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alright one last update before i take a break, this week i worked on the final animation in chapter 3 and added a character to the first, level the garage. Can you spot him? 

what if we zoom in? this guy is a demon flea living on the hellhound's pelt. He's pretty pissed off because his host's blood has turned bitter... apparently that's what happens when hellhounds don't get laid enough? maybe zap and andy can find a solution to this conundrum. 

aside from that, the final cutscene of chapter 3 proceeds smoothly- 

here's zap doing loops on the obstacle course the ringmaster hoped he would fail miserably

a closeup of zap having the time of his life-

and andy relaxing ,seeing his friend can take care of himself, and then immediately panicking because he sees that the ringmaster isn't going to lose the bet he made with zap that easily-

and of course all the scenes i've got so far sequentially .

alright that's it for this week, and this month, most likely. I've already paused the billing cycle for july , but i'll make a proper post tomorrow clarifying when i'll be back etc. . In the meantime , i hope you liked the animations. Catch you peeps tomorrow then!



Rodney Talon

Oh dear, hiatus/sabbatical, huh? Should have known Well. You earned a summer vacay


Have a nice break BC! Thanks for your work. Also the scenes merged look great!

Robert Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 09:51:47 Zap and Andy gave such cute expressions! And have a lovely break- I hope you get to do plenty for yourself <3
2022-06-30 22:28:35 Zap and Andy gave such cute expressions! And have a lovely break- I hope you get to do plenty for yourself <3

Zap and Andy gave such cute expressions! And have a lovely break- I hope you get to do plenty for yourself <3


Dude, this is simply adorable! I love their reactions and how the animation plays, and can't wait to see it when it's fully done. Thank you for all your hard work Blaze! Please do take plenty of rest now 😉❤!