity and jealousy, rather than sympathy.” She leaned back in her chair to sigh, a full button popping off of her shirt. She fought between patting her shirt or simply letting it be. She was almost afraid to touch her boobs. Her pride as a careerist woman spoke to her, telling her that it would be unwise to touch or meddle with her chest. She might be seen as enjoying it, turning into a bimbo. As always, Mtisuru heeded the advice of her logical mind. Yet, she could not deny there was another suggestion floating beneath the surface, one so far in her subconscious she could not put words to it. “No, let’s just ignore it for now. We can always tell someone later if things escalate further.” Mitsuru gave a small smile, to show her genuine appreciation. “Thank you, girls, this has helped put me at ease.”

“Sure thing!” Minako said, smiling.

“Of course, anything to help a friend. If you ever need us, just call.” Yukari asked, tempting fate.

--- Pressure and Release ---

Mitsuru paced around her room. It was the end of another day, a day that she had spent hiding in her room. Like a caged or domesticated animal, Mitsuru had stayed in her dorm room. She had spent the day trying to force herself to get dressed and walk out the door. She had come close a couple times, but caved each time. She simply could not force herself to do it. However, she could at least call in support. In an act of desperation, she had called and texted Yukari and Minako, letting them know her problems had magnified. Those problems being her breasts. The flotation devices had inflated further, now sprinting up in cup sizes. She had well and truly outgrown all of her shirts and bras in a single night. If things had not been so already, it was now a state of emergency. For the issues of growth. . .as well as something else. Something that Mitsuru was not even sure how to tell her friends. She mulled the words over as she walked back and forth, trying to ignore the two pendulums pulling her chest down.

When finally Yukari and Minako did arrive, they found her in a state of half dress. “Girls. . ..” Mitusru said as Minako and Yukari walked into her room. She wore only her skirt, leaving her chest out to bounce and swing freely. “I think we need to discuss my. . .problems.” At least part of the problems were obvious. “My breasts have grown again.” Mitsuru said, as if it was not obvious that her breasts were now stripper sized. Despite baring her concerns and weakness to the other two women, there was no bashfulness in either the scarlet haired woman nor her prodigious breasts. She stood with a hand on her hip, with a frustrated but strong look. Her breasts, on the other hand, were excessively perky and joyful. It was like Mitsuru had willed all the emotions she deemed too feminine or trivial into her breasts. “While it should in part be obvious, there is another matter to consider.” She spoke, frowning a bit as she tried to find the words. “They have gotten rather. . .tender.” Having finally revealed what was troubling her Mitsuru turned and walked to her bed. It was done in an effort to save her dignity. She sat, crossing one leg over the other.

Minako and Yukari gulped, their eyes each drawn to a different breast. They were unsure how to approach the conversation. Further, they were unsure how to have the conversation with Mitsuru topless. “How. . .tender?” Minako was the first one to talk. She walked and joined Mitsuru on the bed, sitting on her left side. Mitsuru stiffened as Minako sat, her body tensing up in order to deal with the ticklish, electric feeling that ran through her puffy nipples and then the rest of her breasts. Each slight movement, even a gust of wind from the air conditioner, seemed to trigger them more. She had spent her morning clenching her fists, biting her lip, and feeling her nipples respond to various stimuli. Mitsuru was a controlled woman, but these changes were sorely testing her. It was like her body was rebelling against her.

“It would be. . .aah. . .hard to explain fully.” Mitsuru said, even the physical proximity of Minako seemed to trigger her breasts. It was like there was a pressure building inside of them. Each moment seemed to add a bit of pressure, further expand them.

