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“Mmmmggggppaahh. . .UURRRPPP. . .Let’sch. . .juscht . .Uuuuurrruuuppp. . .quit!” Katara yelled and belched through her meal. Her body shoved and jiggled against the confines around her. She had been settled in the back of the room, behind the thrones of Fire Lord Azula and her Queen, Mai. Katara, still the first and favorite concubine of the Fire Nation, belted ehr bored frustration to the room. It had been a day of meetings and diplomacy, leaving her little time for her sort of fun. Servers climbed her massive body and fed her constantly, but that sort of pleasure only lasted for so long. Katara was a woman who always needed more. “Azzulllaaa. . .Maaaiiiiuuuuurrroooop. . .I want you!” Her stomach rolled and shoved against the thrones, making the two women shift slightly. Katara had been undergoing another growth spurt. Her arms were becoming more and more useless, just heavy fat rolls that were only good for flapping in pleasure or frustration and generating sweat. The rest of her tan blubber spread over the back of the throne room, slapping against both the walls and windows. Those walking in the garden of the palace were given an extraordinary view of two big, beautiful, brown buttcheeks that were the size of boulders. Her breasts, larger and fatter than her asscheeks even, flowed to either side of her body; leaking sweet and fattening milk onto the floor. Katara was a pleasure blob, perfect for Azula and her chosen elites to enjoy passionately.

“We are almost through, my demanding blob, give us a moment to finish and you’ll get everything you want.” Azula turned in her seat, her eyes staring with catlike intensity at her pleasure-blob. Katara rose high above her seat, a mountain of fat, sweat, and milk. Just knowing that such a beautiful creature was hers invigorated Azula in ways she could hardly put to words. She turned around, still feeling the intense waves of pleasure coursing through her. Unconsciously, she drew her hands around her own large stomach. In the same way that Katara had progressed further into gluttony and hyper-obesity, Azula had waddled down the path of perpetual pregnancy and breeding. Through means both natural and spiritual, Azula had increased her fertility, turning herself from a sharp and cunning warrior into a goddess of sexuality and fertility. Each pregnancy had increased the amount of babies she could carry, quickly upping from twins and triplets into full litter counts. She often joked that she was breeding an army of warlords, each fit to conquer a nation by themselves. “We are almost through the candidates for our newest harem addition. Then Mai and I will pleasure you for hours.” She reached a slim arm over, slipping it past her immense bosom, and brushing her wife’s soft hair. “Only one left.” She smiled, her eyes still piercing and huntress-like. " A 'Miss Toph Beifong'. Will you please enter?" Azula called.

The Earth Kingdom had sent many women to "audition" for being part of Azula's harem. From all walks of life the ladies had come, each trying to use her body to curry favor with the ascendant Fire Nation. All had been sent away by Azula or Mai and each for various reasons. Too skinny, no potential for growth, not attractive enough, bad attitude. There was a litany of reasons that the two ruling women of the Fire Nation turned down prospective candidate. Yet, they had not yet met Toph. She waddled into the throne room, younger than the other women yet still a woman grown. She was undeniably large, a round stomach topped by respectable breasts. Her butt was much, much larger. It swayed from side to side, visible past her stomach even. She wore a cream colored tabard, hardly more than a strip of finely embroidered fabric that ran down her body. Her rolls and crevices were well visible past it, rolling pleasantly as she waddled into the room.

"Well, she has a nice shape. Quite the butt rump on her." Azula said, heaving her own gravid form off of her throne and starting to waddled forward, hands lightly held in her massive preggo swell. Hips and thighs and asses had become very important to her. With Her consecutive pregnancies, Azula's lower half had swelled and fattened noticeably. She was not fat but she boasted the kind of heavy ass that might belong to a woman two or three times her size. "Breasts are a bit small, but not totally undersized. She waddled around Toph, her hands pinching and caressing various rolls and sensual places. Toph shivered, both from the pleasure of intimate contact and from a level of nervousness.

