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i'm terribly sorry, but i feel super down these days, and i think i need a bit of a break. I'll get back to it next week, hopefully i'll be able to recuperate a bit by then. Thank you in advance for your patience peeps...



We totally understand! Rest as need be 💖💖


It's all good, we are all humans after all, take your time and be well.💕


Take your time we understand <3


K. Rest up and take care

Robert Smith

No worries at all! Take care of yourself, and focus on feeling well. If you have to change the schedule of Dusk Acres to give yourself more breaks, I would definitely be fine with that, I imagine it is a lot of work.


It's all good man! You do so much as it is. If anything you should probably update it every second week if that would make some things easier for you. Take care!


Don't sweat it bc, rest is integral part of a creative process.


Honestly, as busy as you keep yourself, you more than deserve the breaks you take~ hope you feel better soon, and no matter the wait, it’ll be well worth it

Lee Evergreen

Dude, you work so hard on all of this patreon stuff. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you deserve a break when you feel like you need it.


Damn. Very sorry to hear that. Best of wishes, of course.


rest up and treat yourself to something because you super more than deserve a good break and something nice for yourself!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Take as much time as you need dude! Your well being is really important, so take care of yourself first!!!


God.. this leaves this pengu on edge.. but alright. Now I have to image what I can do to get more people to vote for me.


Hey it's always okay, get some rest and relaxation dude!


Please take care of yourself. :)


I hope things feel better soon! No need to force it if you need longer


No need to be sorry, it's only natural to take breaks now and then. We all understand, especially with how much work you put out.


It's okay to be not okay! Take care of yourself!


Rest well dude! I wish you well


Take your time blaze until you feel better

Warren (Stephen) Rose

No worries. Stay safe and recover well. Oh, hey, CowCat is having a fanart contest for his BROK the InvestiGator fighting detective game on Kickstarter. Good bulky characters ;)


hope ya feel better soon dude!~


No worries. Take care of yourself.


Have a nice break! Enjoy some tea


I hope you get a good break and really treat yourself!


Good idea taking a break man. Hope you're all good.


Mental health always comes first! Take as much time as you need


I hope you feel better


Please put yourself first. You deserve as much time off as you want.


Take all the time you need and make sure you feel better man. My suggestion, take a small vacations for a month to restore your energy, or play a game or two you have might want to for so long. i mean, you hardly have taken any breaks all together, and you have been working really hard with all the projects. Personally, i find it really inspiring, but we all need a good break now and then XD.