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Ok, so this is notes I currently have for a catgirl/weight gain story featuring Avatar girls. It's about 9.5k and nowhere near finished. However, I'm not sure if this is worth my time to finish and add to. So I wanted to see what you all thought. Is it worth completing? Too much cringe? As always, reach out to me here, DA, or my discord PudgyProse#9264.

Other stories (non Avatar ones I promise lol) are in the works. This round of comm submissions has been phenomenal and I'm looking forward to them all. Still slots and time to get one in if you are interested, message me using the above info.

Anyway, story presenting now!

Avatar: Kitten Chronicles:

Alone in the Big City

Katara sighed as she rolled out of bed. Her alarm clock read 2:00 pm. She trudged to the bathroom, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She wasn’t totally adjusted to her nocturnal schedule. A shower would help and Katara soon had the water flowing. As the water heated up she slipped out of her pajamas, revealing her lithe, dancer’s body. Always a well shaped woman, Katara’s body had only further bloomed as she started working as an exotic dancer. It was the best job she could get at the time of moving into the city. Ba Sing Se was a big city and it was hard for a girl with no connections to get a respectable job. Of course, Katara thought, anything was better than being stuck in the frozen wasteland she had grown up in. The big city had its problems, but she was starting to find her footing. Her only real issue was how lonely everything was. People were quick to rush, never wanting to talk and certainly not interested in starting relationships. So Katara was left to wander through life alone. 

    The water hit her back, the heat making her arch in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She was soon sopping wet, her long brown hair plastering to her shoulders and back. She had been growing her hair out, the club attendees loved to watch her hair swish and whirl as she danced and twirled on her pole or in her cage. Rivulets quickly formed, running down her back and onto her bubble butt. However she felt about life, it was impossible not to love her body. 22 and becoming curvier every year, Katara was a source of jealousy at the various clubs she attended. Club managers bid and argued with each other over her, constantly trying to bring her to their club. Katara was happy to go where the wind, and money, took her. Back in her shower, Katara soaped her body up, puffy white clouds of foam clinging to her tan body. She sighed, wishing she had someone else to wash her back. She longed for the touch of another, someone who took as much pleasure as she did in physical contact. As her ache grew, she stopped herself, that was all going to change coming up. Katara was going to adopt a pet.

    Once thoroughly sopaed, Katara let the water wash her clean, taking away the suds and exposing her full nakedness. The dancer had a noticeably hourglass shape, but was noticeably bottom heavy. During one of her paired dances, the other woman had spent the time slapping, caressing, and gyrating on Katara’s plump booty. The two had been showered in tips. Katara gleefully remembered the night and not just for the money. It had been so nice to have such honest, physical contact with a woman. She and the nameless woman, a new dancer who soon drifted out of town, hadn't even paid attention to the crowd at a certain point. Katara, drenched in the steamy water of the shower, started to dance as she remembered the evening more vividly. Their curvy, youthful bodies had curled and fit into each other perfectly.

. . . . . 

    Hours later, Katara walked down the streets of Ba Sing Se. Cars and automobiles rushed by her.

700 Pounds of Azula the Catgirl

    Katara turned, smiling at her pet. Azula was on all fours, her massive ass pointed up to the ceiling.  "Hmmm. . .someone feeling a little frisky. Maybe you haven't enough to eat today." She turned and grabbed a mouse shaped marshmallow treat. She lightly plopped it into Azula's waiting mouth. Azula meowed, shaking her immense ass in pleasure. The treat was soon followed by another and another after that. Between each, Azula would nuzzle her way onto Katara’s lap, pawing at her loves dangling hair. The couch screamed as the overfed, spoiled catgirl wiggled and rolled.

"Mmmmrroooww, these treats are so good. . .but maybe I want a little something else." 700 pounds of feline plush shoved it's way further onto Katara.  The bell between Azula's breasts tinkled softly, bouncing from breast to breast. "Mmrrrooowww, there's a lot of sugar to go around." Azula purred and leaned in on Katara, pinning the smaller woman to the armrest. Soon Katara felt a round face nuzzling her neck and softly nibbling on her earlobes. "I'm such a good kitty. . .just a little needy. " Azula whispered, her doughy bulk swallowing Katara's lithe body.

"My poor, lonely, little pussy." Katara leaned in, finally giving into what Azula wa pleading and begging for. She kissed the bigger woman, allowing Azula to fully pin her to the couch. Her catgirl lover was so big and soft. Katara shifted under Azula, reaching a hand to grab her kitten's massive ass. Azula purred, her flabby body vibrating. Katara leaned forward, using what mobility she had to kiss and nuzzle Azula's breasts. "Maybe she needs a little excercise." Katara flicked one of Azula's ears.

Azula mewled, lowering herself fully onto Katara. She started to gyrate her hips, pressing their wide bulk into Katara. Azula took breaks only to use her arm to paw at her ears, "whiskers", or Katara's breasts. "Is this good?" Azula asked, hoping her misstress was pleased. "Puurrr.  . .it's been so long and I'm.  . .nyyaaahh not so used to being big." Azula flashed her deep eyes, trying to look as innocent and needy as possible.

Katara writhed and squirmed beneath Azula, helping to guide her natural rhythm. Azula was so eager to please, clearly a little self conscious.  It was Katara’s job to help her pet. She locked lips again, her hands working to unlace her bra. Soon Azulas upper body was naked, her large breasts bouncing freely with only her bell left on. "I love feeling this. . ." Katara jiggled Azulas gut. "You're just so cuddly." Katara spoke between heated breaths, pleasure starting to cascade over her. 

Hearing Katara's compliments and feeling her wriggling hips made Azula work all the harder. She lived to please her lover. Mewling, meowing, and purring she forced her immense body to move and jiggle faster and faster. At some point, neither her or Katara were sure when, she rolled off of the couch. Azula landed, her ass bouncing off the floor of Katara’s apartment. Soon, the feline firebender felt her slim lover slinking back onto her. "Tara. . .kiss me please." Azula begged, holding her hands up under her chins. Katara smiled, slowly planting kiss after kiss. She worked her way down, her soft lips delicately caressing Azulas folds and creamy fat. Soon she was pulling off Azulas leather panties with her mouth. All while her kitty cat purred and shifted in pleasure.

