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heyo ,pups how's it going? we're still tweaking the school and jones' AI, and while jones' pathfinding and ai is pretty much done, a change in how the school works made us do a little bit of extra work. You see, before this week the school walls were completely bidimensional, meaning if you passed a corridor with a opening that would show the side of a wall you'd see basically nothing whatsoever because the walls had no depth. To fix this we increased their width, but in doing so the school filled with gaps such as this one on the left.  

but banana inquiry had already a solution for that, all we had to do was strategically place some columns  at every intersection that would conveniently cover all the gaps. The code to place them was already written by banana , so all i had to do was model a very simple column and make some textures for it

and voila! the school looks way better now!

on my end, beside the columns, i worked on your character customization suggestions! 

i drew a bucket hat , some curly hair and long greg universe-like hair (not shown) , some piercings and overalls for all the character builds

i also drew a punk jacket for all the builds with a bandolier and iron spikes-studded belt/pants combo . And of course two types of mohawk and some scruffy facial hair.

i also drew leather chaps, a muir cap and a leather harness for the kinkiest of you X3

also yesterday i worked on some attack animations for the ambush jones encounter.

i animated a butt stomp (imagine the screen shaking as he lands XD) that just inflict plain damage to your character's torso and arms...

and a pre dripping attack meant to lower your focus meter.

aaand that's about it for this week! more to come, pups! stay wild! awoooo!




Awoooooo I love it, hehehe. It turned out so gooood. Thank you for taking my suggestion and a part of the other one for the kinkier folks <3 Can't wait for a demo to come out or even just an updated character customization game. Loving it so far.


Fatso Jones viciously rides your hog while crushing your pelvis asmr.




I didn't even know you're working on the new game) I looks great, so much content already! Are you planning to make a demo at some point?