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Oooh that kiss was hot! Nice way to end the day and least everyone survived. Though the other team is gonna have to be careful with that hitchhiker that snuck on the car.

Robert Smith

What a conclusion to day one! Frank and Allister are looking adorable together 🥺😳🥺 Regarding where teams go, Agent O would like to remain in the base, but he would like to talk to the Director... well i suppose now just Agent Yasir- specifically about what we can and can't remember, and also get him to lie down for a bit. My main concern is that they don't want the support team getting to the 'chosen one' - is that Frank or Allister? Regardless, we should plot a course that Agents R, N, H and I can take through town to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. Support Team- The taxi driver referred to them as 'cauterized' - perhaps a code for having destroyed their MAD chips, if more of the town is affected. Check Oliver's forehead for any surgery or incision marks. Allister and Frank (giving them enough time to get intimate ofc) - Can you submit readings from your MAD chips? If there is still something negatively influencing you, we should be able to use the functions of the chip for detecting anomalies to figure them out. Also, so you know, other Agents are making their way to the field to join you there have been some... uuhhhh... conversations here. We will brief you when we know more


Crazy naked villagers dressed up in skulls wielding old rusty tools and words, that's new! I dunno where to even begin speculating where these boys came from, is the Dr preforming some experiments to being animals closer to nature. Also the Director is so sweet, he really is a good person. I think Agent C might be the only guy who will be angry he didn't choose to make everyone into his mindless obedient slaves lol.

Robert Smith

Lmao at Agent O 'TOTALLY READING HIS BOOK UPSIDE DOWN' hahaha. Frank becoming more like Otis... am concern. Also can't believe he said to Allister what all his simps want to!


( Seeing my input into the dialog made me smile so much ngl ) Agent BN would like to stay on Base, maybe help Agent O settle the Director down for some rest. There has to be bed in the base somewhere. For the support team, can one of the Agents give some brief descriptions on the people that had surrounded the Taxi? How many there were, if they seemed aggressive /Dangerous in anyway, even with most of them sporting erections Allister and Frank deserve a break for the night. Is there anyway we can analyze the MAD chips while they're asleep? Maybe get some kind of report printed out from the data in the chips


Director: are you sure about this sir? Well I’m gonna stay here for a bit and look for those files we were talking about with Otis, Allister, and perhaps this elephant fellow. Better to know about our enemies after all. Agent O would you like to join?


I think it's time to hug the director. He's stressed as hell and I can't help but feel bad for him. Too scared to leave the hospital anyways >.>


Agent S - Whilst everyone is still processing what is going on, make my way to the elevator, with the aim of getting to Frank and Allister first, to tell them of my revelations This revelation is that APEX are the bad guys, and they are being misled- the true light are the cult. Also, to tell Frank to embrace the influence of his father

Robert Smith

Happy to help if I can- i do want to keep an eye on the monitors at the same time and keep our Field Agents connected as well, if more of us are leaving we need to keep communication lines up.


I know we're all simps for Allister in this house, but I've gotta say, I love that we got an intimate little glimpse of Frank's green eyes again.


*Pulls out note pad and writes down all the details. 9 men of varying species. skull masks and leather or dirty linin around limbs. guessing species being.. rabbit, gorilla, bear, swan, maybe a naga, chameleon or some lizard. all men and all hard* Agent I: "that.. was too close.. we need to be more careful.. they knew.. they knew we left.. and he said." *Looks to Oliver.* "trying to keep us away from the chosen one. we need to get to the other agents quickly." Agent I thoughts: *The chosen one. could it be.. agent Frank or Allister? from the memories.. Allister.. the Fire priest's..*


Agent Allister Crowley: I believe the transformation is sealed with the exchange of semen (A.K.A. flame) from the kindled to the ember (the person to be changed) which is why everyone of the cult members wants to slather you with cum, to bring you under permanent control. Though the ability to role play at a moments notice would be useful it would have to be kept under control.


OFF: Oh, we managed to make the director resign in less than 24h, wow, do we get an achievement? AND I look fierce AF on the third panel, loved it. Also, agent R, if you're reading this: its not like the wire length of the stun gun becomes any shorter if you use it point-blank, a taser only gets more dangerous if you use if for longer than a single charge should last. Agent H: (to Agent R) "So maybe its best if you can move the driver back here with me and Agent I, more space and more people to hold him down and all" Is the chameleon guy only visible to us and not to the agents? Because he looks like he would be very visible to the agents that are looking in his direction from less then a meter away. If I can see him, you guessed it, I'll tase him. I wanna ask Agent I if he knows any ritual or spell that maybe could turn the taxi driver back. Not that I would want to do it before we question him, but definitely to keep it in mind to try it out when we have time. Also guys in the car: What now, are we still going to the hotel? New plans? New ideas? I'm fine with just finally going to the hotel


Its weird, right, because the chosen one being Allister would make a lot of sense, but also, don't they know we've been communicating with him throughout this entire thing? It could just be a misunderstanding, but I think that maybe we don't know the chosen one yet...


not a ritual spell guy. more tarot, energies, and knowledge on cold climate supernatural stuff.