Jumping Ahead

plip, plip, plip Azula's tongue dipped in and out of the bowl of warm, sugary cream. She was on all fours, her stomach rolling on the floor as her massive body heaved back and forth. She didn't even mind how her panties were swallowed by her ass, just easier access for Katara. Azula made sure her booty shook and jiggled plenty as she lapped at the bowl, just the way a good kitten should. "Thank you, mistress, it's such sweet cream. Perfect for a, meeeoooww, kitten like me!" Azula said, putting her chubby face to the floor and raising her hefty booty as high as possible. It was amazing how an 800 pound woman could move when she wanted to. Azula had an incredible ability to stay mobile, retaining her catlike grace despite her growing weight.

"Just the thing for a fat cat to enjoy on a lazy afternoon." Katara said, planting a kiss on Azula's massive ass. She then went back to stroking Azula's hair and Scratching behind her ears. Every once and while, Azula would shiver in pleasure.  "You've been so good lately. Eating all your food and not snitching treats." Katara kissed Azula's cream stained lips, using her slim finger to tug at her red collar. "You deserve a reward." She said, her voice taking on a husky tone. "We'll make sure that tabby tummy of yours gets plenty of heavy cream, then take you up to bed for a big, long nap." Katara knelt beside Azula, running her soft hands all over her lover. "I'm thinking I might have to join you today." She smiled, watching Azula's ears and tail twitch with pleasure.

Katara watched as Azula dipped her face in deeply to the bowl of cream. Some things never changed. Even as Azula had delved deeper and deeper into her new life as a subservient catgirl, she still retained the courtly graces she had been born with as a Fire Nation Princess. While she finished every meal and begged for more, she never lost her manners. She ate like a princess, just one that was more comfortable on all fours and wearing a delicate collar. It was delightful to see the way her tongue, bright and pink, dipped in and out of the pale cream. Katara moved her hand, making small waterbending movements with her wrist and hand. The cream in the bowl jumped slightly, splashing Azula in the nose. The obese catgirl hissed, rearing back on all fours. Her tail pointed sharply and the fur on her ears stood on end. Away from the tricky liquid, Azula scrabbled at her nose; trying to rub the wetness away with the backs of her wrists. Katara bit down a laugh. Azula was perfect. Molded to perfection by Katara's strong, guiding hands. Azula filtered everything through the lens of a catgirl, no longer approaching the world from a purely human perspective.

"Aww, did my poor baby eat her cream too fast?" Katara pressed her face into Azula's soft neck. "I wondered if you were getting a little too carried away." Katara grabbed a belly fold. "The dangers of being a fat cat." Azula huffed, leaning back and sitting on her doughy ass. With a whumph that shook the entire room and even spilled some cream, Azula made contact with the ground. With a bit of petulance, Azula pushed the bowl of cream away with her pudgy foot. It was as if she expected the cream to leap out of the bowl at her, which was highly possible given the circumstances. "Now, now. . .Kitties shouldn't pass up gifts so quickly." Katara winked before pulling herself in close. She stroked and petted Azula's thick black hair, taking special time to scratch her ears. Azula meowed softly, slowly becoming less agitated.

"Just relax. . ." Katara said, cradling her fat pet. She kissed and rocked Azula, slowly calming the once feared bender and warrior. It was funny to think that the woman who had so freely shot lighting from her fingertips was now afraid and disturbed by a little cream. Katara's heart thumped as she thought of the scope of the changes that she had introduced to her pet. She had turned a ruthless, cold blooded socialite into a lazy, spoiled, obese housecat. It was too much to think about sometimes. Katara felt blood rush to her face. She broke apart from Azula, hopping up and running into the kitchen. She was enjoying the moment, but felt it could be so much more. Azula blinked in confusion, her ears twitching as she tried to figure out what her owner and lover could be doing. Katara soon returned, holding a large bag behind her. "Okay, miss fluffy, I was doing a little shopping and I got something for you!" She reached into the bag, slowly pulling out a pink bow. It matched well with the pink and  cream colored panties (complete with little bows in the front) that Azula had on.

"Aaahh, thank you! It's so purrrrfect." Azulal leaned in to let Katara place the bow on her head, just off to the side of her ears. Her tail swished lovingly and she planted a couple quick licks and kisses on Katara’s face. Of course, that was not the only reward that Katara had brought. She reached into the bag again and drew out a large bag of chocolates, each one shaped like either a cat or mouse face. Azula jumped up and down, her weight shaking the apartment. Her belly sloshed and surged forward, threatening to overflow the high-waisted panties she had on. Katara put a soft but commanding hand to her catgirl's forehead, settling her down. She then poured some of the chocolates into her hand, offering them to Azula. Azula resumed her favorite eating posture, all fours with her tanker booty upturned, and began softly eating out of her mistress' hand. Katara giggled, feeling Azula's soft, warm face against her cheeks and her soft tongue against her palms. Azula purred, meowed, and made all manner of happy cat noises as she ate.

Ty-Lee Joins In

“Ty-Leeeee. . .come see meeeee." Azula said, wrapping a thick finger around Ty-Lee's brown tail. The acrobat had been passing by, padding softly across Azula's napping couch. Ty-Lee was as light as a feather, able to jump and hop anywhere without so much as a sound. She was totally undetectable. . .unless you were Azula. The obese cat heard her feline sister's steps, a heat spreading through her body as she thought about her. When Ty-Lee had strolled by, Azula had reached her pudgy arm out and petted the smaller catgirl. "I need some. . .mreeeooowww. . .attention." Azula's sat up as much as she was able, her bulk sliding back and forth.

"Oh! Of course Azula. " Ty-Lee spun and knelt down next to her massive lover and fellow catgirl. She nuzzled her fatter friend, burying her face in Azula's chins. Azula reached a hand out, stroking whatever she could reach on Ty-Lee. Azula could feel that Ty-Lee's breasts had grown again. The constant streams of milk and cream working wonders on her body. She was still active, constantly playing and "hunting" for Azula kept her lithe. Both women began to purr as they found each others favorite petting spots. Ty-Lee stayed balanced on the balls of her feet, eager to hop onto Azula when the time was right. The two took turns licking and kissing each other, their mouths melting into one another.

