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and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!




Shiny Skunk

Ooh, I wanna see more of this crazy hallucination wolf, that thing is really cool.


Hot damn what an update

Robert Smith

OK a lot to think about here- damn it looks like the Crimson Halls is really what Otis is creating from the dead who were infected in the town by the Fire. Everyone being absorbed into him, so he can create a new world from them? Interesting both the real and shadow are 'real' people here- is it forming new souls? I guess now any form of pain or unconsciousness can create enough of a gap for the Fire to get its claws on someone's head... we really need Frank to turn off the server pronto. Also, the PNs getting more and more threatening by the second. Looks like the charred corpse form might not be an illusion after all - from what Polaris said, that is actually what they are, moved by the MAD chips

Robert Smith

Oh and Stasis mode engaged! So that explains how T survived so long in the bunker... the chips really do medically shut us down




Oooooooh Jack, yaaaaaas, I mean uh- ohhhhh noooo Jaaack! This is awfuuuuul! <:03 Also the next world chit chat was intriguiging! I really like this update! 11/10! Also Also G’s perfect headshot, with what I’m guessing was a shotgun *chef kiss*


Jack! Oldrich! The whole "Hedonis" scene!!! Very interesting update with this one BC!

Ben Nikel

Finally, a description of what a Perfect Neighbor looks like from Polaris... but that's concerning; the appearance or a burnt corpse being moved with electrical shocks.


Sock garters?! I’ve been read!!


Redmire is going at that skunk rump. So after this, come next update those with the mark should be back to normal right? If so, here's my response for if we're back to normal. *Agent K bangs his fist into the ground with tears in his eyes* Agent K: By the Rulk... it's... it's all coming back to me. Where we are, this town. I can remember the manimal store, even the old playground for kids. I... I was born and raised here. The memories... they keep coming back and... oh god... I remember him. My hammy boo... I left him alone all these years. I-I didn't mean to but I... oh god why...? *Sobs*



Rodney Talon

Okay so last pictures do we know who all those are who are said to be dead?


Yes, both Octave and Private Porkchop -- in their kindled and unkindled forms

Robert Smith

ACTION - AGENT O - Co-ordinate, but actively start spotting problems before they become problems DESCRIPTION - Reading S' MAD Reading, O clenched his paw. S was wrong. He wasn't still that terrorist, right? After all... he had been much more efficient back then. Now, he was missing so many threats... this time he was going to have to be proactive. Running over the feeds, as he tries to check everyone is escaping and Fitch is OK with RF, he starts identifying problems so he can react faster, before they explode. DIALOGUE- TO FRANK, U AND RK - From your views, I can see a few people I knew there absent from the main room- the corrupted H, BN, and AW are missing... of course they are the ones with the guns... B had weapons, if I recall, he might have some on hand. TO G AND Q - The RV, can you shoot out the tyres before it gets any closer? The less ramming speed we get on it the better... We can't let an opening to that fight outside be blown through the shutters - I'd rather have a staged retreat than a panic IF MADE AWARE OF THE KINDLING SITUATION - MAD READING - Shit how can this be happening... No, no time for that, I need solutions. Have to assume the worst, so let's prepare for that. TO I, P, J, AND R IF ABOVE - The room you are in, are G and Qs rune stamped clothes in there? If so, grab them- we might have to distribute them to all non-extinguished Agents and Civilians- and get moving!

Robert Smith

And if O comes face to face with Sarge well... I think a lot of his suppressed guilt will bubble right to the surface


Fire-Pit Devil: ...Wax...what...the fuck...is this? Wax Whiskers: Uh...Magical...Fairy Magic...? Fire-Pit Devil: No Magic...We throw fire at it. Wax Whiskers: Yes. Lets burn it... Fire-Pit Devil: Yes...then we fuck... Wax Whiskers: What? Fire-Pit Devil: What?


The wheel turns and the fire burns. The bell rings and a dread future unfolds. Souls lost to the light while others remain for the fight. Fate has a way of twisting plans and all that is left are the brought dreams of long dead deities.

Blade G Shepherd

Sarge’s face this update is just 😍.