She was a sheltered, pampered girl. Her parents had hardly let her leave the grounds of their wealthy estate, instead raising their blind daughter quietly though with purpose. They knew the tastes of nobles within and without the Earth Kingdom. A little extra weight and Toph could be leading a comfy life with a country noble or some court gentleman. As soon as she was an adult, her parents began fattening her up. They fed her more each meal, shoveling more and more onto her plate. The food had not gone unnoticed. A belly had formed, then her butt had plumped up, and within months she had broken her first chair. The growing earthbender bathed in heavy cream while servants massaged her and fed her chocolates.  Toph hadn't argued, she was a sweet and meek girl who had wanted to please her family and find a nice husband, lest she be stuck in the house forever. Bigger and bigger she had grown, filling out until she was as wide as she was tall. It was then her parents sent her for her "diplomatic" meeting, one with a certain Fire Nation leader. "Tell me, Toph, were you happy when you started gaining?" Azula asked, poking a finger into Toph's gigantic belly.

"Ye. . Yes I believe so." Came Toph's reply, she grabbed under her belly out of habit. It was such a strange, unfamiliar, experience. The large, gravid ruler waddled slowly around Toph. Toph could feel her presence through her unique earthbending abilities as well as some other, ineffable force. There was an electricity in the air, sparks leaping and jumping between Azula and Toph. Toph squeezed her roly-poly thighs together as the pressure mounted.

"And would you be happy if you got fatter, much fatter?" Azula felt her own ass jiggle as she slowly made her way around the excessively chubby earthbender. Azula wondered what Toph thought of her huge, heavy, disproportionate booty. Azula wanted Toph to follow her around, bending woefully small chairs for her ass to dominate. The blind pleasure girl then working with her hands to make sure Azula was as comfy as possible; pressing her fat, round body into Azula's. "There is but one rule in my harem. . .everyone eats their fill."

"I. . .I think I can manage that." Toph said, her body now aching for Azula's. Her parents had told her what would be expected on the journey over. Toph had been afraid, worried she couldn't muster the feelings up. Now she found it easy. The shy, obese, blind girl felt a blush creep through her cheeks. "I would do anything to please you." She mouthed quietly. "My fat body is yours to command. I just want to be around such beautiful, passionate women." Her cute double chin bounced as she spoke, nicely formed though primed to grow much larger.

"That's all I ask. . ." Azula brought her body alongside Toph's, her stomach gravid to the point of preventing physical closeness when met head on, and leaned over. She kissed Toph's cheek, biting her earlobe for a second. Toph's hand shyly started to rub Azula's chair bending booty. The concubine to be had never felt anything so plush or heavy that was not on her own body. She tugged to lift even one of Azula's buttcheeks with her hand. "Welcome to the harem." Azula whispered, taking Toph’s lips in hers. The two kissed, hard. Mai swayed her way over eventually, wanting to welcome the new girl in her own manner. The three didn't hear, or ignored, a snort of disgust coming from the blob behind the throne.

----- Years of Fun and Indulgence Pass -----

"Bllluuuurrrrpppp. . .hey, Sugar Queen, how about you move your breast. I'm. . . Uuuurrrrppp. . .tired of making me sweat." Toph said, her arms lamely stretching to reach the brown boulder of fat resting on the side of her chest. The two were sat next to one another, their oceans of fat constantly slapping and sloshing against each other. She continued stretching, feeling a sweat build on her arm rolls. Toph's arms were almost completely swallowed by fat; the entirety of her body was being consumed by fat. As she had promised, Toph had grown and grown quickly. Calories poured into her, turning her body into a wonderland of sweaty rolls, crevices, and dimples. Her pale fat bounded out in most directions, at least those not already filled by Katara. She had a flabby, round face with a single but overdeveloped second chin. Her breasts had stayed reasonably sized, not the milk producing cart crushers that Katara’s were, but pleasantly big in their own way. Azula could cuddle up to them, laying back against them like a low seated couch. Toph was fine with that, it left more room for other parts of her blobby body to shine.