Agent M: *Step away from Agent C with a scowl. You’re not fond of having your will taken from you, or having others control your heart or loins. And having your suspicions of the Director confirmed isn’t the sort of thing you’re happy being right about. At least he made the right choice in the end.* “Righto luvs, let’s get a move on.” *Nod grimly to the Former Director and make your exit. Grab a bag and a couple of fire extinguishers (make sure they WORK first, and also definitely leave a few behind) and head to the elevator. The new plan is the old plan- reconnaissance. Find out where the cult is orchestrating all this from, rule out who’s involved and who’s still innocent, extinguish any suspicious fires with extreme prejudice.*


Dang I wish I joined patreon sooner, this gets better and better with every update. I see that everyone wants head out of the "apex" facility either out of fear or to investigate on their own, but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the room that can control everyone's minds alone. I'd want to stay behind to keep anyone from messing with the terminals or to help agents on the field if they're in a pinch. Probably 2 or more people should monitor the room.

Shiny Skunk

This is such an exciting way to end this arc, aaaaaaa! I'm so glad Frank and Allister finally have hooked up, too :03

Star Ringer

I really wish I could follow what's going on. @_@


To the guys in the cab: Guys, there is a chameleon attached to the car. Not sure if he was there before entering the forest, if so he could be the one who informed Dr Orlando. Even if not, be careful he's just near!


A rapid brake check should be enough to dislodge the extra passenger, whether you’d want to apprehend him after that to stop information spreading, it’d be advisable putting the chameleon into the trunk...


Agent NT: The director seems like he's really tired. I'm going to go look for a kitchen and see what the food in there's like and maybe make everyone a meal if it doesn't seem like it's People flesh


I'm surprised we got an update so close to Xmass! Thank you for keeping Oliver alive BC, he's like a big teddy bear in Agent R's paws <3 Agent R - You bite your bottom lip as you feel Oliver gently squirming on your sensitive shaft. It feels so good... you kinda just want to nibble on his ear... swipe a paw at the otter's juicy cock bobbing in the air... but there are far more important things going on at the moment! First you better check Oliver is gonna be okay, he's panting pretty hard and you can feel his heart beating a mile a minute... once you're sure he isn't gonna die on you, pat him down for weapons. This could get ugly quick if he pulls a knife on you. "T-this isn't exactly the best time to play musical chairs, newbie" you reply to Agent H, struggling to keep Oliver firm on your lap, let alone squeeze into the back. "You... think there's any chance those guys robbed a graveyard..." you reply grimly, thinking back to the skulls the Cauterized wore...


Agent U: "R, how old did those bones look? Agent A previously considered the graveyard a point of interest in Otis Bellows's tarot message. I still have an eye on Manimal, but I think the cemetery needs to be checked out first. Looking for signs of recent disturbance in gravesites, but also checking names on headstones to see if we have any matches to these O.B. names that keep coming up. Any other agents for this POI? The surface team is busy enough as it is, and Agent F probably should be kept away from religious sites to avoid provoking any transformation. "M, S you can go your own way once we get topside, but first we need to work together to get out of here unnoticed - we can't have a repeat of the last sortie. N marked an infirmary in the southwest quadrant, and there are a couple of janitor's closets along the main facility corridor. Maybe we can find or fashion some disguises to slip out of the hospital - think maintenance workers, janitors, and medical staff."


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Horny thoughts first hehe I like that thought.


Agent F5: *The opossum's entire face blushed after witnessing Frank's intimate kiss on screen* That lucky bear... Those lips of Frank must feel otherworldly. ((Will remain in the APEX base for the sake of his follow Agents. Removes his jacket to steadily move essential equipment to the Server Room then emblazon the floor with a mid-tier protection, warding and an anti-surveillance sigil.)) —————— Both: Agents, do you feel refreshed after taking that cold shower? We're still addressing the glitch to your chip's tracking feature. *Checks the screen for any changes to their M.A.D. Chip percentage.*


(I wonder if this is like the end of chapter fro Monster Smash, and we aren't really meant to post commands on it. Also this is a hell of a first 24 hours... I still think I love Monster Smash most as your ultimate work but this is coming close. Also that line from the Director "I feel like this is the very reason we're here" seems important - if all the citizens have MAD chips implanted into them maybe that's why Otis led the SNF here, to stop this mind control.) Agent AW - Things are getting too complicated... its time you simplified this investigation for yourself (and the audeance) by representing it visually. You set up a conspiracy wall in the base - photos of people, places and events of the case, showing how they're all connected by pinning red string between contacts of interest.


