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due to the election stress and the fact that pathfinding is being a bit of a bitch to work in for the night sections, binq preferred to postpone his update to when he's got something meatier to show.

as for me i mostly spent this weekend working on the food jones encounter.

animated his main attack, wich decrease your focus meter by stuffing your face with junk food covered in his "special sauce"

not sure what the difference would be between the various food items though. Perhaps the sweet items gives you some kind of sugar rush effect, while the savory foods give you a thirsty status effect because they're salty ?

also jones can of course eat his own food to recover some of his health. 

my initial idea was this specific version of jones was mostly based around an enemy that would give you status effects and didn't actually do much actual damage, but perhaps he does need some kind of standard attack. Perhaps i can somehow recycle his standard encounter belly bump.

Anyways that's it for this week. Sorry it's not much, but somehow that's all i could manage to do this week. hopefully i'll be able to create more stuff next time! until then, stay wild pups! awooo!



Lee Evergreen

Maybe he can just throw his food at you to attack.


So proud of my hungry husband for sharing his food with a skinny werewolf in need


this is too cute oh gosh


I’m loving fatso Tony and really exited for the game. I know this is off topic so Srry, but would u ever make a guide for how u draw chubby characters or maybe tips?


No worries man. You do have a lot on your plate, and we know that. Just make sure to take breaks as well! As for the food attacks, having specific food to bring depending on the oc is really nice idea, but you could make it so that he brings out specific food depending on the time of the encounter as well, like for the first encounters with him he gets the fast food, and the second he gets the sweets. The effects are great idea too. You could utilize them also as the main side effects for the whole game too, like the sugar rush idea can be the paralysis, and thirst can be like poison or burn. Man, now i really looking forward for that battle system to check it out XD!!


Jones looks so cute eating his own food! Can I bring him home? 😜


The animation of Jones looks great.


Aww, he looks so happy and cute when he eats. Lovin' the animations dude.