Ty-Lee nosed Azula’s collar and bell. Today's collar was a little pink choker, one that was just a shade too tight for Azula’s chubby neck. Azula had whimpered when Katara went to throw it out though, since it was one of her favorites. Another ten pounds and it would be completely useless. Ty-Lee's, on the other hand, was a pearl white collar with a silver bell. Cute and adorable as she was. Ty-Lee slowly slid her way onto Azula, cradling her fatter friends with her arms and legs. Azula was so fat and massive that Ty-Lee couldn't wrap her arms or her legs fully around her.  "Poor 'Zula. . .too fluffy to come chase me." Ty-Lee teased, wiggling her hips.

"No teasing." Azula huffed, blowing a wayward strand of hair. "Katara says you have to be nice to me." She batted Ty-Lee's ears a little to make her point, her  flab shaking as she moved. Ty-Lee shook her head and stuck her tongue out. It was only natural, Azula supposed. Ty-Lee was a little younger and so in love with her feline abilities.  Being able to hunt, jump, and run around for hours on end would make anyone a little proud. 

"Sorry, Azula." Ty-Lee leaned in, kissing and licking Azulas breasts as an apology. 

"Its fine. . .puuurrrr. . .but you owe me a cleaning to make up for it!" Azula said, eyes narrowing a little in anticipated pleasure. She might have gotten absurdly fat, lazy, and a bit whiny but the Fire princess was still plenty sharp.

Azula was soon purring and moaning in pleasure as Ty-Lee's tongue flicked out over her body. Azula knew right away she had asked for the right thing. Her gymnast lover worked her body over slowly, sliding around her rolls and cellulite. She started high, around Azulas chubby cheeks and neck folds. It was slow going. Azula interrupted often, pulling Ty-Lee into long kisses. The fatter woman huffed and puffed, her out of shape body not entirely used to the sexual attention she was getting. Ty-Lee lingered around Azula's chest, sucking and kissing her immense breasts. She removed Azula's bra politely, giggling at how bright and colorful it was. Katara had turned Azula into such a prissy woman, her tastes changing to be almost girlish. Ty-Lee was sure that she was more butch than Azula at this point. With the bra set aside, Ty-Lee was free to work on the alpha-cats breasts. She went over them thoroughly, working the puffy nipples in her mouth. Ty-Lee, partially because of her transformation, always hoped milk would come out. With how Azula ate and how fat she was getting, the day could not be far away.

"Mmmrrreeeoooowww. . ."  Azula exclaimed, her ears and tail twitching. She squirmed, hands trying and failing to reach past her belly folds. It felt so good. Ty-Lee smooshed in her fat. Azula loved how Ty-Lee squirmed and writhed over her body. "Moooorreee. Just keep that, puurrrrr, soft little tongue going." Azula, though she struggled a bit, heaved and gyrated under Ty-Lee. The pampered catgirl princess felt a blush creeping into her face. It was so relieving to feel like this. It had been getting hard to reach her sensitive areas. Katara was good and helpful, but it took another cat to truly understand. "Go. . .go. . .lower." Azula moaned, tugging on Ty-Lee's tail to help guide her. The willful kitten kept diverting from her course, her mouth searching other areas to probe with her mouth. 

"Yeeeessss, Zula." Ty-Lee said, squirming up to plant more kisses on her chubby cheeks. The two catgirls spent time nuzzling each other, Ty-Lee rolling in Azula’s bulk like she would a pile of warm blankets or towels. The sensations the two felt were practically indescribable. Their transformation had heightened every sense. They heard more and felt more. The purrs, meows tickled their sensitive ears while their fluffy tails tickled their smooth, soft bodies. "You have such a wonderful body. I just want to, nyah, explore it a little." Ty-Lee pawed at Azula's rolling belly, giggling as ripples spread across it.

"Come on, Lee-Lee, I need this." Azula whined, looking past her chins and breasts at her feline friend. "It's been too long! Misstress Tara has been busy and I can't reach." Azula puffed up her cheeks, and crossed her arms. She was so spoiled. Filled to the brim with cream and decorated in bows, collars, and pom-poms, Azula was every bit of the princess. Her master's perfect kitten. Katara liked them needy and loving. "Plus, you're too good at it!" She reached a doughy arm forward, scratching under Ty-Lee's chin. "I love feeling you squirm and wriggle under my belly." Azula said knowingly. She had spent many nights with Ty-Lee working her magic. Azula could feel herself becoming more dependent on Ty-Lee with every encounter. To the point where she no longer even wanted to pleasure herself. She only wanted her fuzzy acrobat to do it. Anything.

(Just a little test bit of Katara the catmom)

"And how are my squishy darlings?" Katara's feet practically skipped across the floor as she came to check on her darling catgirls. "Sounds like every one is getting a. . ." Katara paused as she rounded the corner and saw Azula and Ty-Lee. Azula was sitting up on the couch, her ass filling all three of the cushions, with her legs spread wide so her belly could drop down between them. She had her head back, moaning and purring loudly, and her searching hands were grasping her breasts tightly. Breast fat splayed her fingers wide. She moved as much as she was able, rocking back and forth on her huge ass. Her tail slapped around erratically, as if the pleasure she was receiving was short circuiting her normal movements. Below Azula and nearly buried by a tidal wave of belly fat, was Ty-Lee's pert and naked ass. Ty-Lee moved in smooth, rhythmic motions, her tail swishing back and forth. Every once and a while, Ty-Lee would reach a hand up and pat Azula's meaty calves, reassuring the gigantic catgirl. Katara beamed, a heat filling her chest. "Oh! looks like my babies are getting along just fine!" She skipped over to the couch, sliding into the small space available. Azula was far too gone in sensual bliss to react quickly, instead looking over and mewling happily. "Loook at you! My wittle princess having a bit of fun with her best friend." Katara kissed Azula, rubbing her ears. Katara put her hands to Azula's chubby, chipmunk cheeks and squeezed them together. "I missed you two so much! I'm glad that I came home to see you getting cuddly." She dropped Azula's cheeks and let the fatter woman get back to enjoying her little romance session.

