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new format who this? (hopefully this way the images don't get shrunk into unreadability?)



Robert Smith

Agent O - Oh no... a lot of our MAD chip readings seem to be spiking... what in the Alliance's name is going on? Why are a lot of us at 50% already? I would like to check what commands have been issued recently, I think the traitor might be up to something. And what was Agent C thinking... We need to check his computer history URGENTLY Field Team A - The sheriff is heading to the Motel, so do NOT head there. Try and find somewhere around town you can treat Agent I's condition- and speaking of which we should try and reverse it like we did with Allister and Frank, with some pain Agent I - M.A.D COMMAND - Remember that you are an agent of the SNF, and this mayor is NOT you. Allister and Frank - We have to assume the Sheriff is involved in the actions of covering up the cult, so do NOT let your guard down. Do not let him near any sources of fire.


🙂 Guess who's going to cry if the director is dead. Lmao. Looks like I'll be hugging a corpse. Great chapter like always I gots nothing to contribute otherwise though.

Robert Smith

I am starting to think our agents can't trust our own senses... this is a very interesting update. Also I love the new format, it works super well for me. Is the base about to become And Then There Were None lol? Interesting that Allister's memories of himself were edited- i wonder if this is some kind of reality warping... if only we could go back to the house, and see what the picture of priest Frank looks like now! It seems the transformation in the car was a hallucination? Probably best to keep Oliver unconscious certainly


Run and check on the Director ASAP, obviously. If he's wounded, apply pressure and call for help with the following: To everyone in the bunker--Agent O, I need you to meet us at the elevator NOW. Anyone else listening, please restrain Agent BN on sight.


The only downside to this new format is that I can't view the images directly in my gmail. Despite that it seems fine!


We need to hack into the hospital surveillance system to gleam the purpose of this hospital


Agent K- We gotta find out what happened to the director T. BN must've left a blood trail... I just hope it's not the director's blood. Don't worry, I may not look it but I know martial arts so I can protect us. Agent I- Mad Command, regain yourself. Don't lose control of your mind!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Its so weird, last week his comment/command to his own character was so innocuous. I wonder what happened for him to murder the Director. Did his intentions get twisted somehow?

Lee Evergreen

"U, get ready to help me restrain the guard. M, knock him out once we got him. Okay, sorry S, but your gonna be more useful as a distraction in this state." *L attempts to pull Steve's pants down, gives his dick a good grope, and shoves him into the hall*


Please let that be Jelly ;w; I don't wanna be a murder, also Videogame tune, Love it lol Agent BN: Return to your work Station. You get slightly aroused by the happenings of Agents C, AK, and W but return to work. Look up the files of the people who have changed personas in town due to this what you could assume virus. Perhaps the SNF have files on who they were before they changed, and maybe theirs something in there that can help to figure out why their personalities would shift drastically. Also look up the towns missing person files, maybe some of the people that Field Team A saw in the forest are some of the people that went missing recently.


AGENT M: Go along with L's plan, make every effort not to let the rhino see you before you grapple him from behind- cut off his bloodflow to knock him out, don't choke him to death, just make sure he's unconscious and unable to call for help.


(I bloody knew I was gonna get hit by one of them commands eventually... curse you SK.. also 50%? that's..odd. At least I got frank doubting it seems...Progress!~) Agent S - I have agent U eating out of the palm of my hand... and he looks so hot vulnerable. I can use this command to my advantage... Maybe I can share my taste in porn with him, get him thinking the same way as me...

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: "thank fucking Rulk we're finally on a road. it won't be much longer until we're in town... fuck!" *Agent N checks on his friends in the rearview mirror and gets so turned on by witnessing a live daddification he nosebleeds.* Agent N: "oh Rulk, Agent I looks so hot...! but we can't let him go!" No, Agent I! What the fuck is going on?!?! H you gotta break him out of that! Punch him in the gut or something! Pain broke Agents A and F out of their first TF! I'll try and get us to that store in Dusk Acres! *Agent N will speed up now that they're on the road, and only stop at the first store we find in town. He will also open the windows or turn on the AC so that it gets cooler inside the car, to slow down Agent I's TF.*

Robert Smith

Agent N, can you confirm that Agent I just called himself Orville Brennon? It's another O B if so... again!