**Painfully Pinches Agents M and C so they can start moving again** “Agent M, take a look at this before you go, I made a list of of the cultists’ names after the incident with the taxi driver and I found a pattern. Most of them seem to have the initials O.B. It might help with your search. Good luck out there M. ” **List contents** Bar Owner was Oswald “Ozzy” Beaverton Security Guard was named Oscar Blackrock Chef was Octave Elephant is Dr. Orlando Barry The construction worker in the Alley was Oberon Taxi Driver Otter is Oliver Buckby Frank almost became Owen Otis Bellows??? Frank and Allister: Now that you guys are all buttoned up, lets discuss our interrogation strategy. Listen, do either of you know any chastity techniques? Like the restriction of the dick and balls? Pain might not phase him but the denial of his pleasure might make him more cooperative. I will study the briefing papers on what to do when the M.A.D. chip is exposed to electromagnetic radiations. There might be something in there about reactivating the chip. Assuming Ricky’s dad has a chip, we could reestablish control on our end and change him back. I’ll report back when I’m done. Be sure to ask Ricky his dad’s name and see if his dad still calls himself that. We’ll need that information.

Lee Evergreen

*I pinch Agent M and C* Alright C we got permission to leave now. Agent M I know you claim not to be a professional but this is bigger than us and I'd like to ask for your help. I plan on making myself bait for the cult. I need someone to follow me at a distance incase my mad chip tracker stops working. You seem like the guy with the best chance to defend yourself and get me out if push comes to shove. We might be able to find these cannibals base if this works. I'm gonna go to the dinner either way, you can follow me if you want. Just keep your distance. *I'll walk to the dinner.*


Agent RF - Explore the facility for an alternative entry/exit, like a fire door. It would be bad news if we were found out and the only way out was up an elevator, espeshally with a group so fond of fire... while you're roaming the facility, look out for any clue on who owned/used this place before your team moved in.


<b>Agent C</b> : You feel your cheeks flush red, and not just from embarrassment of your rock hard boner. You - you can't believe what you're hearing! The Boss, he <i>quits??</i> Just like that?? He's abandoning his duty - to his oath, to his country, to his loyal subordinates that need a shepherd to guide them! You're glowering as you watch the lazy undisciplined agents waltz out the door with a smirk on their mugs. Its infuriating, you feel like you've been personally rebuked by "The Boss", bah. Time to cool off with a coffee and a donut, or two... you need time to think about your next move, you just know this is going to lead to chaos and its gonna be up to you to put things back in order when shit hits the fan.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Merry Christmas guys!!! And what a gift we GOT!! Seeing Frank and Allister being so intimate is such a treat. Its possibly my absolute favorite thing to see in these comics, when two guys are close and lovey dovey! Its also super cool and interesting to see that its marred with a SPRINKLE of bittersweetness, with Frank's thoughts being on his dad still, its really cool! And I'm super glad and relieved that we managed to escape the trap we were heading into mostly unscathed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agent N - *if anyone lets us know or we notice the chameleon, i'll speed up and hard break to try and shake him off.* Agent N - *contacting the Director* Director, this is Field Team A reporting. We got tricked/kidnapped by cultists upon exiting the hospital. We got surrounded by large, sexy dudes naked and covered in mud in the forest calling themselves the "Cauterized". Apparently Dr. Orlando had us sent here. The people there most likely saw us leave, or they have eyes on the elevator. We managed to escape and are driving away as we speak. Agent N - *contacting Frank and Allister* Hello, it is Agent N, of the former SNF and current Apex... the awkward/nerdy tech wizz rat... The Apex is sending a small field team to assist you and relay a lot of important information that must be given in person. There are eyes and ears everywhere, so keep an eye out.


The usage of rusted(?) martial weaponry by this faction of the cult is interesting. A stylistic reference to consumption? Rust is an oxidization reaction after all, much like combustion. Or maybe a consequence of their magic? Rusted weapons are generally less effective so either this is a very important belief, or it's something they can't prevent. Could also relate to the lack of clothing, but I'm willing to chalk that up to ritual orgies.