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heyo pups, programming is going a bit slow lately due to unforeseen troubles on banana inquiry's part, but that just means i have more time to polish the remainder of the game's art! thanks to that ,this week i managed to finish all the animations required for jones encounters in night 1 ! 

first off, the normal jones encounter needed a hurt / defeat animation, so i started with that.

then i took care of the "touch" command frames for the pizza boys thralls. 

after that i did the encounter with jones tempting your character with his tainted, but delicious food. I started with the touch animation and all jones' states of horniness

and then i animated the hurt / defeat frames , with both savory and sweet food options.

last but not least i worked on the ambush jones encounter. This battle is a bit peculiar since jones is so close to you, so i had to draw his hurt/defeat  sprite way bigger than usual.

another peculiarity of this encounter is that jones is directly seducing your character, so in this case, touching jones too much and trying to defeat him by getting him too horny to fight will instead result in your character getting a mouthful of werewolf jizz, probably dealing a devastating blow to your focus bar.

that's it for this week pups! more to come! stay wild! awooooo! 




ok now i know the first thing im gonna do


Man I'm just gonna take all the Face Damage I can stand. It's for science tho I swear


Can’t wait to try this game!)


Oh dear! Really cool works so far man, in both games! Looking forward to see what you shall be preparing for the next part as well XD!


Really curious what the dialogue exchange will be with Jones when you interact this way. I imagine it'll be very entertaining. Great work FH team!