“Do you think we should call a doctor? The school nurse?” Yukari followed up from Minako’s question. She, not realizing the effect it had on the busty woman, took the other open spot on the bed. Mitsuru spun, her breasts almost hitting Yukari as they swung. The twin pendulums slapped against each other. Mitsuru almost swooned from the feeling it gave her. She had to approach the situation with generalities, even in her own head. There was a word she was avoiding. Were she to give name to what she was feeling, what her breasts were radiating through her, it would own her. She bit her vibrant, ruby lips to try and kill the waves of sensation. She had tried cold showers, meditation, and other control techniques to no success. Rather, she seemed less in control than ever. She was quickly approaching a precipice, dragged along by her rebellious body. “I’m sure they could get here quickly.” Yukari tried to sound hopeful but was obviously worried. She was at a loss for how to truly help her friend and teammate.

“I considered it but. . .aah. . .not sure. . .mmhm . . .what to tell them.” Mitsuru said, her back arching as the nameless feeling raced through her again. The mental precipice was coming closer all the time. It was a void that would swallow her up and never spit her out. She wanted to cave desperately, but her pride wouldn’t allow it. She was an heiress, a lady, and a member of SEES. She had to be made of sterner stuff. Her mind was nothing if not doggedly determined. Mental, physical, and spiritual challenges could all be overcome with proper willpower. At least, that was what Mitsuru might have said before Minako’s next move.

“We should at least do an inspection ourselves. We might understand a bit more.” The auburn haired woman spoke, raising her hands. She intended only to test Mitsuru clinically, a slight tap to see if anything felt wrong to the touch. Her open palms rose up, drifting carefully towards the grapefruit sized breasts. Yet, Mitsuru tried to turn, wanting to tell her friend to stay her hands. Unfortunately, Mitsuru misjudged the swing of her sizable mammaries. Two bounding, bountiful breasts fell into Minako’s hands. Further mischaracterizing the action, Minako squeezed them, her hands working softly in order to understand the predicament. The damn finally burst. The unnamable feeling finally broke free of the cage that Mitsuru had put it in. She was forced to name it. Pleasure.

Pleasure of the deepest and most sensual nature was what coursed through her. Erotic power beyond her comprehension was flowing in and out of her breasts. In her mind, she could almost feel it pouring out of her, rushing from her inverted nipples. In reality, her breasts began lactating. Milk, golden-white and creamy, poured from her boobs. It filled and overflowed Mianko’s hands, draining down Mitsuru’s shapely body. In surprise and embarrassment, Minako jumped back, flinging her hands. Milk droplets sprayed everywhere, just as it continued to cascade down Mitsuru’s body. Yukari and Minako both were doused in the stuff, mouths accepting a multiplicity of free flowing droplets. Sweetness such as they had never known filled their taste buds. Mitsuru massaged and groped her breasts, squeezing the milk out in a rush of pleasure. Meanwhile, Yukari and Minako rushed to lick the milk off of their fingers. Each of the three girls wanted more. Mitsuru needed more of a release and the other two simply wanted more of the sweet tasting milk. In wordless syncopation, the trio coalesced in a crescendo of breasts, open mouths, and soft lips.

“Haaaahh. . .girls. . .please. . .gentle.” Mitsuru said, guiding the two women latched to her enormous breasts. Yukari and Minako sucked for all they were worth. Their tongues licked and massaged her fat nipples, provoking an even stronger flood of lactate. The trio rocked and gyrated back and forth, with Mitsuru at the epicenter. Pressure drained from her in a grand release, each suck from her friends pulling more and more out of her. Mitsuru felt her body relax, pent up tension flowing out of her. She realized just how much stress had been riding in her body and not just from what had transpired over the past couple days. Rather, stress that had build up over a lifetime of high expectations and the struggle to meet them. Now, separated from her mind by a wall of erotic pleasure, Mitsuru’s body was free to relax. Slowly, the girls drifted down to lay on the bed. Yukari and Minako never broke their hold on Mitsuru’s tits, simply along for the ride.

The girls lay in the bed for an indeterminate amount of time. It could have been several minutes or several hours. Yukari and Minako sucked and drained the cantaloupe sized breasts offered to them, moaning and sighing every once and a while. Meanwhile, Mitsuru wordlessly massaged and squeezed what she could reach of her breasts, wanting to be drained of every last drop of milk. Yukari and Minako drank on, each wanting to be filled with as much of the tasty liquid as possible. They drank to the point of their bellies bulging out, straining their uniforms. Slowly, the flood reduced to a trickle and eventually Yukari and Minako were forced to release their hold.

