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Great issue loving how Alister comforted Frank goy no clue what the deal is with the photo or Agent N but I'm looking forward to finding out!


AgentF5: Do you not remember this photo? Can you tell where it took place as some sign of a clue?

Crimson Claw

To the Agents: Given your surroundings it's best that we have you play bate in the trap. Sniff out the clothes with ROLES focused on raw strength and constitution. The sweatier and musky the better to hide yourselves. Don't worry about your mental faculties, we can shock you out of it again. In fact, try to resist as little as possible, and let the corruption flow THROUGH you rather than stick TO you. To Apex: I'm pretty sure shocking them out while they're under will have only a low chance of permanently imprinting the ROLE onto their minds right? Like, less than 50%? Less than 70%? The shorter they're under the better at least. Just so long as we don't make a habit of it...

Lee Evergreen

Alister what does the acronym S.N.F. mean? We found it on a picture of you and some of us Apex agents. We seem to be standing for some official picture in suits. And Otis Bellows is in it as well.

Lee Evergreen

I disagree, any exposure to their "ROLE" could be to much for their minds to handle. It very clearly puts stress on them. We don't know if our methods of pulling them out will always be effective.


I just am thrilled Monster Smash tv show exists in canon in this universe x3 <3 <3 <3


Thank you Allister for the words of wisdom and comfort. Agents I think the key to your escape is Ozzy, Hold your breath and attack him from behind. Make sure to get rid of the cigar, causing sudden pain will give him back his self control. Ask him for help escaping when he gets back to his senses.


I would bet that once the transformation is 'compete' (presuming Ozzy has been changed at all, he is a local not a kidnap victim after all) that is it not as easily reverted as a little pain.

Robert Smith

Ok can I just say the smiling picture at the bottom is truly, truly blessed. Agents: Your eyes have returned to normal so this is a good start and sign. You are fighting off whatever influence was in this place! Frank: Currently the house has become a closed room and is extremely dangerous situation. We know there is a hidden basement- can your nose detect any other secret entrances or exits, based on changes in air quality? It's asking a lot but I believe in you. Allister: This is an odd question, but may be important. What colleagues do you remember having in the year 2018, beyond Bellows? Also, you look great in photographs. Apex: What is the history of Apex? What OBJECTIVE facts can we recall? If we have all been fitted up into some kind of fake organisation, there will be gaps and illogical leaps of deduction. We can figure this out.


(So... if the APEX staff are actually SNF members, I suppose that raises the possibility that Otis Bellows organized with his partners at the SNF to create a secret cell in Dusk Acres before he visited and got himself kidnapped. That explanation would tell us why a whole team of FID agents are apparently kidnapped, but retain assess to powerful MAD chip technology/not eaten/has an exit - because they were never really kidnapped, they just went deep undercover. It would still leave some big gaps in the logic though; why would they wipe their own memories, down to the location of the bathroom? Why not tell SNF member Allister Carver? What facility is this? (After all, the kidnappings only were noticed a few months ago, no way they just built an entire government building in secret in just a month))


Agent H: "Well, we found the exit which means it's time for a... 'Getting Ready For Action' montage!!!!!" -TASER (GUN?) COCKING- -BRIEFCASE CLOSING- -WARDING KIT BEING STRAPPED ON- -SNF BADGES BEING FASTENED TO OUR LAPELS- -SUNGLASSES BEING PUT ON- -THE THREE OF US MAKING A DRAMATIC POSE BY THE EXIT MAYBE WITH EXPLOSIONS AND OUR FELLOW AGENTS WATCHING IN AWE AND CLAPPING BECAUSE WE ARE ~AWESOME~- That would be fun. But if I'm jumping the gun and we're not getting ready to leave just yet, then I would try to look for agent I and for the possible locations for the things in my would be montage, so maybe look for an arsenal, or field kit storage, or a shower and a spare suit store to get changed since my clothes are probably not pristine from the uncontrollable ass fucking I got some hours ago. Also, maybe my character has a slight crush on Agent R. He is not usually my type (which would be big burly muscle guys), but we have to agree that his character is quite charming, isn't he? But maybe I'll try to explore this better in the future, if it is too much for now.

