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so , this week i'll start working on the first circus minigame, wich is the ice cream stall minigame. I started by drawing a bg featuring the stall and the various flavors of ice cream to be served to the demons, from left to right : sin, infinity, hellfire and souls. For the damned of course, the circus serves free of charge good ol' liquid depression.

after that it's time to draw some animations for it! i tackled the animation that i thought would take me longer, i.e. andy zipping to and fro to from the countertop to the ice cream vats.

another thing we need for the mingame is a variety of customers. Since they'll all have to react if you give the right or wrong type of ice cream we can't exactly go crazy with them, so 6 will have to suffice: aside from the dragon up there and the damned with the droopy nose i showed last week here's some other tentative concepts for the other demons and damned customers.

next week i'll start animating their reactions, and if i manage to do them all, all the assets for this first minigame will be complete!

that's it for this week! more to come! stay frosty y'all! X3




This is very exciting, thank you.


Love that animation, it looks really good Also love the minigames. They remind me heavily of some mid 2000s flash games.


Hey, is there a walkthrough for the demo anywhere?