Katara slid down to the floor, resting next to Ty-Lee's wiggling butt. "And look at this energetic Kitten!" She ran her hand down what she could reach of Ty-Lee's back and ass. Ty-Lee straightened  for a moment, processing what was happening. A muffled "meow!" came from deep between Azula's thighs before Ty-Lee began working again. The skinny catgirl swung her hips back and forth, trying to bump playfully into Katara without stopping her joyful work on Azula. "So playful, just the way mama taught you!" Katara hugged her brunette catgirl, nuzzling her skinny but well formed butt. "It's so nice of you to take care of your squishy princess without me even asking, I think that earns someone a little extra treat." Katara rubbed Ty-Lee's wriggling ass, playing with her tail a little for good measure. "When you're done of course." Katara moved back up to Azula, fondling and kissing her naked flab. "I want to make sure my fat princess gets all of her energy off!" Azula's purrs were deep and constant, she reached out a hand to start twisting Katara's hair. Katara was quick to answer in kind by leaning back in to kiss her harder.

Azula felt well and truly naked when Katara removed her collar. She could easily go without clothes. Being clad only in her bra and panties was natural. She wasn't quite as free spirited as Ty-Lee, who made it her job to slink around the house naked, but there were days when she too wanted to free her body to the fullest extent. But she never went without her collar or bell. It was scandalous. How would the world know that she belonged to Katara and that she did everything to please her. It was a symbol of her domestic life just as much as her tail and ears were. Yet, here she was, Katara casually flipping the pink collar off. Azula almost forgot that Ty-Lee was between her thighs, licking and pleasuring away with passion, as she felt the pressure on her neck subside. "Wha. . .what are you. . .hhhaaaahhh. . .doing?" Azula asked, forcing the words out even though she was swirling through a world of endless pleasure.

"Just having a little fun with my kitty-cats." Katara said, pulling herself in close. She fiddled with Azula's pink bow, threatening to remove that as well. "I thought my itty-bitty princess would want to be as unimpeded as possible." Katara puckered her lips, planting sloppy kisses on Azula. As usual, Katara's lipstick was thick and left marks. Azula sighed a little and relaxed, those could count as ownership stamps until she had a chance to get her collar back on. It was naughty to be a free, unowned catgirl but Azula wasn't sure she liked that. "Come on, princess pudge, give mama a little sugar." Katara made a kissing noise. Azula started to lean towards her master, trying not to move too far away from Ty-Lee at the same time. The fat cat strained, her tail going erect with the effort. The couch shifted and groaned under Azula's bulk. Few things were made strong enough to hold her. Katara waited patiently, coaxing her lover on. Azula tugged and grasped at Katara's sleeves, trying to pull the smaller woman in. Azula was getting excited, far more excited than she had gotten in a long while. She hopped and bounced, her ass crashing down on the couch and her stomach slapping at Ty-Lee's naked back. The couch rocked back and forth dangerously, the legs shivering. 

All three women were surprised when, thanks to Azula's movements, the couch's front legs gave out. the three women all lurched and tumbled forward in a total mess. Katara had little recourse and was subject to the whims of gravity completely. Her pets, with their catlike graces, were able to move in their own inimitable way. Azula had to roll with the couch, not having the strength to lift herself. Ty-Lee, light and lithe and dangerous, was able to extricate herself from the mess completely. It was to Azula's pleasure that she rolled on top of Katara, pinning her down with her fat easily. "Sorry. . . Katara. . ." Azula said, trying to look innocent. She wiggled her hips, trying preemptively to placate Katara. "I was. . .just having such a good time and. . ." Azula sniffed, her ears and tail drooping.

"Nothing to worry about!" Katara kissed one of Azula's massive breasts. "I wanted a big, plushy, furbaby." she said kissing Azula's other breast. "This just comes with the territory." Katara was pinned, unable to move her arms or legs so the best she could do was kiss what she could reach. 

"Nyyyaaahh. . . thank you for being so understanding!" Azula rained her own kisses down, smothering Katara in breast fat. "Lemme make it up to you! I'll do. . .purrrr. . .anything." Azula shifted her immense hips, shoving the ruined couch as well as the coffee table further to either side. She leaned down, licking Katara's ears and nuzzling her deeply. "I won't let you up until you are totally satisfied." Azula purred again, tail flicking back and forth. 

"Hey!" Ty-Lee said, appearing on the coffee table. She sat, totally naked save for her little accessories that Katara picked out for her daily, and licked at her hand. "What about. . .meee-ooowww." Her tail twitched with a sort of jealousy, obviously bothered that she had been forgotten in the confusion. She didn't have to be the center of attention, Azula could have that, she just wanted to be apart of the fun. 

"There's lots of me to cuddle. Purrrr." Azula slowly raised her ass, flicking it towards her naked friend and lover. Ty-Lee needed little in the way of invitation. She was soon cuddle up against Azula's ass, kissing and nuzzling it. Azula then returned to kissing and licking Katara, making sure her owner understood how sorry she was for smashing and ruining the couch in her sexual fervor.

Mai Joins. . .but isn't good at being a catgirl

"Why is she so . .clothed?" Ty-Lee whispered to Azula. "How can she stand it? It's just so, meow, restrictive." She stared at the newest occupant of the apartment, Mai. Mai was sitting on the couch dressed in a tight, leather dress. While very revealing for a human, it was almost puritan for a catgirl. Azula wore bra and panties exclusively, and she was the most clothed of the pair. Ty-Lee, given her exhibitionist tendencies, was especially confused by Mai’s decision. The acrobat was hugging herself into Azula, her head perched on Azula’s doughy shoulder. Ty-Lee was naked, save for a green collar (with a matching bell), and bracelets with little pom poms (on her ankles and wrists). 

"Why doesn't she have a collar on?" Azula cocked her head to the side, a sausage finger tinkling her own soft bell. "Doesn't she want everyone to know Katara owns her?" Somethig close to genuine worry crossed Azula's voice. The obese kitten couldn't bear the thought of not proudly showing off her collar and bell. It was almost as important as getting fed. . .almost. Azula turned to nip at Ty-Lee's lips, the two sharing their worries through physical contact. They weren't deep kisses, just little comfort pecks.

"Maybe she's just not used to being a catgirl!" Ty-Lee suggested excitedly. "She could just need a little help from us!" She nuzzled into Azula's bulk, licking and kissing with delicate tenderness. "I needed so much help from you. We could. . .nnyyyaaahh. . .help her out." Ty-Lee's deep green eyes shined as she looked into Azula's. Her soft hands tugging her obese lover forward a little.

