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-Just something goofy I wrote before bed. Idk, I'm still a 12 year old at heart because Rouge has never stopped being hot. As always, tell me if you like the story. I care about your guys opinions and want to make sure that my patreon is of value.-

"Aaaahhhh what is this?" Rouge the bat said, her eyes alighting on the treasure before her. Amidst a pile of gold and jewels was a green gem. The horde was exciting, but the gem was supposedly priceless. It was one of those treasures that floated from hand to hand, appearing and disappearing from record with little explanation.  The jewel was a sickly colored thing, hardly seeming like it would be worth much. But, Rouge wasn't in the musty cavern to debate the value of trinkets. She was there to get paid.

Scaling the mountain of treasure, the athletic thief made her way up the golden mound. Each hand hold brought her closer to her goal. The gem looked little better as she got closer. Rays of oddly colored light poured from it, discoloring the gold around it. Rouge was almost afraid to touch it. . .almost. The lure of treasure was too great. It would make for a handsome pay day. All she need do is reach out and grab it. Her fingers slowly made their way towards the gem. It's light bathing her arm. It almost seemed to tingle, as if power was stored deep within. Finally, her fingers touched it pale surface. 

Rouge was racked with a sensation she couldn't explain. Energy, truth, knowledge, pleasure rolled through her body. It leaped from muscle to muscle, tearing its way up her body and into her brain. Visions swam before her eyes. She saw herself here in this musty tomb but she also saw herself in the future, perfected by what the gem was revealing to her. In her fit, she hugged them gem close to her body. She rolled down the pile of treasure, coming to a stop at the bottom. Green smoke trailed off of her shapely, curvy body. She shivered a little, residual bits of energy running over her. 

She knew what she had to do.

Months Later. . .

"Oommmgph. . .BUUURRRPP. . .that's phenomenal. Bluuuurrp. . .oh yesch." Rouge said, slopping her way through another meal. Food poured into her waiting mouth from a hundred different hands, tubes, and troughs. She lapped, sucked, and devoured everything she could; the rest falling into her creases and crevices. Whatever food wasn't eaten gathered in her rolls, slowly pulverized by her bulk into a buttery substance. This buttery, batter leaked out when mixed with her copious sweat. Her tan body oozed this sickly, sweet substance; making it hard for her helpers and feeders to climb her mass and deliver her more food. Rouge cared little, she was far more interested in slurping down what was in front of her. Food rained down on her, filling her stomach and increasing her ever present greed. 

The jewel had changed her utterly. It's sickly green light had penetrated her soul and awakened her true nature. Her treasure hunting and thievery had all been a flimsy, misunderstood pretext for what she really wanted. . .personal gain in every possible way. She wanted jewels to make herself look even more ravishing, she wanted fat so that she had more places to adorn with jewels. So she ate and gorged. Day in and out. She used the money from that endless horde of treasure to buy food and an army of servants to assist her. They did everything, those dutiful servants. One made her way up Rouge's bountiful, nearly house sized fat hauling a pot of batter. It was thick and creamy, near Rouge's own coloring. The precise ingredients had come to her in a dream after she had broken 300 pounds, the light of the gem shining on her as she slept. From then on, Rouge called for the substance daily; finding more and more uses for it.

"Jusscchhtt pour that. . .uuurrp. . .on my. . .assch." Rouge said, looking with lazy, half lidded, lustful eyes at the mobian carrying a bucket of batter. "Blluurrruuupp. . .good for the. . .skin." She said, nestling down further into her own yards and feet of fat. The servant bowed and slowly walked around her master's bulk, her feet sinking into the greasy fat up to the ankles. Once behind the gigantic bat's head, the servant dumped out the large bucket full of butter based batter. It flooded out and across Rouge's expanse of fat, making her rolls dripped. "Ahhh. . .yeah." Rouge reveled in how lubricated her flabby back was, feeling the batter start to drip between her splapping ass cheeks. "Jusccchhtt the way. . . .MMLLLUURRRPPP. . .mama likes it." Rouge blew a strand of hair out of her eyes before settling down deeper into her fat. She could feel the batter squelch and bubble as it infiltrated her sweaty rolls. 