Good ol Sarge, he's so excited, what a beautiful day to start a war. Also I am so glad to see the Sheriff is having a good time, heh, my Dingi is such a good influence on him, Wright would make an excellent addition to the cult... maybe if the fire of the black box is getting stronger he won't even need a chip? Ah, a dog can dream Bless ya BC


He's coming for ya, private, just think, he'll look even more intimidating when you see this expression eclipsed by his big fat shaft in yer face.


might have to watch out for a certain beast in your warpath uwu


Thank you for another wonderful chapter. Amazing work as always! I hope you're doing better. You come first. Just remember that please.

Lee Evergreen

God what a fucking ride


ACTION: Ero makes his way to the agents, still puffing on his cigar nervously, hoping to talk agent O to ask him questions. INTENT: group up and wait for agent O, question him regarding the MAD chips. and see if my memory or mind has been tampered with. MAD READING: I thought a good fuck would calm my nerves but I'm feeling even worse now, is the AC on? why is it so hot? i need to speak to that other hamster with the laptop maybe this is his doing.

Robert Smith

Can I just say I really love your poetic summaries of the current state of things? Big fan


*agent I gets some drinks out of the snack bag and a bag of chips as he helps feed agent R the snack bar.* "guys. We do need to get moving. Let's head to the basement. And to be safe. We all need the symbols." *though the penguin wasn't feeling the heat of the change. He could hear Orville in the back of his mind.* "wasn't that fat cat dick so sexy? Why did you have to hide it instead of sucking it?" *Orville's voice concerned I but he just ushered the others along. Trying to ignore him and his growing tent.* Agent I will help anyone get into the tunnel to leave. but will stay to help Allister.


Oh gosh this update is giving me so many feelings. That picture of I feeding R is priceless.


**Otto keep pounding frank hole with a big happy face until the ritual is done and Otto get deconverted and become agent B again, even as agent B maybe he will give slow pounds while thinking whats going on** (oh boi! i cant wait to debut as agent B finally! this comic is amazing!)


Assuming the fight is over, I just want to help Odin-sama in anyway that I can. Whether it be helping with his chariot or replacing his crutch with my strong body. (HOLD HIS HAND! RIDE ON HIS SHOULDER! MULTICLASS AS A BLACKSMITH APPRENTICE!) If I can be helpful to him, then that's all that matters. Whatever Odin-sama desires, I will obtain it for him. But in a subtle way of course XD Also, if a certain gremlin wants to disembark from this ride, then he’ll have to pay the smooch fee. Hold him in front of me and then set him down with a head-pat after the toll is paid :3 I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT ORRIN BTW


<b>Odhran Brastini</b> <b>Intent: </b>to bring in the bodies of the fallen cauterized indoors and start preparing the bodies to be consecrated meat. This fun butcher activity is also being used as a bloody make out and feeding session for the family,to which the invitation has been offered for anyone in the factory to take part (and maybe faction swapped to the mafia if they want) --- <i>As Lord Barker talks with Orlando, a silent bloodsplattered Odhran with his eyes shining red appears from behind. He walks further into the factory room carrying the dead body of the cauterized horse on his arms. Behind him are Oberon and Oliver dragging in more of the cauterized bodies. Once the bodies have been placed on the floor, he strokes the chins and cheeks of Oberon and Oliver lovingly as Obadiah is squeezed between the three bellies. </i> <b>Odhran (to Obadiah, Oberon and Oliver) :</b> "Thank you my sweets, every member of this family has worked and fought so beautifully tonight.    This factory shall have to make do as our hallowed abattoir. The feast is drawing near, and our contributions much be prepared. " <b>Odhran, draped with the mafia members around him and being intimate with each other looks towards the Orlando, Odion, Lord Barker and the One Armed Butler) :</b>" Care to partake in our family affair? The butchers are ready."

Bryan Whiteman

Orrin Beaumont Thoughts: Was that on Barker on the other end of the call? Of course, the Lord ran off without you again, Obadiah is largely disinterested in your inclusion and Sir Backbreaker clearly has other priorities. As always, you are left on your own. Just like in the Bunker. (Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them knoooooow) Actions: Follow the One Armed Butler's instructions and reconvene with Orlando Question Orlando on why he's in such a terrible state, he wreaks of his own blood and sweat. and why isn't the boy (Frank) with him? Press him on that.