Her stomach fell before her, an oiled swamp of indulgence. Daily, servants rubbed and polished scented oil into Toph and Katara’s body, making them smell like gigantic rose patches. Toph always made them swab extra on her plateau of belly fat and between her ass. Her booty was her most proud area. Her ass towered high above her and Katara’s heads, threatening to crash down upon them in an avalanche of oiled blubber. One servant girl had fallen and gotten trapped between her buttcheeks once, the poor girl had never been quite the same after they fished her out. . .days later. Toph had merely giggled through the experience, bathing in the pleasure of having such a small, scrawny woman trapped beneath her growing mass.

It was obvious that Toph's ego had grown and changed just as much as her body had. The shy girl was long gone, consumed by a greedy, spoiled, snappy twin. Toph had proved to be just as spoiled as Katara, the two women burying the servants with constant work and criticisms. It was obvious to see why Toph had matured in the way she did, she had been fed gifts just as much as she had been fed food. The consort had proven her worth beyond the shadow of a doubt, spending her days and nights entertaining Azula, her wife, and other blessed members of the court. They fed her, fucked her, and showered her with gifts. Clothes at first, but their use was short lived. Then it had all been jewels and wealth of the earth. It seemed fitting that an earthbender blob should be coated in jewels, strands of gold, and other pretties that jewel crafters could make. She proudly bore flashy nipple rings (bigger than most people's forearms), four sets of earrings, a nose ring, and two belly button rings. Connected between all of these points were strands of gold and silver. Toph shone with sweat covered jewelry. She was not alone in that, however.

"How about. . .URRRPPPP. . .you make yourself useful. . .Wuuurrrpp. . .and suck them a little." Katara said, throwing what she could of her immense weight against Toph, making her enormous breasts shake. Katara and Toph were equals in size, lust, and greed. The only things separating them were body shape and choice of jewelry on a given day. Katara was as breast heavy as Toph was bottom heavy. Her breasts were comparable to the whale-calfs of her homeland. They poured sweet and fattening milk, much of which went to fattening her, Toph, and other noble women up. Katara’s breast lay perfectly on Toph's stomach, heavily weighing it down with its fat and milk. "Give you some. . .practice on how to. . .please a woman." Katara wheezed and splattered, pausing to drink from a feeding tube.

"What would. . .you know. . .about pleasure?" Toph spat back, her belly struggling to rise with Katara’s boob on it. "Lady Mai told.  . me she has to fake. . . it with you!" Toph's face turned red with anger, Katara's did as well but her tan hid it better. "You did. . .such a bad job. . .yesterday morning." Toph sniffed. There was little way that Toph could know, but she said it anyway, just because it would enrage Katara. During their queenly sessions, Katara and Toph were too busy with wild and sloppy physical adoration of Mai and Azula to notice what the other was doing. Typically, the two queens would straddle their concubines’ fattened faces and let the two hogs go wild with their lips and tongues. The noises (grunts, moans, sloppy lapping, etc.) being almost as sexy as the act of pleasure itself. Katara, were she thinking rationally, would have known that Toph was wrong. . .but rationality was the one underdeveloped feature between the two bender-blobs. “All those big. . .pouty. . .slobbery. . .lips are good for. . . is complaining.” Toph huffed and puffed, summoning everything in her to make the meanest comment she could think of. “Pretty soon. . .though. . . when I. . .outgrow you. . .they’ll be good for. . . kissing my ass.” Toph sniffed and turned her nose up, her semi-gelatious body slowly twisting away from Katara. Neither Toph nor Katara could move much, but the impact of the earthbender’s movement was felt regardless.

“Ugh! You. . . slut!” Katara screamed, her anger boiling over. She was angry to the point where she was going to do something she hadn’t done in a long time: waterbend. She wiggled her sausage fingers, priming them. Next she rolled her arms, making her flabby biceps obey her commands despite their sedentary life. She sensed the water around her: the collected sweat on her and Toph. Their massive, cottage sized bodies collected sweat easily. Just existing was a heat intensive activity, to say nothing of the constant gorging, burping, yelling, and sexual acts. Wiggling her nearly useless arms, Katara strained to summon and lift the salty excesses on their bodies. Sweat poured out of long forgotten creases, pooling together. Katara breathed heavily, feeling her grasp on the water loosening. She was much too fat to be doing this, bending was a mobile woman’s game. Yet, she managed to shove her arms forward, her saggy biceps flopping overtop of her breast folds, and sent the water snaking towards Toph. She smacked her rival with the sweat, the hit echoing through the hall. It was little more than a normal slap would have been. . .but the effort put into it was what made it sting.

