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Robert Smith

MAD COMMAND to Agents H, N, R, and I - Get out from the car immediately, and transmit your location- move as a group and protect each other! Director - It looked like you had a vision just then, can you tell us anything more about it? The shadow I just saw was... ominous. Frank and Allister- Definitely together, it's far more efficient and time is wasting! We might need you to go to the location of the four agents that just entered Dusk Acres to provide back up, we will provide co ordinates as soon as possible I would also like to check whether we can see the surface thoughts of Citizens 43-B and Citizen GF35 from the MAD command room. That the cult called the MAD chips parasites... I think these chips might be something that was used to OPPOSE the cult, not the other way around

Robert Smith

Mad theory time- this operation was an undercover SNF one, possibly to infiltrate the cult using the protection of the MAD chips, compromised by Rahul. Still need to see where it goes but... I wonder if there are more 'plants' in Dusk Acres than we are aware of. I am worried for the director though...


Agent S to Director - Sir, if what we saw from your surface thought reading is true, are we still following Otis' orders? Maybe he's trying to help us... The way they speak, they all say the same things. Maybe WE are the bad guys. Are you hiding something from us?


To the other Agents: Let's figure out who wants to leave, and anyone who does, they can be assigned a spot to investigate. Allister and Frank need rest and we have a LOT of town to cover, not to mention, food. We aren't learning anything by sitting around. Every group needs someone to stay behind to monitor them, too.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

To Agents R, I and H... so what's the plan??? Are we still trying to escape? It is still quite possible to attempt to escape. But we don't really know the situation is, other than our taxi driver having kidnapped us pretty much. I think that warrants us trying to escape. But we could try and stay and learn more stuff, since we don't really know what's going on beyond that. But is it really worth it to risk ourselves in order to learn more stuff? Maybe, maybe not. If this is the cult, I wouldn't be upset if they got to us, 'cuz we'd get daddified most likely. Or eaten, ya know. I think we should try and run. For that the PLAN WOULD BE, taser gun the driver, throw him out the car and drive away, running over the other dudes if need be. Are there any objections? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for what I think is going on... I guess the elephant dude MIGHT not know we're in his basement? I mean, if they transform into completely different people, there's a really good possibility they don't remember their past lives either, almost like what was about to happen to Agents Frank and Allister. If THAT is the case, then its maybe a good idea to stay and hunker down in the Apex's control room. At least until the cult finds out where we're hiding and takes us out or until Otis comes and rescues us. Somebody should ask what the Director thinks happened. We ALSO just learned that apparently instincts start to kick in when people are under stress... which is very concerning honestly. Especially to me, a rat (just sayin'). We could use this to our advantage, but I imagine its something else to try and be careful of.


Agent M: [Internal] *Shakes his head and backs away from C. Acting like a boasting, arrogant hot head? Being an agent for some big covert operation? Wearing formal clothes??? Thing we’re NOT adding up here. Getting his rocks off was the last thing he needed to be worried about. Well, maybe not the LAST thing, but still.* "Alright look C, I don't know why you're so bent on obeyin dat lion's will, but fink real hard and try tuh remember how yuh got 'ere. I know I can't, no matter how hard I try, and I don’t see myself getting thrown into this sorta thing on purpose. You're righ abou one fing; I'm NOT a professional. I don't belong 'ere, and I doubt any of us do. Just listen to what that lion's saying, he's losing it. Following 'im is gonna be the death of us. I'm leaving, and I'm gonna find out what in ell's going on in this town. We’re not gonna stop these cannibals by staying put and following orders like good pups. *Pause a moment to look Agent C in the eye* Please don't try to stop me, I've got no fight wi' yew." *Attempt to walk out of the room, politely move anyone out of the way who tries to block my path, and make my way outdoors. The time for hiding was over.

Lee Evergreen

Boss! You need to start acting like a leader! Several of our allies are in danger and your only orders are to sit and let it happen. You want us to start following orders, start giving us useful orders! We need to do something!


(OOC) That's it! chinese fire drill. everyone's changing seats. someone push Oliver out and we start driving like mad. also, if one of us agents needs to sacrifice ourselves. I will take one for the team. *Agent I's thoughts*: *Oh shit. the card was right.. and the sex isn't helping. time for drastic measures.* Agent I pulls the seat back of the driver towards him with one flipper as he pulls the lever for the seat. He holds Down Oliver so the others could move. Agent I: "H! Taser! N! Drive!"


Having confronted the director with my suspicions, I want Agent S to act on them


Agent RF - You see how stressed and uncomfortable the Director looks and want to help. At the risk of being excessively intimate pull the big boy in for a soothing hug and pat his back. Take out your personal flask of whisky and offer it to him. "Ah, Sir, I can tell you're exhausted, please, have some of this. I'm so sorry the investigation has not been going exactly as, uh, planned, but we're making good progress on the case and most of us really appreciate your leadership. You've been working for twenty-four hours straight now, I think you need a break to rest and recover, we need you in your top performance after all. Don't worry, we can handle this. If I may be so bold, you look hungry sir. I have fuzzy memory of a pretty good cafeteria in this facility, how about we both go there and you let me make you a big meal?"