"You got. . .any more. . .of that?" Rouge wheezed. "Tummy and. ..mmmm. . .breastschs could use. . . a good lather." Rouge tossed the words out, knowing they would be obeyed without question. Instead she turned back to enjoying the feeling of her servants sucking milk out of her ommense breasts. It felt amazing to be such a big, greedy blob. Rouge could do nothing but eat on her own. Every other one of her bodies functions and pleasures were provided courtesy of her servants. There was something uniquely pleasurable about being too fat to pleasure herself. Instead, her maids and nurses took care of that; taking every free moment as time to keep their misstress happy and growing. Two servants suckled and massaged her immense, person sized boobs while another servant sloppily lapped her tongue deep between Rogue's thighs and under her enormous belly. Rouge's fingers wriggled in their fatty-roll prisons, hardly able to be seen. 

The batter-bearing servant soon returned with another immense pot of batter. Rouge licked her plump lips. Puffed and fattened up beyond normal size, smeared with expensive lipstick. "Uuurrrp. . Watch out. . .tidUuurrrpp wave coming." She belched the words out, even as her servant dumped the pot out. Rouge practically screamed in pleasure as the batter raced across her fat. It was so thick, coating and clinging to her fat with little issue. It raced down her stomach, cascading into deep rolls. Rouge planned on saying something else, but ther servant between her legs had finally struck the sweet spot. The servant shoved forward, tapping the sweet vein with her tongue. Rouge squealed piggishly, her useless fingers and toes curling. Her heavy body tried to buck, but was largely unable because of her tremendous weight. 

The servants who had been with Rouge the longest clapped and blew kisses of celebration to their mistress. It was always a celebration when the mass of battered fat was able to relieve true sexual pleasure. Each week it got harder to find her spot and rampant gluttony and breast play only got you so far. Rouge's eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise as she felt the servant start truly working on her greasy, sweaty, succulent crevice. Rouge's face quickly turned from surprise to lust. Despite the fat. Rouge had such descriptive expressions, heightened by how dressed up her face was. Her face was well make-uped, perfectly dressed up in a sort of stripper or lady of the night fashion. Rouge, packed on make-up like she packed on food and weight. Looking like a concubine or stripper was Ok, especially when she got to feel like one. 

"Deeeppperr. . .deeuuuuuPppuurrr!" Rouge cried and belched, her arm rolls circling around madly as she felt pleasure course through her body. The servant wiggled her shapely rump under Rouge's tidal wave of belly fat.  Batter, sweat, and food runoff dripped down and smeared all over her. . .further squashed by Rouge's lower belly fold. But that didn't stop the servant, she could feel Rouge's mounting arousal. Soon she would be shouting for all the mansion to hear. Bellowing out just how good she felt. Up above, Rouge struggled to know what to do. Sex had become so much more intense the bigger she got. She had no way to distract herself. She could only feel the coming orgasm and wiggle her useless appendages. "Moooorree. . .make me. . .BLUURRP. . . .feel like a woman." Rouge said, longing and aching. To add to the fun, another barrel of batter was dumped on her. Her soaked booty clapped and jiggled, mixing the sugary batter with sweat. 

Finally, Rouge reached her climax. Her immense, immobile, mountainous body rose up on her quadruple wide beriatric bed  and then relaxed with a great sigh. The servant slid out from underneath, covered in Rouge's sweet, batter, and other fluids. The great bat herself snuggle down fully into her fat, exhausted. "That.  . .that wasch. . .scho good." She heaved and wheezed. "Juscht need. . . a little nap." Her voice was thick. Her servants giggled, enjoying how their mistress needed to recover her strength. A feeding tube was fitted in her mouth, allowing her to take fattening gulps even as she slept. Mostly, the fattening batter would bubble and slop out into her field of chins, coating them in the same way her ass was. But what was left became undulating mass, further pushing Rouge to greater and greater extremes. The gem had shown her visions of a perfect life, and she was well on her way to completing those visions.


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