Robert Smith

OH BEFORE I FORGET - we now know that MAD cortex commands can have lasting effects that their subjects continue to try and complete, without clear awareness of them. And we DON'T know what commands Frank and Allister received during the 'lost time' between Monday and Tuesday. We need to watch out for any discrepancies in their behaviour, no matter how small. We can't let them walk into a trap that their conditioning might be guiding them towards.

Robert Smith

I think it is worth considering that APEX itself might be a lie. So far its existence is only confirmed by- 1- Its agents, who we already know could be brainwashed by the MAD chips 2 - Allister and Frank, who similarly could have been given false information Without an external source guaranteeing the existence of APEX, not influenced by the MAD chips, we should be careful with any and all information that seems objective.


Agent A - We have just come upon some very curious information regarding the SNF that could be critical in understanding your mentors' motivations. Apologies if this seems out of the blue, but do you remember working with a Lion in the last year?... uh, how do I describe him, um, handsome mug, wears a suit, big mane, wears glasses..... uh, big himbo energy?... Ring any bells? Agent F - If you need clothe maybe you could wear the outfit they left for Allister? The coach uniform might be a little baggy, but it would probably conflict with the Priest persona they are trying to implant into your mind.


((Gosh, can't believe the Photo comment helped intensify the Mystery!)) ————————————————— Both: Agents! In both encounters with the Cult, witnessing the flames ignited within close proximity appears to be the visual stimuli used in ALL the kidnappings. Avert your gaze from their flames! Search for any Fire Extinguishers and soaked towels to be used as both weapons and an escape tool. From your position, do you see the water hose connected to the sprinklers? ————————————————— Agent F5: *Initiate the warding and protection spells*


<b>Agent Frank</b> : Quickly check out the window, doesn't the elephant's, ahem, partner look quite like Missing Person David Green? His ears match the profile of the wombats. <b>Director</b> : Sir, since we don't really know how long we've been here, and the nature of the case involves cannibalism... and well, I'm hungry, shouldn't we check what they've been feeding us? Can you check if there is a cafeteria somewhere?


Agent I: Time to get your SNF Field kit. Head out into the hall and look for the director. Your first field mission since the polar negotiations. Best do a quick tarot reading to help define your future and the future of the other field agents. A 5 card spread. One for each agent. Frank, Allister You, Agent H, and Agent R. And pray they are favourable ones.


Agents: Can you see a street sign from the window? A small town like this, the back alleys are probably poorly lit, so we may be able to plan a route that keeps both of you out of sight so you can break back into the hotel. Anyone you encounter on the streets is likely to be a problem, even if you were properly dressed. Check the kitchen for (unused) black garbage bags. You may be able to fashion at least a poncho out of something that isn't cursed and reduce how visible the both of you are.


Deeper into the rabbit hole we go. We're now on high alert

Shiny Skunk

Hmmm I notice the agents have red eyes the same way frank and Allister do after they’ve received their commands, and I wonder if that means they can be snapped out of any kind of brain fog they may be in with pain, as well. Allister and Frank, make note of this - if you or anyone else around you appears to be under some kind of mind controlling influence, a quick smack might be your answer to snapping them out of it. Unrelated, but I want somebody to actually compose a Monster Smash theme song now. I’m singing those lyrics along to the Captain Planet theme song.


Wholesome update, I'm glad that Allister was able to comfort Frank in his moment of need. I’m wondering when did they have the chance to grab Ozzy and chop off his leg to be eaten? I don’t understand why they decided to feed them the flesh of another. Perhaps it has something to do with the ritual but that’s what’s on my mind. Frank + Allister: After you grab Ozzy make him spill the beans about why they cut off his leg to feed to you guys.


Huge elephant in the lab coat! Thank you! Also, Monster Smash TV Show? Yes please.