The info points to the fact that the cum seals the transformation and is contagious, ricky's dad has a contusion on his head and still hasn't changed back. The SNF also went AWOL against the FID to investigate this cult and were still trying to pull up info, the MAD chips would be a great surveillance tool and someone went around erasing memories. This story is fantastic and each of the characters look sexy in their own way.


Part of my plan posted below. And if one of us needs to be left behind. I will sacrifice myself to the cult.

Shiny Skunk

I guess a mass suggestion isn't possible with the chips. Probably for the best, it would make things truly insane. Although this rat dad seems to be suggesting he... isn't chipped?? Would like to know why he's nutting all over himself if thats the case! Talking about being born in flames... could that have to do with the cigar smoke Do the cigars... negate the chips then? I really want to try to get one as a sample. Would like to let the agents in the car know to keep an eye out for any cigar wielders and try to get their hands on one.


( Oh fuck, this update is hot. Agent C <3 <3 <3 Just two big dumb dawgs sorting out their issues by frottin their wieners together) Agent C : " Grrrrrrrr..... " You feel your hips do a few aggressive involuntary thrusts into the underside of this infuriatingly attractive (and just plain infuriating) mutt's fat belly. This overstuffed hippy makes your blood boil with such talk of dereliction of duty and breaking chain of command, it just makes you want to stuff your shaft down his throat and hate-fuck some discipline into him... however, there is an honesty to his voice, and for some inexplicable reason you at least feel assured that Agent M is not secretly a traitor waiting to expose us to the enemy. You take a deep breath to calm your nerves. "In this job you don't get to pick and choose which orders you want to follow, and you don't just get to quit, tubby.. But its the Boss's decision on what to do with yew, not mine. Boss?"


Me thinks all the citizens of Dusk Acres are chipped (maybe even outside of Dusk Acres!) and the cult's ritual somehow deactivates the chip (after all it'd be too easy if we could just command all our enemies to give up).


Agent U: *Worried about the carnivorous urges in the Director's MAD reading considering that we don't know where we will find food, and increasingly distrustful of our leader, who has been behaving more and more erratic by the hour, you pull up the facility map Agent N uploaded before he went topside.* "Our field team is in danger, and we don't know that we're safe down here either! I'd rather investigate topside than--*actually looks at the map*--suck R's cock???"


Both: After scrubbing yourselves clean, huddle close together to cooldown the M.A.D. Chips with an icy-cold rinse for 3 mins. Allister's body heat would provide Frank with enough warmth to endure the rush of frigid water. Request for heated towels and ice packs. ————— Agent F5: *Request the Director's permission to oversee the transfer of a few tech specialists to the M.A.D. System Control Room to help fortify the servers from future cyberattacks or compromised Agents. If granted: Connect his personal laptop via USB cable, setting numerous honeypots in place. Waiting for the moment to initiate a Hack Back to trace the source of the first attack.*


Agent H: So I've seen Agent N's plan to knock the driver out and out of the vehicle and just drive away, and I think that's a really good idea. I'll shoot the driver from behind with the stun gun while agents N & R push him out and drive. I'll give my spare sunglasses to whomever ends up driving (I have mentioned that I had another pair all the way back when we were preparing to leave). Hopefully I'll have more stun charges to shoot any of the bad guys that gets too close to the car. My character is not morally against running anyone over. If that plan fails: I'll give the sunglasses to whomever is closer to me (Agent I, probably). If we end up fighting them I'll try to zap as many as I can with the stun gun, starting from the biggest one. If they get too close I'll hit them in the head with the gun, sucker-punch their guts or use my tail to swat them away. I'll be on the lookout if anyone gets overridden and is about to give themselves up to the bad guys, and I'll scream that chant the Boss showed me, so they stop. To Agents A & F, if I can: What if they need to constantly consume manimal flesh to stay transformed or under the cult's mindcontrol? Maybe we just need to make them puke, like with you, to break that mind control... Or get them naked -and- make them puke.


Agent BNG : You've been in the background doing your paperwork and following order but you see the Director having what seems like a panic attack. Go over to him and see if you can help "Sir do you need some water? Lets take some deep breaths" Agent BNG had experience helping people with Panic Attacks and Anxiety attacks. Help the Director with some breathing exercises if necessary "Feeling better sir?"


OOC - I'm glad that people are looking out for Yasir! Don't mind Agent U's skittishness, he's just being a typical temperamental ram.