U squeezes out past Agent S, trousers tented, and catches his breath. "Oh damn, that's a BIG guy. Okay L, we can't take him head-on, so let's catch him off-balance. Stay low and go for his upper legs. If he charges us first, drop down, trip him up, and watch out for that horn!"


*Agent I/Orville: keeps mumbling everything that's said into his mind. inform the others everything as he rubbed himself. pulling Agent H over to make out with him.* "Mmm.. My loyal body guard.. I know I have your vote." *Kisses Agent H and gropes him.* ((OOC: Also word of Noot. I do want to be saved.. I don't want to be mayor.. I just want to be fucked..))


OFF: Oh no, not the director!!! I lowkey love and hate how chaos broke loose down in the base, really glad I got out of there before stuff got out of hand. Agent H: If no one cortex commands Agent I to feel pain, I'll just do what Agent N said and I'll just punch his guts until he transforms back. He is becoming really hot though, I'd vote for that mayor. All of the daddification with none of the cannibalism, not too bad a deal. But Agent I is a sweet, inspiring seer and I'll be damned if I let him be erased by a Chameleon with Tetanus. I am filled with determination to prevent Agent I's ego death. That being said, I'm pretty much at a loss here. If anyone has any ideas of things that I could try while I'm in the car I'd gladly accept advice. Ice seems to not be making things worse but clearly doesn't solve the problem either... Edit: I'll definitely kiss Agent I back... Grope his chest... Pinch his nipples (if he has them, can't recall if non mammalian species still have nipples in this universe)... Reach down to his raging, pulsating cock... And then just past it to the tarot deck lying on the car's floor. I'll bring it close to his face so he can see it and "Hey hottie, could you give me a reading?" Edit 2: (WAIT... Do -I- have nipples?!?!?!?!)

Robert Smith

I think the best thing to do is to keep Agent I kept focussed on the present- Allister and Frank had one another, so you might have to act in the same way, anchoring him however you can. Allister used his musk... could you do something similar?


Agent LN - Something is off with Agent BN. Could it be the MAD chip? His eyes would be bloodshot though... Agent BN - Seems like somethings up with your MAD chip, you alright? After Hearing agent T's warning , Agent BN - M.A.D. COMMAND Focus on you desk and start carving little dicks into until its completely covered in them


On the off chance that I will be used as bait, I should use that opportunity to get more entrenched with the cult. If the Rhino is in on it, of course


Agent W is a looker, I’m already in love with him OwO. I want revenge on Agent AW for being the horny perv that he is, I’m sure he wouldn’t be bothered about what I have in mind. Though I’m not sure what are my options while being controlled by the M.A.D. chip, hmm. If I happen to break free from the M.A.D. chip, then I’ll do this. With a furrowed brow, I slowly rise from my kneeled position. With my pent-up feelings I walk to where Agent AW is. “So, thee bethought thee couldst useth me f'r thy entertainment didst thee Agent AW? Hehehe, I don’t dislike thy approach, but certes thee wilt has't known yond thither would beest repercussions f'r thy actions, nay? I’m sure you’ll enjoy this as much as I shall.” I then pick him up bridal style and carry him to the bathroom or anywhere that we can have some alone time. If I don’t break free from the M.A.D. chip, then this. I think to myself that I might as well try to get another round out of Agent C and RK since there’s nothing that I can do at the moment. P.S. I’m hoping that the first one happens since it’s hard to think of something while being controlled. I know Agent AW would want it :C