(Assuming this takes place later when everyone heads down to the basement) Agent R - Leaning on Agent I for support, you can't help but rub in close, he's soft and fluffy, like a big warm marshmallow. You can't believe how kind he's been to you... how kind all your fellow agents have been, they saved you... you're still overwhelmed with emotions, but of a different sort, the crushing sadness has been overtaken with some kind of excruciating gratitude. You feel so guilt ridden, for everything, how can you deserve this?.. For so long you've lived alone, no friends or family, spending your days in a haze of cigarette smoke at a shady government organization just to remain close to the man you love, knowing you'd never deserve him... spending your nights in dirty hotel rooms drinking yourself to sleep with cheap booze and the comforting glow of infomercials on the television... You were independent, focused on your work, you shut out emotions behind a fierce wall of cynicism and sarcasm, even a little undeserved superiority if you're honest with yourself, all to keep others away and pretend you didn't want it, didn't need anybody else. And now... it hurt to realize you had a true family all along, right as risked being destroyed by this rulk damned cult... You see Allister in the basement, he looks visibly upset, shaken. You want to apologize to him... your memories for the last few days are fuzzy, but you vividly remember stabbing his paw with a screwdriver. Luckily he doesn't seem too badly injured from the strike, it must be that legendary polar bear strength at work. "Allister... I... uh, how is your hand doing?... I can't thank you enough for stopping me from becoming a murderer." You fumble awkwardly, unsure of what to say, "...You're an expert on all this supernatural stuff, right? Otis was always saying how you were the smartest cookie in the whole SNF.. do you have any idea what that statue could mean?" you say, pointing at the sinister smiling statue at the entrance of the strange tunnel.


Obadiah has certainly noticed the noble gorilla always around Obedias and is defintely thinking of ways to help him relax. there has just been a lot of other things needing his attention. Like setting Cauterized on fire.


Obadiah Blazewater Intent: Smooch CDR and think about getting smothered in some pecs. Gets a little too excited to help prepare for the feast and goes into the silly zone. “Alright big guy ya got your makeout now put me down I gotta help The Boss.” Obadiah made a note as he broke off the kiss to have more fun with the big military himbo as he was lowered to the ground. He turned to join Odhran but froze as he looked over the bodies of the Cauterized with blood pouring from them. He jerkily walked towards the fallen with <i>Hunger </i> in his eyes. Obadiah shambled into the factory behind the rest of the Family, dragging behind him the body of the capybara that attacked Odhran. His hands stained in dark red as he swayed where he stood. Hearing Odhran’s voice he raises his head to look at his handler. A grin of malice surrounded in a painting of fresh blood and red slits of eyes in a black sea stared back at the Boss with fanaticism. His gaze drifting to the elephant next to Odhran with dangerous curiosity. Being squished between Oberon and Oliver does cause him to regain his senses and his eyes turn back to their normal red. The Family’s embrace does help to stabilize him like Odhran did for him.






Action: Help any injured or hurt survivors while assisting where posible with mark placement and evacuation. Description: J will make sure survivors are doing okay, since he was with P, I and R he will make sure they are marked and okay before helping anyone else. Once he is done with that he can assist the others from moving or carrying injured survivors to helping treat wounds. J may also have grabbed the marked clothing mentioned by O to distribute to the unmarked. if P is feeling down then J will ask P “how are you holding up bud, you doing okay?” and provide some emotional support if needed (J did swallow a bucket full of his cum, it’s the least he can do xD)


Dialogue: “Adoration for the fire...? Wait what the fuck—!?” M.A.D. Reading: How did this even happen?! I thought—aren’t we safe here? He was just with his dad… did *he* do this somehow? I need to warn the others but—I can’t just *leave* him either; maybe I— Action: Utterly confused by this turn of events, Adam gets too caught up in his thoughts to notice or react in time to whatever it is Olivander is about to do. Intent: The sight of Jack transforming has left Adam confused and panicking – he is unable to get his thoughts straight in time to actually react to what has happened and as a result, is vulnerable to whatever it is Olivander decides to do.

