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so, i've already hinted at it in yesterday's post, but i'm going to take july off to recharge my batteries after finishing up with dusk acres.

i'm gonna admit i'm already feeling restless, so it's likely i'll still post stuff during the month after i've rested a bit, but since i don't know when i have paused the billing for this month. I'll be picking up the regular schedule starting on august 1st. If i don't post anything till then...i'll see you then, and i hope you have a great summer.

thank you all for the continued support peeps, you're all wonderful <3



Rest up. You've more than deserved a vacation


You deserve a break more than anyone. I hope you rest well, BC.


Honestly, I'm glad to see it. Hope your time off is refreshing BC, you deserve it


Rest well BC, You deserve this break ^^


Enjoy your rest BC and I'm happy you're taking it! We'll be here when you get back

Bryan Whiteman

I am proud of you boss, take time for you


This is good news, you deserve some time for yourself :)

RosePinkOso (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 09:51:47 The large projects are an ordeal, B0SS. Take as much R&amp;R ya need.
2022-07-02 05:25:24 The large projects are an ordeal, B0SS. Take as much R&R ya need.

The large projects are an ordeal, B0SS. Take as much R&R ya need.


Please do take plenty of rest Blaze! You have more than earned and deserve it, with all your hard works you have done. Take care, and have a wonderful summer, too, man!