(THIS UPDATE..... whoa, what an emotional roller coaster, oh man I hope the Director is okay, also, unnf, BC you do Agent C so damn hot, and Agent RK too, those guts, those beefy arms, those sexy masculine muzzles <i>swoon swoon</i>) <b>Agent C</b> : You let out a burp as you finish your donut and immediately reach your paw into the box and pull out two more. Mmm, cream filled, your favorite. Without warning you lean over and stuff one of the treats into Agent RK's maw. "Eat up soldier, yer gonna need the energy, we got a big battle comin, I can feel it." You feel so tempted to lean over and tell him your plan, he'll be your top officer after all, maybe more... wait, did you think that out loud? Uh, you're probably fine, lets just get on with figuring out the credentials behind the hack on the MAD chips. Huh, Agent W? What's that joker up to under the desk?? Ohhh he wants to help, good lad, with a third set of paws on the case this plan will be finished in no time!

Shiny Skunk

They’re showing as a slide show for me (on an iPad) which is actually much easier to read than usual.




Agent F5: *After hearing what happened to The Director, the opossum sat stunned for some time then his anger bubbles up from within.* Fuck this bureaucratic bullshit! We shall not stay blind any longer! *Agent F5 discards his coat, loosen his tie then furiously type lines of codes on his keyboard. Tears forming in his eyes not wanting to witness anymore harm towards his fellow Agents* ((Uploads an infectious malware into Nurse Jane Brooks' mobile which rapidly spreads among her coworkers' devices steadily seeping into the Hospital's WiFi. Took special precautions to ensure it can't be traced by the Hospital's IT. Collecting many Staff's credentials to easily bypass into the hospital's mainframe/server room thus accessing many townfolk's medical files, confidential files, blueprints of the hospital, the surveillance system and remotely control medical equipment/generators. Allow assistance from fellow Agents during this data breach to find more info on Dr. Orlando and prepare multiple aliases/false patient files in the event of an APEX/SNF Agent needing medical attention.))


Agent R - "Heh heh, phew... good job newbie, I mean, Agent N... now uh, lets make sure you're not driving the wrong way." Now that Oliver is settled you have an opportunity to check on Agent H and I. What the fuck, where did Ikkuma get that button from? "This is too weird, maybe we should report back to the Director and ask him for advice on what to do next." If we stop at a remote shop or gas-station before hitting town quickly pick-pocket Oliver's wallet and rush inside to buy supplies. Ice, rope, maps, food. You know time is of the essence, but you feel the need to ask the attendant if they can tell you about the woods around here, if there is anything special landmarks or if they've seen or heard about any weirdos living there. After all, Oliver didn't take you there for no reason, you might need to find this place again.


If you don't mind me asking, what is the plan Agent C? I may or may not decide to help you with it.


I follow Agent O to the elevator after hearing the altercations that’s been going on. In shock, I’d do my best to help but would likely be pretty lost for words. I also administer a MAD command to myself, when ever I am giving a command(or try to finish a existing one) that would physical, mentally, or/and spiritually try to harm someone. I will proceed to bite into my left arm as hard as I am able.


Before asking any potentially incriminating questions, don't forget to ask the cashier's name


Got to work with Agent C. He probably wants to unlock the emergency motor shutdown and memory surgery suite functions of the M.A.D. chips. If we do that we can solve everything. Such a great idea. Sure, there was that one direct command he gave on Monday at 9 p.m., but I’m sure it’s fine. **sees Agent W under the desk** No! We’re supposed to be working inconspicuously. Can’t alert any other agent. He can’t be here.


Loooove the psychedelic guy and hope you can do huge eye transformations with nipples or weird muscle rainbow growths and hair on him like a tripped god of manliness with a mega blunt! Just a horny idea hurrr.


Agent M - The rhino seems to be bored there. Is it from keeping watch, or is it something else? Perhaps you could help the Rhino Nurse and "cure" his boredom and frustration. It might be the distraction your group needs to get out.


We really need to discover how the cult is able to falsify records, like those photos. Agent Frank/Allister : Please see if you can procure some sort of photo of Ricky's dad, to see if it has been changed at all. Agent AW - Please try to research when and who financed the building of this hidden-from-satellite-images hospital. Agent H - Maybe you should consider shooting Agent I with your taser, buzzing out his chip with hallucinogens might stop the Ego Death. But you'll have to knock him out after.