"Hhhheeeeyyy there." Ty-Lee approached first. She sat her thin, svelte body on the couch. Unconsciously, she squeezed her arms against her breasts, making them bloom outwards even further. Ty-Lee had continued to grow, her curves increasing at an almost absurd rate. Her breasts and booty were large and jiggly, bouncing with minds of their own. While Ty-Lee remained skinny, what calories she did take in from treats when to her curves. The once smooth and almost washboard like woman had grown into an exaggerated hourglass. "Mai, you look so nice as a cat! You're  ears are so soft looking." Ty-Lee slinked across the sofa, her breasts bobbing up and down with each little inch forward. Without waiting, she put her hands to Mai's black ears and scratched them. Mai shook her head, perturbed by the invasive touch. Once, twice, thrice she shook her head. Eventually she put an arm out to push the slutty kitten away, but Ty-Lee was too quick. 

"Awww. . .I just wanted to pet you a little." Ty-Lee said as she slid onto Mai's lap. It was Ty-Lee's favorite spot. She felt she looked cutest there. With her hand tucked under her chin, bright smile stretching across her mouth, and breasts burying her collar and bell she was the picture of a catgirl ready for wholesome or naughty petting. "We just wanted to get close to you a little. Since you're new and all!" Ty-Lee wriggled around in Mai's lap, trying to get comfy. She hated the barrier of the dress, catgirls should never be too far from skin to skin contact.

"We?" Mai said, arching an eyebrow an ear twitching put of instinct. Her answer came a moment later when she felt Azula mount the couch. The entire large, reinforced piece of furniture shifted as 800 pounds of flabby princess settled on it. Mai's eyes widened as she looked at Azula. It was mind boggling to see what had happened to her sharp eyed leader.

Azula was dressed head to toe in pink. Her breasts filled out an overly lacey bra while her stomach and ass did the same to the matching panties. She was decorated in ribbons, each with little bells on them. Her collar sported an extra large bell and a tag that read "Katara’s Pudgy Princess". However, she was most shocked by just how fat she had gotten. Mai could see the indolence in Azula's eyes. It was the look of someone who got everything they asked for, even before the question was ventured.

Very true!

"Hey mmmmmmaai." Azula turned the other catgirl's name into a half purr as she slid forward on the couch, an advancing wall of fat. "It's good to see you again. Especially, so. . .fuzzy." Azula, with some effort, spun and showed off her own tail. . .and her massive ass. "I've gotten a bit fluffy too." She brushed her tail against Mai's shoulder. Azula's massive ass shook, wobbling back and forth. Her buttcheeks clapped, shaking her pink panties. With each shake and jiggle it floated a little closer to Mai. Meanwhile, Ty-Lee started to fiddle with Mai's dress. The chesty, curvy kitten tugged and pulled, trying to sneak it down and off of her friend. Excitement built quickly between Ty-Lee and Azula, each feeding off of each other's energy. They were both putting out the kind of invitation that led to the best cuddle sessions. All they needed was for Mai to reciprocate. 

. . . . . . Much later. . . . .

"*sniff* she's not *allowed* to be so mean!" Ty-Lee sobbed into Katara’s lap, her nubile body half curled. "She was. . .she said. . ." Ty-Lee tried to speak but was dragged back into sobbing. Her large chest heaved against Katara’s shapely thighs. Azula’s head lay next to Ty-Lee's, she huffed and popped sugary, chocolate covered strawberries into her mouth. The two had been utterly inconsolable for the better part of an hour. Katara had laid with them, softly petting them and listening to their whines.

"It's like she doesn't even want to be here!" Azula broke her feeding frenzy to whine. "She didn't even wear a collar." She pouted, little tears decorating her face along with light smears of chocolate and cream. The big cat sighed deeply, her fat spreading out and across both the bed and Katara.

"I'm sorry my little smootchies are upset." Katara scratched her catgirls with either hand. The two girls whimpered and sniffed, pushing themselves closer to their "cat mom". Katara hummed lightly, doing her best to soothe her darlings. She was glad that she had two loveable pets. Their only crime was trying to involve someone who didn't want to be involved in their games yet. Azula fed Ty-Lee a strawberry, trying to help her friend to feel better. Ty-Lee took the strawberry slowly, sucking on Azula’s thick fingers. Even in the pits of despair, the two couldn't help but flirt. Katara took more than a little pride in her training. "Maybe you two should rest in here for a while, until you feel better." She tickled Ty-Lee's naked breast, the large or easily over filling her hand. "I'll talk to Mai and explain things." Katara buttered her words up, laying it on as thick as possible. . .just like her babies liked it. "She's not used to how my squishy darlings like to play. She got scared and worried by so much adorable fluff coming at her." The room as filled with kissing noises as Katara ended her sentence.  Even as depressed as they were, Katara’s little show helped raise Ty-Lee and Azula's  spirits. As Katara slid off of the bed, the two rolled into one another. It did not take long before they were hugging and embracing, mewling and whimpering slightly.

Katara smiled as she left the room. That was 2/3rds of her cat problems solved. Now she just had to work on Mai. Knowing the rules of the game well, Katara slipped a handful of chocolate treats into her hand and the collar she had picked out for Mai in the other. She then made her way over to the grumpy catgirl, who had once again taken up residence on the sofa. "Hey." Katara said openly, sitting on the couch. Mai twitched, looking like dhe wanted to bolt. . .again. "No worries, just here to talk." Katara raised her hands, palms out. "Just want to set the record straight."

". . .okay." Mai said, giving Katara the side eye. She was ready to bolt, again, if Katara tried anything. 

"I realize that this is a lot to take in." Katara said, lowering her hands.

"Well, I have ears and a tail and two mutants trying to french me on the couch." Mai said, her eyes narrowing. "We passed 'a lot' a while back."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Katara sighed, trying to figure out the best way to spell everything out. She realized how over her head she might be with Mai. Ty-Lee was most of the way there even before her change and Katara had worked on Azula for months. Mai seemded like she was even more walled up than Azula had been. "Well. . .you're a catgirl now" Katara said, trying to be as open and honest as possible. "I thought it might be a good step for our relationship?" She ventured, smiling and shrugging her shoulders.