“We should still probably get you checked out.” Yukari said, laying next to Mitsuru. The immense breast she had been sucking on lay on her shoulder. She was not sure if it was more awkward to let it continue to rest on her shoulder, so near her mouth, or to try and push it back onto Mitsuru. Minako, on the other hand, seemed to find no issue with what had happened. The auburn haired woman stroked and drew circles around Mitsuru’s nipple, eager to feel the wondrous ball of fat and milk. “I don’t think that will solve it.”

“No. . .probably not.” Mitsuru said, staring at the ceiling. Her voice was distant, far away from the room. Her slim hand clutched the bell that dangeld between her breasts. It had become a comforting fetish for her. Now, after the moment of greatest release in her life, she could not stop stroking it. Her mind was quiet, drained of any thoughts. She heard Yukari, but could also detect the false notes in her voice. She didn’t want to stop. She wanted another round and probably another after that. “We can see what the nurse has to say. Tomorrow though.” Mitsuru lied, same as Yukari. She wanted it to happen again.

--- Mitsuru’s Milk Bags ---

“Yukari. . .Minako. . .it’s too early for this.” Mitsuru moaned, some weeks  later. She had awoken to the familiar feeling of mouths closing around her nipples. “Let’s sleep some more.” she said, rubbing her eyes. She had to fight to get her arms up to her sleepy eyes. They had lain trapped under two body pillow sized breasts. The girls, despite their best intentions, had never made it to the nurse or other medical professional. She and her friends were instead distracted by the near constant flow of milk that Mitsuru had begun to pump out. They rationalized their failure to follow up by saying that it would be better to drink from Mitsuru’s breasts again. That way she was less sensitive and could move easier. So, they had stayed in bed, eagerly licking and kissing the erect nipples placed before them. Mitsuru, overcome by constant sensitivity and the discomfort of swollen breasts had begrudgingly let the milkings continue.

However, as time went on their rationalizations slowly died away and faded from their minds. Yukari and Minako were relentless in their pursuit of Mitsuru’s milk. The girls were more than happy to spend entire days in bed, time spent between worshiping the growing mammaries and pillow talk. Their feeding sessions grew more tense and sensual. They were not simply draining Mitsuru of her milk, they were connecting with her on a different plane of reality, one where flesh was king. This morning was no different. “Giiirrlsss. . .” Mitsuru’s voice began to change as her fire hydrant breasts began to truly lactate. Nipples nearly as big as dinner plates poured milk out, which was eagerly lapped up by Minako and Yukari.

The girls lay to either side of their chesty leader, a breast dedicated to each woman. Their tongues licked and teased the nipple offered to them, drawing as much milk and pleasure out of Mitsuru as possible. They heard her voice, but it was distant and dreamy to them. They had both awoken with the need to feed, drawn in by the heavenly taste of the scarlet haired woman’s milk. While Mitsuru had continued to grow and develop, her breasts now billowing out a couple feet in front of her, Yukari and Minako had not been left untouched. The golden milk was sugary and calorie laden. The two ladies’ metabolisms could not hope to keep up with the constant, sweet influx. Their bodies fattened rapidly, putting on tens of pounds in a matter of days. The girls had not weighed themselves, but it was obvious that they were somewhere between 240 and 300 pounds apiece. Their soft bodies pushed closer to the source of the weight gain, encapsulating Mitsuru in a warm and jiggly cocoon of sorts.