Blade G Shepherd

Action: Tell J about your strange memories while being on Alert for the Sarge. Mad Reading Agent P: “Shit……I feel like such a fucking wanker! He risked everything tae protect me, I cannae let him doon. At least this voice in my heid is keeping me calm, melting me like butter, yet is so familiar. Is this the “Odhran” I remember? But……C kindled me didn’t he? Then…..why the fuck dae I remember wearing a suit?! Ah promise…..I will find ye my precious marshmallow. After all, we are family, aren’t we?“ To Agent J: “Aye, I’m daein awright mate. I jist keep having strange memories of what happened at the bunker. I cannae get the name Odhran Brastini oot of ma heid for some reason, no matter how hard I try. Everytime I think of GL, I see this “Odhran” fellow instead. And now I remember wearing a fucking suit before C lost his shit! Mate went absolutely fucking berserk, before ye saw me as that…..goon.” “Trust me mate, you should have seen what he was like when you blew that diner tae the ground. Dafty literally rugby tackled me! Not doubt that dozy prick is gonna be aff his fucking heid when he finds oot ye turned me back tae normal. Knowing him, I suspect he may be planning tae get revenge. ” Description: P experiences another wave of strange memories, remembering himself being kindled in the mafia briefly before the Sarge stole you from Odhran. An evil smirk plastered on the Mafia Ouranos' face. He hears J ask if he’s alright where he tells him about the strange memories he keeps having of Odhran instead of GL. Cause of these memories, P is on heightened alert, anticipating the Sarge’s arrival.


The calculus has changed, I thought the basement passage led to the factory/hospital/some other part of the map and I'd have to bust into the store and before they all escaped down the tunnel. This new info means Sarge can just wait for his future recruits to come out to him. <b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : There are a few loud <i>bangs</i>, and although partially obscured by the setting sun, a sparkling glint on the top of the retail store. "Fuckin 'ell, SNIPERS!! GET DOWN MEN!" The screeching of tire wheels filled the air as Oakley slammed the breaks and turned <b>hard</b> on the steering wheel, the RV lifting a few inches in the air before slamming down with a <b>thud</b> as the Platoon speed off, now circling the store at a distance. The Sarge cursed himself, he should've expected the enemy would set up defensive armaments, thank the Veracious Sun none of your men had been hurt... <i>killed...</i> if these unkindled dregs actually managed to off one of yer boys you would have to turn this potential lovefest into a slaughter. "You got a plan Sheriff?" The Sarge asks, yanking the fat hippo off of the dazed and spent tiger, sending his boys to a more safe position in the back of the RV. The Sarge didn't get a chance to respond, as driving to the other side of the Manimal Store he was surprised by the most peculiar scene, it was that fucking <i>koala bastard</i> battling a... Perfect Neighbor? No... this was something different. The Sarge kept the RV at distance, obviously he had the greatest respect for the Chosen One's body guards, but this... thing... filled him with distrust. Keep driving. Let him take care of the Branded Beast while you and Wright figure out a way inside.


👀 being acknowledged by the dingo makes me happy...ya bastard


Haha, if you hadn't gotten into a battle with Oldrich I totally would have had Sarge beep at you and pull out a megaphone to talk. As much as Sarge is still FURIOUS about Pvt Porkers, I imagine the kindled know that one day they may turn into a Cauterized and would want to be taken care of, so he'd want to know what your MAJOR MALFUNCTION is.


The Fire runs in his blood like no other, what can I say? I'd be happy to take care of ya when you inevitably become one of his pups uwu


Killing your future pups, and jeopardizing your current pups place in the town, the Sarge would not understand, betraying the fire, <i>and for what?</i> Respect from the dead?


