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time to start working at zap & andy again, specically, chapter 3, the circus level! 

right after the start of the level, andy, fallen into the lethe river and having his memory erased wanders about the strange place he finds himself in, and soon enough he encounters someone, a character we'll call the toothorial worm. He gives andy the lay of the land, and all he asks in exchange is that he screws the poor circus fool, who since he has been imprisoned , hasn't had a good fuck for quite a while and is literally starving for dick.

me ,meek and rick are still discussing on why exactly andy is asked to fuck the circus fool, the main impetus for this scene is that we wanted to up the hornyness quota of the game, and we did already think about having the fool basically prostituting himself for booze and money, so ... 

anyways, these days i drew the layout of the cutscene, and it ends with a mysterious character observing it all , ready to stop andy from helping the prisoner in the stockade.

i also started properly animating it, but i only got to the first part... i should be ablet to finish it next week, i think!

anyways, that's it for this week! thanks for the support peeps! 




It's great to see more Zap and Andy, the circus fool is looking hot.

Shiny Skunk

Omg yayyyyy I missed these!!


so how many acts are there going to be when zapp and andy is completed? just the three?


And here you were worried about the Thursday's posts, yet here you are posting animation works! Really nice work man! Will be looking forward to see what you guys have been preparing for this whole project ^w^!