“You taste better than ever, Mitsuru.” Minako took a small break to whisper in the dark room. She planted several kisses on the large breast that overfilled her plump hands. Minako’s weight distributed in a very equal, curvaceous manner. Her hips and chest received the lion’s portion of growth, making her appear thick and womanly. She could no longer wear her uniform and was hardly able to find panties that fit her. All clothing put around her ample ass was shredded or swallowed up by her bouncy cheeks. Yet, she did not mind. Rather, she happily waddeled after Mitsuru; doing everything she could to entice the woman into more feedings. At first, the redhead had been embarrassed at their developing lifestyle. Yet, the burden of sensitive, overfilled breasts soon made her cave. While the feedings were awkward for the business minded woman, the feeling of overfilled breasts was far worse. While Mitsuru had never said it was open season on feedings and milkings, Minako had naturally adjusted her behavior. She took more and more liberties, turning the feedings into around the clock spectacles. Yukari was equally happy to oblige as well.

While Minako liked to space her feedings out with pillow talk, Yukari was all business. She saw her dedication to draining Mitsuru’s breasts as a loving consequence of their friendship, a joyous task to undertake until completion. She wanted to deliver pleasure and relief to her friend, but went about it with a single mindedness that outpaced Minako. It was, perhaps, for this reason that Yukari had developed such a heavy belly. A gigantic, singular roll that acted as a tanker for the sweet tasting milk. The rest of her had thickened and fattened appropriately, with heavyset arms and tree trunk legs to support and guide her prodigious middle. In the brief periods she was away from the milky embrace of Mitsuru’s breasts, Yukari was developing a heavy waddle. Yet, she complained little about her changing body. She instead embraced it. She liked the feeling of changing alongside both her friends. Each of their bodies was changing, going through wonderful metamorphosis thanks to the milk. Yukari had no qualms about the fact that her belly was getting big enough that it could rest on top of Mitsuru during their milking sessions.

The milking seemed to go on forever. "Ladies, I. . .ooh. . .think that might be enough." Mitsuru said, knowing full well she wasn't even halfway drained. The crown of Bovine Queen rested tentatively upon her head. Mitsuru had problems connecting with people under normal circumstances. Here she was, bearing her sumptuous and naked body to her friends. “Maybe we should slow down?” She asked, also knowing that was not an option. Her breasts, now pressured into action, would flow and gush until they were emptied fully. Chained to the process, the scarlet haired woman would have to bear her way through it, writhing in a mixture of social anxiety and pleasure. She blushed and moaned, her knees and thighs forced together in order to deal with the pleasure of it all. When the waves of sexual liberation grew truly monstrous in size she would sneak a hand between her closed thighs. She’d leave it there for tense seconds, aching to do more and go further, before retracting it. Mitsuru continued to gyrate on the bed, feeling her friends gulp milk from her puffy nipples.

“This. . .mmmm. . .is amazing,” Minako moaned, decoupling her mouth from Mitsuru’s breast. “I’ve never. . .mmppggh. . .felt so good.” She whispered, gyrating her body along Mitsuru’s. Her own growing breasts bounced, pointed nipples pressing into Mitsuru’s side. The fatter woman draped a soft hand down what she could reach of her milky feeder. A soft, round finger traced a line from between Mitsuru’s breasts all the way to her rounded belly. Minako planted soft kisses around the inverted nipple she was so attached to, making it spurt milk again. The warm liquid ran in rivulets around Minako’ face and lips. “I never want to stop.” Minako returned to her feeding, her stomach having gotten fat and round. Nowhere near as large as Yukari’s, but still quite noticeable.

Mitsuru sighed, the words of her friend hitting her in a way that she couldn’t explain. Perhaps she was cursed, forced into a life she hadn’t chosen. . .but there was something comfortable about it. Using her thin but strong arms, she grasped and pressed on the breast that Minako fed from. She stiffened for a second, feeling milk rush out of her faster than before. She relaxed, again settling into the bed. The auburn haired woman again snuggled into her breast, and a sort of peace came over Mitsuru. What she was doing, what she was becoming brought happiness to her friends. Further, it gave her a sense of closeness and relationship that she had never known before. There was no way she could give it up. Rather, she would learn to find her place within it.

