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this week i worked yet again on that single bg i drew and made an alternate night version, and also finished baho's basic sprite in both of his "forms"

added some lamp posts to the day version too, since the place would've been too gloomy otherwise

i think the night version didn't turn out too bad-too bad baho in particular kind of obscures everything with his size ^_^'

and here's the man himself. By day he works in a place that repairs and creates custom plushes. Needless to say his persona when he works is extremely sweet and soft spoken..

but when the night rolls on the city the shark turns into a stoic, extremely dommy and aggressive leather daddy. He's secretly not too fond of the way he behaves in the clubs, but people really love the aggressive daddy schtick and he's too insecure and gentle to say no to that. With years of practice he's become really good at playing the part too... 

anyways, that's it for this week. It's not too much but i feel a bit tired tonight and i'd like to take a bit of a nap. Hope you peeps enjoyed the pics nonetheless! till next time! 


Shiny Skunk

Mannn I love this pixel style, it’s very charming!


That shark man is *adorable*


Oh I love him~


Looks great!! Super excited for this one

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Nice! I appreciate the scalely making fuzzies for a living :D


I’m… in love

Lee Evergreen

Oh no you've made me fall in love with him. Now I've gotta teach him it's okay to say no to certain types of play.

Rodney Talon

Figue on side feels not fit night scenes. Made since day sun head. Expected it to change for night


Reminds me of a Lofi background. Thank you again for this wonderful work of yours!


Your backgrounds are just so beautiful