At the very least, AW, spill the beans on where you keep getting that delicious, refreshing Buzz Bunny Cola! I count at least 5 soda cups there, and other agents must be getting thirsty! As for the Pitchy Father Community Hospital, Dusk Acres is a small town and healthcare has significant ongoing funding requrements. Even if the hospital is masked from maps, maybe we can find evidence of it in unaccounted expenditures in the Beckett County governmental budget. Perhaps Manimal's irregular bookeeping accounts for some of it.


Don't deny your true feelings Agent RK. If you truly mean what you say then wake me from my horny slumber.


Hehe, I hadn't considered BB could stand for Bolt Bunny. Does that mean they're somehow getting deliveries from the Dynamic Diner?... Interesting...


Haha oops I think I had Buzz Cola from the Simpsons on the brain when I originally wrote that. Having one cup of soda could be a gag, but a pile of old cups suggests something more. How long have we been down in the bunker? And does Uber Eats do elevator-side delivery?


I think Agent AW has had a but too much free fun with he control chips to himself. If youll allow it Agent Az uses his pendent as a means to manipulate the chips. Close proximity or having to places it over an agents head and inserts a verbal command much like the ones used on the computer. At most 2 actions can be stated and be made to follow. I like to think of it as as admin perk who works on/monitors the M.A.D system would notice all this messing with the system and do something about it when its getting too much out of hand. agent Az: youve been having some fun i see AW! But maybe you should enjoy some of your own action instead of watching eh? MAD Direct Cortext Command AW -30% -Go under desk and give Agent Az the hottest blowjob ever till we both cum. -You wont remember me using my pendant. After which Agent Az goes back to his job of monitoring the agents levels via MAD system Agent Az: the system isnt a toy aw and i have enough work stress trying to look into who or what is causing the random glitches in the system! So thanks for helping me relax now. i feel a bit odd getting in on this so late but better late then never!~


This could be wrong but its a shot into the dark nonetheless. I feel like the overload of M.A.D commands is causing the percentages to spike on the first command. there's a lot of commands being thrown out at once.


Oh dear... this is a big swing (though in this comic that's steadily becoming the norm, which isn't bad). Also, nice work with the new format, much easier to read and view. Director: Wake up director! Don't let blood loss make you fall unconscious, it will lead to nothing good! Please, wake up!


This format is so much nicer and easier to read, thank you!


(AW is so smug x3c ) Agent AW - Unf, so fucking hot, take it Agent W you fat sexy slut. ... Uh oh. Why do you have the sinking feeling that your discrete fun has attracted a little more attention than expected. Fuck, are the other agents watching?... Hnngh, you're too close to stop now! Uhhh, lets pretend to focus on work while you fap, drag up some files on who built the hospital or whatever. If anyone asks just deny everything, claim that someone used a MAD chip command on YOU that forced you to do it, yeah!


That make sense! BlueDude should name his agent as AZ since A is already used for Allister on Page 364.


Good point. Its been so long i forgot he went by agent a. My sonas name is azure btw thats why i said A. But AZ it will be

Roland Davis

OMg! DID he eat the director? EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!


lmao, it was especially funny how Agent AW just ignored what I said and pressed a key to M.A.D. chip control me. In hindsight I probably should've removed him from the computer so that he couldn't do that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Heh, I hope there are no hard feelings. I just think its in character for AW for be a horny little brat. Plus, Agent W is very hot so...


No hard feelings at all, quite the opposite in fact! I love the pervy/horny nature of Agent AW a lot, it makes things interesting and funny! Agent W is very 👀 catching and I’m so blown away at how good he looks!


While I love the Buff, BIg guys, the story is so intriguing, Great Job man. PS: i did also notice, that allister remember himself differently depending of who he is at the moment. Very interesting...