((If the Agents still have the Towels, they could wrapped em to their waistline as they make their way back to the Inn/Van. Should a Local spotted em, the pair would have a Skinny-Dipping alibi.))


((Aw, shucks. I can't participate because of irl stuff, cya in a few months, XOXO))

Shiny Skunk

I wish we could send commands to these randos. I already feel too protective of Frank and Allister to try to control their brains, but man do I want to watch that elephant do some nasty shit.

Shiny Skunk

I'm going to attempt to command that elephant on the off chance it does anything. See if I can't get him to take his shirt off and show us those pecs and nut in that other guy's mouth. You know, for... idk science or whatever.


*If this agent I is me, a penguin agent. I give permission some naughty fun. But dont go overboard. Dont need to lose any agents.


I can't help but agree, but I doubt we've seen the last of him. I imagine him in a executioner mask in some sort of occult ritual later on.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N - Director, with the map complete and the exit found, my main short term goal is complete. I will follow any further orders you give! Though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited at the prospect of heading out on the field... it would be my first time, after all! Agent Bellows and Agent Carver need our help, and there are still many threads and mysteries we need to follow up on! *whispering to the Director* And Agent R could always use another person to keep an eye on him. Agent N - I will assist where I am needed most! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I AM SO HOOKED! Frank finally let his guard down, I'm so happy! My heart melted! I really hope they make it out safely. Maybe they'll end up together, maybe!! AND HELL YEAH my brain isn't melting anymore! Even though its not what I thought might happen, I am very pleasently surprised that I didn't have to blow Agent R! A much better outcome than I was hoping for! I really like some of the theories people have going! I especially like Rick's theory of Frank being the next dude being targetted and that the numbers in the vent that Otis left was a warning that he was gonna be ambushed and then daddified! 11 5 13 And also Fe5ter's theory that fire is what causes the mind altering/control going on with our boys! After all, every time they got controlled there was fire involved. And even in the visions Frank and Alister got there was always fire present!! Maybe the entity that's governing or causing the cult is related to fire in some way! Fire, blood and cum is my guess. Thats what Otis looked like in their vision.


Agents: With the house on surveillance, that means the motel is likely the same. You can't stay here, but your only destination is a trap. Please listen carefully, because our next suggestion is risky. You need to set the top floor of this house on fire and wait for the police to come. They'll be able to run you through the government database and prove your identity as SNF Agents, even without your papers.


Frank: You have the element of surprise. Check the garage for a vehicle. If there is one, create a diversion of some kind to get them away from the front of the house. Once they’re distracted, drive that sucker out of there. Burst through the garage door if you got to. Allister: Like Agent F5 stated, Flames and/or bright lights trigger the hallucinations. See if you can find some pairs of sunglasses to shield yours and Frank’s eyes.

Lee Evergreen

The fire and police are to big a risk. What if they get trapped inside the house? What if the police really are corrupt and part of the cult?


Allister: Can you sense any sort of dark magic going on with the folks outside, they may be under the same effect you and frank went through when you put on the clothes. They may be victims in this as well. Frank: Pigs have an incredible sense of smell, can you sniff out others that may use the darkness as a cover? Those 3 may not be the only ones around, stay alert. To Both: If confrontation is impossible try not to use lethal force, if possible capture one and interrogate them for information.


Heh, that would be cute (espeshally since big soft gators are def within my type)


Ooof poor Agent N. An elbow to the snoot hurts a lot (But I adore that Agent R actually hissed in anger heheheh). Also I feel bad for Frank, he's struggling with so many emotions, latent daddy issues. He needs old snowball to be his daddy me thinks. Agent R - (*grumbling*) "Hmph, directors mad at me... head hurts... now I gotta babysit a rookie and a couple of nerds... Hold it, are we just gonna... march outside? We've been sabotaged by a traitor... or the kooks in the village... The door could be trapped, or one of them cultists could be waiting outside monitoring us."


I am just now discovering I have not gotten any of this comic in my emails for this month And it looks like I can't see this week or the next week comic here on the web site.


Looks like you didn't answer when I pointed out I didn't get this one as well?