“Fine!” Toph said, summoning her own lost strength. She leaned her massive body to the side opposite Katara as much as possible, slowly working her piggy-toes. Earthbending started with a place of strength, lowdown and heavy and immobile. Her right buttcheek was slowly freed from its place on the floor, the massive cracks it had caused in the tile floor now visible. Toph balanced uneasily as she prepared for her stomp. Her body wanted to continue rolling and send her end over end across the floor. She even brought Katara’s massive breast along with her, it’s weight shoving her further to the side. Toph’s arms flailed in petty circles, vestigial and instinctive movements from a time when she could actually balance herself. Then, just before she completely lost her balance, Toph threw her corpulent form back the other way. Her ass dropped like a meteor towards the floor and she was primed to bend that force. Yet, when she landed the floor merely vibrated. Though a pleasant feeling as it rose up between the two blobs’ thighs, it was hardly the revenge she wanted. Toph had never been the world's best bender or bending student. She preferred, when she still lived with her parents,  instead to spend her time eating and getting intimate massages from her army of personal servants.

“That’s. . . nothing.” Katara said, throwing her own mass towards Toph. “I could eartbend better just by slapping my fat ass down.” A tan tidal wave of fat splashed against Toph’s own creamy ocean. Her arm, swinging wildly, caught Toph in one of her boobs. It was as limp wristed a hit as one could manage. Toph slapped back, striking one of Katara’s chins that had flopped too far over. The two were sat so close that when Katara moved, their faces almost touched. Their arms soon flailed everywhere. Smacking, pinching, tugging. Beneath the two blobs, useless legs pumped and undulated, desperate to kick their way out from under their fattened stomachs. Sweat formed, renewing on the exhausted blobs. Their hot breath, sweetened from loads of chocolates eaten earlier, beat down on each other’s chin folds. They were so close. Katara felt one of Toph’s nipples shove into her while Toph felt Katara’s other over-ripe breast thud onto her, anchoring the massive woman. Blubber flew everywhere. At some point, no one could say when, Toph and Katara found their passions changing from hate to something else. Their lips met, Katara’s plump one latching onto Toph’s own. Their thick lipstick (blue for Katara and green for Toph) smeared and ran as they kissed. They pressed themselves closer, at one point their nose rings clinked, wealth knocking against wealth. Toph grasped what she could reach of Katara’s breast, trying to hike it further up. Katara undid Toph’s hair with fumbling fingers while stroking her own body with her free hand. The two blobs moaned and kissed, the palace quaking under their weight.

From a safe distance away, Azula and Mai watched. Azula sat on a double wide chair, her ass having doubled in the years since Toph’s entrance into the harem. Her gut, as big and pregnant as ever, was born aloft by two kneeling servants. Mai, smiling, reached a sneaky hand under Azula’s stomach. Azula moaned and took in the sight of her two massive blobs going at each other with wild abandon. Their energy seemed to never run out, despite their size. The queen of the Fire Nation continued to softly work her hand under the gravid, preggo belly; quietly making sure her love was taken care of since her consorts were busy. Azula moaned, grasping her chair and rocking back and forth. She had never seen such passion. Her massive ass bounced and shook in the chair, threatening to break it. The constant flood of pregnancy hormones had swelled her hips and breasts to ridiculous proportions. It had also given rise to strange, wonderful ideas. She wanted everything soft, fat, and sexy. Her life was a constant cycle of breeding, so everything around her had to conform to that. . .just in a softer manner. With her last gasps of intelligible thought, she leaned over to Mai. “Just, OH, wait. Ooooh, we’ll make you twice as big as them. Ah!” she then gave herself to the sexual pleasure fully, allowing all thoughts to drop from her mind. Mai smiled, watching both Katara and Toph, dreaming of what was to come.


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