We were *promised* a feast, I need to keep them sated and they were getting rowdy unu


After making sure the group of agents hanging out in the room with that speciest cannibal prick got their asses in gear, Fitch quickly made his way up to the roof where the rest of the survivors were hanging around. What were they doing up there, anyway? As he mounted the top of the stairs… “Hey! Everyone else is gathered up, we can quit playing defense so we can- holy shit,” he started before freezing at the top of the steps at seeing what was going on. Some monstrous koala man and a guy in a suit and pig mask with… blurs and pixelation like graphical glitches in real life. “What… what the fuck?” was all he could say as he just stared for a good long moment, he knew there was weird stuff going on in town, but… “Shiiiit, we need to get out of here,” he stated, something probably obvious. Though that wasn’t the end of it, to pile more things on, there was a van careening toward the entrance as if to crash through it, “Oh fucking hell, does it ever end?” he muttered, “Shit. Shit shit shit, there are people moving inside! I dunno if they’re anywhere near the entrance, but they could kill someone with that stupid stunt! We have to stop them! Can you…” he trailed off, looking at the agent he was positive was a hybrid before gesturing with his gun as if to shoot the car while he rummaged through his duffel bag for something useful. Though he froze as he caught a glimpse of something orange and black striped from the van, spotting the familiar figure of the town’s Sheriff doing… things with more of those cultist assholes. ‘Shit, Wright’s here? Did he follow us? … I can’t let him get away again, he has to know what happened to Dad! That fucking asshole couldn’t leave us alone even when Mom wasn’t a Wright anymore… But… dammit! He’s so close but that might as well be on the other side of the fucking country with what’s going on! Fuck, going down there would be suicide!’ He closed his eyes… then let out a shuddering breath, “Damn, why does everyone and their mother know where we are? We need to get the fuck out of here!”


OB;AW - The fat gamer fox grumbled to himself as he walked down the corridor, bushy tail slowly wagging back and forth from the cool breeze of the air conditioning. Having scarfed a few snacks the overdramatic fennik's irritation was starting to wane. Truthfully he kinda wanted to go back to the group, and maybe slap Beal on his fat behind as payback for the humiliation before... But the feeling of pride was too great, he stormed out and made a scene, and damn it, he was going to wallow in his own pity alone. He WAS alone, right?... O_B huffed, all this walking was not good for the chubby gamer. At least he had reached his destination, the doors to the Server Room illuminated by the dim fluorescent lighting. The gamer fox shivered, a chill rolling down his spine. For some reason the intense feeling of being watched had come over him, the fox fumbled with opening the door with one paw while holding all his snacks in with the other. In the reflection in the glass a shadow loomed over O_B!... "YIP!!" The big panda Bao had placed a paw on O_Bs shoulder, chuckling as he scared the daylights out of the nervous fox. The big panda snatched a bag of potato chips from O_B, eating them with a grin on his face as the fennik cursed him out. But despite his foul mouthed tirade, it was clear O_B was secretly happy to see such a friendly face. Bao places a hand on the door, looming over O_B with a sexy grin, flirting with O_B, flustering the fennik who tried to act dominant in response, h-he was NOT going to bend over for another big dick meathead today, no way! Bao grabs O_B's ass and nibbles at the fenniks neck as they push into the server room, getting startled by what they find...


Agent RF - The big roo didn't understand, how could this not be Hedonis' domain?! Why was this brutish, statuesque hunk of a shadow here? What was going to happen to him.. to his everlasting soul?? The thought petrified the kangaroo, he couldn't die like this, he needed to be in Hedonis' embrace, welcomed into his wicked garden of delight as an esteemed member of his court. Despite his nervousness, RF couldn't show such weakness in front of his lord, it was an indescribable honor just to be acknowledged by him, he knew the proper way to tribute a demon of pleasure. Agent RF turned his ample backside to his imposing shadow, the jock roo's huge glistening shaft like an intimidating pillar of stone - taking a deep breath, RF bent his knees, hole clenching around the the impossibly thick member filling inside of him. The kangaroo let out a groan, "M-Master, please guide me. Please use me for your bidding. Give me the power to fulfill your will." RF leaned close Hedonis, giving his beautiful deity a kiss, tasting the blood on his lips, before moving down, down, nose pressing into Hedonis' fat tummy, down... until RF was eye level with his god's shaft. RF opened his mouth in preparation to taste it, but before he could move Hedonis had thrust his cock into the kangaroo's face. He was being fucked on both ends, spit-roast by his shadow and his god, how divine.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