Ty-Lee Gets Full of Herself

"Okkkaaayyy, Lee-Lee, mama needs you to stop fussing and put your sweater on." Katara said, trying to force a crop top sweater over Ty-Lee's head. The catgirl squirmed and pushed and made grumbling meows. Katara sighed, utterly exasperated. " Ty-Lee! We can't go on our walkie if you don't have some clothes on!" Katara tugged and pulled at the little sweater. She had tried to find the most revealing, skimpy clothes possible for her feline  exhibitionist. The sweater would have only just barely covered Ty-Lee's breasts, each little step of hers would make her nipples bounce free for a moment. The shorts were so rolled up and trimmed that they might as well have been a thong. They were a nice compromise for the catgirl who wanted to leave nothing to the imagination. But Ty-Lee's breasts and bpoty had grown again and she was radiating pride.

"No! I don't wanna." Ty-Lee huffed, crossing her thin arms over her voluminous breasts and bouncing on her tanker-ass. While smaller than Azula's monster booty, Ty-Lee was still slim waisted and lean. Her curves exploded outward. Huge butt, round  and matching thighs, shapely calves. Ty-Lee was a full hourglass. "Clothes are gross and feel bad on my skin." She huffed and turned up her nose. The episode was particularly frustrating, since Ty-Lee was normally Katara’s most easy going kitten.

"Ty-Lee, don't you want to make Katara happy?" Azula leaned over and licked at her grumpy friend's ear. Azula nuzzled her face in deeply, though the acrobat simply sniffed and sat rigid. "Maybe, when we get back from our walkie, we could all do what you wanted." Azula purred hopefully, slipping a thick finger down Ty-Lee's small tummy and tucking it between her thighs. 

Ty-Lee looked ready to crumple for a moment. The thought of having all three other women doting on her for the rest of the afternoon was tempting. But, as she sat there, she felt a slim hand on her big, round, jiggly butt. Mai had shifted a little, scratching at her collar and leash, unconsciously, her hand was bumping against Ty-Lee's huge lowr half. It felt so nice to Ty-Lee, not having a barrier between her and Mai. Her resolve hardened again. "No! Why can't you, Mama-Tara, and Mai-Kitty do what I want right now!" She hopped off of the counter and stamped her small foot. Mai and Azula started to drool as they watched ripples travel through Ty-Lee's supple body. Her breasts swung back and forth slowly, impossibly huge and perky. Both girls longed to lick and suckle them. Ty-Lee stared at Katara petulanty, Katara returning her gaze.

It was Mai who finally broke the stalemate. Leaning over, she slapped a hand to Ty-Lee's booty. Hard. The  shorter  catgirl yelped and jumped, the hair on her tail and ears standing on end. Katara moved quickly, slipping the sweater over Ty-Lee's head and outstretched arms.

Ty-Lee's willpower crumpled completely as the sweater came over her, binding her. She did not relent on her attitude, crossing her arms and stamping her feet. She even turned to Mai and stuck her tongue out. Mai rolled her eyes, turned, and wiggled her hips. The message, of course, being a smarmy "I got you." Katara, frustrated by her normally loveable kitten being so naughty, couldn't help scolding her. "You are being incredibly bad today!" She shook out the skimpy half-shorts she had picked out for Ty-Lee. "I have half a mind to make you wear my long clothes, just to teach a lesson."

"They wouldn't fit." Ty-Lee made a "pfft" sound with her lips. "I'm too curvy. My butt would rip your stupid jeans." She tugged at her shorts, demonstrating just how big her ass had grown. Her juicy, supple buttocks bunched up before she let the shorts drop. They barely covered a quarter of her ass. Katara was by no means flat, but she was hardly a match for her sultry kitten's curves. "I'd rip all your clothes if I could. . .then you'd understand." Ty-Lee stuck her tongue out, pressing her breasts together in order to make her point.

Katara straightened immediately. She stomped out of the room, her footsteps echoing down the hall. "Oooh, now you've done it!" Azula said, clearly worried. "Why are you being so bad!" She made a couple worried mewls, licking the back of her hands for comfort. "She is trying to reward us! Don't you want a walkie? Treats?" The blubbery catgirl looked with desperation. 

"No! Yes!" Ty-Lee was confused. "I want my walk and I want to have it my way! I want to show my cute butt off." She scratched at her shorts. "And not in these stupid shorts."

"If the rest of us can go around in clothes, you can too. . .bimbo." Mai said, her tail swishing just infront of Ty-Lee's face. An act of annoyance. Ty-Lee pounced. Her heavier body, we8ghted down by her absurd curves, easily pushed Mai’s thinner one to the kitchen floor. The two rolled and shoved, neither getting the upper hand. Excessively domesticated, Ty-Lee and Mai had little knowledge of actual fighting. They succeeded mostly in tangling their leashed and messingnup each other's hair.

"Hey, hey! Stop!!" Katara cried, storming back into the room. A squirter bottle appeared in her hand and she began to spray liberally. Both catgirls hissed and rolled, jumping to their feet. Azula was sitting in the corner crying. Katara looked Ty-Leein the eyes. "Anymore bad behavior gets a squirt! We are going on this walk and we are going to *love* it."

Katara holstered the bottle at her side. And finished arranging her girls' collars and leashes. Soon the trio of catgirls were ready for the walk. It was a strange one. Usually, Ty-Lee would lead. Her booty pumping away as she showed the other two where to go. Today's walk was none of the girls wanting to lead. Mai always shrank to the back, preferring to silently watch her companions wiggle their way down the street. She'd never admit it, but she constantly was debating whose body She'd rather cuddle with. Azula was too fat to lead. She would huff and puff through the walk, trying to make her flabby body seem perky despite how tired she was. She also hated to be too far ahead of Katara, preferring to stay right at the catmom's side so she could pet her and tell her how good a job she was doing. Despite her reticence, the pudgy princess ended up taking the lead. If only so Katara could see what a good girl she was.

For obvious reasons, Ty-Lee did not lead. She hung at the back, her collar slack tightening as the others moved ahead of her. Several times she felt a little tug followed by a small blast of water from the squirt bottle. It made her pick up her pace, but her round face was soon flush with anger.

