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i really wanted to finish page 3 today but i'm having a bit of a headache so i think i'll stop for tonight... it's almost finished anyways, i should be able to pick up the pace next time.

aand page 4 sketches, still setting up some stuff for the story proper, so sorry nothing sexy happens yet

and that's it for this time folks. Hope i'll be able to work more on this next time!




Oh wow, Caleb's pretty damn cute! Getting some backstory to characters is pretty cool. Hope to see more posts when you can. Also, "still setting up some stuff for the story proper," Sounds like you're really getting into the characters! Great job!


Probably not the right post to say this, given the intensity of the last panels. But I really appreciate the way you depict round faced men without beards? Like. It's a traditionally masculine, and highly coveted thing in queer media, for male characters to be super hirsute. But I really like the way you run the full gamut of body types and grooming styles (probably a bias 'cause my own beard journeys been a tumult, haha).