My actions depend entirely on the outcome of my confrontation with Agent Y. TL;DR If he manages to extinguish/deconvert me, I'd rather focus on what happens after. If I come out on top I can continue what I'm doing, but T is kindled alongside Y. Sorry for the long comment. scenario where Agent Y successfully assaults and extinguishes Oxxofrd and Orazio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION: *The first thing N will do as soon as he's unkindled/extinguished is vomit, due to panic and anxiety. He will lean against a tree, a manic, scared, crazy look in his bloodshot eyes. His nose is dripping blood and his pants is thoroughly soaked with jizz and precum, and he has the most massive boner he's ever had in his life, since he's been rock hard since the moment he's been kindled, having the wettest dream anyone's ever had.* *Should Agent T try and get the Black Word, I will definitely keep it to myself, hide it away and hold onto it very possessively.* DIALOGUE: *N, hyperventillating, muttering to himself, staring intensely at the symbol on the back of his hand drawn in blood.* Agent N: That was him... I was HIM... But it was me... But I wasn't me... He wasn't me... I was there... seven... seven... I could taste it... That was it... but, not really... Where was I?... Was I dead?... It felt so real... Agent N: Director! It kind of looks like some of the symbols I worked with back at base. What. What is this symbol? Agent N: Agent T I'm.... I'm sorry for what I... he... did to you. Agent N: We need to get back to the others. There's a lot we learned that the others need to know. And we need equipment to experime-- -er, figure out a way of stopping the cult! REASONING/INTENTIONS: Agent N's dream since he was very young is to be a big, sexy version of himself, to be intimidating and to be respected. He has spent his whole life researching a way to accomplish that, and even though he's convinced kindling isn't the real deal... it still definitely FELT real, and this is the closest he's ever gotten to acheiving his goal/dream. Oxxford Bureau is everything Agent N has ever wanted to be. But also, Agent N felt like he was dead, gone, and someone else was controlling him. Like he was playing the role he was meant to play, rather than making any conscious decision to do anything. Like an instinct or dream was what was piloting his actions. Agent N is HEAVILY DEBATING whether he wants to erase the rune and become Oxxford again. It was exhilerating. It felt dangerous and empty... But also so, so good. He knows it would be bad... But he can't shake the feeling, the want, the NEED to try becoming his other self again. He now becomes completely obcessed with figuring out a way of perfecting this kindling somehow. He's an engineer that's worked with magic with no success so far, so he's very used to trying new things. scenario where Agent Y fails and gets overpowered by Oxxford, Orazio and T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION: First, because Oxxford is running out of cigars, he will kindle Agent T. Better have a kindled brother who MIGHT cooperate than an agent who for sure won't. He will take out a thick metal ring, put it on, heat it up with his lighter and then burn a mark on the Agent's shoulder with the fire-touched metal, branding him into a kindled. When Agent Y jumps out of the bushes, he will order Orazio and Agent T to help deal with the Agent, and together both T, Orazio and Oxxford subdue Agent Y. Oxxford then uses that same ring to brand Agent Y's shoulder with the fire-touched metal, kinding him into one of his employees/coworkers. (then of course after this scuffle I'd continue heading into town (i have no idea how i ended up in the woods. i really hate it there.)) DIALOGUE: *while I'm heating up my metal ring* Mr.Bureau: It is a shame to throw away such a promising deal, my boy. But I didn't get where I am without knowing when to cut my losses. Better to have a rowdy brother than a difficult agent to deal with. *after dealing with Y* Mr.Bereau: It looks like you're ready to become a fellow hard working, church going, law abiding citizen of this wonderful country. My company will be a great place for you to pay hommage to the Fire. REASONING/INTENTIONS: IDEALLY what I wanted to do was obviously to get Agent T to become AW's gaming chair. That's what I've been gunning for for the past several months. Because of that he's been mind controlled for this long... Which obviously doesn't feel great at all. I don't know why I ended up in the middle of the forest, or why Agent Y is here, when he's supposed to be heading to the church, but both of these things obviously stop all my plans. I just hope that Oxxford can survive long enough for him to have a few horny scenes while also maintaining his cool demeanor. I haven't gotten to do that sort of stuff yet, and it seems that all of the kindled are finally dwindling and disappearing. For Oxxford to remain himself either Y leaves me alone and I get to kindle T, or I kindle both of them. He could run away... but that is way worse than being unkindled/extinguished. If I lose Orazio and Agent T I'm left with nothing, my "cool vibe/aura" is completely gone. And if I'm successful, I can finally have my own faction like I've been looking to do for a bit!