--- Cow Queen Mitsuru ---

Mitsuru took heavy steps into the shower room. Her proud gait was only slightly marred by the ludicrous booby pendulums which now swang down to her hips. It was months after Mitsuru’s breasts began their surging, nocturnal growth spurts and they seemed to be stabilizing. Mitsuru’s breasts were like person sized water balloons, filled to the absolute brim with milk. Yet, they were still well formed and even perky. They had lost none of their shape, instead seeming to defy all laws of gravity. She had draped a white shawl over them, something to help preserve a modicum of modesty for the chesty woman. Even still her bright pink nipples pressed into the soft silk as an invitation for all comers. Mitsuru might have been picky, but her breasts were not. The heiress now had to walk slower, accommodating the weight of her breasts. “Yukari, Minako? Could we make this a short session? I’m due for a call soon.” Mitsuru asked, not bothering to look behind her. She knew her friends were waddling after her, their roly-poly bodies struggling to catch up. But business waited for no woman. Mitsuru had found that she was still more than capable of running her business empire, though with some accommodations made for telecommunications and wardrobe. Now that her growth had subsided, she had commissioned several outfits. One day, she would return to public life. . .but only once she had truly mastered her sensual condition. For the time being, however, she was content to work from her spacious room and spend her time with her two bountiful “secretaries”.

“Yes. . . huff. . .Mitsuru!” Yukari said, struggling to waddle her way over the tile floors of the bathroom. Her voluminous stomach rolled out in front of her, entering doorways almost a minute before the rest of her. “We should. . .uuuffh. . .be able to. . .fffuuh. . .maintain schedule.” Yukari’s face was red as she forced her bulk forward, hand placed on the wall for balance. Her gigantic stomach lurched backwards and forwards, naked for the world to see. Yukari wore only a simple set of white bra and matching panties, also struggling to find comforting clothes for her nearly 700 pound body.

“Yeah!” Minako said, coming into the bathroom behind Yukari. She had to angle herself sideways, forcing her large chest and equally fat hips through the door. She wore the least out of all of them, comfortable with showing off her milk-fed body. “Happy to. . .oh! Sorry Yukari.” Minako was cut off as her large breasts smacked against Yukari’s back. Fat bunched and rolled, the two women bouncing and slapping their bodies against each other. Minako could move slightly better than the belly-heavy Yukari, benefiting from her fat being stored in two places, rather than one. Often, it led to the pair hitting and bouncing off one another, usually when lost in greedy feeding ecstasy. For the moment, Minako’s breasts rested on Yukari’s booty shelf. While Yukari was predominantly belly-heavy, she had a more than ample enough ass to support some of Minako’s fat. The two blushed as their fat danced.

“My fault. . .ahh. . .entirely. . .Minako!” Yukari called, unwilling to take the simple step forward to relieve herself from the soft pressure. Likewise, Minako was none too eager to remove herself from the embrace of Yukari’s fat. The two had become hopelessly ensared in the pleasures of fat and flesh, enjoying the closeness that their bodies delivered. If they were not cuddled between or under Mitsuru’s breasts, they were fondling each other’s folds. It was a constant, ceaseless, exquisite exploration of the human body and its erogenous spots.

“Girls, remember our schedule,” Mitsuru said, masking her own desires with the call to business. Wet spots had grown on her chest, marking her breasts’ eager leakings. It was time again for them to be drained, sucked dry by the two fatties that tailed her every move. Mitsuru waved the two forward. They waddled, audible slapping of folds echoing through the bathroom. Mitsuru slowly rolled up her chest covering, exposing her bright nipples. Broad smiles came over Yukari and Minako’s face. They slowly waddled forward, fat jiggling and rippling. In perfect synchronicity they reached out, folding their arms around the presented breasts. Mitsuru blushed, a shy smile coming over her. “Quick and thorough.” She whispered, growing weak from sexual tension bubbling up inside of her. Minako and Yukari began their task, with Misturu rubbing both of their heads in appreciation.


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