Director/ Agent Y: Looks like you’re getting your memories back slowly. Listen, we might not be who you think we are. Despite the evidence of us being S.N.F. members, Allister didn’t recognize Agent O at all when he talked to him. We gave Allister your description and he named an Agent Yasir. We need to confirm if that person is you. Could you talk to Allister like Agent O did? Maybe you can jog each other’s memory. At least give him and Frank a proper description of the situation here. Allister and Frank: Now that you guys are clean and dressed go to the van to talk with our Director.


dang... i hoped people wouldn't notice so i could've fixed it on the next update, but this was a mistake on my part! XD Allister should've TOTALLY recognized Agent O in the screen, but i simply forgot. Maybe it was a combination of him waking up from passing out and not having glasses on ? anyways i'll correct this plot hole in the next update


the one time I notice something correctly and it's a plot hole. LOL


I really don't understand why you keep pushing for F5 so much it's been shut down plenty of times now. It's clear it's not going to happen, why not try something else, somthing new?

Robert Smith

Thank you for noticing it tho, that is really interesting info! Now just to be concerned about what precisely Allister remembers about Agent O 😅


Adding to my previous thoughts- |Agent S addressing the others in the control room|- Look around at us- we are falling apart following orders we don't understand, don't remember, and don't make sense! And look at those of the Pitchy Father in Dusk Acres- they seem fulfilled, happy, and a family! I say that we are the ones who are wrong, cowering and dying in the dark, whilst they thrive in the light!


Ahahaha I think I mistook your intent until this point. This should be interesting though, since Monte is trying to leave for opposite reasons (to work AGAINST the cult) Or am I confusing who Pitchy Father is.


My intent was the same as yours. But the more I look back and re-read, the more blurred everything becomes, on our end of things. Therefore my mindset and intent has changed


Someone has informed me that Pitchy Father is the name of the hospital and (presumably) has nothing to do with the cult, so I think I double misunderstood you lol


I'm not so confident of that. Pitch is similar to tar, and highly flammable. Perhaps the pitchy father is some sort of folk religious icon in the region, but considering the cult's obsession with the "purifying" effect of fire, I'd be worried about it being something more akin to a metaphor for kindling - something preparing to be ritualistically burned.

Robert Smith

The taxi driver definitely refers to a 'pitchy father' icon, and the cult seems obsessed with the concept of a parental figure - also it isn't unusual to name hospitals after saints, so naming it for a deity seems plausible?


hah don't worry rick! you did amazing in finding that out! thanks to you i can correct it so that hole doesn't get even bigger XD


well , how do you think you two first met? allister was a bit reclusive, he spent most of his time in the SNF library studying occult tomes and anthropology books..


Just had a brainwave. Remember the robe with a sun on it that young Alistair was wearing when he was rescued from the cult he grew up in? The cultists had killed themelves, possibly in the fire that was raging when Alistair was found. Sun worship and fire worship - the Veracious Sun and the Veracious Fire - are two sides of the same coin. Alastair needs some time to decompress, but after he and Frank take a little R&R we must ask him what he knows of the history of sun worship, especially in Pre-Alliance times.


(Hehehe Agent AW getting huge Bugs Bunny energy this update. I love it!) Alright, we better test if Cult members have a MAD chip, if they don't that means we can sort out any cult member from civilian by just issuing a test command. MAD DCC : Hob AKA Rickey's Dad, start singing. MAD DCC : Oliver Buckby, cum all over the steering wheel, get up and leave the car. Leave the keys in the ignition. Start making out with the first cult member that approaches the car.


What a nice update.


Well that’s a relief. That bit with agent O and some of the people here suggesting we weren’t who we thought we were led me to thinking up some pretty insane ideas about the story. Thanks BC.

Robert Smith

If Allister spent all his time in the library, I can imagine Agent O doing a lot of the same to try and work up the nerve to talk to him lol


Director: Remove the lock on the memory alteration from the MAD chips. Every agent: Try to recall what happened to you all.


I hope agent h and I leave as soon as they can. Agent h is pretty cool and nice.


Aw man I hope I'm not too late. This update tho, BC you have a way of making fall in love with all your characters heheh. This Oliver guy is so cute just we have to kidnap him. Heavy update. I'm not sure we can fight them, but I'm gonna suggest Agent R isn't down with running over or using lethal force against mind-controlled civilians. It might be best to just hunker down in the car for a moment and wait for an opportunity or negotiate a exit. Agent R - Oh shit, you weren't paying attention and suddenly things just got way out of hand! You have to do something, fast... fuck, you need to lock the doors. Straddle onto Oliver, pin him down! Don't think about how your cock is rubbing against his... try to keep his arms above his head, fuck, did anyone remember to bring handcuffs?? OK, lock the doors, maybe there is one of those control panel to lock everything at once. Okay next priority, find out where we are. Check if there is a GPS system anywhere in the cab, most of them have one these days. Some coordinates or even just a road name will help.