SvenWesker (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:52:47 ((During 6PM to 7PM)) Sven is following Char, after Ero stormed out of the room, worried about Char, when they hear some slapping noises and Adam's angry voice and go to see what was wrong. After Char tells Sven to help Adam: SVEN: Right! Uh- Sven hurries over and helps Adam restrain Jack/Olivander. M.A.D. COMMUNIQUE - CITIZEN [SVEN]: &lt;&gt; ((Between 7PM to 8PM)) While letting Chandler cuddle him, Sven is examining one of the marked items Q made. M.A.D READING - CITIZEN [SVEN]: That symbol...That's the same one Mr. Allister drew on me! That's what helped me get back to normal. I should try and use this in case any of the others turn into those cultists. Speaking of which...Need to check up on Adam and Char… He notes that both Adam and Char are sweating and swaying on their feet. SVEN: Char? Adam? You two aren't doing so hot. Do you guys need any help? He sniffs and realizes he can smell blood- FRESH blood. He sees Adam and Char both have cuts that are bleeding slightly. SVEN: Wait a moment...How the hell did you guys get cut? You’re both bleeding!
2021-11-14 09:26:27 ((During 6PM to 7PM)) Sven is following Char, after Ero stormed out of the room, worried about Char, when they hear some slapping noises and Adam's angry voice and go to see what was wrong. After Char tells Sven to help Adam: SVEN: Right! Uh- Sven hurries over and helps Adam restrain Jack/Olivander. M.A.D. COMMUNIQUE - CITIZEN [SVEN]: <> ((Between 7PM to 8PM)) While letting Chandler cuddle him, Sven is examining one of the marked items Q made. M.A.D READING - CITIZEN [SVEN]: That symbol...That's the same one Mr. Allister drew on me! That's what helped me get back to normal. I should try and use this in case any of the others turn into those cultists. Speaking of which...Need to check up on Adam and Char… He notes that both Adam and Char are sweating and swaying on their feet. SVEN: Char? Adam? You two aren't doing so hot. Do you guys need any help? He sniffs and realizes he can smell blood- FRESH blood. He sees Adam and Char both have cuts that are bleeding slightly. SVEN: Wait a moment...How the hell did you guys get cut? You’re both bleeding!

((During 6PM to 7PM)) Sven is following Char, after Ero stormed out of the room, worried about Char, when they hear some slapping noises and Adam's angry voice and go to see what was wrong. After Char tells Sven to help Adam: SVEN: Right! Uh- Sven hurries over and helps Adam restrain Jack/Olivander. M.A.D. COMMUNIQUE - CITIZEN [SVEN]: <> ((Between 7PM to 8PM)) While letting Chandler cuddle him, Sven is examining one of the marked items Q made. M.A.D READING - CITIZEN [SVEN]: That symbol...That's the same one Mr. Allister drew on me! That's what helped me get back to normal. I should try and use this in case any of the others turn into those cultists. Speaking of which...Need to check up on Adam and Char… He notes that both Adam and Char are sweating and swaying on their feet. SVEN: Char? Adam? You two aren't doing so hot. Do you guys need any help? He sniffs and realizes he can smell blood- FRESH blood. He sees Adam and Char both have cuts that are bleeding slightly. SVEN: Wait a moment...How the hell did you guys get cut? You’re both bleeding!

Robert Smith

Because I can't reply on the other doc, and sorry if this is late, only just seen O to Sven - 'Yes, grab Char Keeg... damn he was got too. Get to the side room we were keeping S in, there should be clothes with the symbol on. If that doesn't work, just copy it on their skin- I can talk you through it. And DON'T let them wipe the rune off you!'