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so , as we get close to the release of the demo our tasks are getting a bit mixed up. I don't have to show much to you guys this week since i've been mostly testing the game and working on sounds!

but i also had some time to work on a couple other things. There's a sequence where andy jumps on an inflatable bouncy dick, and the animation got cut off due to me miscalculating its size:

i just fixed it by making the animation much bigger. Look at him go XD

i also needed to draw the portal that gives the boys acces to dab's lair closing behind them. Nothing too complicated, but it works.

as for the rest of the things i worked on , i made some videos showcasing the sounds i worked on placed ingame. They're all work in progress, so let me know if you find them grating or annoying; since patreon doesn't allow me to upload videos in an image post here's the links for the tests, you should be able to access them easily, i hope.




last but not least, i think it's time i start to think for a  cover  , some kind of nice illustration to put on the sites where we'll end up uploading the game. I've came up with a couple concepts:

i think i'm leaning for the second one, but let me know if you prefer the first instead! 

anyways, that's pretty much it for this week, more to come! 




Second Covers definitely a keeper, it just screams more chaos. Hehehe


The music background tracks pitches a little high, it should be ok. But prolonged listening might get a little heavy on the ears. But it's looking really good so far OwO


The second image would be a great cover, I'm excited to finally be able to try it out. This will be my first point and click adventure game and from what videos I've seen from the genre it look spot on.


Both covers look great, but the second one is much more dynamic and captures the wacky nature of the game. To think that what orginally was random raunchy pictures including your angel zap would turn into a full blown game.


I absolutely love the second one!!


In favor of the 2nd Cover


I actually prefer the first😅 but both look great


I would say the first one but they're both pretty good. Your awesome.


Honestly, the wee squeaky fart noise in testsound3 made me smile. Also, if it's between the two, PLEASE use the second one!! It looks like a late 80s early 90s cartoon film poster, that is amazing! The car reminds me a bit of Roger Rabbit, not gonna lie. Brilliant stuff man, hope you're doing well.


I prefer the fist cover, hahaha. To me, the first feels more intimate to the characters and it induces me to think the game will be really funny. The second one feels more chaotic. But both are pretty good!

Rodney Talon

2nd one by far is more cover-y but feels less distinct and more generic. Could you refine the first so not so cluttered ? I like the intended energy of the first. Two guys goofing in The midst of roadtrip with obvious phallic imagery so no mistaking the aims of the game. But. The balloons block and ruin title impact. 2nd just overall ready. The first is just...not