Ty-Lee mumbled to herself the entire way. She thought about all the times she had been walked before. Usually she trotted ahead, switching quickly from two to four legs back to two without stopping. Her butt would be held pert and aloft the entire time, her tail swishing back and forth happily. It had been her chance to show off for Azula, Mama-Tara, and Mai-Kitty. Some days, she would do such a good job that they'd go back to the house and cuddle, each kissing the other and telling what a good job they had done.  Some days it felt like they were rewarding her specifically. Now, however, Ty-Lee was selfishly guarding her curves. The only way Katara was going to see them was if she turned around, and even then only for a moment. 

However, Ty-Lee's naughtiness was not finished there. Just because Katara wasn't allowed to see her curves, did not mean others weren't. When Ty-Lee passed any particularly cute girls, she would pull her sweater up, flashing her heavy breasts. Or she would turn and jiggle her chair smothering butt. Anything to show off her body. The girls would giggle and blush, instinctively attracted to the catgirl. Katara would hear and turn around, but she could never quite catch Ty-Lee. Ty-Lee got her sexual gratification, but it just made her angrier.

The lewd little display continued as they quartet marched down the street. The peak came when a woman came running up to slap Ty-Lee's butt after a particularly lewd dance. This time Katara was ready. She whirled, Flipping out the squirt bottle. Water flew, quickly dousing both Ty-Lee and the other woman. "She's. My. Pet!" Katara yelled, chasing the woman down the street a little. All three of the catgirls were scared. They had never seen their owner like this. Mai and Azula even hugged each other. Ty-Lee stayed by herself, shivering a little from the dampness. Turning back to her kittens, Katara marched them back home. "I have *never* been so embarrassed. Ty-Lee this was inexcusable. You, Missy, will be spending the rest of the evening in your room." Katara held her chin high as she walked, leading her pets back to the apartment. 

Once back, Ty-Lee slunk into her room but not before kick off her shorts and sweater. In point of fact, she started undressing as they reached the apartment stairs. She kicked the clothes off onto the dirty street. She was then free to bounce and saunter back up to the room. The family of catgirls passed several neighbors, all of which gaped at Ty-Lee's naked body. However, the fun ended when the door to the apartment swung open. All of the women walked in, heads held down in various stages of defeat.

"Ty-Lee I want you in your. . ." Katara started.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going." Ty-Lee mouthed off again, earning one last squirt. Before she slammed the door to her room. Once in, a tantrum was finally unleashed. She scratched her door, kicked pillows, bit and wrestled her many stuffed animals. Fuzz and fur flew around the room as she shredded her collection of girly plushies. "Not fair, not fair, not FAIR!" She jumped up and down, screaming. Her breasts jiggled and her booty bounced as she lost her temper and mind. It was perhaps, the sexiest tantrum of all time. She pounded her little fists on the bed. 

When finally tired out. Ty-Lee curled into a ball. She leaned her face on her breasts, sticking her lips out in a dedicated pout. Her lips had changed just as much as the rest of her body. They had filled out, becoming just a little plump and with a red hue, just like she had lipstick on. The beautiful, sexy catgirl continued to pout. Tears filled her eyes and she began to sniffle. It wasn't fair. She had such a beautiful body, why did she have to hide it? She wanted to show it off for her girlfriends and owner.

Ty-Lee Dream Sequence

Ty-Lee slunk under her covers, curling into a ball with her tail flicking lightly under her nose. She was a smoldering lump of grumpiness and frustration, with shining eyes peeking out of her fluffy blankets.  She grumbled a little bit, making angry little cat noises. However, her real energy had been spent on her tantrum. She needed time to relax and recover her strength. As she lay on the bed, warmth from her blankets growing, she felt her eyes begin to flutter. Soon they were closed, with her breathing deeply.

When her eyes fluttered open, Ty-Lee knew things had changed. She was staring up at the ceiling. Blankets covered her even more heavily, to the point where Ty-Lee wasn't sure if she could move. Light music played, calming and just loud enough to be heard. Ty-Lee breathed heavily, her mind adjusting to what was happening around her. "Ka. . .Katara, Azula, Mai?" Ty-Lee called, her voice sounding huskier. Still waking up, Ty-Lee smacked her lips, feeling her face jiggle as her plump, red lips bounced up and down. It was then that Ty-Lee started to realize that there had been further changes, ones far more drastic than a change in sleeping position.

Ty-Lee, feeling her face jiggle, tried to bring up a hand to rub her face. The covers shifted and her arm moved slowly. Only, the arm that appeared wasn't hers. It was big, flabby, and utterly rotund. It was too large to even belong to Azula. Yet, it obeyed Ty-Lee's commands. The pillowy bulk of the arm flopped down, patting Ty-Lee's face. Her cheeks flopped and jiggled, far fatter and heavier than they should have been. Ty-Lee started to breathe heavily, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Goooooodddd Morning!" Before Ty-Lee could truly process the thoughts running through her head, the door to her room burst open. Katara swayed in, beaming at Ty-Lee. "Did my *tiny* darling sleep well?"  She asked, kneeling down next to Ty-Lee's face. She planted a soft yet deep kiss on Ty-Lee, one hand reaching under the cover to shake her belly. "I bet this baby is hungry!" Katara blew several kisses.

"Well. . .I.  . ." Ty-Lee started to speak, unsure of what she wanted to say. There was a growing awareness of her body and the changes it had undergone. She was massive. An immense ball of fat that was larger than the bed she was laying in. She could feel her stomach lurching back and forth as she took deep breaths. Her breasts her watermelon sized and tear drop shaped, falling off to either side of her. Her ass was a planetoid, slowly crushing and grinding the mattress that supported it. Tiny Ty-Lee was now possibly the fattest woman in the world. "Is. . . anything different about me?" She asked, not sure how to even broach the subject.

"Not unless we count you getting cuter overnight!" Katara rubbed her nose against Ty-Lee's. Even now, struggling with some heavy existential questions, Ty-Lee couldn't help nose back, giggling girlishly. She didn't even mind that her chin folds slapped together as she laughed. "But, just in case, I'll turn on your Kitty-Cam. You can tell me!" Katara reached for a remote on the bedside table. Hitting a button, a TV hanging above Ty-Lee's bed flickered on allowing the acrobat to see herself in her full glory.

It was a confirmation of everything Ty-Lee was aware of. She was a mass of pale fat, spread across a bed that, though large, could hardly hold her anymore. She had multiple chins, each squishing into its sisters. Somewhere in her warm beck folds, Ty-Lee was sure she still had her collar and bell on. . .but she couldn't tell where. "Sooo. . .faattt." She said slowly, feeling her brain tingle. Something clicked that had not been present before. A knowledge of two separate but parallel lives. A dream Ty-Lee and the "real" Ty-Lee, but it was hard to say which was which.

"I know! My little baby has been such a good eater." Katara lavished kisses upon Ty-Lee, burying and snuggling her face into Ty-Lee's folds. Ty-Lee nuzzled back, not hating the attention Katara paid to her corpulent form. "Especially lately, us girls can hardly keep up with your tummy! Speaking of which. . ." Katara turned to the door. "Girls! Is breakfast ready yet, we have a very hungry Kitten in here." The catmom yelled. Ty-Lee did have to admit she felt a growing hunger spreading through her body. It was time to feed.

"Yes! We have. . .ooof. . .her majesty's feast ready." Mai said as she and Azula hefted an immense bowl into the room. It was the size of an industrial cooking pot, but decorated like a normal serving bowl. Plump kittens played on the sides of the bowl, chasing birds and mice. Azula and Mai struggled under the weight of the contents, their arms shaking with the effort. There was a familiar sloshing sound, one that Ty-Lee's sharp ears picked up in immediately. Her mouth watered bits of drool seeping over her plump, red lips. As the bowl came closer, she felt her thoughts of her other life drifting away. The bowl was deposited on her chest, just in the place where her breasts started to divide and her lowest chin fold reach her chest. "Cream and sugar for the pampurrreed princess." Mai hummed into Ty-Lee's ear as she swished her tail tantalizingly across one of Ty-Lee's enormous breasts. 

The sweet smell of her favorite treat wafted up into Ty-Lee's nose. She looked up at the TV and she saw a massive catgirl aching to indulge herself to new extremes.  Her feet, almost buried by her fat calves were wiggling and shaking with excitement. She wanted to thank Mai in her own flirty way, but instead found her moon-face diving headlong into the cream. With a level of mastery born out over years of gluttony, Ty-Lee used her chin folds to both tip and balance the bowl as the fattening cream rushed towards her mouth.

*glub, glub, glub*. Ty-Lee's normal, dainty drinking sound , ( a sweet *plip, plip*) had been replaced with a meaty gulp. Cream ran from her mouth, spilling into her folds. Azula and Mai quickly began cleaning her with their tongues, giving their enormous kitty a sensual cat bath. Their mouths slid and worked around the numerous rolls, plumping the soft and semi-moist depths. They had to avoid Ty-Lee's hammy hands, which were reaching to squeeze and play with her breasts. *Glub, glub, glub*. More and more of the milk swirled into Ty-Lee's mouth and onto her body. She was fat and messy, each slurp refreshing the milk that Mai and Azula had to clean. Ty-Lee felt a passion and fever spreading intensley through her blobbish body, one that she had never felt before: the ecstasy of being fed. 

It was a sexual thrill that she had seen take over Azula many times, provoking her to help nurse the, formerly, fatter kitty through. But she had never known its pleasure till now. "Missch. . .ummmph. . .Tara. . .*glub*.  . .I need." Ty-Lee said, her voice dripping with sexual need. She couldn't even finish her request, simply patting and tugging on her belly and hoping her owner would understand. "Gimme.  . .pleasche!" She moaned, cream sloshing out of her feeding bowl.

Ty-Lee rocked, trying in vain to stretch her arms under her boulder belly. Her fingers flexed, sliding off of slick, buttery blubber. "Awww, someone is feeling a little frisky today." Katara leaned her head on Ty-Lee's heaving belly, she could hardly see Ty-Lee's face past the fat and the bowl. "Just relax, let Mama help her little kitten out." Katara kissed Ty-Lee's large, deep belly button and then walked to the foot of the bed.

It was beautiful view. Ty-Lee's tidal wave of belly fat crashed down on the twin bulwarks of fat that were her legs. They slapped and clapped against each other wetly. Despite her size, Ty-Lee still was energetic. Wordlessly, Katara started to rub Ty-Lee's lowest underbelly fold. Her blobby, spoiled catgirl moaned in ecstasy. Fueled by sexual energy, Ty-Lee redoubled her eating.

"Feeeelllsss. . . Puuurrrr. . .good. . . .mmmm."Ty-Lee hummed and slapped her heavy arms to her flabby sides. The other catgirls giggled, Azula’s a soft and loving while Mai's was sharp and foxy. Katara bent down, kissing the very edge of Ty-Lee's belly just where upperbelly curved into underbelly. The mood in the room gradually heated up. Azula’s and Mai's kisses and licks became deeper and harder. Ty-Lee continued her meal, take breaks to moan and pant and purr. Katara switched between using her hands and mouth to tease and otherwise manipulate Ty-Lee's lower half. The tan woman slowly inched her way closer to Ty-Lee's sweet crevice. 

A warm, sweltering heat built in the room. A sweaty mist drifted off of Ty-Lee's succulent mass. At some point the bowl of cream was tossed aside, the contents either sucked down or slathered across Ty-Lee's continental mass. Mai and Azula were latched onto Ty-Lee's boobs, sucking  and licking and kissing; each girl seeing if she could draw milk from their massive friend. Katara also toiled at her sensual duty, her hand traveling deeper between Ty-Lee's massive legs.

"Nyyyyaaaahhhh!" Ty-Lee gasped as she felt Katara’s hand tickling her inner thighs and underbelly. Ty-Lee was soon large that Katara had to work her soft hand and delicate fingers deeper and deeper into the soft mass of catgirl. "Misstress Katara. . .oooo. . .that feels so. . .purrrrr. . .purrrr. . .amazing." Ty-Lee bucked and attempted to roll with pleasure. The beds screamed under her, not able to support such activity. The blobby catgirl was beside herself with pleasure, ready to scream out her enjoyment to the world. 

"I remember when this was a little easier." Katara cooed, searching for Ty-Lee's secret garden of delights. "You were such a small kitty when you came here. We'd sit on the couch and you'd play with your collar and I'd.  . ." Katara stopped for a moment, letting her massive pet moan. "I'd make sure you knew how happy I was to have you." Katara's fingers were deep into Ty-Lee's fat, close than ever to their sweet goal. "Of course, then you started growing. Once you got comfy." Ty-Lee moaned, somehow remembering memories that didn't truly exist.


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